HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2012.05.10 The City of Burlingame CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, May 10, 2012 Commissioners Present: Laurie Simonson, Chair Jeff Londer Caroline Serrato Commissioners Absent: Nicklas Akers, Vice Chair Mark Noworolski Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Transportation Engineer, Public Works Corporal Chuck Witt, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Visitors: Manito Velasco Andrew Peceimer John Celikkanat Vera Celikkanet-Wilson Daniel Donovan Joe Pfeister Everett Herrera Donie Donovan Curtis Hurley 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 3 of 5 Commissioners present. (Vice Chair Akers and Commissioner Noworolski absent) 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT None. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion: To accept the minutes of April 12, 2012 with the following correction: Item 7.1 First sentence - singular “Commissioner” versus plural “Commissioners”. M/S/C: Londer/Serrato; 3/0/0 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Consider NO PARKING zone along west side of California Drive (between Dufferin & Rosedale) – Initial Discussion Mr. Chou explained that this request stemmed from a concern of bicyclist/resident about the width of the bike lane on California Drive. He said that the request was to look into creating wider bike lanes by eliminating curbside parking. Mr. Chou also explained that staff determined that local residents used this portion of California Drive for additional parking. He stating that, based on engineering evaluations, staff was not initially in support of the request. He added that staff would rather seek an alternative that created a consistent environment for a safe bike. Chair Simonson opened the floor for public comment. Residents Joe Pfeister, Daniel Donovan, Vera Celikkanet-Wilson, John Celikkanat, and Andrew Peceimer spoke regarding the need for parking spaces in this area and favored the direction staff was going on this matter. Manito Velasco spoke about his concern over the safety of bicyclists on California Drive and the way they had to move in and out of the lanes to avoid cars. Corporal Witt provided accident statistics on this portion of California Drive. He stated that in the context of the volume of traffic, the number of accidents was extremely low. Mr. Chou concluded by saying that based on public comments and field evaluations, staff was not proceeding with removal of parking spaces, but would look into alternatives to address bicyclists’ safety with additional roadway enhancements. 7.2 Future TSPC participation at Farmers/Fresh Market – Discussion The Commission had a brief discussion about the Fresh Market – frequency of participation, jointly with other Commissions, and/or in conjunction with Citizens Environmental Council. Motion: TSPC will notify other Commissions that a Commission table has been reserved at the Fresh Market on the first Sunday of every month. And, that other City Commissions are invited to sign up for the table or join TSPC at the table. Should no Commission sign up for a given Sunday, TSPC will notify the City Clerk so that the space could be utilized by someone else. Commissioner Londer will manage the process. M/S/C: Simonson/Londer; 3/0/0 7.3 Standing Subcommittee and Committee Assignments – Initial Discussion The Commission had a discussion about whether or not to remove the standing subcommittees from the monthly agenda. Mr. Chou suggested that the subcommittees could just request to be on the agenda when there was something to report. This matter would be on next month’s agenda for a full Commission vote once all the members are present. 7.4 Public Works Traffic Safety Brochures – Initial Discussion Mr. Chou suggested that he could provide electronic versions of each brochure to the Commissioners for review. Commissioner Serrato offered to convert the files to a Word document before Mr. Chou sends them out. After review, the Commission could provide comments at the next regular meeting. 8. Information/Discussion Items from Commission and Staff 8.1 Traffic Engineer’s Report 8.1.1 Requests/comments/responses to public traffic concerns (stop signs, crosswalks, speed control, parking) - Larkspur/Linden Avenues – speeding concerns Mr. Chou reported that he sent a digital version of the basic traffic circle mock up, as well as a draft copy of the Residential Traffic Calming Manual, to residents Janet McDonald and Matthew Carlson. He added that in the back of the draft manual was a petition to sign up for future traffic calming actions. Mr. Chou said that Ms. McDonald and Mr. Carlson would seek input from their neighbors about the temporary traffic circle idea and report back to Mr. Chou. - Fresh Market – traffic related public comments to TSPC Mr. Chou reported that the concerns presented to Commissioner Londer at a past Fresh Market event were being addressed at a staff level. 8.1.2 Construction projects - Burlingame Village Water Main Replacement Project Mr. Chou reported that there were traffic congestion problems in the Ray Park and El Camino Real area due to multiple lane closures and detours resulting from this project and the SFPUC Water Replacement project. He stated that this was due to miscommunication within the various construction crews for Ranger Pipeline. He clarified that the contactor for both projects was Ranger Pipelines; and, that there would be improved coordination in an effort to prevent this from reoccurring. 8.2 Traffic Sergeant’s Report 8.2.1 General/Selective Traffic Enforcement Report Corporal Witt reported that the Divas Race event signed up approximately 6,500 participants. He added that there was a possibility that the race could become an annual event. Corporal Witt reported that during the month of June, the Police Department would be assisting with parking at graduation events. Corporal Witt reviewed the areas on the Selective Enforcement List. 8.2.2 Parking rate and meter change out Corporal Witt reported that between May 28 and May 30, the parking meter rate change programming would occur in the downtown. He stated that notices were handed out in the downtown. He added that in June or July, a contract should be issued for the smart meters; and, that it would take approximately 90 days to procure after ordering. 8.3 Commissioners’ Comments and Concerns Chair Simonson inquired if someone plowed into the flower bed/flag pole at the Burlingame Avenue train station. She added that the damage has been already repaired. Corporal Witt stated that he would look into this. 9. COMMUNICATIONS 9.1 Alix Lindblom – Parking Rate Increases Ms. Lindblom submitted an email to the Commission expressing her displeasure and concerns regarding the parking rate increases. Mr. Chou said staff would respond to Ms. Lindblom. 9.2 Pat Giorni – “The Courteous Road Users Guide” Ms. Giorni sent an email to share the “Courteous Road user’s Guide”, which she thought could be printed and used at the Farmer’s Market. 9.3 Randy Vandenbrink – Burlingame Plaza/El Camino Real Driveway Safety Mr. Vandenbrink submitted an email to the Commission asking about safety at the Burlingame Plaza/ECR frontage road. Mr. Chou stated that staff would look into this and respond to Mr. Vandenbrink. 10. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory committee (B/PAC) Mr. Chou reported that the B/PAC met. He said that they focused on possible funding ideas from grants for a Carolan Avenue bike lane and road diet project. He also added that if a preliminary idea for a project could be put together, staff could then move the concept up the staff chain of command for evaluation and possible programming. Chair Simonson added that a B/PAC member brought up the possibility of Bay Area Air Quality Management District has funds for such projects. Chair Simonson also reported that the Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance has a 50% discount bike rack purchase program. She stated that the information about the program was also shared with the Burlingame School District. She also reported that the Streetscape project should also keep this program in mind for their project. The deadline is June 30th for the current cycle. Mr. Chou said that B/PAC also discussed the possibility of painting additional sharrows on California Drive and adding more Share the Road signage. 10.2 Website/Communications Subcommittee None. 10.3 Pedestrian Corridors Subcommittee None. 10.4 Neighborhood Parking Working Group None. 11. NEW FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no new future agenda items to be added at this time, but Mr. Chou stated that items could be added before the next month’s agenda was published. Commissioner Serrato asked if there could be updates under Engineer’s Report on the matter regarding parking lots S & T around Broadway for next month. Chair Simonson also asked that there be some information updates on the Millennium/Bay Point project as well. 12. ADJOURNMENT 8:22 p.m.