HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2006.07.13TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION July 13, 2006 Minutes Page 1 of 13 The City of Burlingame CITY HALL - 501 PRIMROSE ROAD CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday – July 13, 2006 Commissioners Present: Eugene Condon, Chair Victor James, Vice-Chair Michael Bohnert Stephen Warden Dan Conway Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Police Chief Jack Van Etten Commander Mike Matteucci, Police Department Traffic Officer Robert Boll Visitors: Councilman Russ Cohen Wade Bettesworth, Director Sales and Marketing Red Flex Traffic Systems Pat Giorni, 1445 Balboa Avenue Linda Abbey, 1415 Adeline Drive Olen Creech, 1833 Castenada Drive John Kevranian, 1241 Broadway Avenue Nora Kevranian, 1241 Broadway Avenue Barbara Zukowski, 1108 Capuchino Avenue Tom Koros, 2225 Summit Drive Farris Horak, 1332 Edgehill Drive Rudy Horak, 1332 Edgehill Drive AnnaMarie Daniels, 515 Howard Avenue Norm Utigard, 1252 Paloma Avenue Basim Azar, 245 California Drive Jack Casey, 2525 Poppy Drive Dr. Andrew Soss, 1159 Broadway Gary Doss, 214 California Drive Reiner Nissen, 721 Laurel Carl and Debbie deQuant, 1232 Paloma Avenue TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION July 13, 2006 Minutes Page 2 of 13 Scheherezade Bharabianleu, 220 California Drive TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION July 13, 2006 Minutes Page 3 of 13 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 5 of 5 Commissioners present 4. CURRENT BUSINESS 4.1 ACTION ITEMS 4.1.1 Approval of minutes June 8 meeting Motion to approve June 8 Meeting minutes M/S/C: Warden, James; 5/0/0. Chair Condon asked his fellow Commissioners if there were any objections to moving item (Red Light Camera Enforcement Program Presentation) up as the first item of business. 7.3.2 Traffic Sergeant’s Report Red Light Enforcement Program Presentation Police Chief Jack Van Etten explained the Red Light Enforcement Program priorities are accident avoidance, increasing public, safety and traffic calming. Any monies generated will be used to offset administrative costs for this program. Chief Van Etten requested that if the Traffic Commission thought this was a good program for the community, that a staff report be submitted to the City Council for their consideration. Chief Van Etten then introduced Wade Bettesworth, Director of Sales and Marketing for Red Flex Traffic Systems, who gave a presentation for their Red Light Enforcement product. Mr. Bettesworth went through the company profile, nationwide installations, public education program, nation-wide installations, how the process of photographing and timing at each intersection installation worked, the impact of the program through traffic statistics, and city renewals. TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION July 13, 2006 Minutes Page 4 of 13 Mr. Bettesworth demonstrated the online tracking by police officers for citations using the web-based program and the process for citation issuance through Red Flex. Chair Condon stated that since this was just a staff presentation, that comments and discussions from the floor could be done at the City Council meeting, where the matter would be presented in a staff report to Council. Chair Condon asked who would be viewing the videos. Police Chief Van Etten explained that if this matter went to City Council and was approved by Council and implemented, that one of the Traffic staff would work on the videos part-time and attending Traffic hearings. Depending on how the Program was running, a part-time person might need to be hired. Commissioner James asked if warrant studies would be helpful in determining the location of installations. Mr. Bettesworth explained this had been done and they had determined and studied the top tier (four) intersections using number of collisions and injuries. Commissioner Conway asked how the Program would be funded by the City. Mr. Bettesworth went through the fee structure stressing that the City would not pay out in any one month more than they generated in violation revenue. Commissioner Bohnert asked what the top tier intersections were. Police Commander Mike Matteucci explained the four (top tier) intersections studied for installation were: Chapin/El Camino, Broadway/El Camino (northbound), Trousdale/El Camino, and Broadway/Rollins Road. Commissioner Warden asked about the time involved for video tape review in the City of San Mateo where this Program is in use. Mr. Bettesworth explained it took about 10-15 seconds to view the tape of each incident which would equate to approximately f ive hours per week depending on the number of violations. Commissioner Warden commented with four systems this would take staff about 1-1.5 hours per day with Monday being the busiest. Commissioner Warden commented that three of the four intersections studied for installations are Caltrans intersections and where did the revenue have to be sent since these are not City owned. Chief Van Etten explained that the revenue goes only to the City and not to Caltrans. Commissioner Warden asked if the TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION July 13, 2006 Minutes Page 5 of 13 brightness of the flash units used at night in the program would be a distraction to drivers. Mr. Bettesworth assured him that it would not. Commissioner Warden stated that currently Burlingam e out-sources the citation process to a company in Redwood City, and that Burlingame did not see a great deal of revenue as a result. Mr. Bettesworth explained the monthly flat fee program charge for services provided by Red Flex and any revenue generated over and above this amount would go to the City. Commissioner Conway asked about the privacy issue. Mr. Bettesworth stated they only kept images of violators for the City to view, no other images are kept only for six months for adjudication purposes. Chief Van Etten then made a few closing comments. He stated that other companies were considered and requested that staff bring this matter to City Council. Commissioner Condon supports the project and would recommend this be brought to City Council. 4.2 Discussion Items 4.2.1 California Drive/Highland Avenue Crosswalk enhancement or removal Traffic Engineer Chou presented an aerial overhead and referred to two options for considerations in the staff report.  The crosswalk to be removed if there was little or no traffic; or  The crosswalk to remain but with additional safety enhancements. Gary Doss, 214 California Drive, spoke in support of keeping this crosswalk. He stated that the new train station would bring additional people to this area. He suggested a minimal enhancement would be well placed Yield signs. Basim Azar, 245 California Drive, spoke in support of keeping and enhancing the crosswalk. He spoke about the pedestrian traffic to and from the train station and that people will not use the controlled crosswalks at either end of the street. He also offered pages of signatures of residents in favor of keeping and the crosswalk. Scheherazade Bharabianleu, 220 California Drive, spoke in favor of keeping and enhancing the crosswalk. She stated she doesn’t see Traffic Officers on California Drive to monitor the quick moving traffic. She would TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION July 13, 2006 Minutes Page 6 of 13 like to see enhancements to the crosswalk as well as signs posted to reduce the driving speed. Pat Giorni, 1445 Balboa, spoke in favor of keeping the crosswalk. She spoke about the hazard to bike-riders around the island by Highland and that the crosswalk was a reminder to drivers to slow down for pedestrians, which helped the safety issue for bike-riders. Jack Casey, 241-243 California Drive, spoke in favor of keeping and enhancing the crosswalk. He commented on the high speeds along California Drive and suggested a stop sign. AnnaMarie Daniels, 515 Howard, spoke in favor of keeping and enhancing the crosswalk. She stated the distance between the two signals at either end of the street was very long. The crosswalk in the middle was necessary. Enhancements like the ones in San Bruno seemed very effective. She also asked to add some knockdown delineators. Olen Creech, 1833 Castenada Way spoke in favor of keeping and enhancing the crosswalk. He stated that he was a senior citizen and using the other crosswalks at the end of each street was too far for him to go. Commissioner Bohnert spoke in strong support of keeping and enhancing the crosswalk. He stated drivers were looking through this crosswalk to the signals on either side, and were paying more attention to those. He felt attention needed to be brought back to this crosswalk with strong enhancements. Commissioner Warden spoke in favor of keeping and enhancing the crosswalk. He also supported knockdown delineators. Commissioner James agreed with him. Commissioner Conway said he was also in favor of keeping and enhancing the crosswalk. He spoke to the thoroughness of Mr. Chou’s traffic study and his unbiased information showing liabilities and benefits of either option. Commissioner James added that Traffic Engineer’s Chou’s report was balanced. Motion: To move to an Action item M/S/C: James, Conway; 5/0/0. Motion: To keep the mid-block crosswalk across California Drive, near Highland; and enhance with knockdown delineators, paint and reflector buttons. M/S/C: Warden, Conway; 5/0/0. TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION July 13, 2006 Minutes Page 7 of 13 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NEW ITEMS 5.1 Burlingame Avenue/Clarendon Avenue – Request for stop signs. Traffic Engineer Chou stated the City received a request to consider making this intersection 4-way stop. He said that staff would hold off doing any stop sign warrant studies in the summer because of differences in traffic patterns due to summer vacations. He added that when the City receives similar requests in the future, that they be acknowledged, and that the studies be done in the fall when the data studies would be more accurate. 5.2 Occidental Avenue/Howard Avenue – Request for an additional stop sign at the existing 3-way intersection. Traffic Engineer Chou stated this was a confusing non-standard 3-way intersection. Commissioner Conway asked if there was a conflict of interest and if he could participate in the discussion. Traffic Engineer Chou stated that, according the City attorney, Commissioner Conway could participate as long as there was no financial gain involved. 6. FROM THE FLOOR Before opening the floor for public comment, Chair Condon clarified that a sub- committee for the Broadway traffic/stop sign issue would be making a report back to the Commission later on the agenda. However, he encouraged speakers to step forward and each take three minutes to comment on the issue at this time if they wanted. Farris Horak, 1332 Edgehill, stated that Broadway was not safe and a stop sign at Broadway and Paloma to stop the traffic for pedestrians was needed. She asked that the Commission make a motion for temporary stop signs. Rudy Horak, 1332 Edgehill, stated that Broadway was a “killing machine”. He asked the Commission to make a motion for a temporary stop sign for 90 days to begin August 1. Tom Koros, 2225 Summit Drive, talked about the new businesses on Broadway bringing an influx in pedestrian traffic and encouraged looking at the problem. Dr. Andrew Soss, 1159 Broadway, commented on an incident where he prevented a three year old girl from being hit on Broadway. He asked for stop signs on Broadway at the Walgreen’s and Paloma crosswalk. Norman Utigard, 1252 Paloma Avenue, agreed that crossing at Broadway and Paloma could be hazardous, but felt that putting two stop signs would cause massive traffic jams especially getting on and off Highway 101 at Broadway. TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION July 13, 2006 Minutes Page 8 of 13 Pat Giorni, 1445 Balboa, wanted to know if there was going to be public involvement with the Bicycle Committee and the Planning Commission, as monies are available to municipalities for bicycle and pedestrian projects. She said that she wouldn’t want to see Burlingame lose out because it did not have a strong Public an d City-oriented BPAC (Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Board). John Kevranian, 1241 Broadway, spoke in support of stops signs on Broadway. He asked that a motion be made for temporary stop signs. He stated that he spoke to the City Attorney and a motion could be made tonight by the Commission to have a temporary stop sign. He asked the audience by a show of hands who was in favor of temporary stop signs. Barbara Sukowsky, 1108 Broadway, spoke in support of 90 -day temporary stop signs on Broadway. She spoke of her experience crossing Broadway and asked for the Commission to vote for one. Chair Condon explained that it is his understanding that no motion would be made at this time regarding temporary stop signs on Broadway since this item was not on the agenda as a discussion item, but as an update from the sub-committee. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS 7.1 Bicycle Safety Issues in Burlingame – Future sub-committee meetings and project considerations. Traffic Engineer Chou stated that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee would be open to the public to discuss issues. He added that the sub-committee had met first to outline their responsibilities, especially with respect to possibly having another subcommittee established by Council later. This committee wanted to make sure that there would be no duplication of work or responsibilities. H e said the September TSPC meeting would have agenda items that would be open to the public for discussion about pedestrian and bicycle issues. Chair Condon stated the sub-committee was working to identify projects that would qualify for funding. Mr. Chou added that there were six potential designs to present at the public meetings. He also said that these public meetings were a good place to see if there were other projects that might the public might want added. 7.2 From Council to Commission/Staff None. 7.3 From Staff to Commission TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION July 13, 2006 Minutes Page 9 of 13 7.3.1 Traffic Engineer’s Report Peninsula Ave/101 Overpass Status Report Traffic Engineer Chou said that the City of Burlingame and the City of San Mateo were working on a contract agreement to hire a traffic consultant to do some studies. He said these studies would include Burlingame’s interests. Broadway/US 101 Overpass Status Report Traffic Engineer Chou stated that this project was with the San Mateo County Transportation Authority - Strategic Planning and Finances. Plans and specifications were ready to go and they were in the process of planning how the money would be allocated. Radar Speed Zones – Analysis Traffic Engineer Chou explained that after an in-depth review of all the accident reports, staff determined that the speed limits on California Drive, Rollins Road, and Airport Boulevard should remain at 35 mph. He also reported that a portion of California Drive was re-surveyed in order to create a new survey segment. He explained that past surveys showed two segments for California Drive – Murchison to Burlingame, and Burlingame to Peninsula. Mr. Chou said that there were significant differences within the segment from Murchison to Burlingame that it should be broken into two segments – Murchison to Broadway, and Broadway to Burlingame. The remaining segment to Peninsula was still valid. Mr. Chou said that since there would be no changes to the speed limit, no action other than a report to Council was necessary. 7.3.2 Traffic Sergeant’s Report This presentation was done as the first item of business. (Refer to page 2.) 7.3.3 Other City Staff Reports None. TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION July 13, 2006 Minutes Page 10 of 13 7.4 From Commission to Staff 7.4.1 Commission Chairperson’s Report Chair Condon re-iterated the important issues before the Commission and sub-committees:  Railway Safety Study/Fencing with Cal/train  Broadway Pedestrian Traffic Safety Project Caltrain Railroad Corridor Safety Commissioner Conway reported that a sub-committee met to discuss this on-going issue. He stated that the sub-committee was not quite ready to discuss their findings yet, but that they were looking at what might be involved with fencing; and, making sure to communicate internally with the City Council on options and next steps with Caltrains. Chair Condon added that this sub-committee was also looking into available outside funding. Mr. Chou stated that one of the things that Sam Trans/Caltrain did discuss at the May 11 public meeting was the evaluation of bus stops and bus routes. Caltrain has contacted staff to coordinate re- location of bus stops along Carolan. Three new stops were planned along Carolan.  Carolan south of Oak Grove  Carolan at Morrell  Carolan south of Cadillac Way Mr. Chou said that if these proposed stops are agreed upon, then pedestrian pads would be poured for the stops. Mr. Chou said that Samtrans was also asking if the City would consider a mid-block crosswalk at the location on Carolan, south of Cadillac Way. Chair Condon was concerned that the problem might be moved from California Drive to Carolan Avenue. Commissioner Warden agreed that the same problem existed for those people getting off buses, because they would have to cross Carolan. He stated he had been very specific in the special May 11 meeting that if they took the bus route down Oak Grove, make the stop at Washington school and then make the entire route run back northbound on Carolan , every TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION July 13, 2006 Minutes Page 11 of 13 stop would be on the east side of Carolan and no one would have to cross Carolan Avenue at the time the high schools were letting out. He asked that the City push Caltrain/Samtrans to look at this alternative by next month. Chair Condon asked Traffic Engineer Chou if Caltrain/Samtrans responded back regarding any of their steps besides the bus stop. Mr. Chou stated that they had not as of yet and that he was waiting on the fencing issue. Broadway/Paloma Avenue Traffic Safety Measures Commissioner Warden reported that he and Commissioner Bohnert met several weeks ago with four of the Broadway merchants (John Kevranian, Ross Bruce, Dave Armanino and Gerald Weisl). They agreed that the problem was pedestrian safety, not speed. He said they also discussed the options for measures that needed to be addressed. A recommendation would be made to the Commission, via a staff report, next month. He added that staff should take a look at temporary stop signs at Paloma and Broadway and come back to the Commission with several added points:  The situation would be heavily monitored until the Commission received Traffic Engineer Chou’s report on possible traffic back-ups on Broadway to El Camino or on Broadway to California Drive.  What impact temporary stops might have on surrounding neighborhoods.  The sub-committee will be re-assembled to monitor what the effects might be with traffic and pedestrians trying to cross. The merchants will monitor this as part of the sub-committee.  The sub-committee should continue to meet over the next 60- 90 days and look into a signal light.  Investigate the possibility of using red-light camera enforcement program monies from fines to partially fund a signal light at this location. Commissioner Bohnert stated that he was in agreement with the sub-committee’s recommendation of a 60-90 day temporary stop sign and getting feedback from the merchants and residents. TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION July 13, 2006 Minutes Page 12 of 13 Chair Condon asked the sub-committee to look into knockdown delineators before considering stop signs. He also said that traffic counts might be needed for Lincoln and Carmelita. He also expressed concern that many surrounding residents might be impacted and it would be best to begin with a study and staff report rather than just installing temporary stop signs. Commissioner Warden asked Mr. Chou if there was a way to tell what would happen to traffic if the stop sign were put in without actually installing them. Mr. Chou said there was not. He added that if temporary stop signs were installed now, traffic studies could not be done until the fall season. Commissioner James asked if something could be done immediately to control the traffic. He asked the sub-committee members what the feeling was of the merchants regarding crosswalk enhancements. Commissioner Bohnert explained that the sub-committee met as laymen, and thought a temporary stop sign would be a good idea. Commissioner James stated that the problem was not about an uncontrolled intersection; and, that enhancements would better address the issue, rather than stop signs. Chair Condon stated that knockdown delineators and enhancements could be done immediately. Commissioner James concurred, and said that the knockdown delineators would not have the negative impact that the stop sign would have. Commissioner Conway said that he would like to see delineators put in immediately, while the sub-committee continued to review other measures. Commissioner Warden wanted to clarify that tonight was not the night to vote for putting in temporary stop signs, but it was the appropriate time for voting to put in delineators. He wanted to come back next month, with a staff report on all the pros and cons of the options discussed. Chair Condon summarized that the stop sign issue was still open, that there have been no ayes or nays towards the original question of a stop sign within the Commission. Motion To make this an Action Item. M/S/C: Warden, Conway; 5/0/0. TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION July 13, 2006 Minutes Page 13 of 13 Motion: To install knockdown delineators and bots dots at Paloma and Broadway; and for Traffic Engineer Chou to bring other options before the Commission (including stop signs/stop lights) and for the sub-committee to continue monitoring the situation. M/S/C: Warden, James; 5/0/0. 7.4.3 Reports of Citizen Complaints or Requests Commissioner Warden asked about the status of the No Over night Parking signs on the 700 block of California. Mr. Chou stated that he would check on the work order status. 7.5 Comments and Communications None. 7.6 Next Regular Meeting - August 10 No expected absences were reported. 8. Inactive or Pending Items None. 9. Agendum for Next Meeting – August 10 Item 5.2 Occidental Avenue/Howard Avenue 3 -way stops Item Broadway/Paloma Pedestrian Safety Measures 10. ADJOURNMENT 9:57 PM.