HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2015.02.121 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, February 12, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. MEMBER PRESENT: Martos, Londer, Akers MEMBERS ABSENT: Noworolski, Wettan 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Motion: To accept the minutes of January 14, 2015 with the correction of day of week on the meeting date. M/S/C: Akers/Londer; 3/0/0 (Noworolski, Wettan absent) 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA Stephen Hollman expressed his dissatisfaction with the lack of follow through regarding the traffic speeding concern on Floribunda Avenue. Mr. Hollman said he was told it was due to budget constraints and he did not find this acceptable. Eugene Zauber concurred with Mr. Hollman and feels there has been no improvement from the previous year regarding Floribunda Avenue. 6. DISCUSSION/STUDY ITEMS a) Floribunda Avenue One-Way Street Discussion (1500 Block) Mr. Wong reported increased notification efforts were taken to get further public input on this item. Commissioner Akers inquired about impacts of creating a barrier to block off eastbound traffic onto Floribunda Avenue. Discussion occurred about various options to create this 2 barrier. Chair Martos sought public comment. Angie Hollman expressed concern that Floribunda eastbound traffic would then be sent over to Oak Grove Avenue by the elementary school or to Bellevue Avenue. Ms. Hollman disagreed with the one-way plan for Floribunda Avenue. Christine Tucker liked Commissioner Akers idea of a barrier for eastbound Floribunda Avenue traffic and would like to hear the Police Department’s input on this. Stephen Hollman thought Commissioner Akers idea shows he recognizes the concern of Floribunda Avenue residents. Mr. Hollman would like this Commission to recommend to the Police Department to enforce and not just give warnings like in the past. Jennifer Pfaff liked Commissioner Akers idea of creating a barrier or even maybe a bulb out to slow down traffic from Hillsborough. George Tucker liked Commissioner Akers idea as it will not impact the residents on the west end of Floribunda Avenue as much. Mr. Tucker also thought speed bumps might help the situation. Louise Kappen expressed her concern that the electronic driver feedback sign is not in the proper place and therefore ignored. Commissioner Londer stated the hierarchy of measures: 1. Increased enforcement 2. Split phasing – doesn’t think Caltrans is favorable of this idea 3. Ban left turns – does not deter speeding 4. Commissioner Akers idea of a barrier – will add some traffic to other streets 5. One-way – last resort Commissioner Akers would like to learn more about traffic calming to address speeding issues. Chair Martos inquired if Floribunda Avenue could accommodate bulb outs and still remain a two-way street. Mr. Wong stated a review needs to be done of pedestrian corridor as there is only one crosswalk on Floribunda Avenue between California Drive and El Camino Real. The cut out of the island also need to be reviewed. Chair Martos sought public comment. 3 Stephen Hollman stated the problem lies with the Department of Public Works. Louise Kappen thought bulb outs might be a good idea. Updates on this matter will be on future agendas under Engineering Division Reports. Stephen Hollman asked that TSPC inform residents via email if TSPC is going to discuss Floribunda Avenue. Mr. Chou summarized that TSPC will discuss various options to block eastbound traffic onto Floribunda Avenue into Burlingame to make a recommendation to Council. The specific issue of one-way will be included as a measure for traffic calming on Floribunda Avenue. b) Burlingame Avenue Downtown Parking Strategies Mr. Chou provided a staff report which sought Commission concurrence with the efforts outlined regarding various parking strategies for the Burlingame Avenue downtown area. Commissioner Londer would advocate for: - no 10-hour parking close to the downtown core - low monthly or free parking for employees away from the core - encourage ways to visit the downtown without a car - create incentives for alternate methods to get to work - indicate “Shuttle Stop” and post the schedule and map - encourage sensors for all smart meters Commissioner Akers asked for monthly updates in a staff report as part of the Engineers report. Commissioner Akers noted the following: - monthly permits sold for more than Lot H - bike racks - Sam Trans – better signage i.e., “Bus in 15 minutes” - Pedestrian electronic signs – i.e., “Caltrain walking distance 4 minutes”, “Caltrain bicycling 2 minutes” c) Commission Sub-committee Status Mr. Wong provided a staff report that provided the status of three standing sub- committees. 4 Motion: Move to make this an Action Item next month to close all three subcommittees. M/S/C: Londer/Akers; 3/0/0 (Noworolski, Wettan absent) 7. ACTION ITEMS a) El Camino/RayDrive Potential School Crossing Guard Mr. Wong provided a staff report which provided background and an update on the request for a second crossing guard for Lincoln Elementary, to be stationed at El Camino Real/Ray Drive/Rosedale Drive. Motion: TSPC adopts the recommendation that the City support the addition of a second crossing guard for Lincoln Elementary, to be stationed at El Camino Real/Ray Drive/Rosedale Drive. M/S/C: Akers/Londer; 3/0/0 (Noworolski, Wettan absent) 8. INFORMATION ITEMS 9. a) Engineering Division Reports Mr. Wong provided a staff report with updates on various Public Works – Engineering projects and activities. • 2015 Street Resurfacing Program – Staff currently working on field review of streets. City’s current PCI = 75 (Good). Bay Area average for cities is 66, with nearby cities San Mateo, Millbrae, and Hillsborough ratings 73, 59, and 73 respectively. • Carolan Complete Streets Project – Design team working on materials and simulations for three design options for presentation in yet to be scheduled Spring meeting. • Speeding on Broadway (Near Roosevelt Elementary) – Data collectors to be used in obtaining volumes and speeds on roadway. Speed limit and school zones signs to be reviewed. • US101/Broadway Interchange Project – Contractor: Ghilotti Construction. Major traffic impacts to occur in Spring 2015. Interchange overpass foundation construction to begin in late February, work includes pile-driving. • Broadway Grade Separation PSR Update – Initial public outreach meeting occurring on March 11th at 6:00 P.M. at the Rec Center, Social Hall. • Electric Vehicle Charging Station Update – Lot has been resurfaced, restriped; the 5 charging equipment has been installed, and is operational. Ribbon cutting ceremony occurred earlier today. • Stop Sign Requests – Staff in process of obtaining traffic volume data to evaluate all- way stop sign control at 11 intersections. Future Engineering Reports will include Parking Strategy Updates and TSPC Communications via email as sub-bullets. b) Police Department Reports Sergeant Ford reported that the Police Department have been working on the pedestrian right of way on Broadway and using reader boards and Parking Enforcement Officers to educate the public. Burlingame Police Department is still participating in the County STEP program. Tomorrow night they will be working in Foster City and next month in Burlingame and Hillsborough. Sergeant Ford also noted that April is Distracted Driver Month. 10. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (B/PAC) No meeting this evening. 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Fresh Market – 2nd Sunday of every month. The 3rd Sunday might work better since TPSC is the 2nd Thursday of the month. 12. ADJOURNMENT 9:23 p.m.