HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2014.03.131 The City of Burlingame CALIFORNIA 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, March 13, 2014 Commissioners Present: Howard Wettan, Chair Mark Noworolski, Vice Chair Nick Akers Jeff Londer John Martos Commissioners Absent: None. Staff Present: Augustine Chou, Engineering Programs Manager, Public Works Andrew Wong, Transportation Engineer Sergeant Jay Kiely, Police Department Visitors (Who Signed-in): Chris Bush Sandra Lang Richard Chiu Julie Baird Robert Bachrach Pat Giorni Tom Simpson 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 5 of 5 Commissioners present. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Chair Wettan thanked and acknowledged the fine job Commissioner Akers did serving as the past Chair of this Commission. Chair Wettan thanked Vice Chair Noworolski for stepping up and serving as Vice Chair once again. Chair Wettan acknowledged Councilmember Keighran in the audience. Chair Wettan took this time to thank Pat Giorni and Commissioner Londer for doing a 2 pedestrian study at Ray Drive/Adeline Ave and El Camino Real. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion: To accept the minutes of February 13, 2014 with the correction that Commissioner Londer did not abstain on the vote for Vice-Chair. M/S/C: Akers/Noworolski; 4/0/1 (Chair Wettan abstained) 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Giorni spoke regarding speeding on El Camino Real and asked that the City make an effort to get the presence of California Highway Patrol to address enforcement issues there. Mr. Bachrach said there was a notice from the Post Office sent to the Mayor and posted at City Hall regarding plans to create another Post Office. He said the proposed sites already have traffic impacts and hoped that this Commission would look at the parking aspect of the proposed sites. 7. CURRENT BUSINESS 7.1 Burlingame Downtown Parking Structure Discussion Chair Wettan thanked Commissioners Akers and Martos for preparing a draft set of suggested comments. The Commissioners provided their input and made edits to the draft. An audience member reiterated the importance of mitigating factors be examined before making a decision to go forward with a parking structure. He said a more gating item, more so than funding, was exhausting the alternatives so everyone would have a sense of the parking needs. He also asked that the City consider where the funding would come from since this was primarily a benefit for drivers of automobiles, as opposed to the general community. Stuart Brickman, a merchant on Burlingame Avenue, said putting a parking structure south of Howard was ridiculous. He said that from his years of experience, Lot C was the only lot that provided the size, access, and proximity to Burlingame Avenue. Sandra Lang recommended that the discussion steer away from advantages and disadvantages of locations; and, instead provide general suggestions to Council. Motion: Move to table this item until after Item 10 of this agenda. M/S/C: Noworolski/Akers; 5/0/0 3 8. Information/Discussion Items from Commission and Staff Mr. Wong asked that the Commission advance Item 8.2 and Item 8.2.1 to this point in the agenda, as Sgt. Kiely needed to leave the meeting before 9PM this evening. The Commissioner agreed. 8.2 Police Department Reports – Reports and/or updates on Police Department program and activities 8.2.1 General/Selective Traffic Enforcement Report Sergeant Kiely reported that selective enforcement was done on Howard Avenue. He said this was prompted by citizen complaints regarding stop sign and pedestrian violations, with most notable concerns at Lorton Avenue and Howard Avenue intersection. Selective enforcement for stop sign and speeding violations were done on Trousdale Drive in front of the school, the 1600 block of Forestview, on Skyline Boulevard between Margarita and Rivera Avenue, and heavily on El Camino Real. Sergeant Kiely reported that the No Parking restriction on the west side of El Camino, immediately south of the Mills-Peninsula hospital frontage, will start to begin citation enforcement following a three-week warning period. Sergeant Kiely reported that, for the Residential Parking Program for the 1200 blocks of Capuchino Avenue and Paloma Avenue and the 1500 block of Newlands Avenue, citation and enforcement are now being implemented following a 30-day educational period, when warning citations were issued. He reported that there has been a significant decrease of parked vehicles on these blocks during peak periods, except for short term parked vehicles or vehicles with a permit. 8.1 Engineering Division Reports – Reports and/or updates on Public Works project and activities 8.1.1 Requests/comments/responses to public traffic concerns (stop signs, crosswalks, speed control, parking) - Non-standard stop signs along Trousdale Drive Mr. Wong made a brief presentation on the non-standard stop signs along Trousdale Drive. Mr. Wong reported that staff reviewed the stop signs on Trousdale Drive at Toledo Avenue, Loyola Avenue, Ogden Drive and Marco Polo Way. He said that these stop signs were installed in the 1960’s using another process which does not follow or meet current stop sign warrants conditions. Mr. Wong stated that there were three options to consider – do nothing, remove the stop sign on Trousdale but not the minor streets, or install 4 the last stop sign at the third approach of Trousdale. Chair Wettan sought public comment. Nelson Yee expressed his concerns for his family having a stop sign placed in front of his home on Trousdale Drive at Toledo Avenue. Mr. Yee said his concerns were noise pollution, air pollution, and safety. Richard Chiu expressed his concerns for placing a stop sign in front of his home on Trousdale Drive at Loyola Avenue. He said since stop warrants were not met, he urged the Commission to consider the two remaining options - do nothing or remove the existing stop sign on Trousdale Drive. Mr. Chiu was also concerned for air and noise pollution. Vice Chair Noworolski expressed his surprise that a course of action was being considered when warrants have not been met for a stop sign. Vice Chair Noworolski said he favored the first two options, with perhaps some additional signage. Commissioner Akers questioned whether a single approach makes sense for the entire roadway. He also said a more individualized assessment might be necessary for each intersection. Vice Chair Noworolski asked about the accident rates at these intersections. Commissioner Londer concurred with Commissioner Akers. Mr. Wong said three or more accidents in a 12-month period would satisfy a warrant condition, but that this did not occurred at these intersections. Mr. Chou cautioned the sole reliance of additional warning signs at these intersections. He also questioned the effectiveness and visibility of additional signage, citing that such signage was already in place at Trousdale/Marco Polo/Ogden. Vice Chair Noworolski stated that he was hesitant to support stop signs when warrants were not met. Discussion occurred about the various options to make Trousdale Drive safer and the need to fix these non-standard intersections. Mr. Chou said that staff would bring this matter back next month, unless it needed to be pushed back because of additional staff meetings. Mr. Brickman did not feel a need for an additional stop sign on Trousdale Drive at Toledo Avenue, but felt there is a need for a stop sign at Marco Polo Way 5 due to driver behavior. Chair Wettan sought two Commissioners to volunteer and consult with Mr. Chou and Mr. Wong if this item needed to go to Council before the next Commission meeting. Commissioners Akers and Londer volunteered. Motion: Move to form a subcommittee to evaluate the stop sign issue on Trousdale Drive and consult with staff. M/S/C: Noworolski/Martos; 5/0/0 - Floribunda Traffic Calming review Mr. Wong reported that staff met with the neighborhood and has developed a plan of action. He added that traffic counts would also be performed. - El Camino Real parking south of Mills/Peninsula Hospital Mr. Wong reiterated what Sergeant Kiely reported earlier, that enforcement would be implemented at this location. - No Parking Signs on Newlands Avenue Mr. Wong reported that staff addressed this request; and, that the 2-hour parking signs were installed in preparation for the residential permit parking program on Newlands. - Highland/Howard Avenues request for stop signs Mr. Wong reported that this request is currently being evaluated by staff. - El Camino Real/Cypress Avenue pedestrian signal timing Mr. Wong reported that the City will be working with Caltrans on this item. 8.1.2 Construction and Design projects - Burlingame Avenue Streetscape Project Mr. Wong reported that the curbs and gutters are in on the 1400 block; and, that smart meters for this block would be ordered in the next few weeks. He said that the portion of work should be completed by June. - Linden/Larkspur Intersection Temporary Traffic Circle Mr. Wong reported that staff was working on installing a temporary traffic circle 6 as an interim measure and for a study period before permanent construction. - US 101/Broadway Interchange Project Mr. Chou reported the project was continuing on schedule. He said that Caltrans has advertised the project with a bid opening date of April 15, 2014, with minor construction work occurring in the fall. Mr. Chou also mentioned that the demolition of the gas station on the corner of Bayshore and Airport was done by the owners in advance of this project. 8.1.3 School Traffic Issues Mr. Wong reported that staff was waiting on the School District’s consultant report regarding the school “walking audit” and Safe Routes to Schools analysis before further action. 8.2 Commissioners’ Comments and Concerns None. 9. COMMUNICATIONS Chair Wettan said one of the communications related to Trousdale Drive which was already addressed. 10. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory committee (B/PAC) Commissioner Londer reported that the B/PAC discussed paving issues, sharrows, bike racks and their locations, “best practices” for collector streets specifications, and funding for a path on the east side of El Camino Real. (BREAK FOR RECESS) Item 7.1 Burlingame Downtown Parking Structure Discussion (Continuation) A marked up revision of the draft document reflecting Commission comments this evening was distributed to the Commission. Chair Wettan sought final comments from the Commissioners, as well as the audience, on the distributed document. Some final edits were made and Chair Wetten asked the Commission for a motion. Motion: To submit the TSPC recommendation regarding the potential for a downtown parking structure, as modified, to Council. M/S/C: Akers/Noworolski; 5/0/0 7 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11.1 Howard Avenue Long-term and Short-term Parking (1400 block) 11.2 TSPC Areas of Emphasis for 2014 – April 11.3 Electric Charging Stations – will be brought forward in an Engineer’s Report 11.4 Downtown Parking Strategies – Employee Parking - April 12. ADJOURNMENT 10:24 p.m.