HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 2001.11.13 :J►URLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BU RLINGAME Board of Trustees Agenda a November 13, 2001 - 4.30pm mss, c L SRP 480 Primrose Road - Board Room SUGGESTED ACTION 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. WARRANTS & SPECIAL FUND Approval 4. MINUTES Approval 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND INFORMATION Information a. Lilo"vary of Vietnam Project Leaflet b.`PR 0udthe---Y6ais 199'9-2002 6. FROM THE FLOOR (Public Comments) REPORTS �-- a. City Librarian's Report - Escoffier Information b. Foundation Report—Dunbar/Herman Information 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Vie= a. Employee Achievement Award Information b. Employee Recognition Dinner Information c. Holiday Tree Lighting ° Information AY 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Sponsorship of Lisa Dunseth's Party Action b. Library Cleaning Information 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS 11. ADJOURNMENT Adjourn (BURLIfiGAME r r I B U R L I N G A M E RUBLIC LIBRARY Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes October 16, 2001 I. Call to Order The meeting of October 16, 2001 was called to order by President Mary Herman at 5:30 pm. II. Roll Call Trustees Present: Cecile Coar, Jane Dunbar, Andrew Gurthet, Mary Herman, and Catherine McCormack Staff Present: Alfred Escoffier, City Librarian Sidney Poland, Recorder III. Warrants and Special Funds Trustees unanimously agreed to approve the warrants as presented. M/S/C /(Dunbar/Coar) IV. Minutes The Trustees unanimously agreed to approve the minutes of the September 11, 2001 meeting. M/S/C (Coar/McCormack) V. Correspondence , Correspondence mailed in the packets was reviewed. VI. From the Floor Members of the public did not attend. 4 8 0 P r i m r o s e Road • Bu r 1 i n g a m e • CA 9 4 0 1 0 4 0 8 3 Phone ( 650 ) 342 - 1038 • Fax ( 650 ) 342 - 1 948 • www . pls . lib . ca . us / pls / pls . html VII. Reports A. City Librarian's Report - Al Escoffier, The City Librarian reviewed his report highlighting the following issues. 1. Easton Branch Renovation Project - City Council and City staff are reviewing the Easton Branch Library Improvement Project proposal prepared by Dahanukar Brandes at a study session October 16th at 6:00pm in conference room A. 2. California Library Association Awards - CLA awarded our Library with an award for the Foundation Newsletter and our Adult Programming materials. Congratulations to Linda Santo, Maryam Refahi and the entire PR Committee for their successful efforts. B. Foundation Report - Dunbar/Herman 1. Donor Event - The event to honor our donors on October 141h was cancelled, as many of our prospective guests were unable to attend. 2. New Treasurer - Mary Blythe has agreed to accept the position of Treasurer for the Foundation beginning January 2002. Mary will replace Carol Mink who has served as the Foundation's Treasurer since its inception. 3. Employee Recognition Dinner- The date for this event has been changed to December 9th. Invitations will be sent to prospective guests the first part of November. VIII. Unfinished Business A. Employee Awards - The date for employees to turn in their nominations for the Employee of the Year Award will be extended to October 31 st. Library employees will be informed of the extension date. B. Employee Recognition Dinner - discussed under Foundation Report. C. Donor Vine - The Donor Recognition Vine was installed October 8th. IX. New Business A. Potential Closure on Day After Thanksgiving - The City Librarian advised the Trustees that the Library needs an extensive cleaning which will require closing the Library for an entire day. He requested that the Trustees approve the closing of the Library for November 23rd, the day after Thanksgiving. November 23rd is considered an official City holiday. Trustee Dunbar proposed that the Library Board of Trustees authorize the closing of the Library the day after Thanksgiving, November 23rd for cleaning. M/S/C (Dunbar/McCormack) Library Board of Trustee Minutes 2 October 16, 2001 X. Announcements - A. Resignation of Lisa Dunseth - The City Librarian advised the Trustees that Lisa Dunseth has resigned her position as Easton Branch Librarian effective November 2, 2001. Lisa has accepted a position as Branch Librarian at Bernal Heights Branch of San Francisco Public Library. A going away party will be held for Lisa at Easton Thursday, November 1St. B. Agenda Item - The Trustees agreed to give a donation to Lisa Dunseth's party and requested that this be an action item on the November agenda. C. November 13th Trustee Meeting - Katie McCormack will not be able to attend this meeting. XI. Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 6:00pm. The next meeting of the Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for November 13, 2001 at 4:30pm in the Library Conference Room. Respectfully Submitted Alfred H. Escoffier City Librarian Library Board of Trustee Minutes 3 October 16, 2001 1999 Adult Programming and Exhibits Programs Exhibits PR AWARDS Deborah Crombie, mystery writer CASE: California Library Association George Washington's birthday Certificate of Recognition Arturo Perez-Reverte, Spain's best- "Young Adult Summer Reading selling author Academy Awards Program Materials" Lee Tyler, local mystery writer Depression Glass Amy Ephron, novelist and screenwriter Gardening California Library Association Y2K Lecture Time for Tea Certificate of Recognition "Adult Program Materials" Treasury of St. Francis of Assisi We Love Our Pets museum lecture and slideshow presentation Panama-Pacific Internatonal Holiday Program and Holiday Light Exposition 1915 Ceremony with Ragazzi Boy's Chorus WALL: Kirk Moore Travel Photography 2000 Adult Programming and Exhibits i Programs Exhibits PR AWARDS Blue Water Voyages slide show/lecture of boating CASE: California Library Association adventure Arthur Szyk Illustrated Books Prexcellence Awards Americana Calendar of Children's Events Irving Ungar on Master Illuminator and political Academy Awards cartoonist Arthur Szyk Peninsula Quilters Sequoia Audubon Wetlands Adult Program Posters Chautauqua "History Alive!" performances Volunteer Week California Landscape Art E-Services bookmark Georgia O'Keefe museum lecture Japanese Dolls using Washi Paper Sufi Art and Poetry Young Adult Summer Reading Club 100 Years of Landscape Art in Northern California Travel museum lecture Peninsula Humane Society Queen Mother's 100th Birthday Book Discussion Groups DAR Constitution Week Time Capsule Picasso to Pop museum lecture PR Awards American Library Association Election 2000 Best of Show Art in the Park Elegant Affair Young Adult Summer Reading Club Winter Solstice g g Thriller writer John Sandford National Kidney Foundation Author's Luncheon Thriller writer Colin Harrison Book Appraisals WALL: American Library Association L. PeRCY Award Washington and His Times/Arthur Szyk Adult Program Posters Wayne Thiebaud museum lecture lithographs Golden Age of Chinese Archaeology museum Jon Shult Oil Paintings lecture Progression Through Depression:poetry and Edward Hicks museum lecture photographs Anderson Collection museum lecture Burlingame Art Society Holiday Program with the Peninsula Girls Chorus Images of Russia photography and a strip-, ensemble Kirk Moore Tra� 'hotography ! 2001 Adult Programming and Exhibits Programs Exhibits PR AWARDS Art in the Park Case: California Library Association Prexcellence Awards Toulouse Lautrec Museum Lecture Sufi Art and Poetry Academy Awards Adult Program Posters Iranian New Year Feng Shui Lecture Women's Recovery Program National Kidney Foundation Authors Burlingame Library Foundation Henry Moore: Sculpting the 20`h Luncheon Newsletter Century Museum Lecture Winter Solstice Eddie Muller: Dark City Dames - Time Capsule The Ladies of Film Noir Michael Kohn: Journey Across Wall: Mongolia Thirty and One Artists Monthly Book Discussion Groups Donald Stone Nature Photography Joe Gurkoff— Big Brothers and Sisters Book Appraisal Day Photography Teen Artists Arturo Perez-Reverte, Spain's best- Burlingame Art Society selling author Moeaki Kivalu Oil Paintings Coastside Photography December Holiday Program: Kirk Moore Travel Photography with Singer Nikolai Massenkoff and George Fleet Photography: the Burlingame Intermediate School Instrumental Ensemble Afghanistan, Yemen, India and the African Continent (December) 2002 UPCOMING Adult Programming and Exhibits Pro rams Exhibits PR AWARDS Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D, Futurist: Sufi Art and Poetry Crisis as Opportunity: An Evolutionary Leap for Humanity Iranian New Year Darwin Patnode: Academy Awards • Hidden Novelists of the Bay Area National Kidney Foundation Book Appraisal Day Authors Luncheon Art in the Park ����And more to be arranged= �� National Library Week Volunteer Recognition Week Michael Sweerts 17`h Century Flemish painter museum lecture Eternal Egypt: Masterworks of Ancient Art from the British Museum lecture Monthly Book Discussion Groups Holiday Program and Building Lighting :;And more to be arranged** (BURLIfiGAME r ' 9 U R L I N G A M E P U B L I C LIBRARY City Librarian's Report November 13, 2001 Easton Branch Renovation Project Moves Forward At the City Council meeting on October 16th, the Council agreed on Option #2 of the proposed Easton Branch renovation. This option includes a complete renovation of the interior of the building, with upgrades for HVAC, mechanical, electrical, and handicapped accessibility. The project will be funded for the most part with donated funds from the Marshall Trust and other sources. The tentative timetable includes workshops with the public this winter, design work in 2002 and construction in 2003. Easton Branch Staffing Lisa Dunseth has resigned as Branch Librarian effective November 2nd. She will become Branch Librarian of the Bernal Heights Branch in San Francisco. We will be reorganizing the Branch staffing. We will be doing an in-house recruitment for Librarian III to oversee special projects including the Branch. The new Branch Librarian will report directly to the City Librarian. It is important as we move forward with the renovation project that we have strong leadership at Easton. The recruitment date closes November 91h We will also be looking at further staffing changes as the month progresses, including support staff for Easton and for Children's. Michelle Barrese, a BPL staff member and current library school student, will be assisting Joan Manini with the Children's operation. Amy Gettle, Circulation Supervisor, is spearheading the transition team. We expect to have a new Branch Librarian in place by December 1. 4 8 0 P r i m r o s e R o a d • B u r l i n g a m e • C A 9 4 0 1 0 14 0 8 3 Phone ( 650 ) 342 - 1038 • Fax ( 650 ) 342 - 1948 • www. pls . Iib . ca . us / pls / pls . htmI California Library Association Awards Recognition_ `- The PR Committee was honored at the November 5th Council meeting for their efforts in PR for the library. The California Library Association awarded Burlingame Public Library two of their PR Awards for 2001: one for the Foundation Newsletter and one for Adult Programming. We are indeed proud of our talented staff: Linda Santo, Maryam Refahi, Jan Eustis, and Sue Reiterman. This is the third year in a row that Burlingame has won either a national or state award of public relations! Reference Services Maribeth Farcich attended an InfoPeople workshop, "Mastering Tough Public Service Situations" at the Tiburon Public Library on October 3. The workshop focused on how to handle difficult situation with patrons. Twenty-six volunteers contributed 200 hours of service this month, with a number of individuals working many hours on the Fall Book Sale. Other tasks tackled by volunteers included: labeling the children's magazine collection; caring for plants indoors and on the staff terrace; shelving magazines; processing new paperbacks, book withdrawal and gift magazines, etc. Begin with Books During October, Cathy Somerton and her crew did 33 programs including: 9 Preschool Story Times, 13 Toddler Story Times, 2 Saturday Story Times, 3 visits to Easton, 5 programs at schools. and 1 Halloween Story Time. These programs were attended by a total of 1,640 people Upcoming Events: • November 12, Veteran's Day, Closed • November 13, Library Board, 4:30 (Note date change to second week) • November 21, Close 5:30 PM • November 22, Thanksgiving, Closed • November 23, Closed for Cleaning • December 1, Staff Tree Decorating, 6 PM • December 7, Holiday Program, 4:30 PM • December 9, Employee Recognition Dinner, 6 PM, Sheraton Alfred H. Escoffier City Librarian �. November 5, 2001 2