HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2016.05.121 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, May 12, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL MEMBER PRESENT: Akers, Bush, Londer, Martos, Wettan MEMBERS ABSENT: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: To accept the minutes of April 14, 2016 with the following edit to item 7d: • Correct the spelling of Capuchino Avenue (originally spelled Cappuchino). M/S/C: Bush/Wettan; 4/0/0 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA The following members of the public commented regarding the loss of parking on California Drive between Rosedale Avenue and Dufferin Avenue as a result of the new peak period parking restrictions as a safety measure for bicyclists. Gus of 1108 Hamilton Lane The residents living on Hamilton Lane (cul-de-sac) use California Drive to park surplus vehicles and for guest parking. He indicated they received no notification of the red curb painting on California Drive and loss of parking as a result. He indicated that Mr. Wong has been very responsive to their concerns and that they value the safety of bicyclists, but they are not content with the loss of parking. Daniel of 1104 Hamilton Lane Daniel indicated he received a tow away sign on his vehicle while parked on California Drive and believes the 48-hour noticing requirement for no parking was not followed. He 2 encouraged staff to stop considering taking parking away, more specifically not to extend the red curbing an additional 60 feet, and return the spaces that have already been eliminated on California Drive. Joe of 1105 Hamilton Lane Joe thanked the Commission for hearing him and his neighbors. He is concerned about the loss of parking as he feels is will lower their property values. In addition, living in a cul-de- sac, they rely on the on-street parking along California Drive. Curtis of 1101 Hamilton Lane Curtis supports his neighbors regarding their concerns of the loss of parking on California Drive. He is home the majority of the day and based on his observations, they have a very heavy traffic problem after 5 p.m.; therefore they rely on the overflow parking along California Drive 6. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS a) Selection of TSPC Member to Represent at ECR Stakeholder Subcommittee Meetings Mr. Wong clarified the subcommittee commitment would be for three years—for the duration of the project. The meetings will potentially take place on a monthly basis but no meeting details are available yet. The agreement will go to City Council in a few weeks and more information should be available then. Commissioner Wettan volunteered to serve on the committee, with Chair Londer as an alternate. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports • US101/Broadway Interchange Project – Stage 3 construction is underway and approximately 1/4 complete. Soil engineering is taking place along the southwestern end of the overpass in preparation of construction of the remaining portion of the new overpass, next to the new PG&E transmission tower. Utilities relocation work has also begun on Bayshore Hwy in preparation of constructing the new eastern landing of the overpass. • California Drive Roundabout – Second community public meeting tentatively scheduled for May 24 in the Lane Room. Presentation to include engineering analysis of traffic efficiency and feasibility of a general roundabout design versus traditional traffic signal configuration at California/Lorton/Bellevue intersection. Chair Londer noted that there is a High Speed Rail meeting scheduled at the same 3 time. Mr. Wong indicated he would let Mr. Chou know about the conflict. • TSPC Email Communications – Vice-Chair Akers indicated he is receiving his City email. Chair Londer shared that it is a cumbersome process to access his Burlingame email account and inquired if a City account can be linked to personal email accounts. Mr. Wong noted the request and will look into it. Three emails were received by Mr. Wong prior to the monthly meeting from residents on Hamilton Lane regarding their displeasure of the loss of overflow parking on California Drive. Commissioner Wettan inquired about the noticing requirements for the parking restrictions on California Drive to which Mr. Wong explained that the residents on Hamilton were not noticed because it does not affect anyone’s frontage. In this case Hamilton Lane is located behind California Drive. • City Hall Traffic Study – Second presentation scheduled for May 23 in the Lane Room. • Carolan Complete Streets Update – Archeological Study Report (ASR) for Caltrans was approved at the end of March. A revised APE (Area of Potential Effects) map was submitted to Caltrans Environmental in late April for approval. Upon approval, final design plans documents (PS&E) to be submitted to Caltrans Local Assistance for Caltrans District approval. Targeting June for submission and September/October approval. • TSPC Priority List (Updated May 2016): TSPC Led Effort 1 Downtown Modal Access 2 B/PAC setup 3 School Speed Limit Notices/Review 4 School Traffic Issues 3/10/16: Item 6a 5 California Drive Commuter bike route 2/11/16: Item 6b 6 California Drive parking restrictions 2/11/16: Item 6b 7 Broadway Parking 3/10/16: Item 6c 8 Public Shuttles/Transit 9 Downtown Speed Limit Review 10 Review TSPC Mandate 11 Joint agreements with Caltrans Countywide 12 ECR Corridor Infrastructure 4/14/16 & 5/12/16 13 Bay Trail 4 14 Fee Schedules 15 Joint Commission Meeting (City Council) Staff Update via Report 1 Caltrans’ ECR/Floribunda Completed 2 Hoover School Update 4/14/16: Item 6d 3 Downtown Parking Strategies 3/10/16: Item 6b 4 City Hall Traffic Calming/Floribunda 4/14/16: Item 7a 5 California Roundabout 4/14/16: Item 7a 6 General Plan – Circulation Element 7 Bike\Ped Plan Update: fwd to BPAC 8 Taxi Regulation: Update by BPD 9 Carolan Complete Streets Update 5/12/16: Item 7a 10 Grant Opportunities 11 Grade Separation 4/14/16: Item 6b 12 Traffic Brochure Completed 13 San Mateo's Peninsula Ave OC Commissioner Wettan inquired about the email communications attachment and Mr. Wong indicated that it would be included in next month’s agenda packet. Commissioner Bush inquired about the Broadway Interchange Project, more specifically the wide right-turn from Rollins Road to Broadway and the safety concern of pedestrians trying to cross the street. He doesn’t think there is any signage and feels it should be a temporary safety measure the Commission should consider. Commissioner Wettan commented about the safety of pedestrians in the crosswalk at that location as well. Chair Londer felt part of the problem is the elevation. Mr. Wong noted the Commissioners comments and will check in with Mr. Chou regarding the latest project meeting with Caltrans b) Police Department Reports Chair Londer complimented the Burlingame Police Department for all their efforts at the GOP Convention. Per Sergeant Ford, the PD used a lot of their parking enforcement officers to defer traffic away from the convention and the traffic unit for immediate traffic control. Over the last month there have been 32 accidents, 10 minor in nature, and one fatality. The fatality occurred at westbound Floribunda and El Camino Real where a garbage truck struck a bicyclist. The incident is currently still under investigation and the PD are still looking for witnesses. Witnesses are encouraged to contact Corporal Mike Martin. Commissioner Martos later inquired about that particular intersection and Sergeant Ford indicated the fatality was the only accident at Floribunda and El Camino Real in the last 5 month. The STEP Program will take place on Wednesday, May 18 which is a saturated traffic enforcement effort with approximately 20 motor officers. As part of the PD’s Office of Traffic Safety grant requirements, they have to conduct four bike rodeos in certain cities. One will take place in Half Moon bay this Saturday, May 14. The event helps to teach kids about bicycle safety and they also provide bike helmets to children if necessary. c) Farmer’s Market Representatives from the Traffic Safety and Parking Commission were unable to participate in last month’s Farmer’s Market. Chair Londer and Commissioner Martos committed to participate in the Farmer’s Market on Sunday, May 15, from 9 – 11 am. d) TSPC Chair/Commissioner’s Communications Chair Londer met with the Mayor last week with the primary topic of discussion being BPAC. Based on their meeting, it appears the BPAC may possibly be a community group, similar to the Citizens Environmental Council. Commissioner Martos talked about the Community Advisory Commission meeting for the General Plan where the topic of El Camino Real and California Drive improvements was discussed. Traffic consultants provided several alternatives of El Camino Real to review, which included improvements such as a “road diet” (going from four lanes down to two lanes), dedicated left-turn pockets, bus turn-outs, and sidewalk repairs. For California Drive, a “road diet” was also suggested, along with a cycle track. Commissioner Martos conveyed his concern with the cycle track due to the transition from west to east at Broadway. Per Chair Londer and Commissioner Martos there is a community workshop regarding land use on Saturday, May 21, from 10 am – 1 pm at the Recreation Center. It will provide opportunities to the general public to comment on different alternatives for improvements in areas such as North Burlingame, Rollins Road, Bayfront, and downtown—Broadway and Burlingame Avenue. Vice Chair Akers commented about hearing additional concerns regarding the loss of parking on California Drive from residents on Hamilton Lane outside of the evenings Commission meeting. He feels the City does generally well on process but “fell down" this time around based on the number of communications received. He is not certain the decision was wrong but felt the process didn’t work and we should consider revisiting this at an appropriate time. 6 Commissioner Bush spoke to a neighbor near Washington Elementary School who happens to work in local law enforcement regarding his traffic concerns around the school. He shared some interesting ideas and insights regarding the traffic in that area. Commissioner Bush will forward his contact information to Mr. Wong for follow up. Commissioner Bush also had a conversation with past TSP Commissioner Noworolski regarding parking measurements. Mr. Noworolski offered to put up parking monitoring devises around the City to help collect additional parking data if the City allowed. Commissioners Bush and Martos both felt it would be good to have real time parking insights and how parking takes shape through the day and throughout the weeks. 8. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Downtown Parking (Martos/Wettan) No update; will discuss next steps soon. b) Broadway Parking (Bush/Wettan) Commissioner Wettan suggested that the downtown Broadway area might be a good place to take former Commissioner Noworolski up on his offer to place parking monitoring devices. One issue with Broadway parking is the number of restaurants and wait staff. He also noted a well-known trick in Burlingame – meters go off at 6 pm so people working in the evening pay one hour of parking for the entire night. Bush made a general comment that it appeared there is a lot of overnight parking going on in City lots. Commissioners Bush and Wettan have not yet followed up with John Kevranian of the Broadway Business District. c) BPAC (Akers/Londer) The BPAC group was unable to meet this evening, May 12. Chair Londer mentioned again that the BPAC may be structured similar to the Citizens Environmental Council but nothing is set in stone. d) School Speed Limits (Akers/Londer) Emails have been exchanged but no real discussion has taken place according to Commissioners Londer and Akers. Commissioner Wettan shared that Planning Commissioner DeMartini emailed him regarding school speed limit issues, more specifically at Roosevelt. He let Commissioner DeMartini know there is a committee looking at school speed limits and encouraged him to contact subcommittee members Nick Akers or Jeff Londer. 7 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Community notifications (as a result of Hamilton Lane complaints regarding parking restrictions on California Drive) • BPAC Charter, stakeholders, reporting structure • Create slot for 15 minute working session for subcommittee reports (July or August) • Public shuttles and transit 10. ADJOURNMENT 7:55 p.m.