HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2003.01.09 The City of Burlingame CITY HALL - 501 PRIMROSE ROAD CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 9, 2003 Commissioners Present:Jim McIver, Chair Russ Cohen, Vice Chair Lisa De Angelis David Mayer Stephen Warden Commissioners Absent:None Staff Present:Frank Erbacher, Assistant Public Works Director Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Dawn Cutler, Traffic Sergeant, Police Department Doris Mortensen, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Staff Absent:None Visitors:Norm Pon, 851 California Drive, Burlingame Eric Kreft, 903 California Drive, Burlingame Lori Uhlig, 921 California Drive, Burlingame Don Uhlig, 921 California Drive, Burlingame Allan Ignes, 921 California Drive, Burlingame Mike Dickinson, 1037 California Drive, Burlingame Rick Sanchez, 917 California Drive, Burlingame Tom Giannini, 857 California Drive, Burlingame Denise Giusto, 859 California Drive, Burlingame Ellen Gruber, 840 Edgehill Drive, Burlingame Fred Gruber, 840 Edgehill Drive, Burlingame Ruth Hesselgren, 534 Corbitt Drive, Burlingame Elisa Steele, 1320 Drake Avenue, Burlingame Aviva Levine, 1324 Drake Avenue, Burlingame David McKean, 1345 Drake Avenue, Burlingame TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 9, 2003 1.CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL.5 of 5 Commissioners present. 4.CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 ACTION ITEMS. 4.1.1 Approval of Minutes for December 12, 2002 The minutes were approved as submitted. 4.1.2 Request for Green Zone - 1 Hour Parking Limit at 809 California Drive Mr. Chou iterated that the Commission had requested a more global approach on those westside blocks on California Drive between Palm Drive and Sanchez Avenue for a uniform parking limit to facilitate police enforcement. On the 800 block there are 5 existing green zones, and with more businesses moving in, staff expects three more green zone requests. On the 700 and 900 blocks, there are several 2-hour parking limit areas; so to be consistent, staff proposes a 1- or 2-hour parking limit, only during business hours. Sgt. Cutler agreed that the 1- or 2-hour limit would ease enforcement. Eastside parking is unlimited except for the No Parking restriction between midnight and 6 a.m. which is intended to eliminate overnight truck parking. Comm. Warden iterated that a letter from 857 California Drive requests that the overnight parking prohibition on the east side be amended to exclude passenger vehicles. Sgt. Cutler stated that the worst offenders are local auto shops who use the street for storage purposes. From the floor, Mr. Gruber stated that there are a lot of safety issues on this street, especially parking on the east side and trying to cross to the west side. Also, some cars are parked on the west side for a week or so while the driver is using the airport. Ms. Gruber stated they have one green zone in front of their business, and it works well. Mr. Giannini stated he has no off-street parking for his second vehicle and would like to be able to park overnight on the east side. Ms. Giusto opposes a 1-hour parking limit. Her business has a green zone and has had very few problems with anyone abusing the limit. She calls the police if anyone parks too long. Ms. Uhlig stated the 1-hour limit is prohibitive; a 4-hour limit would work for her business. Mr. Kreft stated he has a parking lot for his auto business, but his neighbor has 20+ vehicles and parks them around the neighborhood. Mr. Kreft also stated that his neighbors complain to him about the over-parking, but they’re not his vehicles. Mr. Pon was told in the past that he couldn’t have a green zone in front of his business. He endorses a 1-hour parking limit and overnight parking on the east side should be allowed for residents. Mr. Erbacher suggested a height limitation sign for the east side and allow a maximum of 24-hour parking. The City of Burlingame Page 2 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 9, 2003 Mr. Chou stated the City has not taken a definite stand on permit parking at this time and would be looking at the matter when BART becomes operational. Comm. Warden suggested that the neighbors form their own neighborhood committee and present a proposal to the Commission when there is general agreement amongst them on how to address their long-term parking concerns. It was moved and seconded (Comms. Cohen/Mayer) to leave the existing green zones as is and to approve this request for a green zone at 809 California Drive. The motion was approved with a 3-2 vote (Comms. De Angelis and Warden dissenting). It was then moved and seconded (Comms. Cohen/Warden) to appoint Comms. De Angelis and Warden to a subcommittee which will work with this neighborhood in resolving their issues. Unanimously approved by the Commission. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.1 Request for Stop sign on Easton Drive at Drake Avenue and other traffic safety issues Mr. Chou stated that due to the holidays, the traffic counts for the Stop sign warrants will be made this month. From the floor, Ms. Steele stated that the speeding and heavy traffic seems to occur in the afternoon. She is not home to check on the morning traffic. It seems drivers are using their neighborhood as a shortcut between two schools and two churches. There are 25 children under the age of 8 who now reside on the 1300 block of Drake Avenue. The traffic situation is hazardous since there is a crest on Drake which prevents drivers from seeing oncoming traffic, especially since there is room for only one lane. Also, because the crest is near her driveway, backing out onto the street is hazardous. She would like a sign posted warning drivers of the blind crest. Ms. Levine stated that a Stop sign on Easton at Drake is needed because as you turn from Easton onto Drake, the potential to hit oncoming traffic is high because drivers don’t slow down enough if an on-coming car is approaching the intersection. Mr. McKean stated there are two very wide trees at the intersection which obstruct the view of cross traffic. He recently was hit by a car on Easton while trying to drive across on Drake. He had stopped at the Stop sign on Drake but the street marking for it is 6 feet behind where you should stop. He stated that if there had been a Stop sign on Easton, there would have been no collision. Mr. Chou stated that a Stop sign on Easton might slightly control some of the high speeds, but that Stop signs were really for addressing right-of-way collisions. Stop signs aren’t generally used to address speeding issues. For speeding on Drake, he suggested use of the radar trailer and police enforcement. He will study the times and monitor speeds on Drake. Also, he will obtain the Stop sign warrants and check site distances at the intersection. 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NEW ITEMS. - None. 6. FROM THE FLOOR. - None. The City of Burlingame Page 3 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 9, 2003 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1 From Staff to Commission 7.1.1 Traffic Engineer’s Report Mr. Chou stated that staff is looking at Parking Lot P on Broadway to check the feasibility of switching the 10-hour spaces to one side of the lot and moving 2-hour spaces closer to the stores. He also stated that staff would have to see if there might be significant losses in either the 2-hour or the 10-hour spaces because of a switch. 7.1.2 Staff Action Log - Attached. 7.1.3 Burlingame Parking Study Mr. Chou stated he has not seen the report submitted by the consultant; however, the City Engineer has received a draft copy and has made his comments. The report will go to Council in February, and Mr. Chou will give a copy to this Commission at that time. 7.2 From Commission to Staff 7.2.1 Reports of citizen complaints or requests - None. 7.2.2 Comments and communication Comm. Cohen asked about the status of the El Camino vehicle parked on Douglas Avenue. Mr. Erbacher advised that the City Attorney is following up on it. 7.2.3 Expected absences of Commissioners at the Thursday, February 13, 2003 meeting Sgt. Cutler stated that she will be absent for this meeting. Officer Chuck Witt will attend in her absence. 8. INACTIVE ITEMS. 8.1 Request for traffic control on Dwight Road - Phase I Gateway Improvements Mr. Erbacher advised the centerline markers have been placed. Also, Mr. Chou arranged it so that one contractor completes centerline work at several sites to expedite completion of the work and effect lower costs. Comm. De Angelis asked that markers be added on Alpine at Carolan. Additional new speed limit signs for the south end of Occidental will be added to work orders, and Mr. Chou will advise Sgt. Cutler when they’re installed so police enforcement can be resumed. The City of Burlingame Page 4 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 9, 2003 8.2 Request for speed limit and truck weight limit enforcement, a traffic signal on Trousdale Drive at Skyline Boulevard, STOP sign on Trousdale Drive at Loyola Drive and STOP sign on Trousdale at Quesada Way. Results of Traffic Data Gathering - Speed limits Sgt. Cutler suggested redoing the speed survey to see if the speeds have been reduced. Although the police have been actively enforcing this area, the speeds seem to be about the same as before. Sergeant Cutler submitted the Selective Enforcement Report which shows 20 citations issued. Mr. Chou confirmed that the stop sign and weight limit sign issues have been taken care of. 8.3 Request to Review Speed Concerns on Hillside Drive Sgt. Cutler submitted the Selective Enforcement Report which shows 4 citations issued. Sgt. Cutler stated that there seems to be fewer speed issues at this location. After 12 hours for two days of this week, only 5 tickets were issued (for speeds at 40-42 mph). The critical speed is 37 mph. The police will continue enforcement for the next two weeks. 8.4 Hillside Drive uphill of Alvarado Avenue - Additional Speed Controls Mr. Erbacher reminded the commission that staff is waiting for a County review of the speed bumps. 9. AGENDIZE FOR THE NEXT MEETING. 4.2.1 to Action Item 10. ADJOURNMENT. 8:45 p.m. The City of Burlingame Page 5