HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2013.10.11 The City of Burlingame CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, October 11, 2013 Commissioners Present: Nicklas Akers, Chair Caroline Serrato, Vice-Chair Jeff Londer Mark Noworolski Howard Wettan Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Engineering Programs Manager, Public Works Andrew Wong, Transportation Engineer Sergeant Jay Kiely, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary Visitors: Lauren Treadwell Robert Clark Manito Velasco Chris Bush Linda Holden Ann Wallach Mark Haberecht Samantha MacPhail Shawna Krasts Amy Grenier Davina Drabkin 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 5 of 5 Commissioners present. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT None 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion: To accept the minutes of September 12, 2013 as submitted M/S/C: Londer/Serrato; 5/0/0 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Velasco spoke regarding his concerns for pedestrian and bicyclist safety on California Drive between Broadway and the northern city limit. He suggested that the lanes be narrowed to allow more room on the southbound side. Mr. Haberecht clarified that his concerns for the Balboa Avenue issue in Agenda Item 11.1 is the 1400 and 1500 blocks, and not only involves traffic but also includes parking concerns. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Newlands Avenue – 1500 block 2-hour Parking Limit Mr. Chou made a presentation and provided background on this request. He recommended that the Commission determine whether or not the majority of the residents on the 1500 block of Newlands Avenue would support establishing a 2-hour parking time limit in preparation for the Residential Permit Parking Program. Mr. Chou also mentioned the curb area at Pershing Park and the need to consider availability of public parking for general park use. He concluded by saying that staff received 16 signed petitions by property owners and a letter of support. Chair Akers opened the floor for public comment. Ms. Treadwell, Ms. Holden and Ms. Grenier spoke in favor of the petition for 2-hour parking limit and the Residential Permit Parking Program for the 1500 block of Newlands, including the curb area of Pershing Park. They also voiced concern that the overflow parking will move onto the 100 block of Crescent Avenue. Since this overflow parking seems to be employees there was discussion amongst the Commissioners about ideas to encourage employees to park in outlying parking lots such as Lot H. Chair Akers requested Lot H utilization be an issue that could be added as an item for future discussion. Motion: Move that a recommendation be made to City Council to establish a 2-hour parking time limit on the entire 1500 block of Newlands Avenue up to Crescent Avenue, which includes the curb area of the park. M/S/C: Wettan/Noworolski; 5/0/0 7.2 Ray Drive/El Camino Real Intersection Safety – Discussion Mr. Wong reported that staff was able to contact Caltrans and they programmed some extra green time to the signal to address cyclists gapping out at the signal. He added that staff would also be making a request to Caltrans to consider adding a 1-second all- red signal phase for the intersection. Chair Akers opened the floor for public comment. Ms. MacPhael submitted a letter to the Commission this evening which was an excerpt of an email from her group of neighbors expressing their concerns for traffic as residents of Balboa Avenue. She expressed the difficulties of making a left turn heading northbound on El Camino Real at the intersections of Ray and/or Rosedale Avenues. She stated that a 4-way left hand signal would provide clarity and improve the flow of north and south bound traffic. She also recommended a 4-way stop at Ray and Balboa Avenue as a means to slow down traffic. Ms. Wallach is pleased to learn of the few seconds of all-red request for this intersection. Mr. Velasco thought the all-red is a great solution but also suggested realignment of the Rosedale approach as opposed to left turn phasing. Ms. Pfaff disagreed with the suggestion of the realignment of the approach as she felt that if it were straight, traffic would speed. Mr. Chou said requests have been made to Caltrans for more green time for Rosedale and Ray Avenues. Split phasing and roadway realignment would be costly. Mr. Chou will report back at the next meeting with a follow up on the pending items. (Item 8.1.3 advanced and discussed here) (Item 8.2.1 advanced and discussed here) 7.3 TSPC Areas of Emphasis for 2013 – Discussion 7.3.1 Municipal Code Review and Update BMC Chapters 13.36 – Discussion Motion: Table this item until next meeting. M/S/C: Serrato/Noworolski; 5/0/0 7.3.2 Parking Policy Review No report. 7.3.3 Traffic Studies and Collision Data Accident and Citation Data – Discussion No report. 7.3.4 Pedestrian Corridors Mr. Chou reported that for the upcoming Transportation Development Activities (TDA) grant, staff met with the grant scoring committee on Saturday, October 3, for a field visit to the City’s proposed ECR Pedestrian Access Project. He stated that the City would probably know the scoring outcome at the beginning of next month. 7.4 Outreach Events – Discussion No discussion. 8. Information/Discussion Items from Commission and Staff 8.1 Engineering Division Reports 8.1.1 Requests/comments/responses to public traffic concerns (stop signs, crosswalks, speed control, parking) - Electronic speed feedback display signs Mr. Wong reported that the new signs are with the vendor and awaiting delivery to the City. He stated that by the next meeting they should be ready for installation on California Drive and Trousdale Drive. - Non-standard stop signs along Trousdale Drive Mr. Wong reported that traffic counts are being performed and will report back on this matter next month. - Burlingame Avenue traffic/pedestrian safety concerns Mr. Wong reported that some ideas have been discussed and will report back next meeting. Mr. Chou reported that Caltrans is facilitating a workshop seeking public input on safety issues for left-turns at El Camino Real and Floribunda Avenue. The meeting will occur on November 19th in the Lane Room and will be publicly noticed. - Fresh Market (7/14/13) concerns for Laguna Avenue Mr. Wong reported that the extended signal time on Ray Drive and El Camino Real has been already addressed. A speed concern was raised for Bayswater Avenue between Dwight Way and Bloomfield Avenue. A spot speed survey was conducted and found the speed to be within acceptable norms. This item will be removed from the list of concerns. 8.1.2 Construction and Design Projects - Burlingame Avenue Streetscape Project Mr. Wong reported that the 1200 block of Burlingame Avenue is open and construction has started on the 1300 block. The project is approximately 35-40% complete at this time. The smart meters on the 1200 block were installed and will be operational October 15th. - Bike Route Improvement Project Mr. Wong reported that a preconstruction meeting occurred and the east/west locations will be installed by the next meeting. 8.1.3 School Traffic Issues - Hoover School site visit School District Assistant Superintendent Robert Clark was acknowledged in the audience as well as architect Richard Terrones. Mr. Chou reported the Commissioners were invited by the District to visit the Hoover site. Four of five Commissioners have visited and found the visit very informative. Chair Akers thanked District staff for attending this meeting. 8.2 Police Department Reports 8.2.1 General Selective Traffic Enforcement Report Sergeant Kiely reported that last quarter there were 39 injuries due to collisions and occurred mostly on main arterial roads. Sergeant Kiely also reported that the radar trailer was placed in each direction on Balboa Avenue for one week. Chair Akers opened the floor for public comment. Ms. Wallach, Ms. MacPhael and Mr. Haberecht commended staff on the timeliness of placing the radar trailer on Balboa Avenue the following morning after last month’s meeting. 8.3 Commissioners’ Comments and Concerns None. 9. COMMUNICATIONS 9.1 Other Communications None. 10. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory committee (B/PAC) Commissioner Wettan reported that B/PAC met earlier this evening and discussed the best way the City could create a safe, usable bike route from the Millbrae transit hub to the neighborhoods of Burlingame. 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS - Balboa Avenue – 1400 & 1500 Block Traffic & Parking Concerns - Howard Avenue Long-term and Short-term Parking (1400 block) - Burlingame Downtown Parking Structure Discussion – next meeting - Electric Charging Stations - Hoover School Plans 12. ADJOURNMENT 8:52 p.m.