HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2015.05.141 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, May 14, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. MEMBER PRESENT: Martos, Londer, Akers, Noworolski, Wettan MEMBERS ABSENT: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Motion: To accept the minutes of April 9, 2015 as submitted M/S/C: Wettan, Akers; 4/0/1 (Noworolski abstained) 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA Ms. Giorni wanted to be assured that she would be able to speak on items 6a, 7a, 9a and Future Agenda Items. Ms. Saucedo suggested that Larkspur Drive and Toyon Drive be considered for one-way streets due to the narrowness of the streets and the number of trucks using these streets. She also suggested posting signs that indicate narrow streets are ahead. Ms. Saucedo also said vehicles are blowing through the roundabout at Larkspur Drive and Linden Avenue. 6. DISCUSSION/STUDY ITEMS a. General Plan Update: Nomination of TSPC member to Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Mr. Wong made a brief presentation on the role of the committee and responsibilities of the representative. Mr. Wong asked that the Commissioners review the information provided and move to nominate a Commissioner as an action item at a future meeting. 2 Chair Martos opened the floor for public comment. Ms. Giorni asked that whoever becomes as the representative to please serve the entire period. Ms. Giorni also emphasized the importance that the Commission looks at Complete Streets and that it is adopted by resolution in the General Plan which will assist in grant funding. Motion: Move to an action item next month to nominate a TSPC Commissioner to be a member of the Community Advisory Committee. M/S/C: Akers/Londer; 5/0/0 7. ACTION ITEMS a) Carolan Avenue Complete Street Project Design Concepts Presentation and Action. Mr. Chou provided background on this project and asked that the Commission review the refined design options for the Carolan Avenue Complete Streets Project and collect public comments on these design concepts. John Pulliam of Kimley Horn and Associates reviewed two refined design options for Carolan Avenue: - Concept 1A – buffered bike lanes - Concept 3A – cycle track Mr. Pulliam showed renderings of each concept before and after and reviewed the pros and cons of each. Chair Martos opened the floor for public comment. Mr. Dawid wanted to bring up an important point - the cycle track presented is not a cycle track since it is not physically protected. It is technically a two-way buffered lane. Mr. Dawid asked that the City consider a parking protected lane where the bike lane is between the parked cars and the curb. Based on what was presented this evening he is in favor of Concept 1A the buffered bike lane. Mr. Dawid also suggested a bicycle box northbound on Carolan Avenue at Broadway. Ms. Giorni is not a fan of buffered lanes since the buffer is merely paint. Given the options, she prefers Concept 1A the buffered bike lane. Ms. Giorni said the cycle track presented is a glorified enhanced Class I lane and felt no one will observe right-of-way even though divided for two-way, and that it would be subject to use by skateboards, roller skaters, scooters, joggers and dog walkers, etc.. Ms. Giorni gave examples of why a cycle track would not be the best option for this location. 3 Ms. Pfaff deferred to the real bike riders in the room. Ms. Pfaff thought the cycle track would have a safety issue at Oak Grove Avenue, particularly due to the uncontrolled pork chop just west of the railroad tracks. Mr. Hickey of Summerhill Homes appreciates the work done by staff and Kimley-Horn and felt whatever option is chosen will be an improvement. A concern for their development is the ability of vehicles travelling southbound to be able to make a left turn into their development. Ms. Simonson definitely supports Option 1A – buffered bike lanes. The cycle track option does not flow at Broadway nor at crosswalks. Ms. Simonson agreed that a bicycle box is needed at northbound Carolan onto Broadway. Ms. Simonson also emphasized the need to pass an Ordinance to update the General Plan with Complete streets to qualify for grants such as OBAG. Mr. Dawid said he has been unsuccessful triggering a left turn signal and often times needs to wait for a vehicle to come along. Mr. Lee wanted to remind the Commission that this bike lane will also be used the kids and students. Ms. Saucedo liked Option 1A. Chair Martos closed the public comment period and sought input from the Commissioners. Commissioner Noworolski and Akers supported Option 1A. Commissioner Akers asked Mr. Pulliam how they can make this option safer for more inexperienced bicyclists. Mr. Pulliam thought perhaps raised medians could be considered. Commissioner Londer now favored Option 1A – buffered Class II lanes. Commissioner Wettan shared Commissioner Akers concern for students utilizing these bicycle lanes getting to and from Burlingame High School. Based on the options presented this evening, Commissioner Wettan choice would be Option 1A buffered Class II lanes. Commissioner Wettan’s favorite choice would have been the cycle track presented last month. Chair Martos concurred that this month’s cycle track was very different from last month’s. Mr. Chou explained that there were turning constraints given the widths of the lanes and therefore the design was further refined. 4 Motion: Recommend Option 1A modified to improve the safety of high school students using this route. This should include: 1. Improvements at Broadway including a bike box and sensors 2. Medians and other improvements to slow traffic 3. Pedestrian safety improvements at Oak Grove including at minimum high visibility striping on crosswalks 4. Integration with Broadway Interchange improvements Commissioner Noworolski felt this motion as stated was too far reaching. M/S/C: Akers/Wettan; 4/1/0 (Noworolski opposed) 8. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports Mr. Wong provided status updates on the following Public Works – Engineering projects and activities. • 2015 Street Resurfacing Program – Staff currently working on plans and specifications for project. Street list has been forwarded to City’s B/PAC for comment as part of the Complete Street review. • Stop Sign Requests – Data collection completed for most locations. Currently completing warrant review. • US101/Broadway Interchange Project – Work has started on project-required improvements to Easton Creek, placement of false work for interchange decking, and preparation for setting precast deck girders. • Broadway Grade Separation PSR – Work proceeding on multiple preliminary design concepts. • Downtown Parking Strategies Update – Revised signs have been installed along Broadway. Several of the parking lot signs throughout the City have been repainted. Vertical signs being fabricated and to be installed. Survey received 62 responses and data is still being processed. • California Drive Roundabout – Staff report to award professional service agreement going to City Council (May 18). • Floribunda/El Camino Real Left-turn Safety (Caltrans) – No status change. Commissioner Wettan asked Mr. Chou to inform the Commission that apparently there is no agreement with Caltrans to experiment with split-phasing or no left turns because it would apparently interfere with their EIR. Commissioners Akers and Wettan and Vice Chair Londer would like this item brought back as an Action Item next month. 5 • TSPC Email Communications – reviewed the log which provided status of the communications. b) Police Department Reports Sergeant Ford reported that the Police Department is preparing for the Diva Race which will occur during the last weekend of May. May is also Click-It or Ticket month and there will also be special enforcement next Wednesday & Friday for seatbelt violators. c) Farmer’s Market Commissioner Londer sought volunteers for this coming Sunday Farmer’s Market. Commissioner Wettan volunteered for the earlier shift and Chair Martos thought perhaps he could volunteer for the second half. Commissioner Londer will also be present during the entire time period. 9. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (B/PAC) Commissioner Londer reported that B/PAC did not meet this month however there was a robust conversation with some of this Commission and some members of B/PAC. Commissioner Wettan noted that it took quite a while for B/PAC to have a Planning Commissioner as part of the Committee and that person has resigned. Commissioner Wettan felt that this Commission needs to devote some time to determine what the Committee should be doing and what their goals are. Chair Martos opened the floor for public comment. Ms. Giorni concurred with Commissioner Wettan’s assessment. Ms. Giorni felt this Committee would lose public input in the future. Ms. Giorni does not see that feedback is being brought back to this Commission, two meetings were cancelled and that people don’t know what the structure is. Commissioner Wettan would like to see this as a Future Agenda item. 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a) Muni Code Update Commissioner Akers recommended that this item be postponed for one month. There was some discussion as to the process for adding items to Future Agenda items 6 and the need for a method to track these items. Commissioner Wettan requested some process for Future Agenda Items – either they are on the next agenda or receive feedback as to status of coming up on the agenda. Commissioner Wettan said there are some substantive items that he raised last month that he would like to see on Future Agenda Items: - School District follow up - Parking survey and downtown parking - Floribunda - 1 block of California Drive with competing interests. 11. ADJOURNMENT 9:32 p.m.