HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 00271 ORDINAITON VO, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.3 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 16 0 v~ 0 An ordinanon-P, fCorbic14ling the traffic, vendinr.,r an& d i sjq rs a 'T e "-z vosir4-r of s-?irituous, malt and fermented 1 uo and win or any admixtiire thereof, in the Town of Burlingame at retail, and �a.nd., rocrula.tinr- the sale thereof at wholesale. The Boara of Tri ,Oof Vlo Town of Burl IrZpame do oraair. as It shall bo and is pore made unlaw-Cul for ny person or porsoms, either as oaner, principal, a.,cg-ent, sorvant or employee, to estat)1io­h,, open., keep, maintair, or O,z.,.rxy' on) or -.7-Ithin the corporate f" or v J. a --s ct in kcepin�n--, malrAlf.11nin, car c, a r r in, - U limo is o2" the Toilvii 041' D-L:Lrlin­=e� any tipplinc..Y. 110u e, dv�.m. shop, oellar, ealoon., baa --mora, (oaraple rooza or o It-, h e 2:s p k. C. e 'v) h e r e opirituouc�, malt or fe'_rraoi:,,tee. 1 i qu o,rs or wineo, or CMy admixt-ures thereof aro sold exhibi 4 - I-) C1 -r,:) - a V r sale oz° r,,,jven. avvay at retail, to- w it in qaantities le, ­.o i,Iaax, one or in ca6e of Ibeer in quantities less than twelve pirts, or in open or broker. recoptacleg or to be opened or &:n:mh on or a1bo-nt the prerA'sez where sold or given away, or to sell or exhibit fo:i: sale or givo caway t1aosame in q,,,-,..,...antitios less th,­.n one qliart, or in`cei,.se o -1C beer in quantities less than twelve pinte or in op en or broken receptacles, or to be opened wr -Irunk on or about tho, prerdls'ea where sold or t-iven anaayo SIDI T11-0117 24, - It sha-li.1 be linlawful for any person or persons., kage I* I either as ornerp prinoipalagent., servant.* or employee,, to es - 2 tablishp open, keep, maintain, or carry on, or assist in keeping, 3 Maintaining or carrying on within the corporate limits of the Town 4 of Burlin game any hiurg�cev;opirtuo,mc, fermented 5 liquors or wineep or any admixtares thereof, are sold, exhibited 6 for sale, or given away at wholesale, to -wit: in unopen I P, r. I`," gin . --- 7 broken receptacles conilaininFN not lees than one qaart, or in caeo 8 of beer contain-inE-,- not- less than twelve pints, not to bo drunk on 9 10 or abovpti w ,t the rernisehere Sold or given away, or to so sell, expose for sale, or f," Iv o . away the s ziirno I v i thc)ut haviikc-, f. ir-st ob- 11 12 tained the license I;horefor in this ordinance provided. 13 14 3, - LicenSos to bo i.::.sued urder the. provi;BJ_ors .15 of this ordinance z;hall anl.hori.ze the of spirituous., malt or 16 ferrtiented lL-,,'aor6 o-.1. wAnes Or any ;L:,Amixtures thereof in up -open or 17 unbroRen receptacles contair.-Jing not%. 1 2 1611an one {Iuart.' or in 18 case o--',' bec:c ..Jontainin,,c­ not than twelve pints., E -ad. not to be 19 drunk or opened on or about the. premiass vLero sold., .,ind said 20 license shall only be i8 tined to be, used in. connection vJith the, con - 21 duct of a bona fide grocery stare, conducted , principally --fI*or the 22 sale of ,g-roceriest or a drug store condneted princiaplly for the 23 sale of druga. an d '�'Mcl.-� license Eliall be Imov;n as ".7holesale 24 licluOr licenselto 25 26 The rate of.- license fee under this ordnance 27 shall be a license tax or fec of led4My,� (IMW-) Dollars pna icer qrter of 28 three months or fl- a -act ion thereof., pniyable ,;uarterly in advance. 29 01 SECTION 5* - Before the Board of Trustees slvr�.,11 consider the gra-f-ItIng of a license, the appliceait for the same shall file Page 2. I with the Clerk of the Boaxcl an R-0 )licatioy'to secure a license, 2 which application at must be cigncd by the applicexl an('1- ievs-t k..# .1 U 3 Six electors of the Tovvrn of Bu.r1in,1;','ame who under oath vouch 4 for the charaoter of the aoplioant; av!.,plication mast also 5 be acconval-lieCI by a good t;,nd &,-afficiczt benC�, of a surety company (I0iYI;-,, in tho� *`]4tete of CEtlifornia in the of One 7 p<,.ayablo t.-) the Town Of :S-Lu-lingame.' MI 8 conA -i -t oed that uch 11 t -vv i I I obey all the laws cold or - 9 of:w.To-j- in r,- e, t 'op 1 10 t -1 ca:-Jonse ex.d at 12 the Boa 0.'L Triisteeq he 13 n 0 L r 0 S 0 n that 1,,,o h -s filed an JD d th'' h- I Y -I c on - or, f 0 10 vh-to-Lois-zal-n, 14-c'Uov s #3- , an 81 14 a U I j. W thic, 16 17 `0 1 1 01 6 1 t persons, firms, o1:- co--crporatior. t.0 11 t s or 18 4 tl'.'Le "loard of "O.Ir-LAU-1. Ljec-s 0 f 0 E M L , i, e -!us e has been granted and a ;tic anse 113si'Led ander the 25 19 rerev,,! O:z- revokn ti:i, 1 ay of the provisione of 26 L an (I i t 20 shall be unlav f'�i'j J-0-c)j:- I SUCIA. POYSO-1 t,0 r2Lrry On after 21 the revooatior. o.;! f3 fUcrl h license* such license has 22 a (!uiet �$- , orderly vii(I reputable 28 23 4. 3'r-,Cn,I0I7T 7 Ixy 1.,,or6o.n� persons, firms, o1:- co--crporatior. t.0 24 whom a I?ermit has been granted and a ;tic anse 113si'Led ander the 25 terms of thiE ordinance, viho violates ay of the provisione of 26 this ordinance, or v;h.o does not 0oj,,,cju0J6 t'11G. j)-aziness for -,,.Ihich 27 such license has been :*L-,,,,-LLed in a (!uiet �$- , orderly vii(I reputable 28 29 manner, or v7ho permits an,,, u' i��turbvnce of" tho public peace;, order 30 or decorum, by mfr noisy, r-iotous or dicordorly conf.71uct on or about the premises, or who sells, urrives or furnIshes, any spirituous, Page 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 malt or fermented liquor or wine, or any admixture thex-eof, to anY Ittoxioated person., or to any, minor under tilie age of eighteen years, or who sh�.11 not-, abide by all the lavis and ordinances now in force, or which may hereafter be enacted regu- latin6 places of businei-D8 y�jj-jerc- spirituo-us, malt or fermented liquor or wino or any admixture thereof is sold at vj'k,`Iolesale,, S.LA.'I" *' < ...L j7o- "rfeit all lice -rises theretofore granted or iSsued to said persoll;p Tlri.!-_,, o,j,, c, orl-'oration, under the provi(sions, of t '-ia ordinance, and shall a -'L,. -;o pay as liquidated dariti,�c�es t -o the Tov,ai of Burlingame t -he fall t).rnount of tiro bond :r�e..Jiired to be given of S'!,C,TIOIT r 1. lir_�,ense un,,Ier -Ulic.. ordinance be JtS- ilsut.--.ace, but may be ronowed J. 9000, :fO:r Only _:ne Year aft!7­r by the 720,arrl of Trustees u -or. no-p,rlic, -tit ion made. Th -c of the Boh-aral. of 2i)-stees, i-- ­Ue the license after tl-�.c [qa �4 ntinc,7 of same by t,12.e- 13oarrl of Truotees, �,:7,nd thr- collect-ioy-, oi fee 'ty tIlk-, '70wn� Iliar shall -.'L-or the first (jual,"U"er or traction tklercof, All license foes are duel, p,�,-Lyablo at the beginnino- of eacil ar every quarter -,,rear o, -,r t' Ifirec; lltonths, bo innin'17r Jan"Icary 1"irst. 8, C) 9 0 T I Ce IT IT I LY act ink violation of thi-:, ord--�.nance .1or each day of its continuance., shall br.; con,etrned as a se-parate ofsence, 27 77 'v"-�' s -- P'iron �niho violates aar4 of tae S'O'ECTIIT O 28 pro -visions of t:Uz, ordir,-'..IncAc s.hall be, deemed Cuilty of a misdemean- 29 Or2 and shf,11 be punishable by imprisonment not exec. edir,,,n three 30 months or by a fine exceedin, tat ree hundred C) or by both such fine end. imprisonment, I SECTIOIT #0 04 All ordimfmces or parts of ordin=-ces 2 0008icting, with provisions of tl-ji:,-. Ordinance are hereby 3 repealed, except ordina.i-;ce1110 . 6-. of the Illown of -3-3-arlingaxae relat ing 4 to the license 'of b-ur;inoss Ii -ox- -nnereant--ile p -a -r -poses. E SI T1 The provisions of thi,,:,, ordinance ohall not 7 &!"",ply to z . the, Sale Of 131-nuo:I-S -�'Or miedleal purp'ses by a. �2. 0 rerrulerly 8 licensed dxm-7gist tri pon the prescripUo"r, of a physicien erUitled to 9 1): r %, :� 10 t i 0 ED . En. t, I i C , L ,e, - a n -,.- 11 Lrr '#;1'`+ 1'r -,w,-' C7' C th 0 3 t a t c C. `' 11-C)i. _La�4I-C:. * 10 83C,71 T .L. 10 11 &Or 1q.# - The 2mur. Cl(:,rk f -y to the passaCe 12 of this orainance, anandcrr,use the stmne to be, printod wn.61,. poisted in 13 tl-h,roe rm.T.Aic pbacefs in. the, i1i'ovm th(.,., samp. shall 14 'n "o-ce tl�-�n and af 'r t S prs, S a,ge 15 16 0xd--.Tif4.ruuo Of the 7 own 0 f -�su]�,ing, ame -L I 17 -1 7,'- 4, 1,0 13 Cqt a r e r f UVXI, eklul"I-y 19 In'y �I� lei 20 21 22 23 24 25 Ab, s o ri. t 26 27 28 29 r e �Ilru�lees of In 30 --7 I.,ro- ; i ®j�, X7 e rk 0 f t2l-t U- III v�j r, o --I Bul 1 n