HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2016.09.081 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, September 8, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL MEMBER PRESENT: Akers, Bush, Martos, Wettan MEMBERS ABSENT: Londer 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: To accept the minutes of August 11, 2016 with the following two edits: • Page 3, item 6a, paragraph 2 – correct reference to Chair Martos as Commissioner Martos; and • Page 5, item 7b, paragraph 1 – revise “four were minor in nature” to “four with injuries that were minor in nature.” M/S/C: Akers/Martos; 4/0/1 (Chair Londer absent) 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA Manito Velasco thanked Sergeant Ford and the Burlingame Police Department for their enforcement efforts for the no parking restrictions implemented on a portion of California Drive. Mr. Velasco felt that compliance has improved and therefore increased the safety of the corridor over the last few weeks. Mr. Velasco also thanked City staff for sending him the Carolan Avenue Complete Streets Project design and meeting with him and the City’s consultant. He encouraged the Commission to review the latest design comments. 2 Lastly, Mr. Velasco suggested that the Commission review three projects: 1) Thermoplastic Project; 2) Albemarle/Davis Street Sewer Project; and 3) 2016 Resurfacing Program. 6. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS a) Hoover School Update (Presentation) Mr. Wong reviewed the improvements completed prior to the opening of Hoover School and highlighted the following general observations collected: • Traffic circulation pattern through drop-off area was effective. • There was not a queuing issue at the drop-off area during drop-off. Queuing occurs during pick-up when parents are waiting. • On first morning, about 60 vehicles came from Easton Circle. • Initially the majority of students/parents (160) walked along Easton Drive, have since switched to using Summit. • Parents are parking along Easton Drive and walking students to school. • There was not a “hectic” 10 minute period prior to the final bell. • Some vehicles travelled westbound from Easton Circle, including parents with students. Mr. Wong indicated that the Principal and parents that he spoke to were very pleased with the improvements. Additional signage improvements to the traffic island and the installation of delineators by the retaining wall will be completed shortly. Commissioner Wettan began by saying he felt staff did a great job and that overall this is a real success story. Commissioner Wettan observed traffic and pedestrian flow the second morning of the new school year and was shocked to find no queuing. He commented that most of the foot traffic he saw in the morning was along Summit. Based on Commissioner Wettan’s observations, he encouraged staff to consider additional crosswalk improvements at the intersection of Hillside Circle and Hillside Drive such as reflectors, ped paddles and/or additional signage. He also suggested additional signage regarding the traffic flow restrictions at Summit and Hillside Circle. Lastly, Commissioner Wettan urged City staff to revisit the parking exception on the north side of Easton Drive. He observed pedestrians forced to walk in the street because there was not adequate space to walk on the other side of the parked vehicles as anticipated. Commissioner Wettan suggested at the least to stripe a walking lane so homeowners can still park their vehicles while still providing a walking path for pedestrians. Based on inquiries and comments from Vice-Chair Akers and Commissioner Wettan, Mr. Wong was asked to verify the ADA requirements and legal risk for the stretch of 3 sidewalk in poor condition by the Easton Gates. Commissioner Martos thanked Mr. Wong and the Burlingame Police Department for their work on traffic and pedestrian flow; he was impressed with the outcome. Commissioner Martos inquired about making improvements to help deter drivers to travel the wrong way on Easton Drive. He suggested a changeable message board/flashing signs to which Mr. Wong and Sergeant Ford confirmed there is a message board already back out there. To conclude, Commissioner Martos asked for clarification from Sergeant Ford when they planned to stop giving warnings and start issuing citations. Sergeant Ford indicated there is no date in mind; they will provide drivers with a warning first, and the second time they will be issued a ticket as the Police Department keeps track of warnings given. Vice-Chair Akers echoed the sentiments of his fellow Commissioners about the City’s rapid response, engaging in solutions, and implementing various improvements within a short time period. Vice-Chair Akers indicated that this topic of discussion should continue, especially given the concern about portions of the walking path on Easton Drive. He suggested City staff engage with the homeowners regarding the issue and also look into a striped walking path. b) School Speed Limits (Sub-Committee Report) Vice-Chair Akers briefly summarized the report he and Chair Londer provided regarding their recommendations for a school zone speed reduction pilot program consisting of a 15 MPH speed limit on Quesada Way in the vicinity of Burlingame Intermediate School (BIS). He then sought comments, suggestions, and/or questions about the proposed pilot program. Fellow Commissioners Bush, Martos and Wettan provided feedback which is captured below. • Work with the Burlingame School District to obtain their feedback about the proposed pilot project and location; • Define the measures of success such as the ratio of children walking unaccompanied by an adult or the overall satisfaction of parents and the safety of their children; • Invite the School District to an upcoming TSPC meeting; and • Continue to refine proposal before routing to others for review and comment; Vice-Chair Akers opened public comment and Manito Velasco provided feedback. He stated he felt the afternoon hours are worse than the morning rush. Mr. Velasco indicated he supports the pilot program on Quesada Way but suggested diversifying our efforts in multiple locations such as Lincoln, Adeline, Balboa, Cortez, Paloma, and Devereux. 4 7. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports • US101/Broadway Interchange Project – Stage 3 construction continues and is about halfway completed. The construction of the final eastbound overpass section will be completed in late October. The construction for the remainder of September includes construction of retaining walls, finish grading and paving of the roadway approaches to both sides of the overpass. Stage 4 work is planned for early winter, when portions of Bayshore Highway will be reconstructed to raise the Bayshore/Airport intersection to its planned elevation. • California Drive Roundabout – Awaiting date for next public meeting to review aesthetic treatments. Project plans are at 65% Horizontal Geometric Design configuration. Staff is reviewing the basic horizontal roadway geometry to identify and discard any potential flaws in basic assumptions at the 65% milestone. Elevation and vertical alignments are currently being calculated, with final analysis being based on confirmed horizontal layout. General aesthetic and landscape concepts are also being gathered to be used as a beginning point for discussion at the third public outreach meeting. No date has been confirmed as yet, but October is being considered as a tentative month for a third meeting. • Carolan Complete Streets – The City has received final approval from Caltrans Cultural Resources on the Historic Property Survey Report (HPSR) and the Archaeological Survey Report (ASR) for the project. City staff and the design team are now working to complete the project plans and specifications for submittal to Caltrans in October for review and authorization to advertise for construction. • TSPC Email Communications – Single communication from Jeffrey Tong. Staff has responded back to Mr. Tong. • Burlingame Point Project Update – Staff working on comments regarding project, including roadway improvements. • California Drive Bike Facility – First public meeting completed on July 26. The design team is working on draft options which will be presented at the next public meeting. This meeting is anticipated for Mid-October. These options will have taken into consideration input received from residents at the July meeting. • ECR/Floribunda Update – The City Council has established a Task Force for the ECR Corridor. This task force consists of a technical group and a community group. The City has brought abroad the consultant team of Hathaway Associates to facilitate meetings. This team is currently in the process of setting up the framework to initiate the process and has already met with Caltrans. It is anticipated that in the coming weeks the consultants team will be initiating meetings with the task force and 5 stakeholders. • BPAC Update – Staff has updated the members associated with the BPAC with a summary including the recommendation from TSPC, as well as the next steps. Staff will be available as a resource to provide some assistance to the group. • TSPC Priority List (Updated August 2016): TSPC Led Effort 1 Downtown Modal Access 2 B/PAC setup 6/9/16: Item 6a 3 School Speed Limit Notices/Review 9/8/16: Item 6b 4 School Traffic Issues 3/10/16: Item 6a 5 California Drive Commuter bike route 2/11/16: Item 6b 6 California Drive parking restrictions 7/14/16: Item 7a 7 Broadway Parking 7/14/16: Item 6a 8 Public Shuttles/Transit 9 Downtown Speed Limit Review 10 Review TSPC Mandate 11 Joint agreements with Caltrans Countywide 12 ECR Corridor Infrastructure 4/14/16 & 5/12/16 13 Bay Trail 14 Fee Schedules 15 Joint Commission Meeting (City Council) Staff Update via Report 1 Caltrans’ ECR/Floribunda Completed 2 Hoover School Update 9/8/16: Item 6a 3 Downtown Parking Strategies 7/14/16: Item 6b 4 City Hall Traffic Calming/Floribunda 9/8/16: Item 7a 5 California Drive Roundabout 9/8/16: Item 7a 6 General Plan – Circulation Update 7 Bike/Ped Plan Update: Fwd to BPAC 8 Taxi Regulations – Update by BPD 9 Carolan Complete Streets Update 9/8/16: Item7a 10 Grant Opportunities 11 Grade Separation 4/14/16: Item 6b 12 Traffic Brochure Completed 13 San Mateo’s Peninsula Avenue OC 6 b) Police Department Reports Since the last TSPC meeting, Sergeant Ford indicated there have been 21 vehicular accidents. Of the 21 accidents, four were with injuries that were minor in nature, and one was a major injury accident. There were no fatalities. No accidents occurred at the intersection of El Camino Real and Floribunda. The primary collision factor for 8 of the 21 accidents was an unsafe lane change. Sergeant Ford indicated there would be a DUI checkpoint on September 15, 2016 and that the Police Department would be participating in the upcoming pet parade. Sergeant Ford also said that the Burlingame Police Department will receive an award on September 19, 2016 related to traffic safety from the California Highway Patrol (CHP). Sergeant Ford shared his feedback regarding week one of the new school year. He felt things went well as the Police Department did not experience any significant issues. Lastly, Sergeant Ford informed the Commissioners and City Staff that effective January 2017 he will no longer serve as the Traffic Sergeant representative at the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission meetings. Sergeant Shepley is set to rejoin the Commission as his replacement. c) Farmer’s Market Commissioner Martos said the last Farmer’s Market was busy and therefore he and Chair Londer were unable to speak with the local merchants regarding parking. Next Farmer’s Market date unknown; Commissioners agreed to continue the discussion next month when Chair Londer returns. d) TSPC Chair/Commissioner’s Communications Commissioner Wettan indicated that the recent no parking restrictions implemented for a portion of California Drive significantly improves the condition of the corridor. Commissioner Martos said the Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) provided a General Plan Update regarding the latest Envision Burlingame efforts related to emerging land use to City Council last night. Commissioner Martos felt that the live/work concept near transit hubs in the north Bayfront and Rollins Road area resonated with City Council. He noted other key discussion topics such as the redevelopment of El Camino Real, new residential and mixed use development, and more affordable housing for people working in Burlingame. 7 8. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Downtown Parking (Martos & Wettan) Commissioner Wettan reviewed the time slots for the downtown parking data collection effort and reminded his fellow Commissioners to collect data for their assigned day(s) twice before Thanksgiving. Commissioner Wettan signed up for Tuesday, Commissioner Martos signed up for Friday, and Commissioner Bush agreed to Saturday. Commissioner Wettan said Sunday would be shared between the Commissioners in conjunction with the Farmer’s Market. At this point in the discussion, Vice-Chair Akers suggested finalizing the assignments and time slots for data collection after the meeting; his fellow Commissioners agreed. b) Broadway Parking (Wettan & Bush) No update provided. c) School Speed Limits (Londer & Akers) See Discussion/Action Item (6b). 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Item from TSPC Priority List; • Parking restriction along 191 Airport Boulevard; • 10-hour parking request for Frontage Road adjacent to El Camino Real between Trousdale and Murchison; • Quesada Way/Ray Drive stop-warrant study; • Hoover Parking; and • Review of latest design for the Carolan Complete Streets Project. 10. ADJOURNMENT 8:58 p.m.