HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2016.01.141 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, January 14, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:05 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. MEMBER PRESENT: Bush, Martos (late arrival), Londer, Akers, Wettan MEMBERS ABSENT: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Motion: To accept the minutes of the October 13, 2015 Special Meeting as submitted. M/S/C: Akers/Wettan; 3/0/2 (Bush abstained, Martos not present) b) Motion: To accept the minutes of the December 10, 2015 as submitted. M/S/C: Wettan/Akers; 4/0/1 (Martos not present) 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA Manito Velasco requested an update on the Carolan Avenue Project. He stated there were community meetings in January and March of last year, and also a presentation to TSPC in June or July of last year. Since then the public has not been updated on this project. Mr. Velasco has asked for information on the current design and details. He urges the Commission to provide an update and to also have this information available on the website. 6. DISCUSSION/STUDY ITEMS Item 7a was advanced here. a) BPAC Charter Update Mr. Wong reported that the BPAC Charter update was originally going to be a part of the Engineering Division Reports, but at the request of Chair Londer and Vice-Chair Akers, it 2 was a standalone agenda item in order for the Commission to discuss. Staff has created a draft Charter with the assistance of the Silicon Valley Bike Coalition, who reviewed the document for consistency with local jurisdictions. City staff has also been working closely with Laurie Simonson, who has been heading the citizen’s group to prepare the draft Charter. The group will continue to meet to discuss items that have not been addressed such as roles and responsibilities, reporting structure, and decision processes. Mr. Wong reported that the draft Charter is scheduled to go before the City Council in February for comments only. Chair Londer opened up the floor for public comment. Laurie Simonson spoke and thanked Mr. Wong for meeting with her as she has been working with citizens interested in continuing BPAC and hashing out various ideas and concepts. She is happy the City would like to see BPAC continue and looks forward to working with City staff to complete the bylaws and guiding principles. Irvin Dawid spoke and thanked both Ms. Simonson and Mr. Wong for their efforts with BPAC. He went on to share a draft mission statement written by Ms. Simonson. As a citizen member of BPAC, Mr. Dawid feels his role is to assist City staff. He was very happy to read of the California Drive Bicycle Project in the paper as he wants to see California Drive be more bicycle friendly. Mr. Dawid believes that BPAC will be a better forum for input from residents and should be complimentary to the TSPC. The Commissioners expressed concern that the Commission would not have an opportunity to provide staff with feedback and recommendations regarding the proposed BPAC structure and governing documents before this matter is considered by the City Council. The Commissioners also posed numerous questions to Mr. Wong regarding the proposed structure and organization of the BPAC. Mr. Wong responded to the Commissioners' questions, but also explained that the proposal was still a work in progress and that many of the particulars have not been ironed out yet. In addition, the Commission invited the Public Works Director to attend the February TSPC meeting to discuss this matter and to provide the Commission with a better understanding regarding the Council's direction regarding Commission involvement in the issues surrounding the BPAC. 7. ACTION ITEMS a) Carol Avenue and East Carol Avenue Residential Parking Permit Application (Discussion and Action) Item was taken out of order and followed Item 5. 3 Mr. Wong presented a staff report that provided background on this request and also provided a brief overview of the Residential Parking Permit Program. Chair Londer opened public comment on this matter. Krista McCutcheon, Ian Milne, Marcia Bauer and Melissa Matross spoke in favor of the Residential Parking Permit Program for the 1500 block of Carol Avenue and the 100 block of East Carol Avenue. Bruce Horn was not in favor of the program for Carol Avenue and East Carol Avenue. Mr. Horn questioned if there could be a review period where residents wouldn’t have to pay for permits while they see how this program works for them. The residents also voiced their safety concerns on Carol Avenue due to the narrowness of the street especially when vehicles are parked on both sides of the street. Chair Londer closed public comment and sought input from the Commissioners. Commissioner Martos asked Mr. Wong if there was parking available at nearby lots for employees that are parking on residential streets. Vice Chair Akers supported the request and asked perhaps staff could come back with information as to how the fees for the Residential Parking Permit Program were established. Commissioner Wettan complimented the petitioner for her thoroughness and the residents for working so well together on this petition. Commissioner Wettan acknowledged that Mr. Horn brought up some reasonable questions regarding this program and its fee structure. Commissioner Wettan also noted that the residents have the option to seek a reversal in the future despite the fact that there is not a trial period. Commissioner Bush thought we should look at the structure of the program and how to deal with overflow parking in a systematic way as a potential future agenda item. Chair Londer asked for a motion in view that this petition has met the current structure of the program. Motion: Move to recommend to City Council to grant the 1500 block of Carol Avenue and 100 block of East Carol Avenue inclusion in the Residential Parking Permit Program. M/S/C: Akers, Wettan; 5/0/0 4 b) TSPC Discussion of 2016 Priorities (Discussion and Action) After much discussion, the Commissioners came up with the following list of priorities for 2016: TSPC Priorities: 1 Downtown Modal Access L 2 B/PAC setup L 3 School Speed Limit Notices/Review L 4 School Traffic Issues L 5 California Drive Commuter bike route L 6 California Drive parking restrictions L 7 Broadway Parking L 8 Public Shuttles/Transit L 9 Downtown Speed Limit Review L 10 Review TSPC Mandate L 11 Joint agreements with Caltrans Countywide L 12 ECR Corridor Infrastructure L 13 Bay Trail L 14 Fee Schedules L Joint Commission Meeting Process Staff Updates in Engineers Report Caltrans’ ECR/Floribunda U Hoover School Update U Downtown Parking Strategies U City Hall Traffic Calming/Floribunda U California Roundabout U General Plan – Circulation Element U Bike\Ped Plan Update: fwd to BPAC U Taxi Regulation: Update by BPD U Carolan Complete Streets Update U Grant Opportunities U Grade Separation U Traffic Brochure U San Mateo's Peninsula Ave OC U Motion: Move to accept the priority list for 2016 as noted. M/S/C: Akers/Londer; 5/0/0 5 8. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports Mr. Wong gave updates on various Public Works – Engineering projects and activities: • 2015 Street Resurfacing Program – Project is about 95% complete. Only items remaining are punch list items. • US101/Broadway Interchange Project – Stage 2 of construction is in the last 3 months. The new overpass concrete deck has been poured, same for the asphalt for the southbound off-ramp. PG&E transmission tower was replaced with minimal impacts to surrounding traffic. The intersection needs to be raised to meet the grade of the new overcrossing which will require some night closures for a couple of days. • Broadway Grade Separation PSR – Design team and city staff continues constraints analysis of design concepts as well as alternatives analysis. Presentation to update Council set for January 19 2016. Presentation to include a 3D fly over rendering of the grade separation. • California Drive Roundabout – Staff to review concept layouts in January. • TSPC Email Communications – Two communications (Exhibit A). One was from Manito Velasco regarding the Balboa/Ray stop sign. The other was from Ms. Ryan regarding sight distance at Adeline/Drake. Staff has issued a work order to address this issue. • Downtown Parking Strategies – Parking lot inventory to resume this month. Survey and data from downtown parking survey to be presented at upcoming meeting. • Hoover School Update – City Council and Burlingame School District Board’s subcommittees reported back to respective in bodies on January 6. Council to provide direction or action for staff. • San Mateo County Measure A Application – Staff submitted application. Over 25 letters of support were included, over a 1/3 from notable organizations. • Carolan Avenue Update – Project is currently under archeological review. • TSPC Priority List (December 2015): √ 1) Caltrans’ ECR/Floribunda √ 2) Hoover School Update √ 3) Parking Strategies update √ 4) Stop Sign installations 6 √ 5) B/PAC setup √ 6) Floribunda corridor 7) California Drive parking restrictions √ 8) California Roundabout 9) General Plan – Circulation Element √ 10) Larkspur/Linden traffic circle 11) Commuter bike routes Was discussed as a standalone item – 7b. b) Police Department Reports Corporal Mike Martin reported that during the period from December 10th to January 12th there were 26 collision reports and six of those were common unsafe lane changes. Of those accidents none were at Floribunda and El Camino Real and two were at Bellevue and El Camino Real. On December 19th a DUI checkpoint was conducted in which 780 vehicles were screened and resulted in 20 field sobriety tests with two DUI arrests, two suspended licenses and two unlicensed driver. Another DUI checkpoint will occur in February. Selective enforcement occurred at Ray & Balboa Avenues and also at Broadway & Carolan Avenue. c) Farmer’s Market Chair Londer was not present for the previous Farmer’s Market. The Commission will hold off on participating in the Farmer’s Market until the weather improves. d) TSPC Chair/Commissioner’s communications None. 9. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS None. 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. 11. ADJOURNMENT 10:19 p.m.