HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2001.03.08The City of Burlingame CITY HALL - 501 PRIMROSE ROAD CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, March 8, 2001 Commissioners Present:Lisa De Angelis, Chair Tim Auran Jim Evans Commissioners Absent:Jim McIver, Vice Chair David Mayer Staff Present:Frank Erbacher, Assistant Director of Public Works Philip Ho, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Department Bob Ransom, Traffic Sergeant, Police Department Doris Mortensen, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Department Staff Absent:None Visitors:Don Cory, 633 Alpine Road, Burlingame S:\A Public W orks Directory\TSP Commission\Minutes\2001 Minutes\Minutes for 03-08-01 Meeting.wpd P a g e 1 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, March 8, 2001 1.CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by Chair De Angelis. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 3 of 5 Commissioners present. Vice Chair McIver is recuperating from a knee injury. 4.CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 ACTION ITEMS. 4.1.1 Minutes for February 8, 2001, were submitted and approved. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.2.1 Request for speed limit and truck weight limit enforcement, a traffic signal on Trousdale Drive at Skyline Boulevard, and a STOP sign on Trousdale Drive at Loyola Drive Mr. Ho advised that he has started collecting data for this request; however, it is not yet complete. Thus far, the accidents reported are 10 for this intersection; five were correctable with a traffic signal with an average of one accident per year. Caltrans warrants require five per year and the City, three. A few accidents were caused by cars entering the intersection and one car was hit from behind. A signal would have caused the cars to stop. Traffic volumes were counted during various times, the most important being peak hours, busy hours, and during a four hour period. The volumes counted do not meet the required warrants. More data needs to be collected. Comm. Auran viewed this site and noticed that westbound traffic doesn’t exceed 30 mph due to the uphill slope; whereas downhill, cars tend to speed past the long blocks between stop signs. Also, there are not enough school zone signs for Franklin School and saw someone speed by at 35 mph. Sgt. Ransom advised that although there is no speed limit sign posted, this is a school zone and the law requires that the speed be 25 mph. He stated that a posted sign might remind drivers. Also, some drivers are making u-turns here but they’re legal unless they start the turn from other than the left lane. Comm. Auran also was concerned about parking space for preschool parents who have to sign their child in and out of school. Sgt. Ransom advised that some schools have a lot of parking available nearby. Comm. Auran suggested that the truck weight limit sign and school zone signs be installed before the next meeting. Mr. Erbacher advised that staff will redo the truck signs and place S:\A Public W orks Directory\TSP Commission\Minutes\2001 Minutes\Minutes for 03-08-01 Meeting.wpd P a g e 2 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, March 8, 2001 25 mph signs at the school. S:\A Public W orks Directory\TSP Commission\Minutes\2001 Minutes\Minutes for 03-08-01 Meeting.wpd P a g e 3 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, March 8, 2001 4.2.2 Millbrae BART Station - Potential Impacts on City streets Mr. Ho advised that there is nothing to report. He also suggested that this item be moved to Inactive status. 5.ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NEW ITEMS 5.1 Bayswater residents supporting traffic calming on Dwight Road and requesting similar traffic calming measures on Bayswater Avenue and Howard Avenue Mr. Erbacher advised that Dwight Road residents will meet with staff on March 29 and suggested that this item be handled jointly. Staff will send a letter to the petitioners advising of the action planned. 6.FROM THE FLOOR 6.1 Mr. Cory asked what was being done about his previous request to add another right turn lane on Carolan at Broadway. Mr. Erbacher advised that a new traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of Cadillac Way and Rollins Road in the near future and staff expects this signal to change some of the traffic trends in this area. Therefore, a second right turn lane as suggested is not being addressed at this time. 7.INFORMATION ITEMS 7.1 From Staff to Commission 7.1.1 Reconsideration of Ordinance to install two STOP signs on Adeline Drive at Cortez Avenue Mr. Ho advised that Council has rescinded these two stop signs by ordinance. Staff has installed school crosswalks on Adeline at Balboa and Cabrillo. Also, staff is considering installing a cul-de-sac sign on Cortez Avenue at Ray Park. 7.1.2 Special TSPC Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Thursday, March 22, 2001. Burlingame Avenue Commercial District Parking Study. Discuss feasibility of solutions to parking issues. Mr. Ho advised that as a result of last month’s meeting, staff is working with the consultant in preparing a report for this next meeting. Comm. Auran stated that since everyone agrees to the increased meter rates, when should a motion be made to that effect? Mr. Erbacher advised that most likely the April 12th regular monthly meeting would be an appropriate time S:\A Public W orks Directory\TSP Commission\Minutes\2001 Minutes\Minutes for 03-08-01 Meeting.wpd P a g e 4 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, March 8, 2001 for the Commission to make a recommendation to Council. S:\A Public W orks Directory\TSP Commission\Minutes\2001 Minutes\Minutes for 03-08-01 Meeting.wpd P a g e 5 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, March 8, 2001 7.1.3 Request for evening parking restrictions at City lot K-1 at Burlingame Avenue/El Camino Real Sgt. Ransom advised that Chief Missel doesn’t want to place new signs to change this lot’s hours. Mr. Erbacher advised that the City Manager could control lot hours. Comm. Evans stated that more people, probably diners, are using this lot in the evenings now. 7.1.4 Article on School Zone Rage, San Francisco Chronicle, February 26, 2001 Acknowledged. 7.1.5 Traffic Engineer’s Report Mr. Erbacher advised that due to an earlier request, Parks Department and Street Division staff and he looked at the trees on Easton and all agreed that something needs to be done. However, the trees don’t cause water to go over the sidewalk, there haven’t been any accidents, and there is apparently no community concern. Therefore, there is no point in removing the trees. Mr. Ho advised that signal construction at Rollins and Broadway started a month ago and that there will be more activity in the next month and a half, and the signals in this area will be interconnected. The signals for California at Morrell and Carmelita are in the final design stage. A pedestrian activated crosswalk is planned for California at Lorton in about a year. 7.1.6 Staff Action Log Mr. Ho advised that the rain had caused some delays. Botts dots will be installed on Alpine. 7.2 From Commission to Staff 7.2.1 Reports of citizen complaints or requests Comm. Auran stated there is a 5-way stop sign at Easton and Vancouver and overgrown vegetation impedes site vision for those turning left. Mr. Erbacher advised that the Parks Department will take care of the trimming. 7.2.2 Comments and communication - None. S:\A Public W orks Directory\TSP Commission\Minutes\2001 Minutes\Minutes for 03-08-01 Meeting.wpd P a g e 6 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, March 8, 2001 7.2.3 Expected absences of Commissioners at the Thursday, April12, 2001 meeting The only comment was from Comm. Evans who will not be able to attend the March 22nd meeting (See Item 7.1.2). 8.INACTIVE ITEMS. 8.1 Request for two STOP signs at Palm Drive/Crossway Road and a Speed Bump on Palm Drive at Edgehill Road 8.2 Request for traffic control on Dwight Road 8.3 Request for more police enforcement, new white zone signs, convert Devereux to a one-way street, install a STOP sign and a crosswalk on Adeline at Cortez, and install informational signs on streets leading to Lincoln School. 8.4 Request for residential permit parking on Lexington Way and close off the access path from Lexington Way to Burlingame High School parking lot. Mr. Erbacher suggested removing this item from the Agenda since the Parks Department and Burlingame High staff will respond to this issue. 9.AGENDIZE FOR THE NEXT MEETING 4.2.1 to Discussion Item (to be noticed) 4.2.2 to Inactive Item 10.ADJOURNMENT 8:02 p.m. S:\A Public W orks Directory\TSP Commission\Minutes\2001 Minutes\Minutes for 03-08-01 Meeting.wpd P a g e 7