HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2007.06.13 Page 1 of 6 The City of Burlingame CITY HALL - 501 PRIMROSE ROAD CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Wednesday, June 13, 2007 Commissioners Present: Victor James, Chair Dan Conway, Vice Chair Michael Bohnert Stephen Warden Commissioners Absent: Mark Noworolski Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Sgt. Dean Williams, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Syed Murtuza, Assistant Director of Public Works Visitors: Rudy Horak, 1332 Edgehill Drive Farris Horak, 1332 Edgehill Drive John Dyer, 743 Winchester Drive Pat Giorni, 1445 Balboa Avenue Bob Schoeppner, 751 Winchester Drive Wendy Jentsch, 751 Winchester Drive Judy Gum, 747 Winchester Drive Alex Goldstein, 1121 Douglas Avenue Leslie Maehlum, Burlingame Towers Tonie Hertz, Burlingame Towers Sharon Menicucci, 3021 Atwater Drive 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 4 of 5 Commissioners present. Commissioner Noworolski absent. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Chair James acknowledged Syed Murtuza, Assistant Director of Public Works, in the audience. Page 2 of 6 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion: To accept the minutes of May 10, 2007 as submitted. M/S/C: Warden, Conway; 4/0/1 (Noworolski absent) 6. CHAIR’S PROLOGUE Chair James noted that at last month’s meeting the Commission recognized Craig Horak for his bicycle achievement. Chair James requests that this be reduced to a resolution from the Commission and asks that perhaps Commissioner Bohnert could prepare this resolution as this was within his quad. 7. CONSENT None. 8. PUBLIC COMMENTS Judy Gum, Bob Schoeppner, Wendy Jentsch and John Dyer, spoke of the unsafe nature of Winchester Drive due to speeding vehicles, particularly by teenagers due to the close proximity to the high school. Sergeant Williams stated that residents should report vehicle license numbers to the Police Department of the offending individuals when possible. Farris Horak inquired about situations where a license plate is not available. Sergeant Williams responds that a description of the vehicle should then be reported (make, model, color, etc.) Mr. Chou stated that he will follow up with Sergeant Williams to pursue a traffic calming element which was previously being developed which he can share with the neighborhood at a later date. Rudy Horak advised the Commission of his concerns for pedestrian safety while crossing Rollins Road with the new approved Peninsula Humane Society due to the volume of visits and adoptions that are projected for this facility. Sharon Menicucci spoke on the dangerous traffic within Burlingame and her idea to consider and develop a Traffic Safety Awareness program which could include promotional marketing material to educate an d bring awareness to the problem. Commissioner Warden expressed his concern that he did not have faith that this would reach the people responsible for the speeding and that perhaps local authorities could work with the high school to take away the offending person’s ability to drive to school. Chair James commends Ms. Menicucci for her creative and inspirational ideas and suggests coordination with the appropriate Quad representative. Commissioner Conway suggests that perhaps children should be making the request for safer streets as it may have a greater impact. Pat Giorni stated that it appears more and more residents want to take back their streets and perhaps citizens/neighbors can post “Neighborhood Traffic Watch” signs. Page 3 of 6 9. CURRENT BUSINESS 9.1 Request from Commissioner Bohnert to have the issue of Hillside Drive/Balboa Avenue crosswalks remanded back to the Commission for further evaluation. Discussion occurred amongst the Commissioners regarding the wording, procedural process and benefits of remanding back an item to the Commission for further evaluation. Mr. Murtuza provided some details behind this request and suggests that enhancements be made in incremental phases. Motion: The matter of Hillside Drive/Balboa Avenue is remanded back to the Commission next month for further consideration with the continuation of red curbing. M/S/C: James, Bohnert; 3/1/1 (James abstained, Noworolski absent) 9.2 Discussion of Critical Minimum Street Width Policy for Managing Street Tree Impacts in the Roadway. Mr. Chou presented the staff report and a draft version of the Critical Minimum Street Width Policy. He also presented overhead slides for further illustration and sought Commission discussion/input and public comments. Chair James sought public comments and there was none. Commission discussion occurred and clarification was made regarding the alternates to tree removal that should be taken into consideration. Motion: Accept the staff report and endorse the Critical Minimum Street Width Policy for Managing Street Tree Impacts in the Roadway. M/S/C: Warden, James; 4/0/1 (Noworolski absent) 9.3 Commission consideration of the repeal of the Overnight Parking Permit ordinance. Sergeant Williams presented the staff report and requested Commission direction and public input. Chair James sought public comments. Pat Giorni stated the ordinance should be removed from the “books” because it was unenforceable. But, she also questioned when the city could get adequate enforcement staffing. Tonie Hertz suggested coordination with local businesses that have parking lots that are vacant at night to allow night time parking for residents. Page 4 of 6 Discussion occurred regarding the concept of the permits, lack of enforcement, current process and outcome and whether there was enough citizen input at this time. Motion: Accept the staff recommendation and repeal the Municipal Ordinance 13.32.080 (Overnight Parking). M/S/C: Conway, Warden; 3/1/1 (Bohnert abstained, Noworolski absent) 9.4 Commission consideration of a Residential Permit Parking program. Sergeant Williams presented the staff report and requested Commission direction. Chair James sought pubic comments. Pat Giorni stated that residents need to get rid of the idea of entitlement to parking on the street in front of their property. However, amnesty could be conside red for apartment dwellers. Farris Horak inquired about people that park on the streets and use taxis to the airport, thus leaving their vehicles parked for days at a time. Leslie Maehlum stated that based on her knowledge and experience , parking was an issue on the Peninsula and all the way down to San Jose , and was of concern whether residents rented or owned. Ms. Maehlum stated that the issue was much larger than just a permit, as it involved enforcement, staff, and administrative costs. Discussion occurred regarding the concept of the permits. Clarification that two -hour limited parking would still be available for vehicles without a permit. Concern was raised about the portability of these permits. Motion: Postpone Item 9.4 Commission Consideration of a Residential Permit Parking Program to next month to gather more public input and discussion. M/S/C: Bohnert, Warden; 4/0/1 (Noworolski absent) 10. STAFF REPORTS 10.1 Traffic Engineer’s Report Mr. Chou reported that he received notification that MTC would be receiving the final report and recommendations regarding the TDA Grants in July. The City would receive approval in a letter sometime in August. Mr. Chou reported that the residents using the storage containers on Edgehill Drive had already received warning letters in the past, and that they were removed for a while. He said that since they have returned, they would be receiving letters again to Page 5 of 6 remove the containers. Mr. Chou reported that in response to receiving letters from Wendy Gale on Mills Avenue and Elisa Marcaletti on Carmelita Avenue about speeding vehicles, speed counts have been conducted on Mills. However, there were problems with the counters and data for Carmelita Avenue. He said after new data was collected, staff would determine whether to bring stop sign requests before the commission at the next meeting. 10.2 Traffic Sergeant’s Report None. 11. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT None. 12. PENDING ITEMS None. 13. COMMUNICATIONS 13.1 Letter from Jacqueline Cooke Haggerty regarding concerns over speeding on Grove Avenue at Laguna Avenue. Commissioner Warden reported that he met with Ms. Haggerty and has already asked that this area be on the selective enforcement list. Sergeant Williams reported that he also communicated with Ms. Haggerty. 13.2 Letter from Jennifer Pfaff regarding concerns over obscured pedestrian crossing sign on Peninsula Drive at Stanley Road. No discussion. 13.3 Letter from Jennifer Pfaff regarding City Parking Lot V. Mr. Chou reported that this matter was referred back to staff and that the Council was also dealing directly with the matter at this point . Commissioner Warden stated he was opposed to taking out a 15 -20 space parking lot in light of what was discussed this evening. 13.4 Communication Sharon Meniccuci regarding TSPC establishing an annual Traffic Safety Awareness Program (TSAP). Discussed during Item #8 Public Comments. Page 6 of 6 13.5 Copies of revised TSPC meeting minutes for March 8, 2007 and April 12, 2007. No discussion. 14. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS 14.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee Commissioner Bohnert sought approval from fellow commissioners to begin the application process to become a Bicycle Friendly Community. The Commission agreed to provide their approval and support. Commissioner Bohnert reported that beginning July 1, design and cost estimates would begin for 24 “hoop” and 2 “wave” bike racks primarily for the Burlingame Avenue area. Commissioner Bohnert said that he hoped to have this prepared for the Commission’s August meeting and ready for presentation to Council at the end of August. 14.2 Biannual Commission Report Chair James stated that the report was completed and that it was being submitted without editing of anyone’s report as requested. 15. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.