HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2012.08.09 1 The City of Burlingame CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, August 9, 2012 Commissioners Present: Laurie Simonson, Chair Nicklas Akers, Vice Chair Jeff Londer Caroline Serrato Commissioners Absent: Mark Noworolski Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Transportation Engineer, Public Works Sergeant Ed Nakiso, Police Department Visitors: William George Paul Pat Giorni Councilmember Michael Brownrigg 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 4 of 5 Commissioners present. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Chair Simonson acknowledged Councilmember Brownrigg in the audience. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion: To accept the minutes of June 14, 2012 as submitted M/S/C: Londer/Serrato; 4/0/1 (Commissioner Noworolski absent) 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Paul spoke as a follow up to his study pertaining to Fox Plaza Lane. Mr. Paul expressed his concerns for pedestrian safety and made recommendations for the Commission to consider. Ms. Giorni expressed her concern about bicycles on sidewalks, especially in commercial areas, and asked that police increase enforcement of this traffic rule for bicyclists. Ms. 2 Giorni also inquired about parking on El Camino Real in front of the hospital, which was previously prohibited prior to the construction of the new hospital. The parking of vehicles there has created a safety concern for bicyclists. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Public Works Traffic Safety Brochures – Discussion Mr. Chou gave background information about these safety brochures. The Commission began reviewing and modifying the first two (Bicycle Safety and Crosswalk Safety) for content and design. 7.2 Primrose Rd/Howard Ave; Possible 24-minute green zone - Discussion Mr. Chou gave background information on this request from a local merchant. Mr. Chou stated that he brought this item to the Commission because of a broader scope of need for this block. He explained that there are already a few 24-minute green zones planned for Howard Avenue near Primrose Road. The Commission agreed that they would like to look at the needs of the surrounding area and have this matter as a future agenda item at the end of the year. 8. Staff Reports 8.1 Traffic Engineer’s Report 8.1.1 Requests/comments/responses to public traffic concerns (stop signs, crosswalks, speed control, parking) • Burlingame School District traffic/safety measures Mr. Chou acknowledged that the Burlingame School District Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent were in attendance to help solve traffic flow concerns at their schools, in particular three schools that need special attention. Assistant Superintendent Robert Clark provided background of the issues and informed the Commission of proposed changes at various school sites. Mr. Chou reported that staff worked together with the School District and has created draft maps with plans for circulation for distribution to the parents. They also worked with Sam Trans to relocate the bus stop at BIS to allow better traffic flow. He said that staff was still working with the School District to determine feasibility of traffic flows on Trousdale Avenue as they leave Franklin School. There was also a flashing school zone beacon to be installed on Trousdale next to the school. Mr. Chou reported at Lincoln School there will be No Left Turn during certain times to help alleviate traffic congestion. 3 • Linden Avenue/Larkspur Drive speeding concern Mr. Chou reported that the requesting residents have put together a petition from the neighborhood to request a temporary traffic circle. Mr. Chou stated that an initial traffic study would be conducted to record the “before” conditions; and, then temporary delineators will be installed as a test. After a period of time, such as 6 months, a follow up study would be conducted to compare results. • Broadway/Drake Avenue sight visibility concerns Mr. Chou received letters requesting that the Broadway & Drake Avenue be looked at for sight visibility concerns. There are no red curbs at this intersection resulting in vehicles being parked to the corners causing sight visibility concerns. Mr. Chou looked at the area and found some of the streets did have the red curbs at the corners. He reported that a work order was submitted to make the streets coming into Broadway consistent with red curbs at the corners. • Howard/California Drive Signal Mr. Chou said there were some concerns about the signals “hanging up” at California and Howard Avenue. Mr. Chou stated that the problems were addressed and that he would recheck to ensure that the problems do not reoccur. • Adeline Avenue/Balboa Avenue stop sign problem Mr. Chou said there was a request regarding a problem with the stop signs at this intersection. Mr. Chou reported that he would examine the situation and see if this was the correct intersection or if it was actually at the Cortez intersection. • Fox Plaza Lane pedestrian safety measures Mr. Chou reported that City staff had already implemented some pedestrian safety measures at Fox Plaza Lane. He reported that Mr. Paul had already talked directly to staff regarding his concerns on Fox Plaza Lane. Mr. Chou explained that the pedestrian “walkway” stripes had been previously grounded out to make it, but that there might still be a need to eradicate them further. He added that Pedestrian Crossing warning signs were also installed at the crosswalk coming out of Fox Plaza Lane. The crosswalk itself was enhanced with ladder-type paint and reflective buttons to further highlight the crosswalk. Lastly, Mr. Chou explained why the pedestrian warning signs had to be installed in the position that they are in. Floor was opened for public comment. Councilmember Brownrigg thanked Mr. Chou and the Commission for all that they do. Councilmember Brownrigg brought to the attention of the Commission that the 4 northbound stop sign on Vancouver, at Broadway, was obstructed by shrubbery. Councilmember Brownrigg also stated that Lot K now has an exit on El Camino Real and is no longer land-locked. He thought this might be a good time to look at making Fox Plaza Lane one-way and with a sidewalk. Mr. Chou reported that the Mills Peninsula Hospital project manager will reinstall the No Parking signs in front of the hospital as per their agreement. 8.1.2 Construction projects • Burlingame Streetscape Project Mr. Chou reported that there will be a presentation by the design team RHAA at the August 20th Council meeting. • Illuminated Crosswalk replacement project Mr. Chou reported this project is on hold temporarily until the end of this month due to work being done currently at the Hyatt. • 2012 Street Resurfacing Project Mr. Chou reported that the contractor C. F. Archibald has been selected and work will begin. • Burlingame Village Water Main Replacement Project Mr. Chou reported that this project along California Drive has been completed for about a month now. Any complaints about traffic in this area will no longer be attributed to this project. • Parking rate and meter change out Mr. Chou reported that the request for proposal has gone out and submissions are due on August 16th. • Broadway/US101 Interchange Project A presentation by the design team, URS, will be made to Council pertaining to aesthetics on September 4th. 8.2 Traffic Sergeant’s Report Sergeant Nakiso reported that the Police Department conducted some pedestrian sting operations resulting in 24 citations and 6 warnings issued. The police department also has a new reader board/radar trailer and Corporal Witt has devised a schedule for its 5 usage. Chair Simonson also mentioned that during the BPAC meeting a concern was brought up by a resident on California Drive about bicyclists riding on sidewalks and asked if this could be included in selective enforcement. The police department has been trying to provide safety awareness and educate the public on this matter. 8.3 Commissioners’ Comments and Concerns None. 9. COMMUNICATIONS 9.1 Rich Voon – Stop sign sight-visibility at Broadway on Vancouver Mr. Chou stated that this concern was also brought up by Councilmember Brownrigg earlier this evening. Staff worked with the Parks Department to trim the tree that was obscuring the stop sign but found that further trimming would kill the tree. A work order has been placed to relocate the stop sign. 9.2 Lisa Kreft – Burlingame School District safety issues Mr. Chou acknowledged receipt of a copy of an email from Ms. Kreft regarding safety issues at Burlingame Intermediate School. 9.3 Manito Velasco – Bike safety measure on California Drive Mr. Chou acknowledged receipt of an email from Mr. Velasco regarding bicycle collisions on California Drive. 9.4 Jane Gomery –Burlingame Avenue Streetscape Improvement Council meeting 8/20/12 Mr. Chou informed the Commission that a project update presentation on Burlingame Avenue Streetscape Improvements will be made to Council on August 20th. This meeting will be an appropriate time to participate in the design, character and style of the Burlingame Avenue Streetscape Improvements and encourages commissioners to attend and participate in the process. Other Communications: The City received a resident inquiry about the process to have a storage/moving pod delivered. Mr. Chou reported that he has already responded to this inquiry directly. Another communication was received regarding the parking on Crescent Avenue. Mr. Chou has been communicating with this resident and informed her that this will be on a future agenda. Commissioner Serrato had also been in communication with the resident for clarification of her request. 6 10. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory committee (B/PAC) Mr. Chou reported that committee members have been gathering pedestrian and bike counts at key intersections throughout the city to determine foot and bike traffic. This summer data is currently being compiled and fall counts will be performed in October. The two bike lane projects funded by Measure A funds are ready to get underway. Commissioner Londer made a request again to pursue getting a Planning Department representative to participate in B/PAC. 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11.1 Crescent Avenue – Request for 2-hour parking zone & possible residential parking permit program – next month 11.2 Primrose Rd/Howard Ave; Possible 24-minute green zone – October 11.3 Fox Plaza Lane pedestrian access - future 12. ADJOURNMENT 9:04 p.m.