HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0037i .01DINANCE NO 11� AN ORDINANCE IMPOSIEG A LICENSE TAx on all dogs owned or harbored within the City of Burlingame and providing for the collection of the same, and prohibiting the running at large of dogs without a License Tax thereon; THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. An annual license tax of two dollars is hereby imposed on every male dog owned or harbored within the limits of the City of Burlingame, and an annual license tax of fdill.dollars is hereby imposed on every female dog owned or harbored within the limits of the City mf Burlingame; the receipt for same being a numbered license tag, made of metal of uniform size and appearance and to be issued by the Marshall of said City to any person owning or harboring any dog within the limits of the City of Burlingame, which license tag may be renewed at the end of any fiscal year; Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person owning or harboring any dog within the limits of the City of Burlingame to allow the same to run or be at large within the City without having procured a license tag therefore as provided in this. Ordinance and said dog shall be deemed an estray; Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to appoint a Poundmaster whose duty it shall be to maintain a suitable enclosure for the keeping of all dogs impunnded; and to seize and impound any and all dogs running at large or being within the City without a license tag thereon, and keep the same at the said enclosure until the same are either redeemed or killed as ptovided by this Ordinance. He shall receive for his services: on every license tag issued one half the amount of said license tax; on every dog redeemed the redemption fee of two dollars for every male dog and UoAA dollars for every female dog and shall receive for the killing of a dog the sum of one dollar for each dog. Upon the redemption of a dog the Poundmaeter shall certify such fact to the Marshall and shall accompany such certification with one half of the said redemption fee, whereupon spa license tag will be issued to the owner of said dog; Section 4. It is hereby made the duty of the Poundmaster to post up in three public places ir_ said City within twenty four hours after he has impounded any dog, written notices describing fully the dog impounded, and setting forth that unless such dog is redeemed within two days thereafter he will kill the.same and which he shall do unless redeemed as aforesaid; he shall also keep a register of the dogs impounded with a description of same, date of impounding, redemption, killing etc. Section 5. Any person who shall obstruct or resist the Poundmaster in the performance of his duties aforesaid or who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convietion thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding fifty days or by both such fine and imprisonment; Section h. This Ordinance expressly repeals Ordinance 17o 9 of the Town of Burlingame, adopted August 20th.; 1909; Section 7. This Ordinance shall be printed and published in the Burlingame Advance for two successive publications and shall #aka be in force and effect from and after the date of its passage; Introduced the day of , 911 and duly and regularly gam, passed and adopted at a egular meetin. of the Board of Trustees of the City of Burlingame; M� &-I,, (W /& -/A— /g /) Ayes, Trustees: R� 4,Lctpje — / t7oes, Trustees: /J Absent, Trustees: Attest resident VCy Bcard 0Trustees oftheof Burlingame