HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2015.07.091 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, July 9, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. MEMBER PRESENT: Martos, Londer, Akers, Noworolski MEMBERS ABSENT: Wettan 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Motion: To accept the minutes of June 11, 2015 as submitted M/S/C: Noworolski/Londer; 4/0/0 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA Manito Velasco noticed that on the TSPC Contact Log his request shows bicycling concerns and he felt that was misleading. Mr. Velasco wanted to clarify that it is not only bicycling concerns but all modes of travel are suffering due to the design of the street. Mr. Velasco did not think the response of a Class I path is not a realistic solution in part due to the right- of -way of the Caltrain Joint Peninsula Board. Additionally this Class I path was discussed several months ago and it was decided at that time not to pursue a Class I path for California Drive. 6. DISCUSSION/STUDY ITEMS a) Hoover Elementary School Update Tim Ryan, Director of Facilities for the Hoover School Project, and Dr. MacIsaac, Superintendent of the Burlingame School District, was present to provide a brief update on the project. Mr. Ryan said the project is moving along and expects to open for the 2016-17 school year with an expected enrollment of 250 students. Mr. Ryan wanted the Commission to know that they have met with staff and will continue working with staff. They are also meeting this coming Monday with Syed Murtuza, Director of Public 2 Works, and staff. The Commissioners thanked Mr. Ryan and Dr. MacIsaac for coming to this meeting to share information and offered their involvement if needed. b) ECR/Floribunda Project Update Mr. Wong informed the Commission that the City was waiting for Caltrans response to the City comments a letter dated November 14, 2014. Commissioner Londer commented that it was eight months now, and wondered why there was still no response from Caltrans. Commissioner Londer asked if Caltrans was able to proceed without the City’s prior knowledge. Mr. Wong said in order for Caltrans to proceed, encroachment permits would have to be issued by the City since the project fell on City right –of-way. Commissioner Noworolski asked what the routine process would be to restrict left turns at any other intersection. Mr. Wong replied that it would require a study and that funds would need to be allocated for such an analysis. Mr. Chou added by providing a brief description of the process. He said there would be a request for consideration, staff would conduct a study, hold some public comment periods, determine feasibility, and then bring a recommendation to City Council. Commissioner Akers asked who would give direction to staff to proceed. Mr. Wong answered that the Director of Public Works would do so upon authorization by Council to conduct studies. Commissioner Akers stated that the Commission could take a number of actions on its own that could be recommended to Council. The Commission thought that this matter was to be on the agenda as an Action Item, and agreed that it should be moved to an Action Item next month. Chair Martos opened the floor for public comments. Mr. Velasco urged the Commission to take action because he felt that Caltrans would use the next accident as leverage. Mr. Velasco also urged that the City Council send a letter asking Caltrans what they plan to do in the interim. Motion: Move to bring the ECR/Floribunda potential actions by the City as an Action Item next month. M/S/C: Akers/Londer; 4/0/0 3 7. ACTION ITEMS a) Burlingame Municipal Code Title 13 Review Discussion Commissioner Londer thanked Commissioners Akers and Noworolski for serving on the subcommittee to review all the comments. Motion: Move to pass along the comments for the Burlingame Municipal Code Title 13 to the City Attorney for review and possible implementation. M/S/C: Londer/Noworolski; 4/0/0 8. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports Mr. Wong provided status updates on various Public Works – Engineering projects and activities: • 2015 Street Resurfacing Program – Contractor selected, and City Council has approved contact. Staff to schedule preconstruction meeting and develop project schedule with the contractor. Sharrows will be included and Mr. Wong thanks Mr. Velasco for this request. • Stop Sign Requests – Several locations recommended for stop sign approval at next meeting. • US101/Broadway Interchange Project – Precast deck girders have been installed. Contractor is preparing to demolish the southbound 101 off-ramp at Broadway, and construct the new overpass approaches. Discussion occurred regarding how southbound will exit onto Rollins Road for Broadway and how it affects traffic in that area, the need to alter signal timings if possible and lane reconfigurations. • Broadway Grade Separation PSR – Multiple preliminary design concepts are in progress. A second outreach meeting is being planned for mid-September to present the design concepts. • Downtown Parking Strategies Update – Update to be provided at next meeting. • California Drive Roundabout – Contract/agreement specifics are being completed and City staff is working to schedule a kick-off meeting with design team in September. Council has authorized an agreement with Kimley Horn & Associates, Inc. • TSPC Email Communications – Refer to attached “TSPC Contact Log”. Mr. Wong reviewed the new items on the TSPC Contact log. 4 b) Police Department Reports Sergeant Ford was not in attendance this evening due to working a DUI checkpoint on California Drive. Mr. Wong reported that Office Zwingle will be present at the next Farmers Market that TSPC will be participating at on July 19th. c) Farmer’s Market Commissioner Londer sought volunteers to participate with him at the Farmers Market on July 19th. Chair Martos will volunteer from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Commissioners Akers or Noworolski will let Chair Martos if one of them can take the second shift to relieve Chair Martos. d) TSPC Chair/Commissioner’s Communications Commissioner Londer received three communications of which two were referred to staff or the Police Department. The third communication was with Planning Commissioner DeMartini, who thought it might be a good thing for the TSPC and Planning Commissions to have a joint meeting. The Commissioners thought perhaps the two chairs meet initially to determine if this would be beneficial. Chair Martos reported that he attended the Peninsula Interchange meeting held on June 27th. This project is at a very preliminary phase and they are looking at two alternatives. The next steps is to study this further, find out about funding and the feasibility of getting approval from Caltrans to work on the design. If this project was to go further it could be implemented in 2022 and construction in 2024. 9. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Burlingame Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (B/PAC) B/PAC did not have a meeting this evening. 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a) Downtown Parking Strategies b) Stop Sign Installations c) ECR/Floribunda – Action Item 11. ADJOURNMENT 8:25 p.m.