HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2006.02.09 The City of Burlingame CITY HALL - 501 PRIMROSE ROAD CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday - February 9, 2006 Commissioners Present: Eugene Condon, Chair Victor James, Vice-Chair Michael Bohnert Stephen Warden, Commissioners Absent: Dan Conway Staff Present: John Parkin, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Lori Brock, Secretary, Public W orks Staff Absent: Traffic Sergeant Don Shepley, Police Department Visitors: Larissa Stone, 1588 Gilbreth #224 Scott McWhirter, 865 Hinkley Road Gabrielle Jones, 875 Stanton Road Leslie Ragsdale, 1509 Los Montes Drive Annette Hart, 1112 Peninsula Avenue Al Lovotti, 1499 Bayshore TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, February 9, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 2 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 5 of 5 Commissioners present. 4. CURRENT BUSINESS 4.1 ACTION ITEMS 4.1.1 Minutes for January 12, 2006 Motion: To accept the minutes. M/S/C: Warden, James; 4/0/0 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.2.1 Cowan Road/Mahler Road/Gilbreth Road - Height, overnight parking, and limited-time parking restrictions Traffic Engineer Chou recapped for the Commission the parking situation in the commercial area by Bayshore, Cowan, and Gilbreth and Mahler. He explained that a neighborhood meeting was held in October 2005, at Sky Chefs’ facilities and all of the businesses of the northern area were invited. In January 2006, the City was informed by Sky Chefs, that the parking situation was not significantly impacted, as was expected with the Sky Chefs facility consolidation. Staff determined that the best course of action was not to change the parking times in that area. It still left a question on whether or not to consider action on the southern portion of the same TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, February 9, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 3 commercial area (Stanton, Hinkley, Mahler, and Gilbreth). At the January meeting, the Commission instructed staff to proceed with a second public meeting to hear if there were any desires or needs to change the existing conditions of parking on those streets. Staff conducted a mass mailing to all the businesses in the southern area. Mr. Chou stated that in general, the City and specifically the Commission, would need to evaluate the concerns of the businesses to determine if a change in the current parking situation would be improved. Parking restrictions on these side streets are 24 -minute green and red No-Parking zones. To deal with long-term storage of inactive trucks, Gilbreth has a 4-hour parking restriction from Mahler to Cowan. Mr. Chou stated that the City had plans to examine the parking situation for the entire commercial area. Based on Sky Chefs current parking conditions, the City was focusing on the southern portion. Gabrielle Jones, representative of Community Gate Path, 875 Stanton Road, a county agency serving people with disabilities spoke. She stated, current traffic and parking is fine, but her main concern was policing of the parking lot if the City were to implement any new restrictions on the street Ms. Jones concluded by asking the Commission to consider blue zone parking for easy access for their clients and visitors. Scott McWhirter, General Manager, COIT Services, Inc., 865 Hinkley said that COIT, Inc. took an in-depth look at their parking situation, and sent letters to the Commission informing them of the inconveniences that 4 -hour parking restrictions would cause them. Mr. McWhirter stated that with 160 employees, 102 service trucks, 85 spaces in their lot, they still have many employees who have to park their vehicles on the street. 4 -hour parking would not allow them to return and move their vehicles. Mr. McWhirter finished by stating, he requests at this time, the area remains open and unrestricted. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, February 9, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 4 Larissa Stone, 1588 Gilbreth Road requested height limitations for trucks, and no over-night parking. She stated that she was not in favor of 4 -hr. parking because they would have to move their cars every 4-hrs. Also, she said that changing Gilbreth Road to 8-hr. parking with 4-hr. parking on the side streets would mean other parkers overflowing to Gilbreth Road. Ms. Stone said that they only need height limitation for the trucks, and no over- night parking. Al Lovotti, 1499 Bayshore was under the impression that this subject matter was previously approved. He stated that most businesses have adequate parking. He was worried about trucks and limousines returning to this area , and believed overnight regulation was the best answer. Chair Condon updated Mr. Lavotti with respect to the steps the Commission took to review all aspects/impacts of parking on the subject streets. Commissioner Warden inquired if 8-hr. restrictions on Gilbreth with height restrictions would negatively affect the neighborhood. Commissioner James spoke and acknowledged that height limitations were approved on Mahler, and asked if Sky Chefs was present at this meeting. He said that since this was no longer an issue with Sky Chefs, any additional changes would cascade back and create problems that was no longer a problem. Commissioner James believes staff recommendation should be accepted. Commissioner Warden spoke in favor of changing Gilbreth to 8 hr. parking. He said if height and or length restrictions were instituted, they would not be easy to enforce, but would eliminate trucks parking days at a time. Mr. Chou explained to the Commission, that the City has a height limitation ordinance for safety purposes (ability to see vehicles from driveways), TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, February 9, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 5 however, the City does not have an ordinance to use in terms of length restrictions. He said the Commission would have to fall back onto existing Building and Planning Departments codes dealing with conditions of use. Chair Condon would like to look into 8 hr. parking on Gilbreth and a height restrictions, and keep the rest as-is. Mr. Chou informed the Commission that coordination with the City’s police department is necessary because previous enforcement was difficult. Motion: To move this to action. M/S/C: Warden, James; 4/0/0 Motion: To deny parking changes regarding time limitations for this area, and ask staff to consult with the police department as far as Gilbreth Road being changed to 8 hr. parking with height restrictions. M/S/C: Warden, James; 4/0/0 4.2.2 Cabrillo Avenue/Cortez Avenue - Traffic flow through Our Lady of Angels School Mr. Chou stated that parents currently come down Cabrillo into the first driveway and out onto Hillside. Staff and Co mmissioners Bohnert and Condon met with OLA staff to review the situation. Staff noticed that parents were not observing the school’s request to come down Cabrillo, circulate within the lot, and exit the northern driveway. At times, parents drive down Hillside and enter through the northern driveway, resulting in a traffic jam in the parking lot. Staff noticed parents parking in the white zone which use to be for active pickup and drop-off. Mr. Chou stated his concern was that TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, February 9, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 6 emergency vehicles would not be able to get into the any of the driveways during this time. He said Staff’s recommendation is to have the Commission provide a letter to the church’s administration which would then be passed down to the school administration, and down to the parents. The letter would state three recommendations, 1) recommends the school put in signage on the two driveways stating the south driveway is for entrance only, and the north driveway signage for exit only. 2) The school formally implement a traffic direction program within their lot, and 3) The City notify the administration, that it will enforce the white zone. Commissioner James suggested a letter from the Commission would help with the transition, and Mr. Chou agreed that the school would like the City’s assistance with this matter. Commissioner Bohnert spoke and recommended a periodic review over the next six months. Mr. Chou informed the Commission that this is a private school, but the City could respond back if complaints were received from the neighborhood. Chair Condon suggested that the school’s traffic designator be present at the school 15 minutes before the bell rings. He also stated that on Cortez Avenue, if drivers follow the rules for the appropriate curb color, then traffic will flow nicely. Motion: To move to action. M/S/C: Warden, James; 4/0/0 Motion: To accept staff recommendation and ask Our Lady of Angels school to provide personnel with safety vests, present 15 minutes prior to the end of the school day. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, February 9, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 7 M/S/C: Warden, James; 4/0/0 4.2.3 Primrose Road/Howard Avenue - Designation of 24 minute Green Zones Mr. Chou stated in October 2005, the Council received a request from Ms. Ragsdale to consider designating several parking spaces in City Lot G for short-term/24-minute parking to accommodate the parents of the United Methodist Nursery School, at the Burlingame United Methodist Church. He said the request was submitted shortly before the Council was to vote on specific short-term issues identified in the long running downtown Burlingame Parking Study. Due to the short notice of the request, data to the Council for immediate action could not be provided. As a result, Council referred the request to staff for review along with a directive to work with Ms. Ragsdale in establishing the parent’s parking needs and a possible solution. Mr. Chou reported that staff met with Ms. Ragsdale on November 22, 2005 to discuss possibilities and limitations. On-street parking is permitted on both sides of Primrose, south of Howard, and there is 10-hr. meters posted on the east side and no meters on the west side. There is meter parking on the south side of Howard along the Church’s frontage (10 hr. parking). Mr. Chou stated that short-term parking was needed along Primrose, due to the daycare center. Currently, on-street parking spaces did get occupied quickly along the west portion of Primrose. Parents with children used Lot G and crossed the street mid block. He said this was a concern of the City. Mr. Chou stated that the church also had a private lot which could be used for daycare parking. Another option was possibly using Howard Avenue, which are 10-hr. meters. Mr. Chou cautioned that the meter rates could change from 25 cents to 75 cents. Ms. Ragsdale said that parents need to park anywhere from five minutes to two hours, usually with two or more children to walk to the facility or church. The daycare’s hours of operation vary from day-to-day, opening and closing TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, February 9, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 8 anywhere from 8:50 to 3:00 or 3:30. Other parents also drop their children for church activities, and it would be helpful to stop Lot G enforcement at 5:30. She said this way, parents wouldn’t have to pay $1.00 to drop off their kids. She encourages the Commission to visit the site when it is busier to get a true picture of the situation. Chair Condon believes 24-minute parking will lead to a faster turnover, and note City businesses currently have long-term parking available to them for their employees. Mr. Chou informed the Commission that with green zone parking, the police department wouldn’t know which cars arrived at what time. Commissioner Warden stated that the church lot was under utilized. He also said he had no problem with 24-minute parking at the proposed area. He suggested the Commission considers limiting this area to five minute parking, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM. He added that this would eliminate the need to cross streets. He concluded by saying that a determination needed to be made regarding the e xisting white zone on Howard, and what could be done in the church parking lot. Tabled to next meeting. (Condon/James) 4.2.4 Ray Drive/Quesada Way Traffic Engineer reported that warrant data was still being collected. He said that the Commission might have to consider other options if the problem is actually speed related. He added that staff would be providing alternatives to the Commission if the warrant standards were not meet. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, February 9, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 9 4.2.5 California Drive - Overnight parking issues on 700 block Traffic Engineer Chou stated that “No Overnight Parking” signs would be installed along the eastside of this part of California Drive. 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NEW ITEMS 5.1 No new items. 6. FROM THE FLOOR 6.1 No public comment. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, February 9, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 10 7. INFORMATION ITEMS 7.1 Bicycle Safety Issues in Burlingame Mr. Chou reported that Council was looking to put together a bicycle sub - committee to explore possible future projects. He said that the current agenda item was designed as a venue to hear about maintenance issues to existing bikeways facilities. He added that this newly formed subcommittee would meet twice a year, and would be responsible for developing ideas for potential bikeways projects for which the City could submit grant applications. Mr . Chou concluded by saying that at this point, Council has not yet approved such a subcommittee, but additional information about the establishment would be forthcoming. 7.2 From Council to Commission/Staff No new items. 7.3 From Staff to Commission 7.3.1 Traffic Engineer’s Report Mr. Chou provided updated information on the TDA grants. · Signals for the downtown areas of Broadway and Burlingame should be installed soon, staff was waiting for the contractor to confirm a start date. · Lighted crosswalk for Morrell - staff was waiting for bids. Contract documents still needed about one to two week’s work before a construction contractor could be named. · The locations for the bikeway signs were currently being laid out throughout the City. Installation should begin in the summer. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, February 9, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 11 7.3.2 Traffic Sergeant’s Report No new items to report. 7.3.3 Other City Staff Reports John Parkin, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator provided information to the Commission regarding the City’s emergency preparedness. He said that training with City employees was provided on a regular basis, and that there were a lot of projects he was currently working on. Commissioner James inquired if there was an official City of Burlingame emergency plan, and if it entailed plans for a national or local disaster. Mr. Parkin informed the Commission that the City did have an emergency plan, which was adopted by Council in 1999. He also stated tha t the plan was subsequently revised to standards set under the direction of the Standard Emergency Management System (SEMS). He said SEMS was implemented after the Oakland Hills fire. Mr. Parkin said that California was way ahead of the rest of the United States in emergency planning and preparedness. He added that the plan would probably be adopted in the summer of 2006. An overall educational meeting would take place to explained what was being done in the City. In July, at the Recreation Center, staff was hoping this would generate interest with our citizens. Commissioner James asked if something was set in place to specifically address individual residential needs during a large-scale disaster. He cited handicapped or elderly residents as examples. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, February 9, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 12 Mr. Parkin stated that programs involving citizen and residential help was done in the past, but that it was difficult to maintain citizens’ interest and commitment over years. He cited the problems of waning involvement and the cost of retraining as reasons such programs are no longer done. Mr. Parkin then said that if there was interest again, he would investigate implementing these types of programs or find ways to address such concerns in the existing SEMS program. 7.4 From Commission to Staff 7.4.1 Reports of citizen complaints or requests. Commissioner Warden asked about a situation for southbound California Drive, turning left as Oak Grove. He said that (if a train was coming), the railroad arms would come down and the east/west traffic would proceed with a green signal. Afterwards, the northbound and southbound traffic would get green signal, but the left turn signals would remain red. Were these tied together? Commissioner Warden also asked about the signals for eastbound Broadway. He wanted to know why eastbound left -turners got a red signal when opposing left-turners for westbound Broadway still received a green light for 4-5 seconds. Finally Commissioner Warden announced that March 9th was the set date for a dinner for former Commissioner, now Councilmember, Russ Cohen. An e -mail would follow with additional information. Traffic Engineer Chou informed the Commission that the signals at California Drive and Oak Grove Avenue worked the way they did because of the railroad preemption. On Broadway and California, he said there was only one controller that controlled both intersections. He added that the controller was trying to work both intersections at the same time, so there were some vehicle clearing issues that were involved in the timing sequence. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, February 9, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 13 Chair Condon commented on a landscape business at 231 Victoria Road. He said at least a half dozen pieces of equipment was spread out between Burlingame and San Mateo. He had reports of employees unloading and loading trucks around 7:30 AM. He also said that commercial vehicles were left and tagged by the police. Chair Condon was concerned that the business owner was using Victor Park as a private parking lot for his truck and trailers. Chair Condon also stated that Autohaus might appear to be getting special treatment. Mr. Chou informed the Commission that the complaint on 231 Victoria Road should be handled on a staff level. He said that Chair Condon and himself would be talking to the residents. Regarding Autohaus, Mr. Chou said that existing enforcement regulations were established regarding vehicle storage. He added coordination with Planning and Code Enforcement would be necessary since there was an overlap of responsibilities. Commissioner Warden said that the Commission should offer Council a document outlining how auto-service businesses should provide off -street parking for vehicles that they need to store. 7.5 Comments and communications No new items to report. 7.6 Next meeting: March 9, 2006 No anticipated absences from staff or Commission is expected. 8. INACTIVE ITEMS TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, February 9, 2006 The City of Burlingame Page 14 8.1 · Eucalyptus Trees at Easton and Cabrillo · Traffic Engineer Chou explained that with a backlog of traffic volume studies, the work had not yet been done. Commissioner Warden added that a new Commissioner was needed to fill the vacancy left by Russ Cohen for this subcommittee. Commissioner Bohnert volunteered for this position. · OLA-Cabrillo School Traffic Circulation 9. AGENDUM ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING - March 9, 2006 9.1 Items Requiring Staff Reports · Item 4.2.3 - Primrose/Howard Green Zones · Item 4.2.4 - Ray/Quesada Stops or Speed Control · Item 8.2. - Adeline Drive/Mercy High School - Traffic Studies 10. ADJOURNMENT 8:54 p.m.