HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2016.03.101 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, March 10, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:03 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. MEMBER PRESENT: Bush, Martos, Londer, Akers, Wettan MEMBERS ABSENT: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: To accept the minutes of February 11, 2016 with the following edit to item 6a: • Change Chair Longer to Chair Londer M/S/C: Akers/Bush; 5/0 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA Manito Velasco requested an update on the Carolan Avenue Project. He stated that he made this request at the January 2016 TSPC meeting. Mr. Velasco would like to know the status of the design details and feels this information should be made available to the public. He also asked that the Commission place this project on the next TSPC agenda. 6. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS a) Speed Limit Reduction Near Schools At the request of the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission, City staff evaluated the possibility of reducing the speed limit near school zones to 15-20 miles per hour (mph). All streets adjacent to Burlingame schools are currently 25 mph enforceable through California Vehicle Code (CVC) 22352, prima facie limits, or the Basic Speed Law (CVC 22350). The City may implement reduced speeds around schools when school children are present by way of a speed survey or City resolution. Staff supports the options which 2 require drivers to go slower, especially on residential roadways, but the City cannot provide enforcement beyond what is currently being done. Staff recommended the formation of a sub-committee to further review the options to effectively reduce speed limits near schools—and enforce them. Chair Londer opened public comment. Manito Velasco shared his interest in what the Commission thinks of staff’s proposal. He suggested the following areas as possible pilot areas for reducing speeds: Deveroux, Balboa, streets near Cabrillo, OLA, and Cortez. Mr. Velasco felt the City should encourage people to go the speeds in which the street designs allows for and feels the above mentioned locations should be less than 25 mph. After public comment, the Commission asked a number of clarifying questions. Commissioner Wettan voiced his concern that the circumstances around the San Jose study may be different than those of Burlingame. He supports the sub-committee but encouraged the Commission to consider a sub-committee that looks at overall school and traffic safety issues, rather than forming sub-committees for specific projects such as the sub-committee formed in response to Hoover School pedestrian safety. Vice-Chair Akers felt that the speed limit reductions of our sister cities have not been withdrawn is very telling and we should follow suit. He encouraged the City to move forward and to form a sub-committee as staff has recommended. Commissioner Bush favored the idea of a high level sub-committee, broader than what is outlined in the staff report. Commissioner Martos is in favor of making things safer for children in the area but did not feel a blanket speed reduction for all streets adjacent to schools would be favorable for all areas. He is in agreement with staff to form a sub-committee in order to take a closer look at each area. Based on the collection of traffic survey data, Commissioner Martos has requested data of incidents near school zones from Sergeant Ford. Sergeant Ford agreed to obtain the information and share it with the sub-committee. Chair Londer supported the recommendation to form a sub-committee. Motion: Appoint a sub-committee to evaluate school traffic and safety issues and assess what problems may exist and how the City might address them. M/S/C: Wettan/Bush; 4/0/1 (Akers not present) Chair Londer and Vice-Chair Akers were appointed to the sub-committee. 3 b) Downtown Parking Update Mr. Wong provided an oral presentation regarding survey and data observations regarding Downtown parking conditions. The goal of his presentation was to provide the Commission with baseline data/metrics, and the results of the latest Downtown parking survey efforts. No public comments. Commissioner Martos shared his concern with the parking lot capacity based on the survey data and questioned if the Commission should recommend the City Council consider the construction of a parking garage. Mr. Martos thanked staff for their good work and efforts collecting the data. Commissioner Bush posed several questions pertaining to alternative options to alleviate the parking issues such as a shuttle from Coyote Point and contracting with Caltrain for additional parking spaces. Mr. Bush felt there are other options to be considered before recommending a parking garage but he was in favor of a sub-committee that could explore alternative parking options. Mr. Chou commented regarding the possibility of obtaining additional parking spaces from Caltrain and indicated that Caltrain and Mike Harvey have an agreement in place currently to utilize Caltrain’s parking for Mr. Harvey’s vehicle inventory. Commissioner Wettan completed some surveying on his own during the Farmer’s Market and felt the conversations he had with people was more valuable than the aggregate data. Mr. Wettan shared some of the comments from patrons and business owners such as the employee parking permit program does not help shift employee parking habits. What seemed to make a shift was a rate reduction to $1.00 for long-term daily parking. Based on his findings, Commissioner Wettan felt there is still capacity in the outer lots, and that a sub-committee should review additional options to shift the parking such as creating more $1.00 spaces for employee parking. Chair Londer indicated that Vice-Chair Akers had a concern with too many 10 hour parking spaces in the core lots. The Chair was in agreement with having too many long term spots in the core and to reduce rates in the outer lots—merchants should leave parking to their customers. Motion: Re-establish the parking sub-committee to study the parking issues in the area around Burlingame Avenue. Commissioners Wettan and Martos expressed their desire to stay on the parking sub- committee. M/S/C: Londer/Martos; 4/0/1 (Akers not present) 4 c) Broadway Parking Issues No staff report or presentation. The Commission discussed the parking conditions in the downtown Broadway area and felt they should address parking concerns by establishing a sub-committee to study parking related issues such as way finding. Motion: Establish a sub-committee to study parking and related issues in the Broadway Business District. Commissioners Wettan and Bush were appointed to the sub-committee. M/S/C: Londer/Martos; 4/0/1 (Akers not present) 7. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports • US101/Broadway Interchange Project – Completion of Stage 2 construction scheduled for March 14. Completion to include opening of new SB off-ramp, weather permitting. Concrete barrier on US 101 SB off-ramp has been removed to provide access to Rollins/Cadillac (February 19th). Staff met with Caltrans’ traffic consultant to discuss returning westbound Broadway at Carolan to the previous configuration; a single left-turn lane, and three through lanes to California Drive. Mr. Chou noted that deconstruction will take place in roughly one month. • Broadway Grade Separation PSR – Third and final public meeting to take place on March 31 at 6:30 pm. Two final feasible options will be presented. • California Drive Roundabout – No change. Waiting to schedule second public meeting. Second public meeting is pending due to scheduling of the next stakeholders meeting. • TSPC Email Communications – One email communication was received after finalizing the agenda packet regarding a traffic signal. The City has responded accordingly. • City Hall Traffic Study – Staff has held meeting with stakeholders. Anticipate Late- March for first neighborhood meeting. • California Drive Parking Restriction – Bike counts completed on March 1, 2016 confirm directional distribution of bicycle during a.m. and p.m. peak periods. • Hoover School Update – City and District met following February’s TSPC meeting with the concerns of neighborhood. District design team to review potential of creating on- street parking spaces, while City staff reviewing feasibility of restricted access along Easton for westbound vehicles. 5 • Carolan Avenue Update – No change. Project is currently under archeological review and there is nothing to show yet. • TSPC Priority List {Revised January 2016): TSPC Lead Effort 1 Downtown Modal Access 2 B/PAC setup 3 School Speed Limit Notices/Review 4 School Traffic Issues 5 California Drive Commuter bike route 6 California Drive parking restrictions 7 Broadway Parking 8 Public Shuttles/Transit 9 Downtown Speed Limit Review 10 Review TSPC Mandate 11 Joint agreements with Caltrans Countywide 12 ECR Corridor Infrastructure 13 Bay Trail 14 Fee Schedules Joint Commission Meeting (City Council) Staff Update via Engineer's Report 1 Caltrans' ECR/Floribunda (left-turn restriction now implemented) 2 Hoover School Update 3 Downtown Parking Strategies 4 City Hall Traffic Calming/Floribunda 5 California Roundabout 6 General Plan - Circulation Element 7 Bike\Ped Plan Update: fwd to BPAC 8 Taxi Regulation: Update by BPD 9 Carolan Complete Streets Update 10 Grant Opportunities 11 Grade Separation 12 Traffic Brochure 13 San Mateo's Peninsula Ave OC b) Police Department Reports Sergeant Ford reported a total of 13 accidents over the last month of which four involved injuries. There were no accidents at the intersection of El Camino Real and Floribunda. Speed was the common cause of the accidents. 6 DUI saturation efforts on February 27 and March 5 resulted in two DUI arrests—one being intoxicated while riding a bicycle. Selective traffic enforcement on March 9 with neighboring law enforcement agencies resulted in the following citations: • 34 tickets for failing to obey traffic devise; • 19 speed violations; • 9 cell phone tickets; • 6 seat belt tickets; • 5 pedestrian right-of-way violations; • 3 driving with a suspended license; • 1 unlicensed driver; and • 1 citation for having an open container and drinking while driving. On March 16, weather permitting; the Police Department will focus on pedestrian right- of-way enforcement. The Police Department received a number of complaints about speeding on Rivera during school hours. In response, the radar trailer and speed detection devices were placed on Rivera in conjunction with additional enforcement efforts. Staff for the Police Department attended Farmer’s market this month and received good feedback. c) Farmer’s Market No participation in Farmer’s Market on March 30; Commission will revisit plans in April. d) TSPC Chair/Commissioner’s Communications Chair Londer mentioned the three year pilot program for turn restriction on El Camino/Floribunda was approved at the last City Council meeting. A representative from TSPC will be a stakeholder. No time table identified for start of pilot program. Per Commissioner Martos, the CAC met a few weeks ago and discussed Rollins Road and multi-use buildings at the north end of Burlingame. Many ideas were shared for building out Rollins Road and making things more accessible to bicyclists. Chair Londer mentioned there is a joint meeting with the Planning Commission and General Plan representatives on March 19, followed by a General Plan meeting on March 24. 7 8. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS None. 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Proposed Recreation Center 10. ADJOURNMENT 9:15 p.m.