HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2006.10.12S:\A Public Works Directory\TSP Commission\Minutes\2006 Minutes\10.12.06 Minutes.doc The City of Burlingame California 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes – Approved Thursday, October 12, 2006 Commissioners Present: Eugene Condon, Chair Michael Bohnert Dan Conway Stephen Warden Commissioners Absent: Victor James, Vice Chair Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Traffic Sergeant Don Shepley, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Visitors: Pat Giorni, 1445 Balboa Avenue Rudy Horak, 1332 Edgehill Drive Kirk Hearnate, 2305 Hillside Drive S:\A Public Works Directory\TSP Commission\Minutes\2006 Minutes\10.12.06 Minutes.doc 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL. 4 of 5 Commissioners Present 4. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1. ACTION ITEMS. 4.1.1. Approval of Minutes for September 14, 2006. Motion: To accept the minutes as submitted. M/S/C: Warden, Conway; 4/0/1 (Vice Chair James absent) 4.2. DISCUSSION ITEMS. None. 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NEW ITEMS. None. 6. FROM THE FLOOR. Mr. Horak expressed his gratitude for having the opportunity to participate as an “on-looker” regarding the Broadway/Paloma Avenue sub-committee field meeting two weeks ago. Mr. Horak recommended that enhancements be made to this particular area before the Christmas holiday shopping season starts. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1. Bicycle Safety Issues in Burlingame Mr. Chou reported that the sub-committee met at 6:00 pm this evening. The committee discussed the options and location of a dedicated bike lane along Carolan Avenue. He said that the committee also considered another option of just having bike route signage over the dedication of a lane for bicycles. Mr. Chou reported that the sub- committee will meet again in December to determine which applications/projects to pursue. 7.2. From Council to Commission/Staff Chair Condon presented a letter to Mayor Baylock from a resident regarding certain traffic issues. Mr. Chou stated that any issues pertinent to the Commission would be incorporated into a future Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission meeting. S:\A Public Works Directory\TSP Commission\Minutes\2006 Minutes\10.12.06 Minutes.doc 7.3. From Staff to Commission 7.3.1. Traffic Engineer’s Report Peninsula Avenue/US 101 Overpass Status Report Mr. Chou stated he had little to report on this issue, other than the fact that the city provided consultants with some traffic analyzer data to help them determine traffic criteria for the study. Broadway/US101 Overpass Report No updates. 7.3.2. Traffic Sergeant’s Report Sergeant Shepley provided the Commission with the details of selective enforcement which is driven by citizen complaints. Sergeant Shepley also reported that the number of complaints decreased since the last meeting – noting that the city only received four speeding complaints this past month. Sergeant Shepley also explained how the city’s enforcement policy worked for pedestrian who crossed outside of crosswalks in the business district. 7.3.3. Other City Staff Reports None. 7.4. From Commission to Staff Commissioner Conway commented that there might be a timing problem for the eastbound signal on El Camino Real, at Primrose Road near St. Catherine’s Church. He said this was particularly so for Sundays. Mr. Chou said that he would contact Caltrans signal operations to have them check if re-timing was necessary. Commissioner Warden noted that he saw a recent report of a traffic calming measure being used in Pleasanton, and asked whether this measure could be a benefit to Burlingame. He said this device essentially displays the speed of a vehicle and if at the next point the vehicle was still speeding, it then triggered a signal change at the next traffic signal. Mr. Chou said that he would inquire with Pleasanton regarding this pre- emption device. Commissioner Warden also commented that there seemed to be some apparent inconsistencies between the traffic signal timing and pedestrian countdown signal timing in the downtown areas, specifically around Howard Avenue. Mr. Chou answered that this might actually be due to a signal timing function called “max -gaps”. He said that he would look into this situation to see if there were any problems. S:\A Public Works Directory\TSP Commission\Minutes\2006 Minutes\10.12.06 Minutes.doc 7.4.1. Commission Chairperson’s Report Chair Condon asked the Commission if nominations could be brought up during the next meeting as his term would be ending this year. There were no objections from the Commission. 7.4.2. Commissioner/Sub-committee Reports Broadway/Paloma Avenue – Safety Measures Updates Commissioner Warden reported that the sub-committee met a few weeks ago at 5:00 pm to observe the commute time traffic. Commissioner Warden also reported that that one of the sub-committee members representing the businesses on Broadway had resigned. He asked that if there were no objections from the Commission that he would like to have Mr. Horak join the sub-committee. There were no objections from the Commission. Chair Condon also suggests that the sub-committee also get a representative from the northern side of Broadway just for balance. Commissioner Warden also suggested that the City look into seeking grant monies to fund a button activated pedestrian crossing as a long term solution for this intersection. Mr. Chou said that there were TDA grant applications due in early January that the city could possibly apply for. Chair Condon asked if certain enhancements could be implemented to the Broadway/Paloma crosswalk the Christmas holiday season. Mr. Chou stated that various obstacles would prevent that, such as lane closures, overtime costs, and inclement weather. Motion: To paint ladder-style crosswalks at Capuchino/Broadway and Laguna/Broadway, installation of pedestrian crossing signs in the bulbouts on Broadway at Chula Vista, and different knock-down delineators approximately 6’ back from the existing crosswalks at Broadway/Paloma. M/S/C: Warden, Bohnert; 4/0/1 (Vice Chair James absent) 7.4.3. Reports of citizen complaints or requests Mr. Chou reported that there was a meeting with Sue Harris, Code Enforcement Officer, to discuss the large vehicles parked at Victoria Lane. He said that another meeting was scheduled for early next week to conclude the discussions. Commissioner Warden reported that there were several portable dumpsters being parked on Carolan Avenue. He said that they were associated with a landscaping business. Commissioner Conway stated that he thought representatives from the Mothers Club would be present this evening to speak on a recent encounter with a Police Department representative regarding an intersection that needs to be monitored. S:\A Public Works Directory\TSP Commission\Minutes\2006 Minutes\10.12.06 Minutes.doc 7.5. Comments and communication None. 7.6. Next Regular Meeting: November 9, 2006 There were no anticipated absences from either Staff or the Commissioners. 8. INACTIVE OR PENDING ITEMS Mr. Chou informed the Commission that the Burlingame/Clarendon Avenue request for a stop sign was pending due to problems with one of the traffic counters. He said that one out of four counters malfunctioned and those counts needed to be redone. 9. AGENDUM FOR NEXT MEETING None. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 7:51 p.m.