HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0036ORDINANCE NO, 36 An ordinance fixing the Salaries and Com- t�ensaldwn of the Treasurer, Clerk, Marshal, Recorder and Engineer of the City of Burlin. game. The Board of Tnv=tees of the City of Bur livi�ame do ordain as follows, to -wit Secthin n The Treasurer of the City of Burlingame shall receive a salary of Fifty ($50) Dollars per annum, payable monthly to- gether with a percentage at the rate of One (r) per centum on all moneys received and paid out by him as arch Treasurer; such per- centage to be paid quarterly, and to be com- puted only on money actually paid out in the due course of business, and not to becom- puted on monevs paid over by such Treasurer to Iris successor in office. Section z. :The Clerk of the City of Bur- lingame shall receive a salary of Three Hun- ary of One Hundred and Fifty ($I5o) per annum, payable monthly, and shall also be u - titled to charge, collect and receive for his services in civil and criminal proceedings the same fees as are allowed Township Cans tables. or Section 4. The Recder shall be entitled to charge and collect and receive for his ser vices the -.me fees as are charged and col- lected by 'Township Tustices of the Peace; ex- cept that In criminal cases he shall receive the sum of in from the City of Burlingame in all cases involving it hearing of the same. Section S. The Engineer of the City of Burlingame shall be allowed by the City of P, nrlineame in addition In a salary of Four Hundred and Eighty ($480) Dollars per year, payable monthly, the following rates of com- pensation, whidn shall be in full for all ser- vices recdc,cal on public improvement or work carried un nvithin the City of Burlingame: Three per centum of the contract price of all Public improvement or work rendered by him nn all streets, lanes, courts, alleys, ave- ues, commons or highways in his capacity as 1?ng,neer; which work is commonly under- cuod, known and designated as street pave n[ work extending from curb to curb; Five per centum of the contract price of all other public improvement Pr work rendered by him in his capacity, of Engineer within the Citv of Burlingame. Section 6. The salaries hereby fixed in- clude compensation for any services rendered by either of said officers in any ex -officio capacity-, as assessor, tax or license collector or the like. The Clerk and Marshal shall Stan be entitled to any, fees allowed them far, is suing licenses under any Ordinance of the said City of Burlingame regulating the issuance of municipal licenses. Section '. This Ordinance shall be pub lished for two successive publications in the P.urliegame Advance and be in force and ef- fect from and aftei the date of its passage. Section 8. This Ordinance is an express repeal of Ordinance 4 of the City of Borth, game, entitled "An Ordinance Fixing the Sal- ies and Compensation of Treasurer, Clerk, i\larshal and Recorder of the Town of Bur- lingame." Introduced: September 6th, ngrr. Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of Burlingame this n8th day of Septem- her, ngnr, by the following .to, viz: Ayes—Trustees Berg, Cheese, Lange, Aleyer and McGregor, Noes—None. Absent—None. ERIC LANGE, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Burlingame. .Attest: J. R. MURPHY. (Sea]) City Clerk