HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2015.08.131 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, August 13, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. MEMBER PRESENT: Martos, Londer, Noworolski, Wettan MEMBERS ABSENT: Akers 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Motion: To accept the minutes of July 12, 2015 as submitted M/S/C: Londer/Noworolski; 3/0/1 (Wettan abstained) 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA Stephen Hollmann stated of his dissatisfaction with the lack of progress in addressing the traffic and safety concerns on Floribunda Avenue. Mr. Hollmann said he would email Mayor Nagel to move this item to the City Council. Pat Giorni thanked Public Works and Mr. Wong for the removal of a tree limb on El Camino Real between Ray Drive and the hospital. Ms. Giorni also noted that three Commissioners live within the noticing area regarding the Stop Sign Installations and was concerned that if three Commissioners recused themselves then that would leave only two Commissioners, at which time no action can be taken. 6. DISCUSSION/STUDY ITEMS (Mr. Wong suggested and received consensus agreement from the Commission to move Item 7 forward on the agenda as the first item of discussion. Subsequent discussion items resumed the order shown on the meeting agenda.) 2 a. Downtown Parking Update Mr. Wong made a presentation to provide an update on Downtown Parking. Mr. Wong reviewed strategies (both implemented and upcoming) and the Parking Survey and Finance Data Observations. There was a brief discussion about the survey process and suggested methods to obtain this information. The Commission agreed that they would still like to see survey results from Survey Monkey. Commissioner Noworolski once again offered the use of his video camera equipment. The Commission asked staff to come back next month with data regarding lot occupancy, percentage of permit users in long term lots, Survey Monkey results and anything else that will help give this Commission an idea as to where employees are parking. A brief discussion occurred regarding the possible reconvening of the Downtown Parking Subcommittee. 7. ACTION ITEMS a) ECR/Floribunda Project Update As Mr. Wong started to make his presentation, audience member Stephen Hollman interrupted and asked for no discussion on this item and requested that the issue be tabled. Chair Martos asked the Commissioners if they wished this item to be tabled. There was a consensus vote not to table and discussion continued. Mr. Wong presented a staff report recommending the Commission to review the information and vote to either concur with staff to continue through the DEIR process with Caltrans or forward its own recommendation based on a proposal drafted by Commissioner Akers. Mr. Wong mentioned that he received an email in support of closing eastbound traffic on Floribunda Avenue from Dr. Naccarato. Mr. Wong also reported that Mayor Terry Nagel received a letter from Caltrans indicating their Finding of Effect, which has been submitted to the State Historic Preservation Officer for concurrence. Chair Martos opened the floor for public comment. Stephen Hollmann stated that he was very unhappy about receiving notification only 26 3 hours in advance of this topic being discussed on tonight’s agenda. Mr. Hollmann said he had gotten assurance from Chair Martos and Mr. Wong that residents would be advised in advance when this topic arises for future meetings. On this basis, he did not think this item should be discussed tonight. Jennifer Pfaff stated that she was glad this item was on the agenda and had no preference of options, but thought that both options should be looked at. Ms. Pfaff said Caltrans wants to widen El Camino Real to “uncork the bottleneck”, which could result in them getting rid of their maintenance responsibility and to do a grand boulevard. Philip Lalonde stated that he opposed Caltrans’ idea to widen El Camino Real and would urge them to look at other alternative solutions – such as signal timings, no eastbound traffic on Floribunda Avenue, or a one-way street. Mr. Lalonde feared that widening El Camino Real would increase traffic speed and present a danger for pedestrian safety. Mr. Lalonde said he would like to work with the community to stop Caltrans from removing trees and not to widen El Camino Real. Pat Giorni disagreed with the earlier speaker regarding notification of this topic. Ms. Giorni said the agenda is posted 72 hours in advance and meets the posting requirements. Ms. Giorni said it is the public’s responsibility to seek and view the agendas which are posted. Ms. Giorni was in favor of recommending to Council the recommendation prepared by Commissioner Akers to limit turns at Floribunda. She recommended that eastbound traffic on Floribunda Avenue be barricaded and that Council have the City Attorney look into CEQA process. Ms. Giorni felt the City needed to take a proactive stance. Ms. Giorni felt that Caltrans’ submitting their Finding of Effect to the State Historic Preservation Officer was a “heads up” that they are moving ahead with their plan. Ms. Giorni said there was not an appeal process unless through Legislature or CEQA. Manito Velasco stated that the City’s passivity was playing right into Caltrans hands. Mr. Velasco reiterated again that Caltrans would use the next crash at this intersection as leverage and claim the City was standing in the way of a safety project. Mr. Velasco urged Council, TSPC and individuals to write to Bijan Sartipi at Caltrans. Pat Giorni suggested that Caltrans use the Smart Corridors Program signage to recommend drivers who aren’t travelling locally to use Highway 101, as opposed to El Camino Real between Chapin Avenue and Oak Grove Avenue to reduce traffic. Stephen Hollman disagreed with the prior speaker regarding reading the posted agendas. Mr. Hollman stated that if the Commission directs staff to notify residents individually, then staff should comply. Chair Martos sought input from the Commissioners. Commissioner sought input from property owner Philip Lalonde. Mr. Lalonde thought 4 his residents would prefer to see eastbound traffic blocked on Floribunda Avenue at El Camino Real. Chair Martos said he had spoken with the Director of Public Works and staff was directed by Council to respond in writing to Caltrans’ letter of “no impact” by August 21, 2015. He added that staff was currently in the process of drafting this response and that this item would be discussed at the August 17th Council meeting. Chair Martos reported that he spoke with the Mayor, and she felt strongly that if Caltrans were to move forward with this project, Burlingame and Hillsborough would be strongly opposed, and that there were other factors to improve the safety at this intersection. Commissioner Wettan was interested to hear from the residents after having heard various proposals – split phasing, no left turns, and blocking eastbound traffic on Floribunda Avenue. Chair Martos opened the floor for public comment again. Mr. Hollman said the minutes for TSPC February 12, 2015 meeting show residents were opposed to a one-way street and the problems this would create. Mr. Hollman also stated that he was opposed to the Caltrans project. Commissioner Noworolski asked for clarification for the process – whether it was sequential and what could occur during the certification process. Commissioners Londer and Wettan expressed the need for the City to be proactive. Commissioner Londer recommended individuals and TSPC to write letters to Council urging them to take action, and was in favor of sending Commissioner Akers suggestions to Council. The Commissioners expressed their frustration with the lack of action on this matter and discussed the urgency to be proactive. There was some discussion regarding sending Commissioner Aker’s proposal to Council. It was generally agreed that it was better to support forwarding Commissioner Aker’s proposal to Council, as opposed to doing nothing on this matter this evening. Motion: Move to reject staff’s recommendation and move forward with Commissioner Aker’s proposal to Council. M/S/C: Noworolski/Londer; 3/1/0 (Martos voted no) Motion: Move to keep this as an Action Item next month. M/S/C: Wettan/Noworolski; 4/0/0 5 b) Stop Signs Installation Review Mr. Wong presented a staff report that recommended installation of stop signs at the following locations: 1) California Drive/Murchison Drive (All-way) 2) California Drive/Trousdale Drive (All-way) 3) Rollins Road/Toyon Drive (All-way) 4) Quesada Way/Ray Drive (minor approach of Quesada Way only) 5) Mills Avenue/Highway Road (minor approach of Highway Road only) 6) Ray Drive/Balboa Avenue (All-way) He stated that staff was seeking concurrence on this issue for recommendation to the City Council as introduction and adoption of an ordinance. Chair Martos opened the floor for public comment. Chuck Wallace asked for clarification on the stop sign at Quesada Way and made a suggestion to have marked crosswalk at all three crossings. Mike Maionchi said that he supported the stop sign at Balboa Way and Ray Drive. Kevin Dare said that he also supported the stop sign at Balboa Way and Ray Drive. Lisa Chai said she supported the stop sign at Mills Avenue and Highway Road, and also mentioned a safety concern that the parking space farthest south impaired visibility. Manito Velasco stated that he supported the stop sign at Mills Avenue and Highway Road and said the red curb the previous speaker mentioned had been requested before. Mr. Velasco also said he supported the stop sign at Ray Drive and Balboa Avenue and hoped this installation would occur prior to the school year starting. Mr. Velasco felt the stop signs on California Drive were disconnected from where the problems are; and, that there was an imbalance. Mr. Velasco thought that the one at Murchison Drive was a marginal location and perhaps the one at Trousdale Drive would be okay. Mr. Velasco also did not support stop sign installations if they did not meet warrants. Pat Giorni asked for clarification of the Murchison Drive stop sign since that intersection was part of Millbrae. Ms. Giorni was in favor of stop sign installations when warrants are met. Ms. Giorni also said she supported the stop sign at Ray Drive and Balboa Avenue. Ms. Giorni also asked that signal timings at Ray Drive and El Camino Real be looked at. Chuck Wallace questioned why stop signs were not recommended on Ray Drive and just on Quesada Way. Mr. Wong explained that the traffic volume did not meet warrants; however, vehicles were rolling through the intersection at Quesada Way. Mike Maionchi questioned why the yellow school crosswalks were not installed. Mr. Wong explained that the installation would be done in conjunction with the installation of curb 6 ramps. Sergeant Ford expressed a concern of the Police Department regarding the stop sign at California Drive and Trousdale Drive. He stated that the Police Department concern was about the possibility of a backup of vehicles heading north and police vehicles exiting their parking lot. The Commission had a brief discussion on stop sign warrants and their requirements. The Commissioners expressed some concerns with the stop signs on California Drive at Murchison Drive and at Trousdale Drive. Motion: Move to recommend installation of stop signs at the following locations: − Rollins Road/Toyon Drive (All-way) − Quesada Way/Ray Drive (minor approach of Quesada Way only) − Mills Avenue/Highway Road (minor approach of Highway Road only) − Ray Drive/Balboa Avenue (All-way) M/S/C: Wettan/Noworolski; 4/0/0 8. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports Mr. Wong provided an update on various Public Works –Engineering projects and activities: • 2015 Street Resurfacing Program – Preconstruction meeting held, and start of work scheduled for August 17. Staff has scheduled weekly meetings with the contractor. • US101/Broadway Interchange Project – southbound off-ramp has been closed. Closure anticipated to last eight months. Staff has been working with Caltrans to implement further improvements to assist in facilitating traffic through area • Broadway Grade Separation PSR – A second outreach meeting is being still planned for mid-September to present the design concepts. The meeting will be held September 16th in the Lane Room. • California Drive Roundabout – Staff had kick-off meeting with the design team. Initial public outreach meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 30, at the Library’s Lane Room. • TSPC Email Communications – Refer to attached “TSPC Contact Log”. There was one communication from Manito Velasco which questioned the notification procedure regarding the Broadway closure. This communication has been addressed by staff. 7 b) Police Department Reports No report. c) Farmer’s Market Commissioner Londer reported that TSPC was represented at the Farmer’s Market along with Officer Zwingle. During the Farmer’s Market, a person expressed concern regarding speeding on Bellevue Avenue. Chair Martos informed the Commission that at one time the Police Department trained residents to use radar detection to deter speeding but that practice was no longer recommended. Commissioner Wettan mentioned a complaint from a resident regarding speeding on the 1500 block of Balboa Avenue. Commissioner Londer said that he next available date for TSPC participation at the Farmer’s Market is September 19th – volunteers would be sought at the September TSPC meeting. Commissioner Noworolski thought having a survey topic might be a good mechanism to collect data. d) TSPC Chair/Commissioners Communications Commissioner Londer expressed his thought that the Commission draft a letter to Council to express their concerns regarding the San Mateo Peninsula Avenue southbound ramp. Commissioner Wettan said he received a communication on this matter and the resident was concerned that there would be increased traffic into their neighborhood. Chair Martos stated that he and Chair DeMartini of the Planning Commission exchanged emails and agreed that it was not a good time to meet at this time. Commissioner Noworolski reminded the Commission that school was starting and requested that the Police Department be present for student drop-offs and new parent night. 9. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS No reports. 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a) Hoover School Update b) Larkspur/Linden Traffic Circle c) B/PAC Setup 11. ADJOURNMENT 10:27 p.m.