HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2018.04.121 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, April 12, 2018 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:03 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Israelit, Bush, Londer, Martos, Wettan MEMBERS ABSENT: None 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: To accept the minutes of March 8, 2018 as written. M/S/C: Londer/Wettan; 4/0/1 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA Brian Benn spoke of an economist article regarding autonomous vehicles and traffic projections. He stated one study projected a 60% decline in street traffic by 2030 and a separate study that stated by 2035, 80% of people in urban areas will be using robotaxis. Mr. Benn felt this information should be considered when determining our parking needs, such as the parking garage plan for Lot N. Mr. Benn stated he is supportive of the east-west shuttle concept. In addition, he would like to see the City consider a zero emissions bus, such as Proterra. Mr. Benn would also like the City to consider easy multi-bike loading and unloading and a web based application that would provide real-time updates on the bus location, various stops, etc. 6. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS a) Community B/PAC Update (Informational Only) No update provided by B/PAC. Commissioner Wettan explained that the B/PAC was still 2 meeting with a City consultant to provide comments regarding the 2018 pavement plan. He also stated tonight’s B/PAC meeting agenda was available last week and suggested it was good practice to include the B/PAC agenda in the TSPC meeting materials for future months as it would give the Commission the ability to discuss items as opposed to only receiving information. Commissioner Londer confirmed the B/PAC subcommittee members are Vice-Chair Bush and Commissioner Wettan. Commissioner Wettan stated the subcommittee assignments are not a fixed term and can be changed at any time. b) Lot N Parking Structure Size Chair Martos indicated the purpose of this item was to review last month’s determinations pertaining to the size of the parking structure planned for Lot N and receive any last comments prior to forwarding to City Council and the Planning Commission. Chair Martos reviewed the proposal including the considerations and rationale behind the Commission’s proposal. Commissioner Wettan suggested the clarifying edits below. • Under Background, correct the Commissioner’s vote to 4/0/0. • Under Discussion, add new bullet to indicate “consider the engineering guideline to maintain 15% capacity for open parking at peak times.” • Under Discussion, switch the words downtown and core in bullet 3 and add “such as lots E or J.” Also consider adding additional language after the word future, such as “due to changes in driving habits and technology.” • In the first paragraph on page two, add additional language to state “the Commissioners data indicates almost no capacity on peak days thus a need to add more than the 160 additional spaces that Lot N would provide.” Chair Wettan indicated he would share his notes, including the renumbering of considerations. Chair Martos stated he would fix the typo in the first sentence under Discussion to read “the Commission considered” as opposed to considers. In the same sentence, Commissioner Londer requested to remove the word commission after TSPC as the acronym already includes the word commission. He also suggested to include text to indicate Vice-Chair Bush was absent for the vote. Vice-Chair Bush asked if it was possible to add a varying viewpoint at the bottom of the letter, such as the potential considerations below. • Maintaining 15% vacancy is an important goal to pursue but it is dependent on the 3 cost of parking . He thought an additional pricing structure may change the distribution of the current parking utilization. • The higher you go in the levels of a structure the less desirable the parking stalls are and cited the Library lot as an example. • The new Parks and Recreation Center will have additional parking and could potentially offset some of the parking issues in the downtown core. Commissioner Wettan asked to note that the one place in Burlingame where parking was stacked vertically, Lot A, the Lot is consistently full during the day. Commissioner Wettan also noted the goals of insuring proper shuttle utilization and economic efficiency, including typical costs per rider that are below $4. He stated that a program paying for ride sharing services such as Uber or Lyft could be more cost-effective and worth considering at least by comparison. He also suggested such a program might be easy to pilot as an experiment. The Commission discussed the best way to present the recommendation given the varied opinions and collectively crafted the motion below. Motion: To accept the letter with permission to include additional edits from Commissioner Wettan and allow Commissioner Bush to write his dissenting position in a separate letter to the City Council and Planning Commission and submit proposal to City Council in a timely manner. M/S/C: Bush/Israelit; 5/0/0 c) Development of Framework and Objectives for Working Session with Community B/PAC Mr. Wong provided a short presentation with suggested outcomes for the framework and objectives for a working session between TSPC and B/PAC. Commissioner Wettan began by echoing comments previously made by Councilmember Beach and stated it’s difficult for the City to provide competitive grant applications without an overall vision and clear plan. He stated the update to the 2004 Bike Plan is B/PAC’s number one priority. Commissioner Israelit stated she was interested in knowing the vision of the B/PAC to ensure everyone is on the same page. Commissioner Londer agreed with comments provided by Commissioners Wettan and Israelit to avoid getting into the nuts and bolts—keep the working session discussion at a high level. He stated he would like to see bicyclists and pedestrians receive the same considerations in the updated plan. Commissioner Wettan suggested two joint sessions, one front end session to 4 communicate desirable considerations and a second session for feedback as they approach the final stages of work. Vice-Chair Bush said the ultimate goal is to revamp 2004 Bicycle Plan and incorporate pedestrians. In addition, he probed the group about what populations TSPC wants to appeal to (use cases), what problems TSPC wants B/PAC to tackle, and how to prioritize the use cases in an effort to create an improved plan. Commissioner Londer stated he was in favor of having the sessions prior to a TSPC meeting. Chair Martos suggested the first working session be Thursday, June 14 from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. and the second session take place at a regular TSPC meeting. Vice-Chair Bush confirmed with Mr. Wong that there are funds earmarked for a bicycle boulevard study and those funds cannot be applied towards the master plan efforts. Mr. Wong indicated funds for the master plan are separate and would be available at the start of fiscal year 2018-2019. Vice-Chair Bush suggested defining a scope of work for the master plan work and how to pursue the bike boulevard plan as possible agenda items for the working session with B/PAC. Vice-Chair Bush also suggested potential consultants provide a presentation specific to their ideas and processes for creating a master plan. Mr. Wong explained that consultant selection for Public Works projects is typically done at the staff level but would look into the feasibility of his request and get back to the Commission. In closing, Chair Martos summarized the following goals and outcomes for the working session: • Preparation of grant applications; • Vision of B/PAC and how it fits into the master plan; • Keep session at high-level, do not get into the nuts and bolts; • Revamp 2004 Bike Plan to align with current vision; • Look at use cases and prioritize them to assist with master plan development; • Provide pedestrian considerations; and • First working session to occur Thursday, June 14 from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. d) Exploring the Feasibility of East-West Public Shuttle Mr. Wong provided a presentation to the Commission with a brief background on existing shuttles and routes, costs, and industry metrics from Commute.org. He suggested TSPC examine potential east-west shuttle routes and develop next steps. Chair Martos opened public comment. Brian Benn clarified the proposed east-west route and stated he was supportive of the shuttle and would use it for multiple purposes. 5 Commissioner Wettan sought clarification on the cost of the shuttles and what problem TSPC is trying to solve with the proposed shuttle. He expressed concerns with shuttle utilization and economic efficiency. Commissioner Wettan felt the cost per rider should be in the $3-$4 range for it to make economic sense. He stated it would be cheaper to Uber and suggested a subsidy option may be more economical and efficient than a public shuttle. Commissioner Londer noted that the Transportation Authority produced a table of shuttle rankings for shuttle services provided within San Mateo County. He stated the North Burlingame Shuttle ranked 4th in highest valued shuttle in the County out of 34 shuttles. Commissioner Londer indicated that he is generally in favor of investigating/pursuing anything with the potential to reduce traffic, congestion, pollution, and increases parking. Commissioner Israelit inquired about the population the proposed shuttle is targeting and why, as she felt the east-west route is circuitous. Based on the route shown, she did not feel elementary aged children would utilize the shuttle and wasn’t certain she could buy into the notion the shuttle would serve a large number of people. Vice-Chair Bush inquired about metrics for determining the timing and length of an effective shuttle route. Mr. Wong stated he would seek clarification from Commute.org. Vice-Chair Bush stated knowing the population density is a fundamental concept when determining the need for an additional shuttle. He said he was in favor of increasing shuttle routes but the challenge is hitting the correct collection and distribution points. Vice-Chair Bush also suggested an Uber partnership option to subsidize shared rides. In response, Mr. Wong said San Mateo County has a subsidized carpool application as part of their Commute Alternative Program. Jan Robertson requested to speak and shared the following three points: (1) Students living in the hills could use the proposed shuttle to get to Burlingame High School as the proposed route is near the Caltrain station. She felt this may provide some relief to parents; (2) The new Recreation Center is very close to the Caltrain station and would enable kids to get to the Recreation Center for activities; and (3) From a shopping perspective, the shuttle would be very convenient. Commissioner Israelit felt the shuttle may be better utilized by shortening the route and suggested removing the BART and Trousdale stops. Commissioner Wettan agreed and strongly recommended breaking the route up by extending existing shuttle routes such as the North Shuttle for access to the Millbrae Transit Hub and Broadway. Chair Martos inquired about the old east-west shuttle route in an effort to avoid another unsuccessful shuttle due to lack of ridership. He felt the community need is not fully defined yet but said there is plenty of time to survey residents. Mr. Wong indicated he would look into the previous east-west shuttle route. The Commission continued with a lengthy and interactive discussion in an effort to come 6 to a consensus on the purpose of the shuttle and potential route, which produced the comments and suggestions below. • Reach out to the City of Mountain View regarding their efforts and experience with Uber and Lyft for shared rides. • Define the community need(s) and survey residents with proposed ride sharing reimbursement via the City to gauge public interest. • Eliminate some of the proposed shuttle stops and focus on the connection from the Hills to Burlingame Avenue and Broadway. • Extension of existing shuttles (North Shuttle) for access to Millbrae Transit Hub and other key areas. • Keep route between Alvarado and downtown Burlingame. Consider additional stops between OLA and Hillside Circle, such as Columbus. • Density should be a key factor when considering a new route and shuttle stops. Easton Addition is a prime area with the greatest density. • Start with a small vehicle (minivan) and transition to a shuttle if the need is there. In closing, Chair Martos confirmed that the Commission was in agreement that the shuttle route as proposed is too long and to eliminate the stops near Hoover School and continue to the Broadway and Burlingame Avenue areas. He also confirmed the Commission was in agreement that the purpose of the proposed east-west shuttle is to get more people to Burlingame Avenue and Broadway, alleviate parking capacity concerns, and also be a potential means for students to get to Burlingame High School. Mr. Wong suggested the Commission review alternative routes at a future meeting and explained that the route presented was not meant to be the proposed route. Lastly, Commissioner Wettan stated that at the time of the meeting, a ride share via Uber from City Hall to Cortez/Hillside was just over $3 and wanted to note that as a data point. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports Mr. Wong provided updates on the following Public Works – Engineering projects and activities. • Lime Bike – Data for February’s activity attached as an exhibit to the Engineer’s Report. Commissioner Wettan suggested to have more bikes available at the Millbrae Transit Hub. Mr. Wong said he would confirm the length of the LimeBike trial period for the Commission. 7 • California Drive Roundabout Project – Anticipated start of construction in May. Project updates can be found online at: www.burlingame.org/roundabout. • TSPC Email Communications – No new communications. • TSPC Priority List (Updated April 2018): TSPC Led Effort 1 Downtown Parking Strategies 3/8/18: Item 6b 2 Downtown Modal Access 3 Grant Opportunities 3/8/18: Item 7a 4 Bike\Ped Plan Update: fwd to BPAC 5 SR2S Review 6 School Traffic Issues 7 California Complete Streets 3/8/18: Item 7a 8 Neighborhood Traffic Calming 9 Broadway Parking 10 Public Shuttles/Transit 4/12/18: Item 6d 11 ECR Corridor (ECR Task Force) 12 Bay Trail 13 Intro to Paving 14 Halloween Traffic Impacts (July) 15 Parking and traffic considerations w/Planning Staff Update via Report 1 Caltrans’ ECR/Floribunda 2 Hoover School Update 3 Downtown Parking Strategies 3/8/18: Item 6b 4 City Hall Traffic Calming/Floribunda 5 California Roundabout 4/12/18: Item 7a 6 General Plan – Circulation Element 7 Bike\Ped Plan Update: fwd to BPAC 8 Rec Center Parking 9 Carolan Complete Streets Update 3/8/18: Item 7a 10 Grant Opportunities 3/8/18: Item 7a 11 Grade Separation 3/8/18: Item 7a 12 San Mateo's Peninsula Ave OC 13 School Speed Limit Updates 14 Burlingame Point - Bay Trail 15 School Safety Improvements 16 California Complete Streets 8 17 Traffic Brochure (one outstanding) 3/8/18: Item 7a 2018 Agenda Item Action Status 1 Chap. 13.52 of BMC To City Council in March 2018 2 Citywide Parking Restrictions To City Council in April 2018 b) Police Department Reports Corporal Orloff indicated collisions were up over the last reporting period—from 18 to 29 documented collisions. He stated there were no fatal accidents but there were two major injury accidents at El Camino Real and Murchison and the Broadway overpass due to unfamiliarity of the roadway. Corporal Orloff also indicated there was an increase in minor injury accidents and one DUI collision with no injuries. Lastly, he reported a collision at the intersection of El Camino Real and Floribunda where a car failed to yield to a pedestrian. The Commissioners congratulated Corporal Orloff on his promotion. Vice-Chair Bush requested the collision reports differentiate the collisions with bicyclists and pedestrians. Corporal Orloff said he would pass the request to Jim Ford as this would be his last meeting. c) Farmers Market Commissioner Londer indicated they received feedback from the community at the previous Farmer’s Market. He said residents requested better signage on Broadway as the approaches can be confusing. Commissioner Londer said there would be another Farmer’s Market next Sunday but Commission agreed to take a month off. d) TSPC Chair/Commissioner’s Communications Commissioner Wettan said he received an email from former Planning Commissioner Jeff DeMartini and he stated there is very little capacity for parking on Burlingame Avenue in the evening but a lot of capacity in lots K-1 and E. Mr. DeMartini felt the current distribution may be due to a lack in communication regarding the parking hours (6 pm). Chair Martos indicated he met with Mayor Brownrigg to discuss the proposed parking lot structure and public meeting for the Lyon Hoag residents. He said the Mayor suggested agenda items such as the Residential Parking Program and the Peninsula Avenue Overpass Project. Chair Martos said there is no date set but the Mayor wants the meeting to take place before the summer months at the Recreation Center on a Saturday between the hours of 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. 9 Chair Martos said he and Commissioner Londer attended a presentation regarding Anza Airport Park (lot by Kinkaid’s) and indicated the presentation was to help determine the best way to utilize the state-owned land. 8. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Downtown Parking (Martos & Wettan) No update. b) Broadway Parking (Bush & Wettan) No update. c) School Traffic (Israelit & Londer) Commissioners Israelit & Londer said they met with Rusty Hopewell from the Burlingame School District to inform him of the School Traffic Subcommittee. Commissioner Israelit said the School District has an extensive list of desired improvements. She said the hope is to have ongoing talks with Rusty and work with him on short-term, low cost improvements. 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Further discussion on list of desired improvements from School District (coordinate with Rusty Hopewell) • Neighborhood traffic calming in advance of Mayor’s neighborhood meeting • California Drive Roundabout • 2018 Repaving Program • California Drive Complete Streets design before it is finalized as there is one point of contention related to bikes in the “door zone” 10. ADJOURNMENT 9:41 p.m. Prior to adjournment Commissioner Londer said May 10 is Bike to Work Day and refreshments and goodie bags will be available for participants. Chair Martos requested the information be included in the City’s enews. Commissioner Israelit requested to use enews and/or Next Door to communicate to the public when there is a change in Burlingame, such as the no right turn on red on Chapin or the new stops signs on Balboa and Ray Drive.