HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0031AN ORDINANCE TO BE KNOW AS THE "PUBLIC IMALTE ORDINANCE" , requi. ring THE S+ RING OF pp=SES ON VIRICH A TENEMENT IS CONSTRUCTED IN THE TOWN OF BURLIKGAME AND FIXING THE MAXIMUM 011A,RG!; = i .roRN. Section 1. Every person owning, controlling or oocoupying lend on which a tenement Le oonstruotedl and which fronts on any open street, lang, court or alley In the Town of Burlingame, in whiob there is a public serer shall sewer the same by an iron -stone or cast iron pipe, extending from the building out to the line of the Street sewer, and laid at a uniform grade throt%tout its entire length. There must be a trap and fresh air inlet zfx11UxZ2xzx in Line of said sewer to building;.. said trap and air inlet to be of full size of sewer -air inlet to have a. proper cover or etrai.ner. All joints of said ironstone pipe shall be made tight with first quality Portland Cement, properly mired with clean, sharp sand,, the. proportion being one part o ement, two parts sand. Each joint and length of pipe, when laid, must be properly cleaned on the inside by a suitable scraper before the succeeding length of pipe is put in place. All joints of cast iron pipe shall be made with a suitable packing of sakum, and run in full with molten lead and properly calk- ed. Said pipes shall be four inches in diameter inside measurement. Section 2 No person shall connect house drains or lateral sewers with any main sewer or main branch thereof by breaking a hale In any such sewer, but all connections shah. be wade by means of branch "Y" joints, provid94 t peci.al permission may in oaso of neosesity be given by the p g Inspector of the Town of Bu,rli,ngene or by the Board of Trustees of said Town to break out the main sewer or main branch thereof)* Section 3. No person shell maintain any cesspool or privy vault on any land owed, controlled or 0000upied by him, her or it, fronting on any open street tax txTWM, lane, alley. or court in the Town of Burlingame, in whish there ,is a public sewer; Suction 4. The connection of any private sewer with any public sewer shall M99i made under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the said Inspector, and shall not be covered with earth,until it has been inspected and approved by him, and his certificate of approval issued theresfor, certifying that said work has been done without damage and to his sa,tisfati.on; Section 5. All rainwater leaders from roofs of buildings must discharge on the surface of the ground, and not into the public sewers ; Section 6. It shall be the duty of the Sanitary Inspector . of the and Town of Burlingame to prepare akeep on file in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Burlingame from time to times a list of the tenements in the Town of Burlingame unoyonnected with the sewer main or main branch thereof of the Town of ,ingame, or who have not oompli.ed with the provisions of this Ord nance; said Sanitary Inspector is also authorized to serve a written hot ce on each said delinquent, by personally leaving with said delinquent or an adult member or person of his hers or its household or place of business; said notice, speoi.fingi.ng the time therein in which said delinquent is to comply with the terms of this ordinance, which in no case shall extend beyond the period of fifteen day's from the receipt of the Notice; Section 7. The maximum: charge freed by the Board. of Trustees of the Town of Burlingame for the work to one under this ordianae shall be as fol lows, to -wit: For eac ` t of exc ava.ti on or fractional part thereof at theate of -.y" per foot; for each lineal foot of pipe at the, rate / ;per lineal foot; for 0 + „lteral joint at the for each sewer 11yrr , rate of rate of per joint; "Y"; for services in connecting the premises to the main sewer or main branch thereof ;& Section 8. The Mord tenement herein mentioned includes, any store, building, struoture, dwebli.ng, home or place of abode in the Town of Burlingame; eotion TMs ordin co is intended 4b an ordinance supplementary to Ordina oo No 17 of the Town of Blarlingame, entitled "An Ovdian.cs regaatLng the Plumbing and, Drainage of Buildings in the Ton of Burlinemalr# passed. the 18jr4 day of Marcah 1909; and all provisions therein contained relating to registering intention to secure and the Muting Of per is, oert fidate of inxp*atica and Unitary InspeOtor1 s fees shall be a part of the praooeduro pertaining to the doing of the work heroin contained ftotion 0* Any person who shall tail Or onit to c omplt With the not ,oe heroin oo tai.ned ire thia ordi oo or to colaplY Or obssrre any of the provioLons off' this ordInanoe shall be punished by a fine not ezeoeding throe hundred dollars., or by imprisonment in the Tose Jell ofthe Town of Burlinga�o � oros girt , three menthe, or by both said Zine or imn r6onxiient pec tib 110 h4 s mUnanoo *b&13. be published� oe i the rlin ,ams "vano o , a nowspaper pabl.i shed said. To=, and ohall take offoot and be in Fero* from and aft* the to of its as • � 7 Introduced thi (� `( dad► Off' � 1911 Passed and adopted at a regulRt mootln�, of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Burling old on the � dad �� 1911 by the following ate. A. es: Trustees �` 'nAtte goes "trustees ibseair T rusteos MW "re 0 e B09 rustees Of thQ Town of