HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2005.11.10The City of Burlingame CITY HALL - 501 PRIMROSE ROAD CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday - November 10, 2005 Commissioners Present:Stephen W arden, Chair Eugene Condon, Vice-Chair Russ Cohen Dan Conway Victor James Commissioners Absent:None Staff Present:Traffic Sergeant Don Shepley, Police Department Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public W orks Lori Brock, Secretary, Public W orks Staff Absent:None Visitors:Linda Abbey, 2415 Adeline Drive TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Unapproved Thursday, November 10, 2005 1.CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.ROLL CALL 5 of 5 Commissioners present. 4.CURRENT BUSINESS 4.1 ACTION ITEMS 4.1.1 Minutes for October 13, 2005 Motion: To accept the m inutes. M/S/C: Cohen, Condon; 5/0/0 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.2.1 Cowan Road/Mahler Road/Gilbreth Road - Height, overnight parking, and limited-time parking restrictions Traffic Engineer Chou informed the Commission that he was awaiting information from Mary Donnelly of Sky Chefs regarding their on-street parking needs before scheduling a second public meeting. He added that this was necessary because based on that information, the City could then develop a more comprehensive plan regarding Gilbreth Road and 8- hour parking limits. 4.2.2 Trousdale Drive/Quesada W ay (Franklin School) - Crosswalk enhancements Traffic Engineer Chou explained that representatives from Franklin School’s Traffic Safety Committee asked about installation of cross- hatching for the crosswalk at Quesada and T rousdale. Mr. Chou explained that the crosswalk and intersection was currently fully controlled with stop The City of Burlingame Page 2 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Unapproved Thursday, November 10, 2005 signs. He added that other safety measures had already been installed, such as new warning signs and speed limit. Mr. Chou stated that a traffic signal study was conducted and this location did not meet the warrant conditions. He said that installing additional crosswalk enhancements such as cross-hatching was not recommended at this time. He explained that since the intersection was already controlled by stop signs, drivers were already required to stop and essentially look out for pedestrians. Further enhancement would be redundant and not cost-effective since it would not improve the situation significantly. Mr. Chou concluded by saying that staff was concerned and wanted to review the subject further when the hospital was finished with its reconstruction. Commissioner Conway stated that he believed that the Com mission should stick to the policy it adopted for crosswalks and enhancements. He stated that he and Commissioner Condon believed that if there were serious circumstances, then cross-hatching might be considered for installation. However, for this situation and for the time being, he believed that there was a lack of evidence to show an ongoing problem. Commissioner Conway also supported the idea of re-evaluating this situation after the Mills/Peninsula hospital work was done. This might even including examining a number of other streets. Commissioner Condon concurred and said the City should wait until the hospital work was finished; and, that at this time, the intersection did not warrant any changes. He added that in another year or two, another visit to this whole area would be necessary. Motion: To move to action. M/S/C: Condon, Conway; 5/0/0 Motion: To accept the staff recommendation not to install any additional crosswalk enhancements at the crosswalk of Trousdale Drive and Quesada W ay. M/S/C: James, Cohen; 5/0/0 The City of Burlingame Page 3 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Unapproved Thursday, November 10, 2005 4.2.3 Crescent Avenue (Pershing Park) - Mid block pedestrian crosswalks. Traffic Engineer Chou explained that a problem existed with the current situation. He said that there was a painted crosswalk that was marked in front of a private, residential driveway. He added that the paint was extremely faded and that it was not prudent to direct pedestrians into a private driveway. He concluded by saying that staff recommended its removal. Chair W arden asked if staff was looking at any other location to install the crosswalk. Mr. Chou said they that were not, but that if staff were to recommend a location for a crosswalk installation, it would be at the intersection. Motion: To move to action. M/S/C: Condon, James; 5/0/0 Motion: To accept staff recommendation to remove the faded mid-block crosswalk at Crescent Avenue opposite Pershing Park. M/S/C: James, Conway; 5/0/0 4.2.4 Hillsdale Drive/Balboa Avenue - Pedestrian crosswalks Chair W arden read aloud a request by Pat Giorni expressing her concern with the intersection of Hillside and Balboa. He said Ms. Giorni was requesting painted white lines across Hillside to designate pedestrian crossing. He added that Ms. Giorni did not believ e a stop sign or a “Ped X- ing” sign was needed. Traffic Engineer Chou explained that a field investigation was conducted for the intersection; and, that there were no marked crosswalks there currently. He said that old traffic counts showed approximately 7,000 vehicles traveling along Hillside Drive over a 24-hour time period. Mr. Chou stated that a one- to two-percent increase in traffic volume would be reasonable for today. He added that staff’s concern was over the volume of vehicles and the proximity of the intersection to El Camino Real. One block away from El Camino Real meant most drivers who are making a left turn are not really concentrating on this intersection, a block away. Mr. Chou was concerned that this could promote a situation where pedestrians would be lulled into a false sense of security because of two white lines The City of Burlingame Page 4 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Unapproved Thursday, November 10, 2005 painted on the roadway. He said that with unmarked crosswalks, pedestrians usually become wary of stepping off the curb, and exercised a little more caution before crossing a street. This was not necessarily a bad thing. Mr. Chou also stated that the volume of pedestrian traffic at this intersection was not high. He said that in most cases, cautious pedestrians would see the intersection and use either the El Camino Real or Cortez intersections to cross Hillside. Mr. Chou stated that staff did not support installing marked crosswalks, but if there was a concern with drivers being inattentive and too driving fast, staff could install or place a radar trailer at this intersection to slow down drivers. Mr. Chou also said that there currently were no school signs on Hillside informing drivers about their approach to Our Lady of Angels School. The signs could state “25 MPH W hen Children Are Present” or other appropriate School Zone sig ns. Chair W arden asked about posting a sign stating “No Pedestrian Crossing”, as has been installed at Oak Grove and Paloma, one block off the El Camino Real. Mr. Chou said that without examining accident history, the City would want to allow use of sidewalks and crossing at typical intersections. He added that staff would need to compare the pedestrian volume versus accidents/pedestrian collisions bef ore considering crosswalk closures. Commissioner James asked for verification in addressing the real issue. Mr. Chou explained that the installation of a crosswalk might not be the solution to addressing Ms. Giorni’s concern of high speed traffic and drivers not allowing pedestrians to cross the street. He said that if this is the real problem, staff would need to focus on the drivers’ situation, not necessarily putting more paint down to facilitate more pedestrians stepping off the curb under these conditions. Motion: Move to action item . M/S/C: Conway, Cohen; 5/0/0 Motion: To accept the staff recommendation not to install painted crosswalks at the intersection of Hillside Drive and Balboa Av enue. M/S/C: James, Cohen; 5/0/0 The City of Burlingame Page 5 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Unapproved Thursday, November 10, 2005 5.ACKNOW LEDGMENT OF NEW ITEMS None. 6.FROM THE FLOOR 6.1 Linda Abbey commented on the high volume of traffic on her street, across from Mercy High School. She was requesting removal of parking spaces due to parked vehicles being hit and a long history of accidents in this area. She stated that this information, along with letters, were on file. Ms. Abbey presented concerns regarding zoning and use violations of the Mercy High School parking lot. She also provided a petition, signed by her neighbors, requesting a speed survey and traffic count at the gate surrounding Mercy, as well as the streets surrounding the school. Chair W arden responded to Ms. Abbey’s inquiry by explaining that the request for the Commission to investigate the additional parking at Mercy High was a private property matter, and an issue for the Planning Department. Regarding the issue with speed enforcement, he explained that this area could be placed on the selective enforcement list, where the Police can use radar and watch for stop sign violators. Mr. Chou recommended staff contact the residents for a neighborhood meeting to answer their questions, then conduct counts and studies in January or February. Afterwards, staff could return to the Commission with an agendized item for discussions and possible action. Chair W arden explained that the Commission had previously worked with the school on creating a traffic flow plan which helped, and it was a good way to receive cooperation from Mercy. He also said that the Commission should consider if the service road should be open 24/7. Chair W arden concluded by saying that the next possible steps might be to contact the Planning Department, form a committee including himself to examine the planning issues; and, have Police provide selective enforcement. Commissioner Cohen agreed with Mr. Chou and believed that the Commission should not only talk to the high school, but all people concerned. He also thought that the City should obtain data f rom previous years. Sergeant Shepley informed the Commission and public that the Burlingame Police Department would respond to all calls for service on public property. He added The City of Burlingame Page 6 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Unapproved Thursday, November 10, 2005 that on private property, the Police Department would help facilitate the exchange of information. 7.INFORMATION ITEMS 7.1 Bicycle Safety Issues in Burlingame None. 7.2 From Council to Commission/Staff None. 7.3 From Staff to Commission 7.3.1 Traffic Engineer’s Report Traffic Engineer Chou reported that staff had begun implementing the short-term actions from the Burlingame Downtown Parking Study. He said that most of the actions should be com pleted by December or January. Mr. Chou also reported that Engineering and Police staff were working with Our Lady of Angels School principal, Ann Stovall, regarding new change made to the traffic circulation at the school. He said that in the afternoon, parents were now being asked to come in from Cabrillo Avenue (from the Easton side), drive through the lot, making a circle and drive back out onto Hillside using a signal. Mr. Chou said the new changes were reported to have little effect on traffic. He added that staff met with the new principal and informed her that some of the neighbors were questioning the traffic situation and wondering why it was reverting back to the way it was two years ago. He concluded by saying that as of yet, most of the residents have not said that the im pact was too great. Commissioner Condon added that the Our Lady of Angels School made recent changes due to their new Mass schedule. Chair W arden suggested a letter to the new principal with an invitation to attend December’s meeting. Mr. Chou suggested that he could contact the resident who called him to see if they could talk amongst their other neighbors and determine how real the The City of Burlingame Page 7 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Unapproved Thursday, November 10, 2005 concerns might be. He said that staff’s initial concerns were over the residents coming to the City unhappy with the new plan. But, Mr. Chou also said that the principal assured him that the current plan w as not receiving negative feedback. Commissioner Condon said that he was still concerned with the storage containers on the Cortez side creating a blind spot where children could be injured by cars backing up. Chair W arden recommended agendizing this matter as a discussion item for the next meeting. 7.3.2 Traffic Sergeant’s Report Sergeant Shepley provided some details regarding the following matters: •Details on the f atal accident on El Cam ino Real. •Selective enforcement list, which included double-parking for drop- offs and pick-ups at St. Catherine’s School. •The Chief of Police is working with DBID staff and Broadway merchants to develop a f riendly relationship with the parking staff. •The tree lighting ceremony is planned for December 2. •The Fire Department had an exercise to divert major traffic on Bayshore for an afternoo n while a fire apparatus came in and simulated a hotel f ire with a fatality. •A Smart Meter vendor meeting was held and new smart meters were estimated to be between $10,000 to $15,000, depending on the options included. •Traffic Division was involved in taxi “stings” and taxi permitting. 7.4 From Commission to Staff 7.4.1 Reports of citizen complaints or requests. Chair W arden would like to re-visit the 700 block of California Drive. He reported a big truck and recreational vehicle that has been parked overnight for two weeks. The City of Burlingame Page 8 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Unapproved Thursday, November 10, 2005 He also reported that storage of vehicles on public streets seemed to be increasing again. Chair W arden also asked about painting red curbs at the crosswalk on Oak Grove, by the Christian Science Church. He was concerned that people were parking in the crosswalk. Sergeant Shepley explained that California Vehicle Code already prohibited vehicles from parking in crosswalks. He added that he would include this item on his selective enforcement list. Chair W arden finally asked if a sigh could be posted requesting drivers to slow down on W estmore Drive. Sergeant Shepley responded that for this particular case, Police was relying on the Sheriff’s office and Millbrae Police for help in diverting the traf fic. 7.5 Comments and communications Commissioner James congratulated Commissioner Cohen on his successful election to the Council, and Commissioner Condon for a great fight in seeking a seat on the Council. Commissioner Cohen thanked his fellow past and present Commissioners, staff and the public. He said his position on the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission has been a real public education. Commissioner James inquired about an evacuation plan for the City, and whether or not to m ake a recommendation to Council. Commissioner Cohen explained that the Expo Center will be having 27 booths at the San Mateo County Emergency Preparedness Day this Saturday, starting at 10:00 a.m. Commissioner Condon explained that the Office of Emergency Services has a plan in place. Sergeant Shepley informed the Commission that John Parkin, the City’s Emergency Services representative was working on such plans. 7.6 Next meeting: December 8, 2005 There are no anticipated absences f rom either staf f or the Com mission. The City of Burlingame Page 9 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Unapproved Thursday, November 10, 2005 8.INACTIVE ITEMS 8.1 Easton Drive - Eucalyptus tree at Easton and Cabrillo 8.2 Mercy High School T raffic 9.AGENDIZED ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING 9.1 Items Requiring Staff Reports •Item 4.2.1. - Cowan/Mahler/Gilbreth Parking Limits •Cabrillo-OLA School Traffic Circulation 10.ADJOURNMENT 8:17 p.m. The City of Burlingame Page 10