HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2002.04.11 The City of Burlingame CITY HALL - 501 PRIMROSE ROAD CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, April 11, 2002 Commissioners Present:Jim McIver, Chair Jim Evans, Vice Chair Russ Cohen Lisa De Angelis David Mayer Commissioners Absent None Staff Present:Frank Erbacher, Assistant Director of Public Works Dawn Cutler, Traffic Sergeant, Police Department Doris Mortensen, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Staff Absent:None Visitors:Corine Hubsher, 9 Dwight Road, Burlingame James Peters, 18 Bloomfield Road, Burlingame Sonya Peters, 18 Bloomfield Road, Burlingame A. Aulf, 22 Bloomfield, Burlingame Robin Richardson, 460 E. 19th Ave. #6, San Mateo Joe Cowan, 1657 Rollins Road, Burlingame Mark Wong, 1309 N. Carolan Avenue, Burlingame Grycuk Ryslard, 1309 Rollins Road, Burlingame Mo Kimdazi, 1307 Rollins Road, Burlingame W. Ostertag, 1305 Rollins Road, Burlingame Mike Harvey, 1100 Carolan Avenue, Burlingame Kevin Washburn, 1100 Carolan Avenue, Burlingame John Roman, 2839 Arguello Drive, Burlingame Danielle Roman, 2839 Arguello Drive, Burlingame Dean Zluabaysh, 2843 Arguello Drive, Burlingame Frank Merrill, 1808 Magnolia Avenue, Burlingame Esfie Portyarsky, 1810 Magnolia Avenue, Burlingame John Morch, 1800 Magnolia Avenue, Burlingame Visitors (cont’d)Anng Koujacjhk, 1812 Magnolia Avenue, Burlingame Linda Abbey, 2415 Adeline Drive, Burlingame TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, April 11, 2002 Christopher Muñoz, 1428 Vancouver Avenue, Burlingame The City of Burlingame Page 2 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, April 11, 2002 1.CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by Chair McIver. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 5 of 5 Commissioners present. 4.CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 ACTION ITEMS. 4.1.1 Minutes for February 14, 2002, were submitted and approved. Minutes for March 14, 2002 were submitted for record purposes only since there was no quorum for this meeting. 4.1.2 1710 Trousdale Drive - Red Cross requests Relocation of Existing Green Zone Mr. Erbacher advised that the petitioner had changed their request from a red zone to relocation of the green zone which has been completed. 4.1.3 Installation of a Green Zone on Bloomfield Road north of Peninsula Avenue The preschool owner obtained a copy of a blueprint of the property which indicates that the property next door at 710 Peninsula Avenue is part of their parking area; and since the residents will be moving out in a month, the preschool will not need a green zone at all and withdrew this request. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.1 1240 Paloma Avenue - Letter regarding Blue Handicapped Zone Mr. Erbacher had measured the site and there is limited parking in the driveway. The resident could drive to his parked truck or modify the garage to accommodate more space. Comm. Mayer suggested the resident could park his truck crosswise in the driveway, too. This will be continued to next month since the petitioner was not present to submit testimony. 4.2.2 1100 Carolan - Letter regarding maintaining existing 2-hour parking and adding 2-hour parking along new curbing Petitioner, Mike Harvey, stated 2-hour parking signage exists now but it is unenforced; and local employees park all day there. They need parking availability for their customers. New curbing has been added with the new construction which allows more parking spaces, especially if Carolan Avenue northbound lanes were narrowed just south of Broadway. Sgt. Cutler advised that the parking limit is not properly signed so they cannot issue tickets. Mr. Erbacher advised that two parking spaces could be added; and it should be a two-hour limit, but an ordinance is needed to effect the 2-hour limit. It was moved and seconded (Comms. Mayer/Evans) to move this to an Action item immediately. Unanimously approved by the Commission. It was then moved and seconded (Comms. Mayer/Evans) to recommend to Council to effect a 2-hour parking limit and The City of Burlingame Page 3 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, April 11, 2002 install proper signage. Unanimously approved by the Commission. Mr. Erbacher advised that the ordinance will be introduced at the May 6th Council meeting. 4.2.3 1657 Rollins Road - Request for Red Zone Extensions, including Fronting 1663 and 1675 Rollins Road and Relocation of Red Curb Opposite 1660 and 1634 Rollins Road Petitioner, Mr. Cowan, stated they have 30 vehicles, and cars parked to the left of their driveways block their site when exiting. Their health and safety organization evaluated the site and requested the existing red zones be extended the full length of the block, especially since Rollins Road traffic moves faster than the posted 35 mph. Mr. Cowan requested that their health and safety organization be able to attend the meeting next month to make a formal presentation. Mr. Erbacher advised that most driveways along Rollins Road have a 70-foot red zone on the left side enabling good visibility in exiting. This site doesn’t have a continuous red zone. The south driveway has the biggest problem when trucks park to the left and some even use the red zone to park. It was moved and seconded (Comms. Evans/Mayer) to move this item to an Action item immediately. Unanimously approved by the Commission. This will be an Action Item next month. 4.2.4 1309 North Carolan Avenue - Request for Red or Yellow Zone at Rear of 1305 and 1309 Rollins Road The petitioner, Mr. Wong, stated there is an alley between 1309 and 1313 Rollins and he has truck/trailers 63 feet long which have trouble turning into the alley; so adding a yellow zone would make it easier for them to pull in and out. From the floor, Manager of 1309 Rollins Road stated he has six spaces for his customers so his six employees park elsewhere. He disagrees with removal of parking spaces. Manager of 1307 Rollins Road stated they need spaces for employee parking. Manager of 1331 Rollins Road submitted a written note disagreeing with adding a red or yellow zone. The original developer of the property, 1305-1331 Rollins Road, explained that there are six businesses sharing this site with 38 parking spaces on site and an average of 25-30 employees. He estimates that there are 100 customers a day. He feels that a red or yellow zone causing the loss of three or four spaces would be very bad and recommends denial of request. Manager of 1335 Rollins Road stated parking is a problem now and to eliminate spaces to accommodate semis is wrong. Mr. Wong stated he needs two spaces and that two cars have been left parked there for a long time. Comm. Evans wants to visit the site before he discusses the request. This will be a Discussion Item next month. Mr. Erbacher advised that staff will re-notice the neighborhood for next month’s meeting. 4.2.5 Arguello Drive and Sebastian Drive - Request for 3-Way Stop Signs The petitioner, Mr. Roman, reiterated that there are numerous blind spots at this intersection; and with increased traffic from Trousdale Drive and elementary students walking to school, it is a hazardous intersection. Mr. Erbacher advised that a bush at the corner of the temple property needs trimming and he will follow up on getting that done. He recommends approval of this request because of a site distance The City of Burlingame Page 4 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, April 11, 2002 problem at this intersection. Sgt. Cutler stated she agrees with this recommendation. It was moved and seconded (Comms. Evans/Mayer) to recommend to Council to install a 3-way Stop sign at this intersection. Unanimously approved by the Commission. Mr. Erbacher advised that staff will notice the neighborhood for the Council action meeting. 4.2.6 Dwight Road at Lexington Way - Request for Stop Sign Mr. Erbacher advised that the percentile speed is at 30 mph, some of the traffic was at 37-38 mph. He stated that he will be working with the petitioner looking at traffic-calming techniques to slow down the traffic. He also recommended adding speed limit signage. Officer Witt was present and stated that the accident at this site was a freak accident and that most of the traffic travels at just under 30 mph. Enforcement is difficult since it is not included in the Speed Survey. He recommended enforcement and education. Mr. Erbacher advised that he is meeting with the petitioner tomorrow. This item will remain as an Acknowledgment Item. 4.2.7 2415 Adeline Drive - Letter regarding Traffic Concerns related to Sisters of Mercy Locale The resident stated drivers are straddling the centerline and is concerned about safety since there have been several accidents and many near-accidents. Officer Witt advised that where the road bends it is somewhat deceptive and the lane appears narrower. He also stated that drivers who straddle centerlines are citable if it occurs within 100 feet of an intersection. Comm. Mayer stated that this is a police issue, and they have been advised. Mr. Erbacher stated he would check the Vehicle Code for sections that do allow citations. 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NEW ITEMS. 5.1 Increased Traffic on Trousdale Drive due to Millbrae BART Station Opening Mr. Erbacher advised that this petitioner is just sharing his thoughts on the subject. No action required. 5.2 Request to change 2-Hour Parking Spaces to 20-Minute Spaces on East Side of 1800 Block of Magnolia Avenue The petitioner stated that since the yoga site opened, yoga students use the 11 parking spaces in front of their stores for two hours at a time. The small businesses on this block live and die by their customer’s ability to park close to the business; so they are asking that the time limit for the 11 parking spaces be changed from two hours to 20 minutes. Many of the their customers are elderly who are just dropping off or picking up so are only there 15 to 20 minutes. They have asked the yoga instructor to ask her students to park in the parking lot, but to no avail. One store manager stated his business has dropped 50% since the yoga site opened. Customers go elsewhere if they can’t find convenient parking. Comm. Evans advised they will view the site to discuss at the next meeting. 5.3 Petition from Bayswater & Howard residents requesting a traffic study of the area to determine whether traffic-calming measures are warranted The City of Burlingame Page 5 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, April 11, 2002 Sgt. Cutler submitted their Selective Enforcement results which showed that 8 citations on Bayswater and 16 citations on Howard were issued. Mr. Erbacher advised that this item is awaiting the Residential Traffic Calming Program to take effect. 5.4 Howard Avenue - Speed and Trucks (e-mail) Mr. Erbacher advised that this item is awaiting the Residential Traffic Calming Program to take effect. 5.5 1300 Block of Vancouver Avenue - Speed Concerns (petition) Mr. Erbacher advised that this item is awaiting the Residential Traffic Calming Program to take effect. 6. FROM THE FLOOR 6.1 Mr. Muñoz stated that the curb cut at Peninsula Hospital on El Camino Real looks like a used car lot since the “No Parking” sign was removed (the pole is still there). Mr. Erbacher advised that he will find out if this is a Caltrans issue. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1 From Staff to Commission 7.1.2 Traffic Engineer’s Report Mr. Erbacher advised that the preconstruction meeting for Carmelita and Morrell signals was held so construction should start soon. Mr. Erbacher remarked on the Timeline and Agenda & Procedures schedules distributed last month which show how staff will work on expediting traffic requests through the Commission. 7.1.3 Staff Action Log submitted. 7.2 From Commission to Staff 7.2.1 Reports of citizen complaints or requests - None. 7.2.2 Comments and communication Chair McIver and Mr. Erbacher attended a City of Millbrae meeting to discuss BART impacts, a venue where both cities address mutual concerns. Chair McIver will arrange for a BART tour of the Millbrae facility for commissioners and staff. 7.2.3 Expected absences of Commissioners at the Thursday, May 9, 2002 meeting Comm. Mayer advised that he will be out of town on vacation next month. The City of Burlingame Page 6 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, April 11, 2002 8. INACTIVE ITEMS. 8.1 Request for traffic control on Dwight Road 8.2 Millbrae BART Station - Potential Impacts on City streets 8.3 Request for speed limit and truck weight limit enforcement, a traffic signal on Trousdale Drive at Skyline Boulevard, STOP sign on Trousdale Drive at Loyola Drive and STOP sign on Trousdale at Quesada Way. Results of Traffic Data Gathering - Speed limits Sgt. Cutler submitted their Selective Enforcement results which showed that 49 citations and 17 warnings were issued. 9. AGENDIZE FOR THE NEXT MEETING. 4.2.1 continued as Discussion Item 4.2.3 to Action Item 4.2.4 to Discussion Item 4.2.6 continued as Acknowledgment Item 5.2 to Discussion Item Chula Vista Letter to Acknowledgment Item 10. ADJOURNMENT. 8:40 p.m. The City of Burlingame Page 7