HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0026ORDINANCE No. 26. - An Ordinance declaring Rellevae Avenue from - - - Its intersection with Sav Mateo Drive to - - - - its intersection with BI Camino Real an open - - - - - boulevard. - Beit ordained by the Board of Trustees of - - - - the Town of Burlingame as follows: - - Section -t. That that certain street in the - - Townof.Burlingame, State of -California, - - known as Bellevue Avenue, from its iutersec- - ' tion with San Mateo Drive to its intersectiou _ - - - with the Main County Road, leading from San - - - - Francisco to San Jose, known as Rl Camino ' - - - - - . Real, be, and the same hereby is, declared and - _ dedicated as an open boulevard. Section z.—That no railroad franchises shall - - - ever be granted and no railroad tracks shall - - - - -- - ever be laid on or along said boulevard. - Section g—No permit shall ever be issued allowing the moving of any house along or _ - - - Upon said boulevard, except a house or build- - - - ing fronting upon the same. _ Section y.—No truck, dray, wagon, cart or ' - other vehicle carrying or regular]} -employed it, carrying good&, merchandise, coal, sand, tum- ' bei, or other article of commerce or trade, - - - shall travel upon said boulevard for any par,.h - pose, or in any manner whatever, except for the purpose of delivering goods, wares or sup. >• plies to or from residences or property trouttng - .,.,.- thereon. _ section 5. Any person who violates the - pr visions of this ordinance shall be deaned - - guilty of misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be by L pnvisbed afine not les - Five Dollars \- _ or br more than Fifty DottI, or impve nt m for not les. )y than Svedaysnor more than days ore than six m months. - - Introduced on the 14th day of thio. - - - Ftnallyy ppassed on the ust day of March, rgto ay of March, - by the vote: "- Ayes—Tllostses: Ayes—Trustees Bodwell, Frear, \le(davran 'Treadwell. - Noes Norte. -- - - Absent—Lauge -u - - EDWARD F 'r BXAI) CLf. - Attest: Presideut Board of Trustees [Seat] Town of BurllnlJS41r1C.- IRA H. CHAPb1A\. Clerk of the Town of Burlingame. _ --`