HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2005.05.12The City of Burlingame CITY HALL - 501 PRIMROSE ROAD CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday - May 12, 2005 Commissioners Present:Stephen Warden, Chair Eugene Condon, Vice Chair Russ Cohen Dan Conway Victor James Commissioners Absent:None Staff Present:Sergeant Don Shepley, Police Department Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Lori Brock, Secretary, Public Works Staff Absent:None Visitors:Dorothy Kislingberry, 1710 Ray Drive Evelyn Win, 1636 Lassen Way Judy Downing, 1809 Ray Drive Laurel and Pat Kane, 1608 Coronado Way Rochelle Tolard, 1609 Larsen Way Jen Ulrich, 1637 Coronado Teresa Post, 1617 Coronado Way Laurie Ken, 1632 Mc Donald Way Patricia Stratigas, 1709 Ray Drive Adine Varah, 1552 Meadow Lane Ray Chun, 1621 Coronado Way Eleanor Dwyer, 1901 Ray Drive TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, May 12, 2005 1.CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL 5 of 5 Commissioners present. 4.CURRENT BUSINESS 4.1 ACTION ITEMS 4.1.1 Minutes for April 14, 2005 Minutes have been delayed and will be presented at the June 9, 2005 meeting for approval. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.2.1 3-way stop signs - Ray Drive and Lassen Way Traffic Engineer Chou made a presentation to the Commission and residents in attendance, and reiterated that the installation of stop signs at this intersection was not warranted. He explained that fresh paint at the intersection, using new cross-hatch crosswalk lines, new centerline stripes, and the addition of reflective buttons along both sides of the crosswalk, should help to increase the visibility of the crosswalk. Mr. Chou also recommended that the existing red zone be extended on Ray Drive from the current 10 feet to 20 or 30 feet. All this should help to slow down drivers and provide better visibility at the intersection. Mr. Chou also recommended repainting the roadway legends which indicate a crosswalk ahead. Commission Conway questioned whether or not the existing advanced warning signs would help the situation. Traffic Engineer Chou stated that the advanced warning signs which are fluorescent are more effective at eye-catching than the current reflective yellow. Mr. Chou referred to the recent work that was done next to Lincoln School on Deveruex Drive. Chair Warden stated that the school crosswalk committee is looking at developing an overall crosswalk warning and sign-safety plan for all crosswalks around schools in the city. Commissioner Conway stated that the committee’s research is about done, but the committee still needs to work on making sure that the established criteria the city will eventually use are consistent with state and federal guidelines. He added that the committee has approximately 15 measure that they will be proposing to the Commission for review. Traffic Engineer Chou explained that the reduction of speed does occur right in the immediate The City of Burlingame Page 2 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, May 12, 2005 vicinity of stop signs, it should be considered a by-product and a side benefit, not a means. He said that stop sign installation, as dictated by the Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the State of California, specifically states that stop signs are used for right-away assignments. Commissioner James asked about the intent of narrowing streets, painting red curbs, and how such action affects property values. He said that in his opinion, curb marking in residential areas have no impact on property values, but curb marking in commercial areas do have impacts on property values. Commissioner James stated he received this information from Caldwell Banker in Burlingame (554-8200). Traffic Engineer Chou stated that the reason for the proposed additional red curb was to aid the pedestrians by giving them more sight-visibility when standing at the corner. He added that the use of centerlines was to create a visual affect of a narrower street or “tunnel” for the driver. He said that this is a visual trick traffic engineers use to get drivers to reduce their speed. Mr. Chou also stated that the additional red curb would not eliminate all on-street parking in front of 1710 Ray Drive. It would just remove one of two existing spaces that are between the corner and the driveway of the residence. There would still be ample spaces beyond the driveway and around the corner, on Lassen Way. Mrs. Dorothy Kislingberry, the homeowner at 1710 Ray Drive, spoke of her parking concerns for visiting friends and relatives. She also stated that the concrete wall across the street at 1800 Ray Drive blocks visibility for drivers. She also said that mothers park in front of her home to pickup their children. Chair Warden reiterated that 1710 Ray Drive would only lose one legal parking space if the red curb were extended. Commissioner Condon stated that he saw this as a safety issue; and, that the city needed to seriously consider painting this curb red so that parents would not park on the corner and reduce the kids’ visibility as they neared the intersection. Commissioner Cohen asked Mrs. Kislingberry for clarification regarding the red zone. Did she 1) preferred not to have any red zone at all, or 2) prefer to keep the red zone that is already there? Mrs. Kislingberry stated that she wasn’t happy with the red zone in front of her home. Theresa Post stated that the fluorescent signs do work and she would like to have them used permanently at that location. She also stated that visibility at the corner was poor and felt that the resident at 1710 Ray Drive has plenty of parking. She added that she would like to have the delineators in place. Pat Stratigus stated the need for protecting the children in the area. Laurie Kum presented the Commission with a handout that she received from her place of employment. The City of Burlingame Page 3 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, May 12, 2005 Rochelle Tolard stated that she believes the city needs to go all-out to protect the children. Adeine Varah thanked the Commission for their efforts, and also stated that her son was almost hit by a vehicle. She said that she believes that simple solutions will also help. Patrick Kane spoke regarding the types and sizes of vehicles on the street that reduce visibility. He stated that the street slopes downward towards El Camino Real and allows vehicles to pickup speed. Mr. Kane said that a red zone in this area is needed. Eleanore (no address given) stated that a red zone would be reasonable and would benefit the children. Judy Downing spoke of the danger of being struck by a vehicle following the “S” curve in the road which allows vehicles to pickup additional speed. Motion: To move this to an Action Item. M/S/C: Cohen, Condon; 5/0/0 Commissioner Cohen made a motion to recommend 20 feet of red zone, installation of reflectorized markers, replacement of existing warning signs with fluorescent warning signs, installation of cross-hatch paint at the crosswalk, installation of new double-yellow centerlines, and the installation of centerline knock-down delineators on Ray Drive. Commissioner James said that he did not support shorter red zone due to the fact that the citizens have been complaining about visibility at that intersection for five years; and, because staff has made a number of suggestions to slow down the traffic in the area. Commissioner Conway stated that while he supported the motion, he was not sure that the delineators fit into the overall strategy. He also stated that he believes there is a downside to installing similar mechanisms when it hasn’t been shown to be clearly needed. There was no second to the motion, so Chair Warden recommended splitting the work into three motions, as follow: 1) Yellow crosswalk, reflector buttons, double yellow lines and signage 2)Red zone 3)Delinators Motion: To approve the installation of cross-hatch painting and reflectorized markers at the existing crosswalk at Ray Drive, install double yellow centerlines on Ray Drive, and post new fluorescent crosswalk warning signs. M/S/C: Cohen, James; 5/0/0 The City of Burlingame Page 4 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, May 12, 2005 Motion: To approve the installation of an additional 10 feet of red curb to the northeast corner of Ray Driver, at 1710 Ray Drive, making for a total of 20 feet of red zone. M/S/C: Cohen, Conway; 4/1/0 (Commissioner James opposed) Commissioner Condon made a motion to incorporate knock-down delineators in the center of the crosswalks if the street meets the required width. Commissioner Cohen said that he advocated installing the delineators even if the road doesn’t meet the required width. This was because of the fact that the street has a rise, and drivers cannot see the crosswalk until they are actually upon it. Commissioner Condon said that since the Commission voted to reduce the recommended red curb from a total of 30 feet to 20 feet, there should be a second option to get the delineators in place. Commissioner James questioned the issue and said that delineators need further study. He asked if the Commission would consider tabling this motion for further study. Chair Warden said that he supports the third motion but believed that if the street did not qualify for delineators, the Commission would need to pursue other avenues available in trying to emphasize that this is a school area with high traffic. He added that it was also possible that Council might need to approve a special ordinance for this school zone. Commissioner James stated that there were too many issues (street width, state involvement, etc.) to move forward with this motion. He said the perhaps the Commissioners should consider amending the motion. Commissioner Conway stated that he did not believe the delineators would solve the visibility issue, and wondered if the new reflectorized markers, cross-hatching, red curb, and fluorescent warning signs would actually address the issues. Traffic Engineer Chou stated that the delineators are typically used to delineate the centerline or lanes on the roadway because of construction or confusion of lanes. He added that the staff recommendation would be to use all the other options discussed first, without totally discounting the delineators. He said that the Commission might want to look at how all the other options do - and wait for the crosswalk committee to make their recommendation - before finally considering delineators. Commissioner Condon withdrew his motion, but said that he would like to have all the recommendations completed by the next meeting. He added that the red curb should be extended to the full distance of 30 feet due to the severe safety issue, if the use of delineators is determined to be inadvisable at this location. The City of Burlingame Page 5 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, May 12, 2005 Chair Warden requested the homeowner at 1710 Ray Drive to stay in touch with the Commission or Traffic Engineer Chou regarding the red curb situation. 4.2.2 Franklin School - Crosswalk enhancements at Trousdale Drive and Quesada Way Traffic Engineer Chou spoke of request to put cross patch painting (a highlighter paint) on the crosswalk. The sub committee will need to consider this. Typically cross patching isn’t used on controlled intersections. Chair Warden said that this item would be moved to Inactive Item until the traffic signal warrant study is completed by the traffic engineer. 4.2.3 Carolan Avenue at Broadway - parking enforcement and time-limit extension Traffic Engineer Chou informed the Commission that Mr. Mike Harvey could not be present at tonight’s meeting. Mr. Chou related that Mr. Harvey was concerned about the 2-hour parking limitation along Carolan Avenue, south of Broadway. He said that of the four signs on this short block, three signs state “2-hour parking, Sunday and holidays excepted,” and a single sign reads, “2-hour parking, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excepted.” Mr. Chou said that Mr. Harvey’s concern was over the exception for both Saturdays and Sundays. Mr. Chou reviewed the city ordinance and found that the exemption should only be for Sundays and holidays. He said that this matter is resolvable on a staff level by switching out the single incorrect sign. The 2-hour parking restriction should be enforceable for Saturdays on an on- call basis. 4.2.4 4-way stop signs - Howard Avenue and Crescent Avenue Traffic Engineer Chou explained the existing conditions of the intersection and presented an aerial photo diagram. He said that the intersection was a four-legged intersection with only two of the approaches having stop signs. He stated that despite this, all four approaches have painted crosswalks on them. Mr. Chou explained that a pedestrian counts was conducted between 3 PM and 4 PM on a weekday. The study results showed that only three pedestrians crossed during this time. Mr. Chou also stated that during the study, that some vehicles were stopping at the crosswalk despite not having a stop sign, and caused confusion with cross traffic. He said that staff was recommending the elimination of the painted crosswalks across Howard Avenue, but retain the crosswalks along Crescent Avenue (the side street with stops). Mr. Chou concluded that before such action should be done, a separate pedestrian count should be taken during the weekends. Chair Warden recommended this item be tabled until July, when children are out of school for the summer, and asked that staff conduct a new count during the weekend after Pershing Park is reopened. In the meantime, he said that perhaps a sign stating “cross traffic does not stop” may be in order. Motion: To move this to Action Item. The City of Burlingame Page 6 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, May 12, 2005 M/S/C: Condon, Conway; 5/0/0 Motion: To deny the request for a 4-way stop at Howard Avenue and Cresent Avenue and recommended that staff provide a new pedestrian count by the summer, which will include weekend counts. M/S/C: Condon, Conway; 5/0/0 4.2.5 Appeal Process for the TSP Commission Chair Warden provided a brief history as to how this matter came to light and how decisions the Commission makes might be appealed. He also stated that he felt stop signs should not be appealed since they are warrant driven. In reference to the different curb zones such as yellow, red, or handicap, Chair Warden recommended that the Commission investigate assessing a fee for the appeal process. He said that this would give the city more control over the appeal process. Commissioner Cohen said that the appeal process should be implemented and that the City Attorney and Traffic Engineer should be involved in informing the Council if an item did not meet warrants and to be cautious when going against the advice of the City Attorney, Traffic Engineer, and the Traffic Commission. 4.2.6 Vehicle Racing on Gilbreth Road Chair Warden said that he was waiting for information from the Association of Bay Area governments (ABAG), the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), City of Oakland, and notes from Police Chief Van Etten regarding possible deterrents to this problem. 5.ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NEW ITEMS 5.1 Appeal the installation of one loading zone and one metered parking on the west end of City Hall Lane. Traffic Engineer Chou reported that approximately a year ago, as part of the parking strategy for City Hall Lane, the City decided not to install parking meters or controls in the parking area directly behind Crosby Commons. However, due to this space being available after the removal of large tree planters, their has been some problems with people parking there. Mr. Chou explained that citations have been issued and a dispute has arisen about the rights to use these unmetered, unregulated spaces. As a fair and impartial solution, the office of the City Manager and Public Works have plans to install one additional meter and one loading zone to this area. Mr.Chou explained that Mr. Karim Salma, property owner of Crosby Commons, would like to attend the next meeting so he can explain why he does not want to have this area metered or marked as a loading zone. 6.FROM THE FLOOR The City of Burlingame Page 7 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, May 12, 2005 None 7.INFORMATION ITEMS 7.1 Bicycle Safety Issues in Burlingame Traffic Engineer Chou reported the City of Daly City received additional monies for their TDA projects from another funding source, and will be relinquishing a portion of the monies they were awarded in the most recent TDA grant cycle. Mr. Chou explained that this means that Burlingame’s last project will be funded by TDA and all the projects submitted will be fully funded. 7.2 From Staff to Commission 7.2.1 Traffic Engineer’s Report Burlingame Downtown Parking Study (Special Meeting - Thursday, May 26, 7 PM, Council Chambers) Traffic Engineer Chou confirmed a date of May 26, 2005 for the next Downtown Parking Study meeting. 7.2.2 Traffic Sergeant’s Report Traffic Sergeant Shepley explained that Police staff is down, but that he expected one new full-time employee for the Parking Enforcement Officer position (PEO) to be sworn in on May 15, 2005. Sgt. Shepley also reported that selective enforcement was conducted last month on Cortez Avenue and warnings were given in all cases except for one. Regarding street racing on Gilbreth, Sgt. Shepley said that it has become a rarity except in the last few weeks. Citations were issued and vehicles inspections have been performed. Most citations have been issued as non-correctable. Stg. Shepley reported that the Department’s DUI checkpoint program, which is funded by OTS Grants, was cancelled due to poor weather conditions. He said that it has been rescheduled for Friday, June 3, 2005. 7.3 From Commission to Staff 7.3.1 Reports of citizen complaints or requests Commissioner Cohen reported an illegally parked vehicle on southbound Rollins Road, south of The City of Burlingame Page 8 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, May 12, 2005 the Broadway intersection. He stated that it had been parked for weeks next to where all the off- duty school buses have been parked, and was facing the wrong direction with a flat tire. Traffic Sergeant Shepley stated that he would assign his staff to look into this matter. He also reported that a few of the school buses in this area were legally parked since an investigation showed that there was no business being run from that residential area. He added that several residents have complained about the buses causing sight visibility problems for drivers wanting to turn from Larkspur and Borel. He concluded by saying that no current calls have been recorded in the last few months, but that it was believed that the buses would go away for the summer duration. 7.4 Comments and communications None. 7.5 Next Meeting: June 9, 2005 Commissioner James said that he might not be able to make this meeting due to a scheduling conflict. 8.INACTIVE ITEMS 8.1 Mahler Road height restrictions - (120 day review coming up next month with 31 days left.) Nothing new to report. 8.2 Easton Drive Eucalyptus Trees on Easton and Cabrillo Chair Warden reported that he, Commissioner Cohen, and Traffic Engineer Chou met with Parks & Rec Director Randy Schwartz to discuss the area that this Commission would be evaluating, and to review the Beautification and Parks Committee plans. He stated that a public hearing would be scheduled later in the year. 8.3 Occidental Avenue - (Six month temporary installation of two hour parking restrictions, four months remaining.) Traffic Engineer Chou reported that Public Works received no new comments other than a question about a “missing”, or as yet uninstalled sign at the corner of Occidental Avenue and Ralston Avenue. He stated that afer a field investigation, it was determined that there was an old pole which had no new sign posted. Mr. Chou explained that it was determined that the pole should be removed, because its placement was redundant and unnecessary. 10. AGENDIZED FOR THE NEXT MEETING - JUNE 9, 2005 •4.2.1 Ray Drive/Lassen Way (Crosswalk Delineators) - Discussion Item The City of Burlingame Page 9 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, May 12, 2005 •4.2.2 Franklin School (Crosswalk Enhancements) - move to Inactive Item •4.2.3 Carolan Avenue/Broadway (2-Hour Parking Limits) - Discussion Item •4.2.4 Howard Avenue/Crescent Avenue (Summer Ped Counts) - move to Inactive Item •4.2.6 Gilbreth Road (Racing Vehicles) - move to Inactive Item 11. ADJOURNMENT 9:28 p.m. S:\A Public Works Directory\TSP Commission\Minutes\2005 Minutes\5.12.05 Minutes.wpd The City of Burlingame Page 10