HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2013.01.10 The City of Burlingame CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 10, 2013 Commissioners Present: Nicklas Akers, Chair Caroline Serrato, Vice-Chair Mark Noworolski Howard Wettan Commissioners Absent: Jeff Londer Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Transportation Engineer, Public Works Sergeant Jay Kiely, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Visitors: Laurie Simonson Manito Velasco 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 4 of 5 Commissioners present. (Commissioner Londer absent) 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Chair Akers acknowledged the presence of former Commissioner Simonson in the audience. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion: To accept the minutes of December 13, 2012 as submitted M/S/C: Noworolski/Serrato; 4/0/1 (Commissioner Londer absent) 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Simonson recommended a book, “Walkable City”. She found it very pertinent to issues that TSPC addresses and a good read. Mr. Velasco inquired about receiving a parking citation when parked in his own driveway which has red tips. Mr. Velasco also sought support from staff to help improve safety on California Drive between the Bart Station and Broadway. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Public Works Traffic Safety Brochures – Discussion Mr. Chou presented draft copies of the Speed Limits brochure and Traffic Signals brochure. He acknowledged that additional comments were received from Commissioner Wettan; and, he asked that any further comments be forwarded to him directly. 7.2 Outreach Events – Discussion Chair Akers reported that Commissioner Londer reserved a table on various dates at the Fresh Market for TSPC representation. The Commissioners would attempt to schedule some participation dates for the Fresh Market at a future meeting. 7.3 Accident and Citation Data – Initial Discussion Chair Akers and Commissioner Noworolski had previously reached out to the Police Department to inquire if there was GIS or mapping technology available to look at traffic in Burlingame, with particular emphasis at looking at accident and citation data to give a sense of where the Commission should be targeting. Mr. Chou suggested working with two Commissioners on an ad hoc or subcommittee level to get this information. Mr. Chou questioned the use of an accident data map since it was unclear at the time whether or not such maps would ultimately be for public use. Sergeant Kiely said there are two avenues to show this information – mining accident report information from their database, which is quite labor intensive; or, utilizing a visual display on Google maps. Sergeant Kiely stated that he would have his new officer work on this and would present data at a later date. This item will be revisited in a couple of months. 8. Staff Reports 8.1 Traffic Engineer’s Report 8.1.1 Requests/comments/responses to public traffic concerns (stop signs, crosswalks, speed control, parking) - Balboa/Devereux traffic sign for Lincoln School traffic Chair Akers recused himself from this item. Mr. Chou reported that staff is fabricating back-to-back signs with “No Left/Right Turn”. He said that these new signs would be posted on the southeast corner of Devereux and Balboa Avenue for added and better visibility. - Larkspur/Linden temporary traffic-speed control measures Mr. Chou reported that he has been working with residents Janet McDonald and Matthew Carlson on this issue and plans to meet with residents. He said that staff would try to setup temporary traffic delineators to mimic a traffic circle for approximately 6 months to a year to see if this addresses the problem at this intersection. If so, then staff would work further with the neighborhood to make a more permanent fixture. 8.1.2 Construction and Design projects - Annual Thermoplastic Striping Project Mr. Chou reported that the thermoplastic striping project is currently in progress. The extensive work to be done on Broadway between El Camino Real to Highway 101 is pending a proper temperature. - Broadway/US 101 Interchange Project Mr. Chou attended a project development meeting and the plans are to be at 100% completion this month (January). He stated that after that, the plans and specifications would be forwarded to the Caltrans District Headquarters by April 15, 2013, and then onto Caltrans Sacramento Headquarters in June 2013. The project would then be awarded at about this time next year, and construction could begin in the next 15 – 18 months. He said the duration of the construction is anticipated to be between 2 and 2½ years. - Annual Street Resurfacing Project Mr. Chou reported that the plans are 60% done and upon completion will need Caltrans approval. He stated that staff expected the project to bid in March, with work to begin shortly after. 8.2 Traffic Sergeant’s Report 8.2.1 General/Selective Traffic Enforcement Report Sergeant Kiely reported that Burlingame was one of 14 agencies that would be participating in a countywide sting program. Sergeant Kiely also reported that two grants were submitted in the prior month. One was for funding their participation in the countywide sting program; and, the other was funding for DUI checkpoints. 8.3 Commissioners’ Comments and Concerns Commissioner Wettan mentioned that the roadway at Laguna and Capuchino caused him to bottom out considerably. 9. COMMUNICATIONS 9.1 Renee Ballinger – 2-Hr Parking on Capuchino Avenue Chair Akers reported that he responded to Ms. Ballinger and informed her that her communication would be on this evening’s agenda. 9.2 Other Communications None. 10. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory committee (B/PAC) Mr. Chou reported that B/PAC met earlier this evening and that the discussion was about the OBAG grant applications and the general schedule for application reviews. 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11.1 Primrose Rd/Howard Ave: Possible 24-minute green zone 11.2 General TSPC Plan for 2013 11.3 Parking Structure Study – Special TSPC Meeting 12. ADJOURNMENT 8:13 p.m.