HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2007.11.08 The City of Burlingame CITY HALL - 501 PRIMROSE ROAD CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, November 8, 2007 Commissioners Present: Dan Conway, Acting Chair Michael Bohnert Mark Noworolski Jerry McDonnell Commissioners Absent: Stephen Warden Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Jeffrey Downs, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Visitors: Farris Horak, 1332 EdgehillDrive Elisa Marcaletti, 1205 Carmelita Avenue Rob Maraletti, 1205 Carmelita Avenue Charles Voltz, 725 Vernon Way Pat Giorni, 1445 Balboa Avenue Paul Bliss, 1041 Capuchino Avenue Bruce Thompson, 1600 Grenada Way Dan Tellericko, 1415 Carmelita Avenue Kenneth Newman, 1401 Carmelita Avenue 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:02 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 4 of 5 Commissioners present. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Acting Chair Conway welcomed newly appointed Commissioner Jerry McDonnell to the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion: To accept the minutes of October 11, 2007 as submitted. M/S/C: Noworolski/Bohnert; 3/1/1 (McDonnell – abstention / Warden – absent) 6. CHAIR’S PROLOGUE None. 7. CONSENT None. 8. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Thompson, a resident at this address since 1977, expressed his concern for safety at the Ogden and Trousdale Avenue intersection. Due to construction the sidewalks are closed and pedestrians are diverted which is inconvenient and unsafe. 9. CURRENT BUSINESS 9.1 Carmelita Avenue – Stop signal and speed reduction request Mr. Chou presented the staff report which does not recommend stop signs. He stated that the intersections of Carmelita/Paloma and Carmelita/Laguna did not meet minimum warrant requirements. Mr. Chou also discussed the results of the speed surveys on Carmelita. He concluded by saying that staff recommended a meeting between city staff and neighborhood residents to establish viable traffic calming measures to address speeding concerns. Acting Chair Conway opened the floor for public comment. Mr. Tellericko stated that he has made complaints regarding the excessive speeding on this street to no avail in the past. Mr. Tellericko expressed his concern for the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists and suggested that local enforcement co uld make this area a speed trap to control driver’s actions. Ms. Giorni stated that traffic is obstructed due to parked vehicles and a dip in the roadway which somewhat obstructed the drivers ability to see pedestrians and bicyclists. Ms. Giorni also stated that traffic studies are typically focused on car counts instead of being based on pedestrian counts. Ms. Gironi expressed the need for police enforcement if the funds could be in the budget to pay for this expense. Ms. Horak agreed with the previous comments and expressed the need for crosswalks. Ms. Marcaletti introduced herself as the initiator of this request for stop signs and expressed her concern for the safety of pedestrians due to the speed and volume of vehicles on this street. Mr. Newman stated that he received a flyer regarding this issue and was in favor of stop signs, but not speed bumps. He also stated that it sometimes took two traffic signal cycles at El Camino Real before it is safe to cross. He added that visibility was not good. Commissioner Noworolski recalled that a similar warrant issue was presented before the commission, and he wanted clarification on what happens to the request if warrants were not met. Mr. Chou replied that if warrants were not met, stop sign installation was not recommended; and, that there could be legal liabilities. Commissioner Noworolski questioned whether the use of a speed trailer was an option. Mr. Chou replied that it was an option, however the trailer was currently broken and alternate funding was being sought to replace it. Commissioner Bohnert stated that the alte rnating sides of No Parking restrictions looked as if the city was guiding the traffic flow in this direction. Mr. Chou stated that this would be part of the process to work with the neighborhood, as past practice has been to accommodate drivers on collector streets. Mr. Chou stated that the city might need to revise the thinking and also be careful about shifting traffic to other streets. Commissioner Bohnert stated that this was not just a speeding issue, but an issues for bicycles and pedestrian safety since this was a bike route. Commissioner McDonnell asked whether traffic on Carmelita had increased since the installation of the traffic signal at California Drive. He also asked if there were Pedestrian Safety signs present. Mr. Chou replied that traffic might have increased and that there are no Pedestrian Safety signs. Commissioner Bohnert also stated that he did not observe any speed limit signs. Acting Chair Conway stated that it was premature to support stop signs and expressed the need to proceed with next steps. Commissioner Bohnert volunteered to head up a subcommittee to meet with neighbors to discuss what tools might be available to develop a plan. Motion: Accept the Staff Report and not support stop signs, but instead, have city staff and residents meet to establish viable traffic calming measures to address speeding concerns. Motion: Noworolski/McDonnell; 4-0-1 (Warden – absent) 10. STAFF REPORTS 10.1Traffic Engineer’s Report 10.1.1 Broadway/Paloma Avenue Crosswalk – Verbal Update Mr. Chou reported that a manufacturer was selected, and that the materials have been ordered. He said the installation date was targeted for the beginning of December. 10.1.2 Various Neighborhood Meeting – Verbal Update Winchester Drive Mr. Chou reported that he and Commissioner Bohnert met with the residents and ha d since put in road tubes and the speed results were being verified. A second meeting was to occur to review and explain the data received, and to develop actions/measures to use for this street, as well as to explore alternative funding. Mills Avenue Mr. Chou reported that this issue was in the early stages data collection, and it was still early to discuss any process or solutions. 10.1.3 Traffic, Safety & Parking Seminar Series – Verbal Update Mr. Chou reported that the first seminar was originally scheduled with a Transportation/Traffic consultant for November 19th, but that there was a conflict with the December Council meeting. He said a new date was being scheduled in December so as to allow for Council members to attend if they wished. This was all pending the consultant’s holiday schedule. Acting Chair Conway stated that a minimum of two weeks notice would be needed to get the word out. Mr. Chou also confirmed that the seminar would take place in the Lane Room. 10.2 Traffic Sergeant’s Report 10.2.1 Parking meter notices: Holiday Parking – Verbal Update Sergeant Downs reported on behalf of Sergeant Williams that in response to Mr. Horak’s request, Chief Van Etten thought it reasonable to purchase stickers for parking meters which identifies which holidays are legal holiday for the City of Burlingame. 11. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT None. 12. PENDING ITEMS None. 13. COMMUNICATIONS None. 14. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS 14.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee Commissioner Bohnert reported that a discussion occurred to develop a map to promote biking in Burlingame and creative ways to fund it. He added that the application for Bicycle Friendly Communities has passed the first phase of the application process; and, that it was now in the second phase. 14.2 Miscellaneous Reports None. 15. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.