HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2008.05.08 Page 1 of 4 The City of Burlingame CITY HALL - 501 PRIMROSE ROAD CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, May 8, 2008 Commissioners Present: Dan Conway, Chair Michael Bohnert, Vice Chair Jerry McDonnell Stephen Warden Commissioners Absent: Mark Noworolski Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Sgt. Dean Williams, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Visitors: Pat Gray, 1616 Adeline Drive 1. CALL TO ORDER. Meeting called to order at 6:58 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 4 of 5 Commissioners present. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS None. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion: To accept the minutes of March 8, 2007 as submitted. M/S/C: Warden/Bohnert; 4/0/1 Page 2 of 4 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Pat Gray from the Green Ribbon Task Force expressed the need for p ublic transportation and suggested that the shuttle service be re-assessed due to non-existent ridership and to reinstitute the overnight parking ordinance. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Commission Appeals Process Chair Conway sought comments from the Commission on the final draft version of the Commission’s Appeals Procedure document. There were no comments and the Commission was satisfied with the final draft. Motion: Approve the Appeals Process as presented. M/S/C: Warden, Bohnert; 4/0/1 8. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION ITEMS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF 8.1 Traffic Engineer’s Report 8.1.1 In-pavement Illuminated Crosswalks – Verbal Report Mr. Chou reported that an illuminated crosswalk was being considered at Highland Avenue & California Drive. This installation would be approxim ately 18 solar powered lights across four lanes. Installation would be pending the manufacturing and receipt of materials, which he believed to be two to three months out. 8.1.2 Bellevue Avenue/California Drive Intersection – Verbal Report Mr. Chou provided a feasibility report from DKS Associates on potential traffic re- design of the area to improve both traffic and pedestrian safety. He reviewed the report findings which were three potential design modifications: 1. Full traffic signalization 2. Full roundabout design 3. Half/partial roundabout design Mr. Chou stated that each design alternative had its positive and negative attributes. He added that at least the City had some designs to look into further when funding becomes available. 8.2 Traffic Sergeant’s Report 8.2.1 Selective Enforcement List – Verbal Report Sergeant Williams provided the Commission with the Selected Enforcement List, and went through certain items on the list with the Commission. 8.3 Commissioners’ Comments and Concerns 8.3.1 Traffic & Parking Technology Seminar Series – Discussion Chair Conway stated that the seminars could be an opportunity to promote the Shuttle Service and Bike Path program. Chair Conway then opened the floor for public discussion. Pat Gray suggested conducting a survey of opinion re garding transportation in the town. Discussion occurred as to how to get a better turnout for future series. It was determined that the location should be Council Chambers or the Lane Room. Additional topics could be shuttle service and B/PAC projects. Commissioner Bohnert stated that he would coordinate the date with the representative of the Sustainable San Mateo County Organization for a presentation sometime late in June. 8.3.2 Miscellaneous Comments and Concerns None. 9. COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Warden acknowledged that the trailer on Edgehill Drive was finally off the street after 1 ½ years. Commissioner Warden brought to the attention of the Commission that the illuminated crosswalk northbound California Drive by Stacks is out. Mr. Chou said that staff was aware and was ordering the parts. Commissioner Warden stated that Autohaus Exec has more cars out there for sale. Commissioner Warden provided the Commission with his current address. Commissioner McDonnell provided an email communication from Pat Gray regarding overnight parking for the record and will forward a copy to the Commissioners. Commissioner Bohnert sought status of the lit crosswalk at Broadway. Page 4 of 4 10. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee Mr. Chou reported that they did not really meet this month. He said that at the next meeting, they would be looking at ideas for the Carolan Avenue bike path lane route for a TDA grant application cycle in December. 10.2 Miscellaneous Reports None. 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Chair Conway noted Gene Condon’s idea of parking medallions at the airport and an update on Traffic Seminar series. Mr. Chou may have two stop sign requests pending studies and warrants. 12. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.