HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2015.04.091 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, April 9, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. MEMBER PRESENT: Martos, Londer, Akers, Wettan MEMBERS ABSENT: Noworolski 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Motion: To accept the minutes of February 12, 2015 with a correction of “eastbound” instead of “westbound” on page 3 paragraph 6. M/S/C: Londer/Akers; 3/0/1 (Wettan abstained) b) Motion: To accept the minutes of March 12, 2015 as submitted. M/S/C: Londer/Wettan; 4/0/0 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA Elaine Breeze of Summer Hills Apartment Community expressed concern of people leaving their cars parked on city streets while going out of town from the airport. Ms. Breeze stated that the Municipal Code Title 13 contains a 72-hour parking restriction, but with a two day waiting period it has a net effect of five days. 6. DISCUSSION/STUDY ITEMS a. Burlingame Municipal Code Title 13 Review Discussion Chair Martos sought comments or recommendations from the Commissioners. Commissioner Akers explained that the sub-committee captured the comments made by the 2 Commission to provide them for the City Attorney’s review. These comments could be viewed as notes for the City Attorney’s office. Vice Chair Londer asked that when there are lists of streets that they be checked and rechecked for details such as parallel versus angled parking. This item will return next month as a discussion item. b. Carolan Avenue Complete Streets Project Mr. Wong briefly reviewed a presentation made at the second public outreach meeting for Carolan Avenue Complete Streets Project and sought comments from the Commission. The presentation showed two options – a two-way cycle track and Class 2 buffered lanes. Chair Martos opened the floor for public comments. Mr. Dawid thought the buffer on the buffered bike lane was insufficient due to the concern of cars on left and car doors on the right. Mr. Dawid favored a buffered bike lane proposal but now that it’s just a Class 2 he is leaning more towards a cycle track. Ms. Breeze, representing Summer Hill Apartment Community, reported she attended both meetings and is very excited about the project and supports either option but would prefer the Class 2 bike lanes especially if it included a buffer. Chair Martos sought input from the Commissioners. The Commissioners favored the cycle track however there was concern regarding the Oak Grove and Carolan Avenue intersection. Motion: Move to make this an action item next month. M/S/C: Akers/Wettan; 4/0/0 This item will also be added to the B/PAC agenda next month for their input. 7. ACTION ITEMS a) Commission Sub-committee Status/Disbandment Motion: Move to thank and excuse the Brochures, Downtown Parking Strategies and Municipal Code Title 13 Review subcommittees. M/S/C: Akers/Londer; 4/0/0 Downtown Parking Strategies will be scheduled at 2-3 month intervals as a Discussion 3 Item. Chair Martos would like to have hard copies of the brochures available at upcoming Farmers Markets. Commissioner Wettan would like to know outcome of some language that was in question on the Pedestrian Safety Brochure. 8. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports Mr. Wong presented a staff report which gave updates on various Public Works – Engineering projects and activities.  2015 Street Resurfacing Program – Staff currently working on plans and specifications for project.  Speeding on Broadway (Near Roosevelt Elementary) – Staff has reviewed data from data collectors. 85% speeds were measured for six days in the eastbound (30.1-31.1 mph) and westbound directions (28.1-29.5 mph). Staff will work with BPD to provide targeted enforcement, as well as consider placement of a portable driver feedback sign for the eastbound direction. Staff also reviewed California Vehicle Code (CVC) sections 22358.3 and 22358.4 to determine how they apply to reducing the currently posted speed limits. Staff has asked the City Attorney for her perspective on potentially lowering the speed limits to below 25 mph in residential neighborhoods without the use of a engineering and traffic survey. Mr. Wong said staff does not have a problem reviewing school speed limits and seeing what we can implement.  Stop Sign Requests – Data collection still underway. The Commissioners were concerned that the counts might not be accurate because they occurred during Spring Break.  Carolan Complete Streets Project – Public outreach was held on March 26. Two main design concepts were presented and discussed. The public meeting was attended by both cyclists and residents. Both design concepts were well received at the meeting. Presentation is attached as part of Staff Report 6.c.  US101/Broadway Interchange Project – Phase 1 of pile driving for overpass foundations is complete. Concrete pouring for foundation bases continues. Phase 2 of pile driving will not occur for several months. Boring pits have been excavated in preparation of sanitary sewer force main work at the 4 Broadway/Rollins/Cadillac intersections. Project is still on schedule. Mr. Chou reported that the last pilings have been done and will be pouring the underground foundations and walls.  Broadway Grade Separation PSR – Project team is proceeding with development of possible design concepts based on public comments at the March 11 public outreach meeting.  Downtown Parking Strategies Update – Painting of the lot specific signs has started (Lot X). Other lot specific signs are being painted by Corp Yard staff as their schedule permits. Additional wayfinding signs currently being fabricated, also by Corp Yard staff. Have received survey data from DBID.  California Drive Roundabout – Interviews have been completed and the consultant team references have been checked. The City has selected a design team. Staff is waiting Council approval to proceed.  Floribunda/El Camino Real Left-turn Safety (Caltrans) – No status change. Still awaiting Caltrans response to City suggestions regarding additional signal timing modifications and no left turn restrictions. Discussion occurred about the City’s action/reaction with regards to Caltrans’ action.  Engineering Service Contracts – Traffic signal contractor providing on-going maintenance services, as well upgrading signal hardware.  Grant Eligible Funding Projects – Per request from Mayor Nagel, attached is list of projects the City currently is working on. Burlingame Measure A Pedestrian & Bicycle Program Projects: - Burlingame Ave. Downtown Pedestrian & Bicycle Improvements o Allocated funding: $300,000 - Burlingame East Side Bicycle Route Improvements o Allocated funding $91,700 - Burlingame West Side Bicycle Route Improvements o Allocated funding $168,700 - California Drive/Bellevue Avenue Bike Pedestrian Roundabout o Allocated funding $1,000,000 One Bay Area Grant (non-Measure A) – Carolan Ave. Complete Streets o Allocated funding $1,000,000  Joint Council/Commission Meeting – Reminder of a joint meeting between Council and TSPC set for Monday, April 20, at 6PM, Conference Room A. This will be a regular meeting and therefore a quorum is necessary. The agenda will be two bulleted items: 5 1. Discussion item regarding what the Commission has taken care of or is looking at 2. Discussion item what future items should be looked at. Commissioner Akers will work with the Chair and staff to create a bulleted slide to serve as a guide.  TSPC Email Communications – Refer to attached “TSPC Contact Log”. Mr. Wong reviewed the status of the items on the “TSPC Contact Log”. b) Police Department Reports Sergeant Ford reported that at the request of Chief Wollman during the first quarter of this year there was enforcement performed on Broadway due to numerous complaints of pedestrian jaywalking and bad driving. During this period the Police Department educated 39 pedestrians and issued 17 citations for U-turns in the business district. 9. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (B/PAC) B/PAC did not meet this evening. Vice Chair Londer noted that the next Farmers Market that TSPC would be participating at is on May 17th. Sign-ups to work it will be done next month. Commissioner Wettan volunteered to do either a first half or second half. Mr. Wong stated that in the future discussions for coordination of Farmers Market could be captured as an oral report under Information Items 8C. 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS - Brochures – Discussion Item - Information on Hoover School - Results from the parking survey – Discussion Item - Carolan Avenue Complete Streets – Action Item - Floribunda/El Camino Real options - Commuter Bike Route 11. ADJOURNMENT 9:24 p.m.