HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2006.01.12 The City of Burlingame CITY HALL - 501 PRIMROSE ROAD CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday - January 12, 2006 Commissioners Present: Stephen Warden, Chair Eugene Condon, Vice-Chair Victor James Dan Conway Michael Bohnert Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Traffic Sergeant Don Shepley, Police Department Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Lori Brock, Secretary, Public Works Staff Absent: None Visitors: Ann Keighran, 231 Vancouver Avenue Joseph Cowan, South San Francisco Megan Bohnert, Burlingame Pat Giorni, 1445 Balboa Avenue Alex Veech, 1800 Adeline Drive Police Chief Jack Van Etten TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 12, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 2 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. INTRODUCTION OF NEW COMMISSIONER 3.1 Michael Bohnert introduced himself and provided some background information. 4. ROLL CALL 5 of 5 Commissioners present. 5. CURRENT BUSINESS 5.1 ACTION ITEMS 5.1.1 Minutes for September 8, 2005 and November 10, 2005 Motion: To accept the minutes. M/S/C: Condon, Conway; 5/0/0 5.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS 5.2.1 Cowan Road/Mahler Road/Gilbreth Road - Height, overnight parking, and limited-time parking restrictions Traffic Engineer Chou informed the Commission that shortly after their facilities consolidation, LSG Sky Chefs was able to make adjustments to all three work shifts which enabled them to accommodate their employee’s parking needs on-site as well as on the street. He added that no modifications to the on-street parking time limits appeared necessary at this time. He added that because of these modifications, the prior parking concerns in that area seemed to have been addressed. He further stated that staff did not see any additional need for a second meeting regarding the TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 12, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 3 southern part of the commercial district because making adjustments to that area might conflict with the idea of trying to address area-wide adjustments, which included both the northern, and southern part of the commercial area. Commissioner Condon stated that he still perceived parking problems in the area. He said that it wasn’t just with Sky Chefs, but also with the limousine companies, and people dropping off their cars and leaving the area. Commissioner Condon said that he would like to continuing to pursue 2-hour or 4-hour parking on the east/west side streets, and 8 -hour parking on Gilbreth Road. He was also concerned about a recurrence of overnight or long-term parking in the area. Mr. Chou said that while the Sky Chefs parking problem might be resolved, there was indeed still concern over parking issues related to hotel parking on the side streets around the Bayshore Highway area. He said that this particular issue might be dealt with separately focusing on the incidences occurring on the eastern ends of Cowan and along Mahler. He said that the problems seemed less prevalent on Stanton, Mitten, Malcolm, and Hinkley Roads. Mr. Chou also noted that Mr. Al Lovotti has already expressed concerns over the consideration to change Gilbreth from the current 4-hours to 8-hours. Commissioner Condon said that he wanted to avoid the past a pproach of addressing parking issues individually and without consideration to the “global” picture. He said that the current approach to problem solving were more effective at resolving issues for a whole area. Chair Warden stated that a second public meeting should be offered; and, if the City received no response from the public, then the Commission could close the matter. He suggested bringing the issue back to the Commission as a Discussion Item to discuss the feasibility of 2 -hour, 4-hour, and/or 8- hour parking for the entire area. If no feedback is received from the community, the Commission would then concentrate on specific offending vehicles such as the limousine services and moving companies. He asked that this matter be continued for next month. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 12, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 4 5.2.2 Cabrillo Avenue/Cortez Avenue - Traffic flow through Our Lady of Angels School Traffic Engineer Chou explained that the new principal at Our Lady of Angels school (OLA), changed the existing traffic plan, which was only implemented last year, back to the “old” 2004 plan. This “new” plan has parent/drivers entering from Cabrillo again (from Easton Drive), circulating within the school yard, then leaving back out onto Cabrillo (towards Hillside Drive). Mr. Chou reiterated that this plan was almost identical to the 2004 plan, and that the school had only implemented the “new” plan last year after meetings between the Commission, the school, and the neighbors. Mr. Chou stated that he and police staff met with the new principal, Ann Stovall, and determined that there were modifications to the student pickup times; and, while the traffic pattern was similar to that of the 2004 plan, the pickup and exiting had run fairly smoothly based on several of his field visits. He said that the reason for going back to the 2004 plan was because of Ms. Stovall’s concern over vehicles traveling all the way through the school property with dismissed children present. With cars circulating in only from Cabrillo, the passenger side of the vehicle would be where the children could load in, and there would be no vehicles traveling through the school property between Cortez and Cabrillo. Mr. Chou stated that the City had not received resident complaints regarding this latest change; and, that the only remark received dealt with letting the City know that there was a change. Mr. Chou stated that based on his observations, the school yard gates were opened at 2:45 PM, with pickup starting at approximately 2:55 - 3:00 PM. He said that vehicles would begin queuing up 7 -10 vehicles on Cabrillo just before the gates opened; and, that this congestion was still a concern for staff. He also stated that the queuing situation seemed to be more intermittent and less regular in the current plan than with the 2004 plan. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 12, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 5 Commissioner Condon expressed his concern that if the school were to consider using last year’s plan, but in the reverse -direction, visibility concerns might arise because of a storage container by the gate on Cortez. He also noted that the neighbors might start complaining again about the current plan because it was back to where we started two years ago. Pat Giorni stated that the City should discourage the idea of picking up children in the playground area and move the pickup to Hillside Drive. She also stated that the school should have the teachers walk their student s out of the school and supervise the pickup. Ann Keighran informed the Commission that morning drop-off was not a problem, and has been improved due to the various plans. She said that afternoon pick-up, however, continued to be a problem because parents had to wait for the school’s dismissal. Ms. Keighran also said that vehicles often traveled in two different directions when entering and leaving the school property, and that southbound cars should not be allowed after exiting onto Cabrillo. Chair Warden concluded that this item would be on the agenda for further discussion next month. 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NEW ITEMS 6.1 Primrose Road/Howard Avenue - Designation of 24-minute Green Zones Mr. Chou informed the Commission that for next month, they would be receiving a staff report regarding a request to install green zones on Primrose and on Howard, by the Primrose CALL Center. He said this item was the result of a request to the City Council by parents of the daycare center next to the Primrose CALL Center for some short-term parking. 6.2 Ray Drive/Quesada Way - Request for Stop signs or other speed controls. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 12, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 6 Mr. Chou informed the Commission that they would be receiving a staff report regarding a request from a resident concerning vehicle speeds at this location. He added that staff would be providing stop sign warrant data and other studies at that time. 7. FROM THE FLOOR 7.1 Resident Alex Veech asked the Commission about who and h ow to contact appropriate authorities regarding poor traffic roadway markings on El Camino Real, south of Trousdale. Mr. Veech was informed that El Camino Real was within the jurisdiction of Caltrans, and that he should make contact with Caltrans via a letter about his concerns. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 12, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 7 8. INFORMATION ITEMS 8.1 Bicycle Safety Issues in Burlingame Pat Giorni spoke to the Commission on the following items: · She would be willing to serve on a bike committee. · “Bike to Work Day” is scheduled for May and she would like the City to participate by providing informational banners and setting up an energizing station at the Burlingame train station. Ms. Giorni is also willing to serve as a volunteer at such a station. · Grand jury report issued this year concerning SamTrans and the Joint Powers Board. She said that San Mateo County has primary jurisdiction for what it builds, such as a proposed bike path on California Drive, from Broadway to the Millbrae border. Ms. Giorni stated that California Drive was not an adequate street for the route due to the amount of traffic. · Broadway overpass - Approximately five years ago, after they changed the bridge, Caltrans failed to replace the pedestrian crosswalk lines and she would like the City to demand this be fixed along with a traffic signal. · Approximately one year ago, she called Caltrans about increasing the signal timing on the cross streets along El Camino Real, especially at Floribunda Avenue and Ray Drive. She said that Caltrans provided four additional seconds, which were great, and allowed the bicyclist to get across the four lanes. Chair Warden informed Ms. Giorni that the Commission had not received notification that the signal timings were changed back to their original setting. 8.2 From Council to Commission/Staff None. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 12, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 8 8.3 From Staff to Commission 8.3.1 Traffic Engineer’s Report Traffic Engineer Chou reported that countdown pedestrian signal heads would be installed by the contractor, Republic Electric, some time in the beginning of February. He said that installation was not expected to go beyond two weeks. Locations included all of the downtown signals along Burlingame Avenue and at Broadway. He added that the City would be talking to Caltrans regarding their signals on El Camino Real at these locations. Mr. Chou also reported that the lighted crosswalk project at Carolan and Morrell was anticipated to commence in late February. He added that the system would be the same as the one currently installed across Bayshore Highway and also across California Drive. Finally, Mr. Chou reported that the US101/Broadway Interchange Project Study Report (PSR) has been completed and signed off by Caltrans. He said the $54-million project now needed an environmental study. The anticipated construction date was to be 2012. 8.3.2 Traffic Sergeant’s Report Sergeant Shepley reported that December was a busy month for the Police Department. He stated that the 2005 “AVOID” holiday enforcement program results were available on the web at www.californiaavoid.org. Chief Van Etten was present and invited members of the Commission to a demonstration of American Traffic Solutions’ (ATS) photo red light traffic enforcement technology, on January 25th at 1:00 PM in City Hall Conference Room A. Sgt. Shepley updated the Commission on the following areas: TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 12, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 9 · Traffic officer coverage. · Joint PEO/DBID meetings to improve the reputation of the Parking Division. · Employee parking permit program. · Council approved engineering changes to the parking system. 8.4 From Commission to Staff 8.4.1 Reports of citizen complaints or requests. Commissioner James asked about a discussion or presentation by staff on the City’s major disaster plan for the next meeting’s agenda. Mr. Chou and Sgt. Shepley suggested that the City’s Emergency Services Coordinator, John Parkin, should be invited for the next meeting. Commissioner Condon provided an update on the crosswalk at Ray Drive and Lassen Drive, where the Lincoln School children cross. He said that the visual impact was dramatically improved with the red zone, and pedestrians can see clearly for both directions. Chair Warden reported the following: · California Drive continued to have trucks and RV’s parking overnight. He asked that this matter be placed on the next meeting agenda under “Overnight Parking Restrictions on the east side of California Drive - 700 block”. · Someone had trimmed the juniper bushes in the City parking lot on Paloma, north of Broadway on the eastside. He had a concern about who the City was allowing to trim bushes on city property. Mr. Chou said that he would speak with the Parks Department. · Continued long-term trailer parking by a contractor who was parking his trailer at the Old Baptist Church. The contractor seemed to be TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 12, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 10 parking his trailer and truck on the street for up to two weeks in front of someone’s house. · The City Council adopted the ordinance against spectators in street racing. He commended the Commissioners for a good job and thanked them for their support. 8.5 Comments and communications None. 8.6 Next meeting: February 9, 2006 There are no anticipated absences from either staff or the Commission. 9. INACTIVE ITEMS 9.1 Easton Drive - Eucalyptus tree at Easton and Cabrillo Traffic Engineer Chou explained that no traffic counts could be conducted due to the on-going construction work in the area regarding the Easton Creek Sewer reconstruction project. 9.2 Mercy High School - Traffic Studies Traffic Engineer Chou explained that a community/neighborhood meeting still needed to be scheduled; and, that speed surveys and traffic volume counts were to be conducted around the end of January. 10. AGENDUM ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING - February 9, 2006 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 12, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 11 · City of Burlingame’s Emergency Disaster Program · California Drive (700 block) Overnight Parking 10.1 Items Requiring Staff Reports · Item 5.2.1 - Cowan/Mahler/Gilbreth Parking Limits · Item 5.2.2 - Cabrillo-OLA School Traffic Circulation · Item 6.1 - Primrose/Howard Green Zones · Item 6.2 - Ray/Quesada Stops or Speed Control 11. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR FOR 2006 Commissioner Gene Condon as Chairperson. M/S/C: Warden, James, 5/0/0 Commissioner Victor James as Vice-Chair. M/S/C: Condon, Warden, 5/0/0 12. ADJOURNMENT 8:08 p.m.