HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2015.06.111 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, June 11, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. MEMBER PRESENT: Martos, Akers, Noworolski, Wettan MEMBERS ABSENT: Londer 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Motion: To accept the minutes of May 14, 2015 with the addition of the following: - Page 4 – Engineer’s Division Report – Floribunda/El Camino Real o Commissioner Wettan and Vice Chair Londer in addition to Commissioner Akers wanted to see this item brought back on next month’s agenda as an Action Item. - Page 5 – Future Agenda Items o Addition of items Commissioner Wettan said he would like to see on Future Agenda Items. M/S/C: Akers/Noworolski; 4/0/0 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA None. 6. DISCUSSION/STUDY ITEMS a. Future Agenda Item discussion Mr. Wong provided a staff report which listed potential items for Future Agendas created by staff with input from Chair Martos and Vice-Chair Londer. Mr. Wong asked that the Commission review the list and provide comments. Mr. Wong explained items listed under Future Agenda are items to be on the subsequent month’s agenda – not way in the future. 2 Chair Martos sought comments from the Commissioners. The Commissioners felt that the items on the list need calendaring with dates if possible. Commissioner Noworolski said TSPC has been typically responsive as opposed to pro- active and that there are certain times when we need to be pro-active and the Floribunda situation might possibly have been one of those times. Commissioner Akers said that we have a huge decision cycle since we only meet once a month. The flow is such that the fastest that we can move on something using the ordinary flow is three months. By the time Council makes a request it is too late. Commissioner Wettan felt that putting things down as a Future Agenda item and talking about it three months later is a big fail. Commissioner Wettan gave high priority to 1) Floribunda/El Camino Real 2) B/PAC setup 3) California Drive parking restrictions and commuter bike route. Chair Martos thought the Floribunda/El Camino Real concern should perhaps be separated into two items – El Camino Real left turns and Floribunda traffic calming. There was some discussion about prioritization of the list. Commissioner Noworolski suggested and conducted a method to prioritize the list which allowed input from all of the Commissioners. The list was prioritized as follows: A1 Floribunda Traffic Calming B2 Parking Strategies update E3 Stop Sign installations G4 B/PAC setup M5 Floribunda corridor H5 California Drive parking restrictions C6 California Roundabout D7 General Plan – Circulation Element J8 Larkspur/Linden traffic circle L9 Commuter bike route Mr. Wong was asked to give a synopsis of concerns for each of the items – what staff would need to do and what drives the matter. Commissioner Wettan would like to see TSPC address 2-3 items a month and reiterated the need to have Floribunda Avenue/El Camino Real as an Action Item next month to discuss potential actions by the City. 3 7. ACTION ITEMS a) General Plan Update: Appointment of TSPC member to Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Mr. Wong provided a staff report seeking a nomination of a TSPC Commissioner to serve on the Community Advisory Committee (CAC). Mr. Wong said Vice Chair Londer was interested in serving as a representative of TSPC but had already been appointed by Councilmember Brownrigg. The Commissioners thought this would be an opportunity to have two members serve on CAC who have TSPC interests. Commissioner Wettan was interested in serving but knew Chair Martos was also interested in serving. Commissioners Akers and Noworolski were not interested in serving. Motion: Nominate Chair Martos to serve on the Community Advisory Committee. M/S/C: Wettan/Akers; 4/0/0 8. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports Mr. Wong provided status updates on various Public Works – Engineering projects and activities: • 2015 Street Resurfacing Program – Project is currently being advertised, with a bid opening scheduled for June 16, 2015. Some comments have been forward by members of the City’s B/PAC. Comments to be reviewed by staff. • Stop Sign Requests – Most warrant reviews completed. • US101/Broadway Interchange Project – Work on project-required improvements to Easton Creek are being completed. Placement of false work for interchange decking and precast deck girders been installed. • Broadway Grade Separation PSR – Work proceeding on multiple preliminary design concepts. Mr. Chou mentioned there will be a September public outreach meeting. • Downtown Parking Strategies Update – Revised signs have been installed along Broadway. Several of the parking lot signs throughout the City have been repainted. Vertical signs being fabricated and to be installed. Survey data still being processed. 4 Commissioner Wettan would like an update on employee usage of the lots in the downtown as part of the survey results. • California Drive Roundabout – Professional service agreement was approved by the City Council and being executed. • Floribunda/El Camino Real Left-turn Safety (Caltrans) – No status change. • TSPC Email Communications – Refer to attached “TSPC Contact Log”. Mr. Wong reviewed new items on the TSPC Contact log. Commissioner Wettan mentioned that there was one additional email communication just received from Mr. Velasco. Mr. Wong reported that Mr. Velasco’s concern has been addressed by our Code Enforcement Officer. b) Police Department Reports Sergeant Ford had nothing to report. c) Farmer’s Market Chair Martos and Commissioner Wettan shared coverage at the Farmers Market alongside Vice Chair Londer. Chair Martos reported that interaction was very light and felt having an officer available attracts more people. Chair Martos recommended to Sergeant Ford to inquire if an officer would be willing to donate their time or if within their budget to have an officer present. Chair Martos received comments regarding the No Parking signs along Park Avenue. The comments were that they were excessive clutter and driving away business because the restriction of “Sunday” was not visible enough. Mr. Wong said staff is aware of this concern and has reached out to the Chamber of Commerce and Police to address this concern. Another comment received was a suggestion for a traffic signal in front of St. Catherine’s. d) TSPC Chair/Commissioner’s Communications Chair Martos said he made an attempt to contact Mr. Hollmann regarding Floribunda traffic calming and has not had a response as of yet. Chair Martos thought the letter to Mr. Hollmann from Mr. Wong was very well written addressing his concerns and explained what we have done and/or cannot do. 9. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (B/PAC) Commissioner Wettan reported that B/PAC met earlier this evening. They briefly discussed the B/PAC setup issue. They had a very good discussion about Carolan Avenue Complete Streets project. There were some concerns raised about where the 5 bike path heading south veers off the street and then comes back in and also having a plan to get the high school students to use this route. Commissioner Wettan did confirm that Planning Commissioner DeMartini has resigned from B/PAC and hopes to accomplish a reset and get participation from another Planning Commissioner and get the attendance back up. 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a) Burlingame Municipal Code Title 13 Review Discussion – provide to Commissioners for review in advance then Action Item to City Attorney b) Hoover School Update c) Floribunda/El Camino Real – Action Item 11. ADJOURNMENT 9:11 p.m.