HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2010.03.11 - 1 - The City of Burlingame CITY HALL - 501 PRIMROSE ROAD CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, March 11, 2010 Commissioners Present: Mark Noworolski, Chair Jeff Londer, Vice Chair Nicklas Akers Caroline Serrato Commissioners Absent: Laurie Simonson Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Sgt. Don Shepley, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Visitors: Jok Legallet, 1474 Alvarado Avenue Laura Held, 2750 Adeline Drive Jean Hastie, 2300 Adeline Drive Bill Leet, 1547 Columbus Avenue Janice Vandenbrink, 1412 Alvarado Avenue Barbara Arena, 1540 Hoover Avenue Randy Vandenbrink, 1412 Alvarado Avenue Pat Giorni, 1445 Balboa Avenue Dale Ferrel, 1442 Burlingame Avenue Jeff Silverman, 1410 Burlingame Avenue Daniel Whelan, 1528 Hoover Avenue Helen Whelan, 1541 Columbus Avenue Linda Abbey, 2415 Adeline Drive 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 4 of 5 Commissioners present (Commissioner Simonson absent) 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chair Noworolski acknowledged the presence of Councilmember Keighran in the audience. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion: To accept the minutes of February 11, 2010 with the following corrections: - 2 - 10.1 Commissioner Simonson will serve along with Vice Chair Londer. 8.3.1 Commissioner Simonson suggested that we use electronic signage that alerts drivers that “Burlingame enforces the no cell phone while driving law”. M/S/C: Akers, Londer; 4/0/1 (Simonson absent) 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Giorni stated that since the busy Rollins Road area is part of the bike plan that perhaps a bike lane would slow down traffic in that area. Ms. Giorni stated she hoped to get a report about the Red Flex camera, which has be en down. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Mercy high School : Alvarado/Adeline Traffic – Discussion Mr. Chou presented background information regarding the traffic conditions and concerns on Alvarado Avenue by the residents near Mercy High School. He explained that the main objective of the meeting was to receive neighborhood concerns of traffic problems, to determine if the current traffic control measures taken by Mercy High School were effective, and if other measures not yet implemented could be considered. Finally, Mr. Chou explained that the Planning Commission was requesting that the Traffic Safety and Parking Commission return a recommendation and/or finding as a result of this meeting on whether to proceed with their review process of the Conditional Use Permit for Mercy. Mr. Chou received written comments from residents and copies were presented to the Commission. Letters were received from Cindy B., Patrick Kinsella, Alexandra Kromelow, Stanley Kubiak & Patricia Sanford, and one with no name nor address. Chair Noworolski opened the floor for comments from Mercy administration and for public comment. Mercy Principal Laura Held stated that the increased enrollment of 40 students and 3 faculty staff members would result in less than 8% increase for morning trips and less than 9% increase for evening trips. Ms. Held also described measures taken to address traffic congestion. She said that Mercy met with neighbors to discuss possible solutions and the key points were: - Having the neighborhood approach the City for speed bumps. - Use of an alternative street for student drop off . - Implementing a One-way In and One-way Out loop within the Mercy property for traffic loop. (Ms. Held added that this was not possible.) Residents Janice Vanderbrink, James Gibney, Randy Vanderbrink, Jok Legallet, Pat Giorni, Linda Abbey, Katie O’Brien and Peter Comaroto expressed their concerns for the traffic congestion in this area due to the narrow roads and accessibility to the property. It was also mentioned that traffic congestion was evident at all school sites within the city during morning drop-off and afternoon pickup. The residents reported - 3 - that several of them have suffered vehicle damage as a result of th e traffic. The residents asked for clarification of parking availability on th e Mercy property and the number of carpoolers and shuttle riders. Some speakers felt the problem emanated from the narrowness of the surrounding streets and that residents needed to cope and plan accordingly. Sisters of Mercy Administrator Jean Hastie stated that there are two separate Mercy properties (convent and school) under one integrated permit. Ms. Hasti e also stated that opening the roads would not appear to be the answer as doing so would change the culture and nature of the Sisters of Mercy property. Chair Noworolski sought Commission comments. Several Commissioners sought further clarification from Mercy’s Administration on various concerns. Motion: Move to continue this to next month and ask staff to develop alternatives concerning traffic flows in the neighborhood and ensure noticing goes out appropriately including affected streets Adeline, Alvarado and Hoover. M/S/C: Akers/Londer; 3/0/2 (Noworolski abstained, Simonson absent) 7.2 Burlingame Avenue 2-Hour Parking Evaluation – Discussion Mr. Chou presented a staff report recommending that this Commission hold several TSPC meeting to receive public/business comments and review staff analysis regarding the meter parking time limits along Burlingame Avenue and provide City Council with a recommendation with its findings resulting from these public meetings with the business community. Mr. Chou provided background information regarding the parking situation within the Burlingame Avenue Business District. Chair Noworolski opened the floor for public comments. Dale Ferrel, Frankie Mayer, and Pat Giorni supported a 90 -minute time limit for Burlingame Avenue. Jeff Silverman felt a 90-minute time limit would work; however, he would rather like to see a 2-hour limit. Other suggestions were to allow free parking during the holiday season and change the metered parking hours to start and end later. Several business owners present also stated that a collective attempt was being made to revitalize the Burlingame Avenue Business Improvement District; an d, that if successful, they would be willing to meet with the Commission or some of its members in June or July. Chair Noworolski suggested that the Parking Subcommittee schedule time to meet with business owners and return with their feedback. Motion: Burlingame Avenue parking situation be referred to the Parking Subcommittee who will hold various meetings and conversations with all the concerned parties and report back to this Commission at a later date. M/S/C: Londer/Serrato; 4/0/1 (Simonson absent) - 4 - 7.3 City Parking Lot K: Possible Meter & Rate Change – Discussion Mr. Chou presented a staff report seeking concurrence with staff to recommend to City Council that no immediate changes be implemented to the current time limit and method of payment at City Lo t K. He stated that the best time to consider a time limit modification to Lot K would be during the construction period in late summer or early fall of 2010 of the Safeway project. Mr. Chou also reported that the City was working with Caltrans on obtaining permission to construct a new driveway onto El Camino Real from Lot K. Chair Noworolski opened the floor for public comment. Dale Ferrel, Jeff Silverman and Pat Giorni commented on the utilization of this lot and other 10-hour lots. Discussion occurred amongst Commissioners about the utilization and time limits of various lots and the availability of parking brochures. Mr. Chou stated that since Lot H (across El Camino Real) went from a free lot to $1 per day, the utilization and occupancy decreased. Motion: Accept staff recommendation and revisit the status of this issue sometime in October. M/S/C: Noworolski, Serrato; 4/0/1 (Simonson absent) 8. Staff Reports 8.1 Traffic Engineer’s Report 8.1.1 101 Auxiliary Lane Project – Staff Update Mr. Chou reported that the Broadway Pedestrian Overcrossing work should be completed next Thursday. He added that the signals should be fully functional shortly thereafter. Commissioner Akers thanked the staff and police department for getting the traffic through there. 8.2 Traffic Sergeant’s Report 8.2.1 General/Selective Traffic Enforcement Report – Staff Update Sergeant Shepley reported that the Police Department collected $2M in parking fines and $2M from meter revenue. Sergeant Shepley also reported that the Red Flex program was running negatively approximately $3K per month. He said the Police Department was considering ending the program and would need to file a letter by April 22, 2010 and pay an associated fee to shut the program down. - 5 - 8.3 Commissioners’ Comments and Concerns 8.3.1 Miscellaneous Comments and Concerns None. 9. COMMUNICATIONS None. 10. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory committee (B/PAC) Mr. Chou reported that Commissioner Simonson was unable to attend tonight’s meeting due to her attendance at a Bicycle Seminar in Washington DC. Commissioner Londer mentioned the Drive Less Challenge , which was occurring April 22nd to May 5th. Interested parties could sign up at www.drivelesschallenge.com 10.2 Website/Communications Subcommittee Commissioner Akers volunteered to serve on this subcommittee. 10.3 Neighborhood Parking Working Group None. 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11.1 Ray Drive/El Camino Real Intersection Evaluation (April) 11.2 Adeline/Cortez Intersection – Pedestrian Access (April) 11.3 City Parking Lot Q – Possible Re-configuration (Discussion Date Pending) 11.4 Radar Speed Trailer – Future Procurement (Discussion Date Pending) 12. ADJOURNMENT 10:30 pm