HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0034i 0 R P I N A N C E N 0 AN ORDINANCE REGULAT r - TIG TILE EH�CTION AN11 14TEE OF STIJILE-q AND THY KF,-FPTNG OF ITORSE,,`3 AND COWS WTT-ITITT ME CITY OF BI T P -ti, Is INGAM7,. The Board of Trustees of the City of Burlingame do ordain as follows: Section ection 1. It shall be unlawful for any pe - son, firm or corporation to nrect in the City of Burlingame. anjr stable, barn, shed, corral or any'stall within any distance -less than fifteen 15) feet from any school house or church or public hall or froin-a any dwelling house. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any pe-rson,, firm or cor!-,0r;at-jLoM in the City of Burlingame to kee.p or maint.-ain any horse, mule or cow in stable, barn, stall, shed, corral or stable yard without co ii -plying ,,,Tith the provisions of this ordinance, Section 3. Where the lot or parcel of land upon which is ittiaintained any stable, barn, shed or other building in which three— or moro, horses,, males or other animals allovied,by law to be kept on any such lot or parcel of land are kept, or in which three or more animals of any kind all owed by law to be kept on such lot or parcel of land are kept, fronts on any street in which is constructed a sewer, sixch stable, barn, shed or other building be! -ng ng within 1.00 feet of a dwel.-L-ing or of such strevA, the following requirements shall be complied with; The drair.AAge from all single and box stalls whore a horse, mule or cow is kept or housed, rLinst in all cases be connected to the str(-.,(-,,t sewer. The, floor of all said stalls raust be made ls must be L impervious to water and drainige from sa st e.f - conducted to the sewer wither in the gutterf a s o radius of not less than two ' inches. Tire, 8. caid r guttes shall discharge into three inch or four inch trap before enterning the Main sewer. The tract must be protected in all cases by a strainer 'end be easy of acn.,es-,:3 for Ceaning purposes;. Section 4. All stables, sheds, barns, stalls, cor=rals or stable yards in which any horse, nmile or coti,,, is kept shall_ be thoroughly cleaned out at least every (lay , and at all ti -ries shali", such stables, barns. sheds, stalls, corrals,, and stable yards be kept in a clean and sanitary conditi,.on. The. manure', offal,* sola ed straw.or other refiise matter from all stables, barn, sheds stalls, corrals or stable yards shall be placed immediately upon removal from such stable b,-trn, shed, corral or stable yard in tight and closely covered receptacles, and kept covered 1,i.nt-"' destroy#bd oxo roiridVed from the premises. The contents of. such re e , tpcles shall be removed therefrom and disposed of at to least re IEK6 a week. Such receptacles shall be built in the darkest and coolest portion of ary sTich statle, barn,9-he.d.' stall corellor y -7r`, nr(! l.r. no case sh-ill t--h(;jr be qtti-tRtev- -G. t 0. :g'i � i rZ 4, -,n t Ir �,2 P Tj- C'I CIA. -jc�- U el i.FI Q in the Ci ty of e, th�-�,n one 'oowi orn any t Tox ilaint44�.in in the t bo urLl' —I'Ll on an v zin,-'! e Cf i t than one 0 OW v �J. d j. ;,Ilan ;�uoh cas) -Ial CLT14 Of -11C her, the to ' If voxe fox eE,{LcIa 0 1L 0? j,. + ra t ul .:o r any poxDono 01: or, b e f L to usies any otable or other place where ar.imals are ra i U c' 0 a s � '111c"a Lj mi 11, 0 ze -LOT k a7, t a3 F. .t 4o' 0 01, 0 cx.y othor I c Seo-'Uicm s, krly' pex��on) or cor-ca7L.'.tion Or anv S-3 0 ti any 0, f i or 010 po-r C'c t i o n o x Al i 011 '0 shall al I be nd u ir, �, on oonvjo�ion ther,301 01 Mb TO A. t h, N -11 c3uoh day s 0 r 4V b b ri,2, Oyl-'Ll Or t nct- J 0 16 0 rl T h i 11-1 -,j r!i�), 9C , s the "Pd nwv n ff��:TSjV.� h d ar.l."L oirovil' I (3 o' t Icin, in fo"�nte U t x 0 "110 P"L6 'w 0 G" July 1"I, Cf7 U P j� and 0 en air 0 f Avef� - v«,1 t K'L-)+o - -, % 0 -,, I in z�ii oxllinXIC�3 of the C#1 is - f L-; ZL i Cit -r on, th'e Uhe of Tr, by-- �-� A "9 O.L I the C,I UY 0