HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2003.10.09 The City of Burlingame CITY HALL - 501 PRIMROSE ROAD CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, October 9, 2003 Commissioners Present:Jim McIver, Chair Russ Cohen, Vice Chair Stephen Warden Commissioners Absent:Lisa De Angelis David Mayer Staff Present:Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Officer Chuck Witt, Police Department Staff Absent:Sgt. Dawn Cutler, Police Department Doris Mortensen, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Visitors:Aaron Chilcoat, 2804 Trousdale Drive, Burlingame Frances Chilcoat, 2804 Trousdale Drive, Burlingame Evelyn Clayton, 2950 Trousdale Drive, Burlingame Irving Amstrup, 2708 Trousdale Drive, Burlingame Steven Wierenga, 827 California Drive, Burlingame Shelley Yang, 827 California Drive, Burlingame Roger Jackson, 430 Cavanaugh Street, San Mateo Susan Groetchen, 15 Howard Avenue, Burlingame Michael A. Norton, 1010 Howard Avenue, San Mateo Mark Hudak, 216 Park Road, Burlingame Ron Charlson, 4 Howard Avenue #5, Burlingame Ray Chang, 1114 Eastmoor Road, Burlingame Nancy Padilla, 909 Linden Avenue, Burlingame Al Padilla, 909 Linden Avenue, Burlingame Clarence J. Cravalho, 1012 Howard Avenue, San Mateo Marianne Saucedo, 925 Larkspur Drive, Burlingame Sal Garrepo, 4 Howard Avenue, #4, Burlingame Ed Garcia, 1000 Larkspur Drive, Burlingame Deb Sullivan, 904 Azalea Avenue, Burlingame Frank Colmo, 101 Victoria Road, Burlingame Pamela Sommers, 101 Victoria Road, Burlingame Robert Bierman, Box 1357, Burlingame TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, October 9, 2003 1.CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 3 of 5 Commissioners present. 4.CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 ACTION ITEMS. 4.1.1 Approval of Minutes for September 10, 2003 Some pages of the minutes were missing; so the minutes will be acted on at the next meeting. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.1 Request for a 4-Way STOP at North Humboldt Road and Howard Avenue Mr. Chou advised that this intersection fell just short of meeting the City’s stop sign warrants. He also said that this was probably due to the fact that the initial studies were taken in early September, when school was just starting and people were still coming back from summer vacations. Mr. Chou added that he felt if another set of studies were done in October/November, the traffic volumes would probably rise a little before stabilizing above the warranted amount. He stated that staff also had conversations with City of San Mateo’s Traffic Engineer, Jeff Elia. This was done because San Mateo also shared jurisdiction of this intersection. Mr. Chou said that San Mateo would agree with Burlingame’s consideration for 4-way stop signs based on staff’s opinion that subsequent studies would show that the warrants could be met. A motion was made (Comms. Cohen/Warden) to recommend to Council the installation of 4-way stop signs at North Humboldt Road and Howard Avenue, on the condition that the City of San Mateo concurs with staff’s conclusions about the intersection. Approved by the Commission, 3-2 (Comms. De Angelis and Mayer absent). Mr. Chou stated the City would also enhance the intersection by adding painted crosswalks. 4.2.2 Request for a STOP sign on Howard Avenue at Victoria Road Mr. Chou advised that staff would not recommend approval of this request since a 4-way stop sign will be placed one block away, as per the above request. Staff recommended posting a “Playground” sign which will help to inform drivers of the potential presence of children due to the adjacent playground, and support Police staff in enforcing speeding citations in court. A motion was made (Comms. Cohen/Warden) to implement “Playground” signs at Howard Avenue and Victoria Road. Approved by the Commission 3-2 (Comms. De Angelis and Mayer absent). The City of Burlingame Page 2 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, October 9, 2003 4.2.3 STOP signs for east/westbound Bellevue Avenue at Primrose Road in City Hall Circle Mr. Chou explained that this location has five separate approaches to City Hall Circle. The streets are northbound and southbound Primrose Road, eastbound and westbound Bellevue Avenue and westbound Douglas Avenue. Mr. Chou stated that this intersection currently has two YIELD signs in the center portion of the circle, on east and west Bellevue Avenue. He said that this current installation was causing driver confusion since the opposite approaches either had no STOP controls, or did have STOP signs posted. He said that the current third option to yield was creating a confusing situation at that intersection. Mr. Chou said that staff was recommending replacement of the YIELD signs with STOP signs. A motion was made (Comms. Warden/Cohen) to adopt staff’s recommendation and recommend to Council the installation of stop signs at east- and westbound Bellevue Avenue at City Hall Circle. Approved by the Commission 3-2 (Comms. De Angelis and Mayer absent). 4.2.4 On-street parking study for 800 block of California Drive See Item 5.3. 4.2.5 Red zone on California Drive at Palm Drive Mr. Chou stated that the City received a resident’s complaint about parked vehicles on California Drive impairing site visibility when trying to turn left onto California Drive from Palm Drive. Mr. Chou said that after careful evaluation, both Police and Engineering staff felt that eliminating some of the parking might not help the sight-visibility situation. Mr Chou concluded that there was no clear, single solution that did not also affect the parking situation along the 800 block of California Drive. A motion was made (Comms. Warden/McIver) to deny this request and referred this issue to the commission’s subcommittee to be considered with Item 5.3. Approved by the Commission 3-2 (Comms. De Angelis and Mayer absent). 4.2.6 Height limit signs for 1200 block of Rollins Road Mr. Chou stated that this request was initiated by City staff due to Code Enforcement problems pertaining to tall commercial vehicles parking along this portion of Rollins Road. Mr. Chou said that this request may be a moot issue and that the problem may have been eliminated because the offending business has relocated outside the city. No action is necessary. 4.2.7 Handicap zone at 728 Linden Avenue Mr. Chou stated that after several field investigations, staff determined that the resident has a fairly long and wide driveway. He stated that since the driveway was long enough to accommodate several vehicles in tandem and that the driveway and its surrounding walkways are flat and level, staff was recommending denial of this request. Mr. Chou also stated that a policy statement would be drawn up regarding handicap zone requests to aid City staff and the commission in future requests. Comm. Cohen stated that each case is different and should be considered on an individual basis. Mr. Chou The City of Burlingame Page 3 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, October 9, 2003 explained that the statement would serve as a set of basic guidelines for all to begin evaluations with. A motion was made (Comms. Cohen/McIver) to deny this request. Approved by the Commission 3-2 (Comms. De Angelis and Mayer absent). 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NEW ITEMS. 5.1 Request to remove a yellow loading zone at 1315/1317 Marsten Road Mr. Chou stated that this request stemmed from the need of the business applicant to provide more on- site parking for his business. Mr. Chou advised that the other businesses in this area will need to be noticed about the public hearing and be advised of the intent to remove the yellow loading zone. From the floor, Mr. Yoo stated that the yellow loading zone was installed some years ago and is no longer needed. He also said that it is blocking possible access to some newly designed parking spaces on-site. This request will be scheduled as a Discussion Item for the November meeting. 5.2 Request for passenger loading zone and mid-block crosswalk at 875 Stanton Road From the floor, Operations Manager Cathy Costello stated that the Community Gatepath operation serves many disabled citizens in the community; and, since Stanton Road is a busy street, their request for a mid- block crosswalk would help. She added that a passenger loading zone would help those disabled clients who arrive or are picked up by care-givers or special buses. This request will be scheduled as a Discussion Item for the November meeting. 5.3 Request for 1-hour parking limit at 827 California Drive Mr. Chou stated that these requests (see Item 4.2.4) are for various limitations of parking and that the entire California Drive area needs to be looked at as a whole. From the floor, Mr. Wierenga stated that during regular business hours he has never been able to park in front of 827 California. The adjacent business has extra vehicles with a large truck that is typically parked at 827 California. He also said that since the space is used all day and all night for parking, it precludes access for any of his customers during business hours. Mr. Wierenga stated that his new business is retail gifts and decor shopping with a 45-foot frontage, of which half is a red zoned bus stop. He requested one or two limited time parking spaces. Mr. Hudak stated that several businesses, especially the auto body shop, abuse the unregulated parking available now. He recommended a 1- or 2-hour parking zone for customer use and wrapping the zone around onto Majilla Avenue. Comm. Warden stated that the commission’s subcommittee will be meeting with representatives of the block to explore available options based on the merchants’ needs and requests. He also stated that a 1- or 2-hour parking zone for only two spaces would make for difficulties in police enforcement. Officer Witt stated that he would ask the Code Enforcement Officer to contact those businesses who are abusing their on-site parking requirements, as stipulated by their Business Licenses. The City of Burlingame Page 4 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, October 9, 2003 5.4 Request for red zone at 1114 Eastmoor Road next to driveway Mr. Chou stated that this type of request was usually handled at a staff level, but that this particular request was directed to the commission because it was specifically addressed to them. From the floor, Mr. Chang stated that visitors to Village Park park their cars in his driveway denying him ingress/egress access. He said that weekends are the worst time for him. He conceded that in most cases, the offenders don’t realize that they are in his driveway because it isn’t obvious when looking at the curb where his driveway begins and ends. Mr. Chou advised the petitioner that the police should be called when any driveway is blocked. Commission referred this item to staff to resolve. 5.5 Requests for STOP sign/pedestrian signal on Carolan Avenue at Morrell Avenue Mr. Chou stated that this request was just received at this evening’s meeting and will be scheduled as a Discussion Item for next month’s meeting. Officer Witt stated that Carolan Avenue is on the Selective Enforcement list during the beginning and at the end of the school semester. 6. FROM THE FLOOR. None. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1 From Staff to Commission 7.1.1 Traffic Engineer’s Report California/Bellevue Lighted Crosswalks Mr. Chou was pleased to report that power is to be turned on by Tuesday, October 14, with operation starting on Wednesday. He also added that a 14 year-old pedestrian had been struck at this crosswalk just yesterday. Luckily, the pedestrian suffering only scrapes and bruises. Bicycle Safety Issues in Burlingame Mr. Chou stated one Planning Commissioner is willing to be a bike representative, and that the TSP Commission may have a new member who will serve as a second representative; however, a third representative is still needed. The City of Burlingame Page 5 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, October 9, 2003 7.2 From Commission to Staff 7.2.1 Reports of citizen complaints or requests Comm. Cohen met with Senator Speier who asked about Forest View Avenue where cars being parked on both sides of the street cause the roadway to narrow. Comm. Warden stated that the lawnmowers on California Drive are out on the sidewalks on Saturdays only now. Officer Witt advised that the Code Enforcement Officer is working with the business owner to correct the situation. Comm. Warden stated that a resident on Farringdon Lane complained that a car rental service is being run out of Palm Drive and Farringdon Lane. This is evident, as there are numerous cars parked there. Officer Witt will refer this to the Code Enforcement Officer for investigation and possible action. 7.2.2 Comments and communication None. 7.2.3 Expected absences of Commissioners at the Thursday, November 13, 2003 meeting Comm. Cohen advised that he may still be on vacation at that time. 8. INACTIVE ITEMS. 8.1 Request for speed limit enforcement on Trousdale Drive - Results of Traffic Data Gathering - Speed limits Mr. Chou stated that over the past year a new set of radar speed studies had been performed. The speeds were at 35+mph; so the City could not reduce the speed limit further as citations would not stand up in traffic court. He added that rigorous enforcement was the best option to ensure that drivers observe the posted speed limit. Officer Witt explained that the current Selective Enforcement Report showed 46 citations issued during September. He added that Trousdale Drive will continue to be heavily enforced, especially during commute times for school and work. Officer Witt concluded that there has only been a minor improvement as a result of the enforcement. Comm. Warden asked about traffic signals being added to Trousdale Drive. Mr. Chou advised that the cost would be approximately $150,000 per intersection. From the floor, Ms. Chilcoat related that she still sees speeding on Trousdale during the day and evening hours. Ms. Clayton suggested adding speed dips or roundabouts to reduce speeding. Mr. Cravalho asked about speed humps. Mr. Amstrup stated that in 7 minutes he counted over 100 cars and thanked the police for their enforcement. Mr. Jackson suggested posting speeding fine rates. The City of Burlingame Page 6 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, October 9, 2003 9. AGENDIZE FOR THE NEXT MEETING. 4.2.4 to Discussion 5.1 to Discussion 5.2 to Discussion 5.3 to Discussion 5.5 to Discussion 10. ADJOURNMENT. 9:05 p.m. The City of Burlingame Page 7