HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2017.01.121 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, January 12, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL MEMBER PRESENT: Akers, Bush, Londer, Martos, Wettan MEMBERS ABSENT: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: To accept the minutes of December 8, 2016 with the following five edits: • Item 5, page 2, paragraph 1 – corrected directional reference “up” Hillside to “east” on Hillside; • Item 5, page 2, paragraph 1 – added text to indicate that Chair Wettan recused himself during public comment due to his residency in the area; • Item 6a, page 2, paragraph 4 – corrected reference from Chair Martos to Commissioner Martos; • Item 7b, page 6, paragraph 1 – Replaced the reference to traffic sergeant with Officer Garrett Penn; and • Item 7b, page 6, paragraph 4 – Corrected reference to Mayor Brownrigg with Councilman Brownrigg. M/S/C: Akers/Bush; 5/0/0 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA No public comment. 2 6. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS a) School Traffic Safety Improvements on Cabrillo and Cortez Chair Wettan welcomed all in attendance then recused himself due to his residency in the area and passed the gavel to Vice-Chair Bush. Mr. Wong began by providing a history of concerns, recent accidents, previous signage improvements and the following proposed improvements as a result of recent events: • Install school speed limit signs, and pavement legends along Cabrillo Avenue and Cortez Avenue; • Install red-curbing along Cabrillo Avenue in front of OLA; • Install red-curbing at the front of the school for approximately 80-feet; • Stripe a high-visibility crosswalk on Hillside Drive at Cortez Avenue to further enhance the visibility; and • Obtain additional data regarding traffic in the area once school is back in session to allow staff to make a determination on any additional improvements including the possibility of making Hillside Drive/Cortez Avenue controlled by an all-way stop. Mr. Wong indicated that the request to install a mid-block crossing on Cortez Avenue in front of the school is not preferred because they do not have any stop-controls so staff recommended using crosswalks at controlled intersections located on both ends of Cabrillo Avenue. A brief discussion amongst the Commissioners took place to clarify red and white zones, the parking conditions, and current morning drop off conditions. Following, Vice-Chair Bush welcomed and thanked everyone in the audience and opened public comment. The following fourteen people spoke during public comment: OLA Principal Amy Costa, Father Michael Mahoney, Robert Audrey, Elaine Scoles, F. Louie, Manito Velasco, John Dooling, Erin Frakes, Fred and Jennifer Bertetta, Kelly Carcione, Joan Cleany, Megan Wolfe, Chris Goethals, and Andy Maxwell. The general theme was similar for the vast majority that spoke regarding their safety concerns. In summary, the public made the following comments and requests: • Reduce school speed limit to 15 MPH and possibly consider reducing the speed on all four surrounding streets: Hillside, Cortez, Cabrillo and Easton; • The stop controls at Hillside and Cortez are ineffective; • Request flashing beacons or something similar to the crosswalks on Broadway to increase visibility; • Request of mid-block crosswalk on Cabrillo in front of the school entrance; • Lack of street lighting at night is a problem; 3 • Zebra-like crossing on Hillside at Cortez is unrealistic; • Increase police presence and enforcement; • Adjust signal timing at El Camino and Hillside to allow for a longer window to cross at Hillside and Cortez; • Consider one-way street during school hours similar to other schools; • School zone signs are faded and difficult to see; and • Consider installing speed humps to reduce speeding in the area. In addition, concerns were raised by those living in the area as they felt education, reeducation and holding parents, neighbors, and school faculty accountable to follow the rules currently in place for drop-off and pick-up was very important. A larger police presence and targeted enforcement was also suggested by the neighbors because access is also an ongoing problem. Vice-Chair Bush closed public comment and opened the floor to his fellow commissioners. Commissioner Londer said he wants the safest and best outcome for all involved. He indicated that there is a current school speed limit reduction pilot program on Quesada Way where the Burlingame Intermediate School is located and suggested staff adds Cabrillo and Cortez to the pilot program. Commissioner Londer went on to explain there are certain regulations that must be followed so some requests may not be feasible. He continued by sharing his support for a lighted crosswalk at Hillside and Cortez, to review signal timing at Hillside and Cabrillo to allow more time for pedestrians and bicyclist to cross Hillside at Cabrillo, and increased education and enforcement. He was not in favor of the mid-block crosswalk on Cabrillo. Commissioner Akers thanked everyone in attendance and stated his first recommendation is to see this item come back to the Commission periodically over the next 6 months. Commissioner Akers suggested the Burlingame Police Department start to enforce the basic speed law immediately and for Engineering staff to expand the pilot program surrounding the Burlingame Intermediate School to include the area surrounding OLA. Based on observations and comments, he felt there is an enforcement issue that merits attention and welcomed any feedback and suggestions from the Burlingame Police Department. Commissioner Akers was in favor of looking into other traffic calming measures such as bulb outs but requested staf f comes back to the Commission with a cohesive vision for improving the Hillside corridor at Balboa, Cortez and Cabrillo. He also suggested adding the portable and changeable message board at the Hillside and Cortez crossing to help with visibility now. Commissioner Akers was sensitive to the concerns of the residents in the area as well and is not in favor of converting the surrounding streets to one-way or installing a mid-block crosswalk on Cabrillo at this time. Commissioner Martos thanked the audience for their comments and bringing their concerns to the commissioner’s attention. Commissioner Martos suggested a progressive and possibly segmented approach to the infrastructure improvements starting with low impact to high impact measures and gave the following progression at Hillside and Cortez as an example: 4  Install zebra crosswalk  Add improved overhead lighting  Add stop sign at Cortez with a crosswalk  Add flashing beacon signals  Flashing beacons to trigger stoplight from green to red to increase allowable time to cross Hillside at Cortez  Install traffic signal at Cortez and Hillside Commissioner Martos felt the biggest risk is speeding down Hillside and recognized the concerns with Cabrillo and Cortez but felt some issues may be mitigated with the speed limit reduction. He suggested solar signs warning drivers to slow down based on their current rate of speed. Commissioner Martos also expressed he is in favor of additional police enforcement, issuing citations as a deterrent and to educate and reiterate the traffic flow plan and safety precautions to both the parents—and students. He closed by requesting City staff review the suggested improvements and bring the item back to a future TSPC meeting for further discussion. Vice-Chair Bush shared his morning drop-off observations such as lack of visibility of oncoming traffic for the crossing guard, absence of a pedestrian head on Cabrillo, and parents and children crossing mid-block on Cabrillo rather than at either corner where the crosswalks are located. He also noted the sun is blinding in the morning while traveling southbound on Cabrillo or Cortez and therefore is concerned with mid-block crossings. Vice-Chair Bush inquired about the general traffic flow plan the school encourages and Principal Costa explained the route as follows: Morning drop-off: Travel south on Cortez from Hillside, enter the middle gate where school staff is present to assist the children getting dropped off and drivers are encouraged to find parking or travel north on Cabrillo when departing. Afternoon pick-up: From Easton, travel north on Cabrillo into the lower yard which was what Principal Costa believes was agreed to by the neighbors in the area as well. Principal Costa continued by explaining the traffic flow plan is published and discussed at Back to School Night and that the flow of traffic is different for drop-off and pick-up due to the location of the classrooms for those in primary grades. As a result of traffic flow and safety concerns, Vice-Chair Bush suggested staff consider a no right turn on red. Vice-Chair Bush thanked everyone for coming out and providing comments to an extremely complex situation and requested a timeline from Mr. Wong on the implementation of some of the suggested improvements. Mr. Wong responded and indicated the additional school speed limit reduction at OLA to the current pilot program on Quesada, red-curbing, thermoplastic zebra striped crosswalks, new signage, pavement legends, street light adjustments, and portable driver feedback signs can all 5 be considered short-term improvements. He explained that the longer-term improvements consisted of possibly converting Hillside and Cortez to an all-way stop, installing solar driver feedback signs on Hillside, Cabrillo and Cortez and researching, and possibly implementing a lead pedestrian interval to increase the travel time for pedestrians to cross Hillside. Commissioner Akers moved to make the following motion: The Commission endorses the measures recommended verbally by staff, requests a report back next month and to bring back as an action item in the coming months to evaluate additional data collected by staff and for an update. M/S/C: Akers/Martos 4/0/1 (Wettan recused) b) TSPC 2017 Priorities Discussion The Commissioners engaged in a discussion regarding priorities for the 2017 calendar year. Based on the upcoming City Council meeting specifically for goal setting on January 28, the Commission came up with the following draft list of TSPC priorities with the intent to modify as necessary based on City Council’s vision and goals. TSPC Led Effort: Priority Item B/PAC setup Bay Trail Broadway Parking California Complete Streets Downtown Modal Access ECR Corridor (ECR Task Force) Grant Strategies Parking and traffic considerations w/Planning Public Shuttles/Transit School Traffic Issues SR2S Review San Mateo's Peninsula Ave OC Neighborhood Traffic Calming Staff Update via Report Priority Item Caltrans’ ECR/Floribunda Hoover School Update Downtown Parking Strategies 6 City Hall Traffic Calming/Floribunda California Roundabout General Plan – Circulation Element Bike\Ped Plan Update: Fwd to BPAC Rec Center Parking Carolan Complete Streets Update Grant Opportunities Grade Separation San Mateo's Peninsula Ave OC School Speed Limit Updates Burlingame Point - Bay Trail School Safety Improvements California Complete Streets California Drive parking restrictions c) Sub-Committee Organization Due to the extensive amount of public comment and discussion on other agenda items, Commissioner Martos made the following motion: Postpone discussion of item 6c to the regular meeting in February. M/S/C: Martos/Akers 5/0/0 7. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports • US101/Broadway Interchange Project – Stage 4 is approaching its completion in February. There are no roadway closures anticipated. • California Drive Roundabout – No update since November meeting. Project plans are at 65% Horizontal Geometric Design configuration with work for 95% in progress. • Carolan Complete Streets – Caltrans has completed their review of the project plans and specifications, given authorization, and the City can advertise for construction. • 2016-2017 Street Resurfacing Program – Below is the preliminary list of streets the City is planning on resurfacing as part of the program. This list is subject to change due to unforeseeable conditions encountered during the bid process as 7 well as construction. Staff has completed an initial “Complete Streets” review, and will meet with community BPAC members to obtain their input as well. STREET NAME: BETWEEN: 1 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY BURLWAY AIRPORT 2 CAPUCHINO AVE MILLS GROVE 3 CLARENDON RD DWIGHT BURLINGAME 4 DRAKE AVE CARMELITA SANCHEZ 5 EL CAMINO FRONTAGE MURCHINSON DUFFERIN 6 LAGUNA AVE MILLS GROVE 7 LAUREL AVE PARK OAK GROVE 8 MAPLE AVE MORRELL PARK 9 NEWHALL RD SANCHEZ FORESTVIEW 10 OGDEN DR MURCHINSON TROUSDALE 11 PALOMA AVE MILLS GROVE 12 PARK RD BURLINGAME HOWARD 13 PENINSULA DR CALIFORNIA HUMBOLDT 14 SANCHEZ AVE DRAKE EL CAMINO 15 SEBASTIAN WAY TROUSDALE ARGUELLO 16 SEQUOIA AVE TROUSDALE CLARICE 17 VERNON WAY BLOOMFIELD CLARENDON • California Drive Complete Streets – The second public meeting for the project will be on January 24 in the Library’s Lane Room. • Larkspur/Linden Traffic Circle – Staff has selected a contractor for the project, and is finalizing the agreement. • Hoover School Update – Staff has made contact with some of the residents along Easton Drive with regards to on-street parking. • El Camino Real Waterline Replacement – The major traffic impacts for this project will be reduced as work will now involve tying the new system into the old system and completing service connections. Most of this work will occur near the shoulders and outside lanes. The project is scheduled to be complete by mid- February. • Ray Park, Easton Addition, and Neighborhood Sewer Rehab. Phase 1 – Contractor is completing their work on the project up on Skyline Boulevard near Margarita. No delays are anticipated. Project should be completed by TSPC meeting. • School Speed Limit – At the City Council meeting on January 3, the Council unanimously approved the pilot program. Staff to mark locations and install new 8 speed limit signs. Staff will try to schedule installation during the District’s President’s Day Week with notification to the school and District. • TSPC Email Communications – No new communications. • TSPC Priority List (Updated December 2016): TSPC Let Effort 1 Downtown Modal Access 2 B/PAC setup 6/9/16: Item 6a 3 School Speed Limit Notices/Review 9/8/16: Item 6b 4 School Traffic Issues 3/10/16: Item 6a 5 California Drive Commuter bike route 2/11/16: Item 6b 6 California Drive parking restrictions 7/14/16: Item 7a 7 Broadway Parking 7/14/16: Item 6a 8 Public Shuttles/Transit 9 Downtown Speed Limit Review 10 Review TSPC Mandate 11 Joint agreements with Caltrans Countywide 12 ECR Corridor Infrastructure 4/14/16 & 5/12/16 13 Bay Trail 14 Fee Schedules 15 Joint Commission Meeting (City Council) Staff Update via Report 1 Caltrans’ ECR/Floribunda Completed 2 Hoover School Update 1/12/17: Item 7a 3 Downtown Parking Strategies 12/8/16: Item 6a 4 City Hall Traffic Calming/Floribunda 9/8/16: Item 7a 5 California Roundabout 9/8/16: Item 7a 6 General Plan – Circulation Element 10/13/16: Item 8d 7 Bike\Ped Plan Update: Fwd. to BPAC 8 Taxi Regulation: Update by BPD Completed 9 Carolan Complete Streets Update 1/12/17: Item 7a 10 Grant Opportunities 12/8/16: Item 7a 11 Grade Separation 4/14/16: Item 6b 12 Traffic Brochure Completed 13 San Mateo's Peninsula Ave OC 12/9/16: Item 7a b) Police Department Reports Since the last TSPC meeting, Sergeant Shepley indicated there have been 33 accidents with 12 of them being minor injury accidents. One accident was considered a major injury accident. He explained an accident is classified as a major injury accident when medical attention is required. Five of the 33 accidents involved a pedestrian. Eleven of the 33 accidents were hit and runs. There were no accidents at the 9 intersection of El Camino Real and Floribunda. c) Farmer’s Market Chair Wettan and Commissioner Londer agreed to participate at the Farmers Market on January 14. d) TSPC Chair/Commissioner’s Communications No communications. 8. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Downtown Parking (Martos & Wettan) No update. b) Broadway Parking (Wettan & Bush) No update. c) School Speed Limits (Londer & Akers) No update. d) Envision Burlingame (Martos & Londer) No update. 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • El Camino Real Task Force Schedule • Assessing Downtown Parking Utilization (Merchant Feedback/Additional Data Points) • Bay Trail Update 10. ADJOURNMENT 10:50 p.m.