HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0016R ORDINANCE No. lfi. --oOo-- ATT CRDIDTATTCF PROHIBITING THE OBSTRUCTION OF STREETS AND WATERWAYS, A"T TY7 DEPOSITING OF OFFENSIVE OBJECTS TI77RF.I7 OR 0TT OT'T'R PROP',RTY. The Board of Trustees of the Torn of Burlingame do or- dain :as fnllc7s: Section 1. It s: -all be unlawful to deposit, erect or maintain in any natural crater course, or creek or in any 72te2'wiy, 71thin Qq Town. of Wrlirja.e, anythin.. 7h1ch may obstruct t.M free floor of crater therein. Section 2. It shall be unlawful to obstruct Tiny gutter so aq to rrevent the free floe" of water therein_. Driveways frau the street to private premises shall be so constructed as not to rrevent thn free flow of wator in t o E t.ters of the street. Section 3. It ,shall be unlawful to place or cause to be rlacod anywhere u~on any public way, strcct or sidowalk, or for the norson owning, occupying or having control of any rrcmtsas tc suffer to roEain in front theheof and upon the sidewalk of the stroet or xray next to such rrer:ises, anything which chill obstruct th'^ free -asaago of any portion of such street or sidowalh for more than one hour at a time. This section shall not apply to ; or ..�rchandi,cn in actual course of rccoirt, do- livnw rf re rval' I Lamp pests or ryclra>nts, n;nect,c;d by rernission of the n -n Trti9taos; . Ornaantal trees planted along the outer line cf the -1107all a 7 within the curb, and Oarriors for tho rroteetion .._ +nn :34-1_7.-'. 9-0 ni-.inr ''.roes maintained by i.Cr!.lAbsion of the 1 003 v-jr n i do7rdVA f or -.(: ,oc^�ZoC: ation of 4. -_ 7 0; . -i,,ria]s used in the construction or r -+r it of riry },rildi"-n `.,, i..r.., nxistencc of n rurnit by tno TcTr 'ect ic:n 4. I+. et a'1. be unlawful to throw or derosit any ','ri.+.olurs cffai or . arb,";7e, or any -_.^.utri.d Ci o _or.sivo animal p, or vn7etablc natter, or filth upon any lands or in any water ccorso . creel: cr 1 at; nruay in tic T c _. C of 7i r 11.1-+"'.:_irm . eior shall any ynrson dereslt upon any public ctreot, lane, alley Cr rif;lic -lace, or in. +._ o crater courses, orccV2 or watorrays in oil: +07o, any sweepings from shops or stores, raper! jifoathnrs, Gtr. 7, 1 Ci er glass cr crcol ory, or ri bbtsh, "arbage anuro, or debris Prdwelling hone0e or rlacos of businoss of :any _'osoriptic:n. Nrr small any r,rccn allow tc rc_.ain on his rro_iices rr throw into any street, alley or place, or ' in any excavation, or up6n the grounds or pre:.:WS of arcthor, any butchers offal or garbage, or any offensive or ru.trid animal or vegetable i atter, or any dead animal. Section 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deer.ed guilty of a Misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be plmished by fine not exceed- ing three hundred CZ00.00 ) Dcllars, or by imprisonment not to exceed three (3 ) months or by both sv.eh fine and imprison- r:cra . Sr!ction 6. This Ordinance shall be printed and posted in three public rlacot in the Town of Burlinga_!7e, and shall ta? n effect. f?_r,,1 be in force from and after its rassage. Introduced the 21st. day of January, 1909. Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the Town of Bur- linga::e, at a regular meeting of 'tho 'hoard of Trustees of said Town, held on the ^:th. day of February, 1909, by the follcrin^ veto: Ayes and in favor of tho passage of said Ordinance: Trustees: Bod!^ell, Land -e, YcGavran, Treadrell. ?ons - done. Absrnt - Frear. (Signed) rDWARD F. TREADWELL. President of the Board of Trusters of thio Toem of 7mr21r! a1 -"0 - Attest : (peal) Ira H. Charman, Clorl_ Of the Ta, -n of DmirlirCame.