HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2005.04.14The City of Burlingame CITY HALL - 501 PRIMROSE ROAD CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday - April 14, 2005 Commissioners Present:Stephen Warden, Chair Eugene Condon, Vice Chair Russ Cohen Dan Conway Victor James Commissioners Absent:None Staff Present:Sergeant Don Shepley, Police Department Lori Brock, Secretary, Public Works Staff Absent:Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Visitors:Chris Knight, 1624 Coronado Way Rochelle Tolard, 1609 Larsen Way Laurie Ken, 1632 Mc Donald Way Teresa Post, 1617 Coronado Way Jen Ulrich, 1637 Coronado Sigrun Franco, 1700 Davis Drive Alan Drummer, 1653 Coronado Way Denise Martin, 1900 Davis Drive Vadim Gertsvalf, 1636 Coronado Way Todd Keleaer, 1632 Coronado Way Jenny Keleaer, 1632 Coronado Way Ray Chun, 1621 Coronado Way TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, April 14, 2005 1.CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL 5 of 5 Commissioners present. 4.CURRENT BUSINESS 4.1 ACTION ITEMS 4.1.1 Minutes for March 10, 2005 Commissioner Conway recognized that the sentence in paragraph six, item 5.2.3 was not complete. He added that he welcomed the chance to provide assistance in this area since he lives on Howard Avenue and is aware of the traffic problem at Howard Avenue and Crescent Avenue. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.2.1 Appeal Process for the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission The Commission decided to table this matter until next meeting. 4.2.2 Vehicle Racing on Gilbreth Road Chair Warden stated that the Police Department was concerned about after-hours vehicle racing in the industrial areas around Gilbreth Road and Adrian Road. He presented some options for action such as review other city’s policies regarding racing, vehicle impoundment, and a review business hours on Adrian Road (since several business keep late hours and or are open 24 hours there ). 5.ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NEW ITEMS 5.1 Carolan Avenue at Broadway - parking enforcement and time limit extension. It was relayed to the Commission that Mike Harvey submitted this request, but was unable to attend today’s meeting due to scheduling conflicts. The City of Burlingame Page 2 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, April 14, 2005 6.FROM THE FLOOR 6.1 The Commission acknowledged receipt of a faxed communication from Karen Kearney and Stanley Parker regarding stop signs and crosswalk safety measures at Ray Drive and Lassen Way. 7.INFORMATION ITEMS 7.1 Bicycle safety issues in Burlingame Commissioner Condon reported that the City is still waiting to hear if the City of Daly City has received additional funding from an alternate source for their Bikeways/TDA projects. 7.2 From Staff to Commission 7.2.1 Traffic Engineer’s Report Burlingame Downtown Parking Study. Commissioner Warden announced an April 28, 2005 public hearing date regarding the Burlingame Avenue Downtown District Parking study. Senate Bill 466 - Use of Mobile Photo Radar Enforcement for residential street speeding. Commissioner Condon suggested that two or three such devices could be used for traffic calming, and suggested that the City look into grant funding for the purchase of these devices. He said that Cortez and Sherman are prime examples of areas that would benefit from these devices. 7.2.2 Traffic Sergeant’s Report Sergeant Shepley reported on the following items: - The department is down two motor officers, since they have been switched over to patrol duties. He said that these officers might be back in mid May of this year. - A vehicle was towed from 834 Crossway due to expired tags (six months). -Selected speed enforcement was performed on April 6 at Sherman and Cortez. Police staff issued warnings to all except to one vehicle. -An April 22nd DUI check point program has been funded by an Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) grant. -Seatbelt enforcement program has been scheduled for May 5, 2005. -The elective enforcement list has been reduced due to less complaints and lower requests for special enforcement. 7.3 From Commission to Staff The City of Burlingame Page 3 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, April 14, 2005 7.3.1 Double-yellow center lines in Commercial Districts Chair Warden commented on the effectiveness of the double-yellow centerlines down Burlingame Avenue. He suggested that the City extend a double-yellow centerline down on Broadway as well. Chair Warden recommended placing this matter on next month’s agenda as an Action Item. Commissioner Conway spoke regarding the commercial delivery trucks parked for long periods of time. He said that it appears that UPS and FEDEX drivers are abusing the twenty minute parking limit. Commissioner Condon recommended that City educate the merchants and retailers that use them by issuing flyers to the truck drivers. Commissioner Warden suggested the possibility of contacting the companies involved and providing them with other parking location alternatives. He recommended that this item be placed on next month’s agenda as an Action Item. 7.4 Reports of citizens complaints or requests None. 7.5 Comments and communication None. 7.6 Next Meeting: May 12, 2005 There were no reported scheduling conflicts by the Commission. 8.INACTIVE ITEMS 8.1 Mahler road - Height and overnight parking restrictions Commissioner James stated this is working well. 8.2 Franklin School - Crosswalk enhancements at Trousdale Drive and Quesada Way Commissioner Condon explained that he and Commissioner Conway were able to meet and begin developing a process to compile a set of criteria and conditions to apply for marked crosswalks around schools. Commissioner Conway stated that there could be some unintended consequences from installing unwarranted stop signs which could increase danger. He cited “California Stops” as an example. Resident Theresa Post thanked the Commission for their work, especially the yellow crosswalks at The City of Burlingame Page 4 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, April 14, 2005 Lincoln school. Ms. Post added that the existing red curb on Ray Drive and Lassen Way needed to be extended farther back. Ms. Post said that visibility was poor and that pedestrians were in danger. Resident George Atkinson agreed with Ms. Post and would like to see knockdown delineators installed. 8.3 4-way stop signs - Howard Avenue and Crescent Avenue Chair Warden stated that this matter was still pending pedestrian count. 8.4 3-way stop signs - Ray Drive and Lassen Way Chair Warden read the fax from Karen Kearney and Stanley Parker which stated that they were unable to attend tonight’s meeting, but that they were still concerned about traffic safety in the neighborhood. Their letter also stated that they wanted a solution that showed fairness and equity for all parties involved. Ms. Kearney and Mr. Parker also stated in their letter that they believe speeding is an issue, and supported the opinion of the City’s Traffic Engineer. Ms. Franco of Davis Drive spoke. She said that she believes speeding is an issue and would like to see cameras installed. 8.5 Easton Drive - Eucalyptus tree at Easton and Cabrillo Commissioner Cohen stated that he found this issue to be of a challenge, given the structure of the Eucalyptus roots. He added that accident counts would be taken into consideration, but that the Commission needed to make sure that it exhausted and explored all opportunities on Easton Drive before looking at tree removal. He cited examples such as curb realignment, one-way traffic, and working with the Beautification Committee. Chair Warden stated the Beautification Committee was already working on reforestation and studying the life of useable trees. Commissioner Cohen reported that the trees were inspected, and were deemed in good health with a life expectancy of 30 to 60 more years. 8.6 Occidental Avenue - 6 month temporary re-installation of 2-hr. parking restrictions. Chair Warden confirmed this to be an Inactive Item, with five months remaining on the study period. Commissioner Condon reported that he received feedback from some of the residents that drivers were still parking on the corners. 9.AGENDIZE FOR THE NEXT MEETING - MAY 12, 2005 The City of Burlingame Page 5 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, April 14, 2005 •4.2.1 Appeal process for the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission - Discussion Item •7.3.1 Commercial Districts (Double-yellow centerlines) - Action Item •8.3 Howard Avenue and Crescent Avenue (4-way stop signs) - Discussion Item •8.2 Franklin School (Crosswalk Enhancements) - Discussion Item •4.2.2 Gilbreth Road (Vehicle Racing) - Discussion Item •5.1 Carolan Avenue at Broadway (Parking enforcement and time-limit extension) - Discussion Item 10. ADJOURNMENT 8:02 p.m. S:\A Public Works Directory\TSP Commission\Minutes\2005 Minutes\4.14.05 Minutes.wpd The City of Burlingame Page 6