HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2011.10.13 1 The City of Burlingame CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, October 13, 2011 Commissioners Present: Jeff Londer, Chair Laurie Simonson, Vice Chair Nicklas Akers Mark Noworolski Caroline Serrato Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Transportation Engineer, Public Works Corporal Chuck Witt, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Visitors: Lynne Iwamoto Bruce Iwamoto Pat Giorni 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 5 of 5 Commissioners present. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT None. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion: To accept the minutes of September 8, 2011 with an amendment to Item 7.1 adding “The Commission supported Commissioner Akers suggestion to look at the parking lots near the Burlingame Recreation Center which could then potentially be a power source.” M/S/C: Simonson/Akers; 5/0/0 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 2 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Oak Grove Ave. Traffic concerns – Discussion Mr. Chou reported receiving an email from resident Gavin Duncan requesting installation of traffic calming measures on Oak Grove Avenue. Mr. Chou reported that the city has a thermoplastic striping project starting mid-November which includes Oak Grove Avenue between California Drive and El Camino Real. Commissioner Akers suggested that this be included in eNews. Mr. Chou stated that he would inform Mr. Duncan of the project and report back to Commission if additional measures were need. 7.2 Carmelita Ave. Traffic concerns – Discussion Lynne Iwamoto spoke regarding the traffic problems on Carmelita Avenue, with the worse situations being at the intersection at Chula Vista Avenue. She stated that the problem was worst during off-peak hours when vehicles are allowed to park on both sides of the street. Bruce Iwamoto spoke regarding the dangerous traffic and parking problems on lower Carmelita Avenue, which is intolerable at nights and weekends. Mr. Iwamoto suggested limiting parking to one side of the street; however, he did add that this might create a hardship for residents in that area. Mr. Chou reported that speeding concerns on Carmelita have been a recurring problem; and, that as a result, the street is consistently on the Police Selective Enforcement list. He stated that City staff was already evaluating other measures and that staff would approach Caltrans regarding signal timing and signal split-phasing at El Camino Real and Carmelita. Pat Giorni stated that bicyclists used this street as an alternate to Broadway and thought the split phasing was an interesting idea. Mr. Chou stated staff will contact Ms. Iwamoto and come back to this Commission if necessary. Corporal Witt stated parking enforcement will regularly check this intersection in the mornings and afternoons. 7.3 Broadway Pedestrian Over-crossing (POC) Naming – Discussion Chair Londer acknowledged the numerous letters recommending the Broadway Pedestrian Over-crossing be named in honor of Rosalie O’Mahony. Mr. Chou presented a staff report asking the Commission to review and recommend to Council the naming of the Broadway POC in Rosalie O’Mahony’s honor. 3 Ms. Giorni reported that several residents and citizens worked hard to have some type of recognition for Rosalie O’Mahony for her years of public service. She said that it was felt that the pedestrian overcrossing should be named in her honor. Ms. Giorni tried to get this permanently named through legislature by contacting Assemblyman Jerry Hill but learned that there is a moratorium on these requests. However, it was learned that Senator Simitian just named a similar POC in honor of a mayor. Me. Giorni said that efforts would continue to have the Broadway POC permanently named in Rosalie O’Mahony’s honor. Motion: Recommend to Council the naming of the Broadway Pedestrian Over-crossing (POC) in honor of former Mayor and Councilmember Rosalie O’Mahony. M/S/C: Akers/Noworolski; 5/0/0 7.4 City Parking Lot S & Lot T Improvements – Discussion Mr. Chou reported that Police and Engineering staffs have been working together on improving the parking conditions and lot usages at Lots S and T in the Broadway area. Corporal Witt made a presentation on consideration of rate modifications for Lot S and revitalization of Lot T. He stated that the goal was to increase occupancy of Lot T, improve space turnover of Lot S, and generally provide better access to both short and long term parking, thus creating more space availability for merchants and visitors. Motion: Accept the staff report to approve the proposal and recommend to Council to adopt a rate/duration change to Burlingame City Lot S, and revitalization of City Lot T. M/S/C: Akers/Serrato; 5/0/0 8. Staff Reports 8.1 Engineer’s Report Mr. Chou provided an update on the following items: • The corners of Lincoln and California and also at Grove will be examined and will install red curbs to improve sight visibility if it is appropriate. • An email was received from Lisa Kreft regarding BIS traffic issues. This matter was handled on a staff level. The School Superintendent met with his staff to deal with the parking situation and will take care of the internal flow of traffic. The City will implement a couple of red curbs by the school driveway to increase visibility. Trousdale and Quesada will also be looked at. • The thermalplastic striping project will be occurring in November and December. Project includes Oak Grove Avenue and Trousdale Avenue. 4 • Safeway officially opens tomorrow. • The driveway to Lot K from El Camino Real is open. Commissioner Serrato mentioned that some San Mateo residents received a letter regarding the Peninsula overpass and inquired if Burlingame was out there taking measurements and doing related construction work. Corporal Witt said what might have been seen was planning for the Divas Marathon and various intersections on the route were looked at. Commissioner Akers inquired if there was any report on the Trousdale and El Camino Real intersection. Mr. Chou said he was in contact with the City of Millbrae to coordinate work to conduct a stop sign warrant study at Murchison. Permission was secured from Millbrae for traffic counts and a study would take place in the next week and a half. He added that another location being studied was at Alvarado and Hillside. Mr. Chou stated that if these locations meet the minimum warrants requirements for stop signs, the matter would be brought to the Commission. 8.2 Traffic Sergeant’s Report Corporal Witt reported that selective enforcement was done around the high schools due to a number of complaints. He stated that the complaints could be derived from an alternate flow of traffic due to the water pipe project on Bloomfield and would subside once that work was done. 8.3 Commissioners’ Comments and Concerns None. 9. COMMUNICATIONS 9.1 Letter from Gavin Duncan – Oak Grove Addressed – Item 7.1 9.2 Letter from Lynne Iwamoto – Carmelita Avenue traffic concerns Addressed – Item 7.2 9.3 Letter from Lisa Kreft – BIS parking and traffic concerns Addressed – Item 7.3 10. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory committee (B/PAC) 5 Mr. Chou reported that the committee met this evening and discussed several projects. He said that they would be looking at one potential project – to tie Carolan Avenue in as a Class II bike route. Mr. Chou added that as the design comes together, the committee would update the Commission. He also added that there was discussion to update the City bike map. Finally, Mr. Chou stated that there was also a discussion to look at Bloomfield Road for Class II bike lanes. 10.2 Website/Communications Subcommittee Commissioner Akers noted that the TSPC email works. Commissioner Akers also suggested as a method of public outreach to have a TSPC table with bike maps and invite folks to give their feedback. He said that the TSPC could push forward with this idea and take the lead for other commissions; and, if there was enough interest perhaps other commissions would want to follow. An ad hoc subcommittee was formed consisting of Commissioners Akers and Serrato. 10.3 Pedestrian Corridors Subcommittee Mr. Chou reported that they have not been able to meet and may meet early next month. Commissioner Akers noted that the Murchison & California crosswalk feeds into this as a major corridor to BART. 10.4 Neighborhood Parking Working Group No report. 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11.1 Burlingame Avenue Downtown Parking Analysis (November) 11.2 Short-Term parking around Lot G/Howard/Primrose area (November) 11.3 Alternate parking lot uses: Post Office & others (date pending) 12. ADJOURNMENT 8:28 p.m.