HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2011.02.10 1 City of Burlingame CITY HALL - 501 PRIMROSE ROAD CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, February 10, 2011 Commissioners Present: Jeff Londer, Chair Laurie Simonson, Vice Chair Nicklas Akers Mark Noworolski Commissioners Absent: Caroline Serrato Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Transportation Engineer, Public Works Sergeant Ed Nakiso, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Visitors: Laura Held, Principal, Mercy High School Velvet Hewett, Mills Peninsula Health Services Helen Chaknova, Mills Peninsula Health Services Bob Hortop, Mills Peninsula Health Services Ben Cohn, 2018 Trousdale Drive John Funghi, 2805 Adeline Drive 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:04 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 3 of 5 Commissioners present. (Commissioner Akers late, Commissioner Serrano absent) 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Chair Londer thanked former Chair Noworolski for his fine job as Chair this past year. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion: To accept the minutes of January 13, 2011 with the following amendment: Item 10.3 Neighborhood Parking Working Group – Chair Noworolski reported that minor work was done but no formal meeting had taken place. M/S/C: Simonson/Noworolski; 3/0/2 (Akers not present, Serrano absent) 2 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Cohn spoke regarding the traffic and safety concerns on Trousdale Drive below Sequoia Avenue. Mr. Cohn shared a copy of the petition that was circulated amongst the residents of this area. Mr. Cohn said he has also been communicating with Officer Witt regarding these concerns and will be bringing this item to the City Council. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Trousdale Drive/Marco Polo Way – Discussion of possible on-street parking modifications Commissioner Akers recused himself from discussion and vote. Mr. Chou presented a staff report providing background on this request, with a recommendation to receive public comments and review staff analysis in order to determine if a change to the current on -street parking situation was feasible or necessary for the curb area surrounding 1875 Trousdale Drive. Mr. Hortop provided photos of the parking and visibility situation at this facility. Mr. Hortop requested that the two spaces on Trousdale Drive and two spaces on Marco Polo Way be limited to 2-hour parking and supported red zoning the parking space on the right side of the exit driveway on Trousdale to improve visibility. Discussion occurred amongst the Commissioners about maximizing the existing red zones without losing parking spaces to enhance visibility. Motion: To accept the staff report and a make recommendation to City Council to implement 2-hour time restrictions Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for the four on-street parking spaces surrounding 1875 Trousdale Drive (two on Trousdale Drive and two on Marco Polo Way). And, additionally to extend the red curb as far as practical while maintaining the on-street parking space on the right as you exit the facility at 1875 Trousdale Drive. M/S/C: Noworolski/Simonson; 3/0/2 (Akers – recused, Serrano – absent) 7.2 Alvarado Avenue – Discussion of single red curb removal near south/west Alvarado/Adeline corner Mr. Chou presented a staff report seeking Commission action to either support the staff recommendation to maintain the new red zone, or for the Commission to determine a possible alternate solution. Mercy Principal Laura Held gave a summary of steps Mercy High School took to address traffic concerns since the last time they came before the Commission. Ms. Held reported that the traffic conditions for entire neighborhood were greatly improved due to the measures taken. She added that the installation of the single red curb on Alvarado 3 Avenue at Adeline Drive helped to improve the traffic flow at the intersection. Mr. Funghi entered a letter for the record. Mr. Funghi requested the return 18’ of on - street parking on Alvarado Avenue and Adeline Drive in front of his property at 2805 Adeline Avenue. He stated that the City: 1. Incorrectly interpreted the Planning Commission Mercy High School Resolution of July 26, 2010 2. Created a critical safety issue by promoting the “stacking” of vehicles in front of a Fire Hydrant for the morning and evening peak student commutes 3. Relied on traffic data prepared by unlicensed engineers in accordance with the State of California Professional Engineer’s act 4. Relied on a traffic study that was prohibited from looking at internal re -routing within the mercy Campus that would alleviate the external congestion at the Alvarado Gate 5. Allowed a commercial entity to use his property frontage as a “kiss and drop -off” point The Commissioners asked Mr. Funghi for clarification regarding his statement to relocate his driveway from Adeline Drive to Alvarado Avenue since he stated that he would need the remaining curb spaces on Alvarado for a new driveway. He explained that there were no officials plans submitted at this time. The Commissioners asked for clarification of Mr. Funghi’s assertion that the traffic data was prepared by an unlicensed engineer. He stated that the studies should not be considered valid. Mr. Chou clarified that some of the type of studies conducted did not require licensing stamps. Mr. Chou also explained that a simple and obvious test of whether the new red zone helps with traffic flow would be to park a vehicle in the space during the peak morning and afternoon times. Chair Londer requested staff to also consider extending the red zone across the street if it could be done without losing any additional parking spaces, and for staff to report back to the Commission. Motion: To accept the staff recommendation to maintain the new single red zone at Alvarado Avenue M/S/C: Akers/Simonson; 4/0/1 (Serrano – absent) Chair Londer asked for Commission concurrence to move Item 8.1 to precede Item 7.3 so as to allow Mr. John Root to hear the update and go home early. Motion: To move Item 8.1 to precede Item 7.3 M/S/C: Simonson/Akers; 4/0/1 (Serrano absent) 4 7.3 2011 Goal Setting for Commission – Further discussion of possible goals Mr. Chou sought input and/or clarification of the potential goals established at the last Commission meeting. He asked if there should be any changes to the list established at the Commission’s last meeting. The Commission felt that the goals identified were sufficient. Chair Londer noted that there was a Council Goal Setting session this past Saturday and three of their goals related to this Commission were: 1. Establish parking permits for employees of Broadway to park in Lot S 2. Look at options for new parking meters that accept credit cards 3. Publicize parking philosophy, distributes maps and improves signage directing drivers to parking lots The Commissioners determined the broad goal of the Commission was to work with Council in achieving Council goals, improve Council/Commission communication, and serve a more active role on items related to parking and traffic. 8. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION ITEMS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF 8.1 Engineer’s Report – Update on various traffic items brought to Commission at last meeting Mr. Chou gave an update on the following three items which were brought to the Commission by Mr. John Root: - Traffic stop signs at Floribunda & Primrose – staff has put out a traffic counter at this intersection and has collected approximately a week’s worth of data which will be broken down and reviewed to see if it warrants a stop sign. - Consider additional crosswalks at Oak Grove – enhancements were made just prior to school starting and staff is considering a crosswalk at Arundel. Pedestrian counts will be performed to further substantiate a crosswalk - Sight visibility & shrubbery at Carmelita & Paloma – awaiting response from Parks & Rec as to whether or not this is within their scope of work. If not, a letter will be sent to property owners. Chair Londer sought public comment. Mr. Root suggests a stop sign as opposed to a yield sign on Primrose at Floribunda. He also suggested installing a crosswalk at Ansel & Oak Grove. Mr. Root expressed his frustration with the slow process to correct the foliage issue at Paloma & Carmelita. He said this was first brought to the attention of the City in early 2009, and turned over to the Parks Department eight months ago an d nothing has been done to date. 5 8.2 Traffic Sergeant’s Report – General/Selective Traffic Enforcement Report Sergeant Nakiso reported that selective enforcement has been working with San Mateo Police Department to saturate areas in both San Mateo and Burlingame twice a month. 8.3 Commissioners’ Comments and Concerns None. 9. COMMUNICATIONS None. 10. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory committee (B/PAC) Mr. Chou and Vice-chair Simonson reported that there was no meeting this month. 10.2 Website/Communications Subcommittee Mr. Chou reported that he would be contacting each Commissioner to determine if there is agreement to consider use of an outside email for the entire commission. 10.3 Neighborhood Parking Working Group Commissioner Noworolski reported that there was a request to Sergeant Nakiso to collect parking related data in preparation for discussion with DBID for Burlingame Avenue. 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11.1 Devereux Drive/Lincoln School Traffic Flow (March) 11.2 Pedestrian Corridors (March) 11.3 Burlingame Avenue 2-Hour Parking Evaluation (pending date) 11.4 Burlingame Avenue/Downtown Parking Study (pending date) 12. ADJOURNMENT 9:53 p.m.