HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2000.06.08TRAFFIC, SAFETY and PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES June 8, 2000 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:T. AURAN L. DeANGELIS J. EVANS M. HARBER J. McIVER D. MAYER A. SIMONETTI STAFF PRESENT:PHILIP HO, TRAFFIC ENGINEER BOB RANSOM, TRAFFIC SERGEANT DORIS MORTENSEN, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY COMMISSIONERS ABSENT:NONE VISITORS:PATRICK BROSNAN, 2612 EASTON, BURLINGAME MICHAEL BROSNAN, 2612 EASTON, BURLINGAME IRENE JAFFE, 1300 MONTERO, BURLINGAME TRICIA GODOWSKI, 2627 EASTON, BURLINGAME CHRIS GODOWSKI, 2627 EASTON, BURLINGAME TOM LO SAVIO, 2705 EASTON, BURLINGAME MELINDA LO SAVIO, 2705 EASTON, BURLINGAME DAN BERRY, 2721 EASTON, BURLINGAME TAMMI DOWAIT, 2804 EASTON, BURLINGAME HOWARD CHANG, 1308 BENITO, BURLINGAME NANCY LOCKE, 1384 HILLSIDE CIRCLE, BURLINGAME RAY ETZLER, 2607 EASTON, BURLINGAME JULIE JACOBSEN, 2711 EASTON, BURLINGAME KATHY FLYNN, 2616 EASTON, BURLINGAME – 1– TRAFFIC, SAFETY and PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES June 8, 2000 1.CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by Chairwoman Harber. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Led by Chairwoman Harber. 3.ROLL CALL. 7 of 7 Commissioners present. 4.CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 ACTION ITEMS. 4.1.1 Minutes of May 11, 2000, were submitted and approved. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.1 Millbrae BART Station - Potential Impacts on City Streets Mr. Ho distributed a memo to the commissioners explaining that the Commission may decide whether or not they want to contact jurisdictions that were impacted by BART on measures they took to alleviate related parking problems on their city streets. The Millbrae BART station is due to open between the end of 2001 and mid-2002. Comm. Evans provided a list of contacts for the impacted cities, and Chairwoman Harber and Comms. Auran, DeAngelis and Mayer volunteered to make the calls. 5.INACTIVE ITEMS. None. 6.NEW BUSINESS. 6.1 Request for Traffic Safety Measures on Easton Drive Mr. Ho advised that attached to the Agenda was the petition received at last month’s meeting and letters previously received; however, he has not been able to gather background information for analysis as yet. Sgt. Ransom stated that one of the letters referenced the April 9th accident as resulting from high speed.; however, the investigating officer stated in his report that the driver exiting from Benito was at fault since she should have been looking to her left when she went to turn and failed to yield the right of way. Speed may not have been a factor. From the floor, Ms. Godowski stated that a Montero neighbor saw a car speeding on Easton just before the accident occurred but had not witnessed the accident, itself. On weekends all parking is taken up by Shinnyo-En Temple members making it difficult to see cross traffic as you exit a side street or your driveway. One petitioner stated that Council was told by Shinnyo-En Temple administrators that there would be no on-street parking by members because they would be bussed to the temple. However, their members take all available parking on both sides of the street and with cars speeding, this area is dangerous especially for children at play. Further, a Montero resident stated there is a blind spot at Montero as you go uphill. Comm. Mayer stated that if he can have it his way, he would put Stop signs on every – 2– TRAFFIC, SAFETY and PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES June 8, 2000 block on Easton Drive. He also stated that the number of signatures on the petition shows that Stop signs are needed at Easton/Montero. Mr. Ho stated that the number of signatures on the petition cannot be used to justify the use of Stop signs. It was moved and seconded (Comms. Mayer/Auran) to make this an Action item immediately. It was then moved and seconded (Comms. Mayer/Auran) to recommend to City Council to install a three-way Stop sign at Easton Drive and Montero Avenue; both motions unanimously approved by the Commission. Mr. Ho suggested allowing more time before recommending to Council since he has not yet provided any input. Council will recognize that the Commission’s motion was made before an analysis was available. From the floor, Ms. Godowski stated that this is the second meeting she and her neighbors have attended with this request and hoped a decision would be made tonight. Comm. Auran stated it appears the City overlooked this part of Easton since Stop signs were installed on the lower part of Easton and therefore, supports the Commission’s actions this evening. Chairwoman Harber stated she drives through this location several times a day and supports the Commission’s actions, especially since school will be out soon. Comm. Mayer stated he lives on Easton and sees cars speeding all the time on Easton and therefore, supports the Commission’s actions. Comm. Evans asked staff to verify Shinnyo-En Temple’s Use Permit and its parking requirements to make sure they are in compliance. 7.INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1 Comm. Mayer stated he was surprised how many Burlingame High School students have cars and concerned that there should be more motorcycle police monitoring their driving. Sgt. Ransom advised one officer is out because of an accident on his bike but will be back in a couple of months with a new bike. Usually the police spot check at the high school to monitor the students’ driving; also, students receive traffic education through the school liaison officer. 7.2 Comm. Auran stated that Ms. Gloria Walsh on Hayward called him requesting a “Not A Through Street” sign at Valdivia and Davis. The streets here form a loop and there are always “wanderers” driving around. Mr. Ho advised that he spoke with Ms. Walsh this week and requested a letter from her. 8.FROM THE FLOOR. None. 9.ADJOURNMENT. 8:55 p.m. – 3–