HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2016.12.081 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, December 8, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:03 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL MEMBER PRESENT: Akers, Bush (arrived at 7:06), Londer, Martos, Wettan MEMBERS ABSENT: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: To accept the minutes of November 10, 2016 with the following two edits: • Page 2, item 6a, paragraph 8 – verified and corrected the number of parking spaces to be 70 on the west side and 50 on the east side of Carolan Avenue; and • At the request of Chair Londer, the late arrival times of the Commissioners will be included in the meeting minutes for clarity. M/S/C: Londer/Akers; 5/0/0 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA Amy Costa, the Principal of Our Lady of Angels (OLA) spoke to address safety concerns that surround the parish community. She indicated that in the past year there have been two pedestrian related accidents at Hillside and Cortez; one of which was fatal. Most recently, on Monday, November 21, 2016, a fourth grade student was struck by a vehicle in front of OLA. Father Michael Mahoney followed Principal Costa and explained that he felt the intersection of Hillside and Cortez is a dangerous junction for two specific reasons: (1) the majority of 2 morning traffic heading east on Hillside, makes a right on Cortez and then exits Cabrillo back to Hillside. He feels it is very unsafe for the children and other pedestrians walking to school. At this point, Chair Wettan recused himself due to his residency in the area. Father Mahoney continued to say that secondly, the only light at night in the area comes from the lights directly in front of the church. He said that two parishioners have been hit by a vehicle after evening mass. Father Michael requested that the City consider installing pedestrian crossing lights across Hillside similar to what he sees along Broadway at various junctions. Lastly, the parents of the fourth grade student struck by a vehicle in November, Fred and Jennifer, made the following requests to increase pedestrian safety: • Place a crosswalk on Cabrillo in front of OLA to give people a safe place to cross the street; • Add a minimum of two “Slow School” signs on Cabrillo, Cortez, Hillside and Easton in both directions; • Add “Slow School” crossing on the pavement of Cabrillo to mirror what is in place on Cortez; • Extend the red zone on Cabrillo in front of OLA to extend to the telephone pole; and • Decrease the speed limit to 15 MPH on Cabrillo and Cortez. 6. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS a) Downtown Parking Sub-Committee Commissioner Wettan indicated that he and Commissioner Martos are still in the process of deciding how to best present the data and one idea was to group the lots into four categories: (1) short-term parking north of Burlingame Avenue; (2) short-term parking south of Burlingame Avenue; (3) long-term parking north of Burlingame Avenue; and (4) long-term parking south of Burlingame Avenue. Commissioner Wettan felt based on his observations that there is a discernable difference between the parking capacities north and south of Burlingame Avenue. Commissioner Wettan continued and acknowledged there are a few more data points to collect for Wednesdays, Friday and Sunday but the preliminary thoughts are as follows. Commissioner Wettan said it appears there might be two issues currently occurring during the weekdays: 1. Misutilization / parking allocation problem; and 2. Employee parking problem. Commissioner Martos suggested a three step approach to analyze the problem which included taking additional time to analyze the data by looking at previous mitigation 3 actions, identifying what can be done outside of suggesting a parking garage and continue putting together views of the data between now and the end of the year. After a lengthy discussion amongst all the commissioners the following suggestions were made: • Indicate the specific times of data collection for each data point—even if it’s a general footnote on the raw data spreadsheet; • Offer less expensive parking permits to be used Monday through Wednesday and package a transit subsidy only to be used on Thursday and Fridays to assist with the lack of parking capacity late in the week; and • Add parking conditions to conditional use permits by using incentives. b) TSPC Chair and Vice-Chair Nominations Vice-Chair Akers said he appreciates the rotation but indicated he cannot dedicate the time to chair the TSPC meetings in 2017 due to his professional schedule. He is hopeful we keep the rotation model. Vice-Chair Akers moved to nominate Commissioner Wettan to take the role of Chair for calendar year 2017. M/S/C: Akers/Londer 5/0/0 Commissioner Martos asked Commissioner Bush if he was interested in taking the Vice- Chair role for calendar year 2017 and he accepted. M/S/C: Martos/Londer 5/0/0 7. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports • US101/Broadway Interchange Project – Stage 4 approximately midway through construction. The construction of the final eastbound overpass section will be completed by late December. The work on the new southbound US 101 on-ramp is also in progress and is expected to be completed at the same time. • California Drive Roundabout – No update since November meeting. Project plans are at 65% Horizontal Geometric Design configuration with work for 95% in progress. • Carolan Complete Streets – No update since November meeting. City is 4 awaiting Caltrans to complete their review of the project plans and specifications. Once the City has been given authorization, we can advertise for construction. • 2016-2017 Street Resurfacing Program – Below is the preliminary list of streets the City is planning on resurfacing as part of the program. This list is subject to change due to unforeseeable conditions encountered during the bid process as well as construction. Staff has completed an initial “Complete Streets” review, and will meet with community BPAC members to obtain their input as well. STREET NAME: BETWEEN: 1 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY BURLWAY AIRPORT 2 CAPUCHINO AVE MILLS GROVE 3 CLARENDON RD DWIGHT BURLINGAME 4 DRAKE AVE CARMELITA SANCHEZ 5 EL CAMINO FRONTAGE MURCHINSON DUFFERIN 6 LAGUNA AVE MILLS GROVE 7 LAUREL AVE PARK OAK GROVE 8 MAPLE AVE MORRELL PARK 9 NEWHALL RD SANCHEZ FORESTVIEW 10 OGDEN DR MURCHINSON TROUSDALE 11 PALOMA AVE MILLS GROVE 12 PARK RD BURLINGAME HOWARD 13 PENINSULA DR CALIFORNIA HUMBOLDT 14 SANCHEZ AVE DRAKE EL CAMINO 15 SEBASTIAN WAY TROUSDALE ARGUELLO 16 SEQUOIA AVE TROUSDALE CLARICE 17 VERNON WAY BLOOMFIELD CLARENDON • California Drive Complete Streets – Staff working towards a January date for the 2nd public meeting. Again, any of the options presented will have taken into consideration input received from residents at the July meeting. • Larkspur/Linden Traffic Circle – Staff has selected a contractor for the project, and is finalizing the contract with them. • Peninsula Overcrossing Update – On the December 5 City Council meeting, San Mateo’s Public Works staff made a presentation to the Burlingame City Council. • Hoover School Update – During the week of Thanksgiving, a portion of Summit Drive was repaved. Final striping work should occur in a few weeks. • El Camino Real Waterline Replacement – The contractor is currently making spot repairs on the new main and Monday will start the pressure test and 5 chlorination phase. The traffic impacts will be reduced over the next month when we are tying in the new system to the old system and completing service connections on the side of the road. The traffic impacts will increase when the project moves to Ray and El Camino Real starting around mid-December. The project is scheduled to be complete by mid-February. • Ray Park, Easton Addition, and Neighborhood Sewer Rehab. Phase 1 – Contractor is currently working at Davis Drive, Quesada Way, and other adjacent areas. Expect traffic delays on these streets. They are expected to move to Skyline Boulevard near Margarita the third week of December. The project is scheduled to continue into January 2017. • ECR Task Force – No update since November meeting. • OBAG 2 Grant – Staff submitted three applications, one for each of the OBAG programs (TLC, LSR, and BPIP). • School Speed Limit – No update since November meeting. Item is tentatively scheduled for the January 3, 2017 City Council meeting. • TSPC Email Communications – No new communications. • TSPC Priority List (Updated December 2016): TSPC Led Effort 1 Downtown Modal Access 2 B/PAC setup 6/9/16: Item 6a 3 School Speed Limit Notices/Review 9/8/16: Item 6b 4 School Traffic Issues 3/10/16: Item 6a 5 California Drive Commuter bike route 2/11/16: Item 6b 6 California Drive parking restrictions 7/14/16: Item 7a 7 Broadway Parking 7/14/16: Item 6a 8 Public Shuttles/Transit 9 Downtown Speed Limit Review 10 Review TSPC Mandate 11 Joint agreements with Caltrans Countywide 12 ECR Corridor Infrastructure 4/14/16 & 5/12/16 13 Bay Trail 14 Fee Schedules 15 Joint Commission Meeting (City Council) Staff Update via Report 1 Caltrans’ ECR/Floribunda Completed 2 Hoover School Update 12/8/16: Item 7a 3 Downtown Parking Strategies 12/8/16: Item 6a 6 4 City Hall Traffic Calming/Floribunda 9/8/16: Item 7a 5 California Roundabout 9/8/16: Item 7a 6 General Plan – Circulation Element 10/13/16: Item 8d 7 Bike\Ped Plan Update: fwd to BPAC 8 Taxi Regulation: Update by BPD Completed 9 Carolan Complete Streets Update 9/8/16: Item 7a 10 Grant Opportunities 12/8/16: Item 7a 11 Grade Separation 4/14/16: Item 6b 12 Traffic Brochure Completed 13 San Mateo's Peninsula Ave OC 10/13/16: Item 7a b) Police Department Reports Since the last TSPC meeting, Sergeant Garrett Penn indicated there have been 22 vehicular accidents. Of the 22 accidents, 8 were with injuries that were minor in nature; and one major injury accident which was the collision in front of OLA. Fifty percent of the accidents were due to unsafe turn movements and the second factor being speed. There were no accidents at the intersection of El Camino Real and Floribunda; however, 5 of the 22 accidents occurred on El Camino Real. BPD will begin issuing citations for turn restrictions in place around Hoover School during the drop off and pick up hours. BPD participated in the annual tree lighting event and will be conducting a DUI checkpoint in the City limits on December 30, 2016. Commissioner Martos requested statistical data for Councilman Brownrigg regarding the accidents at Floribunda and El Camino Real since the “no right on red” has been implemented. Vice-Chair Akers requested comparative data at key intersections such as Rosedale, Adeline and Broadway (north of Broadway). c) Farmer’s Market Chair Londer indicated there would be no Farmer’s Market in December. The Commission will discuss its plans to participate in the January Farmer’s Market at the January TSPC meeting. d) TSPC Chair/Commissioner’s Communications Commissioner Martos provided an update regarding the 101/Peninsula Interchange Project and indicated San Mateo will be moving into the Environmental Impact Report phase. Chair Londer indicated there is a General Plan meeting coming up on Tuesday. He closed the Commissioner’s Communications by thanking the Commission for their efforts 7 and support as Chair. Commissioner Wettan indicated Chair Londer sat in for him at the El Camino Real Task Force Kick-Off meeting. Chair Londer felt the overall message and goal of the task force is to come up with a mechanism or process to work with Caltrans to get things done in the corridor. 8. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Downtown Parking (Martos & Wettan) Discussed as item 6a. b) Broadway Parking (Wettan & Bush) No update. c) School Speed Limits (Londer & Akers) This item (Pilot Program) is scheduled for the January 3, 2017 Council Meeting. d) Envision Burlingame (Londer & Martos) No update. 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • TSPC discussion of 2017 priorities • Safety concerns deriving from OLA accident 10. ADJOURNMENT 8:36 p.m.