HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0054I L .10 AJ\( c C, Ordin.,-u-noo :"'ai. f$4o U11101pal 140*nse Tax* It "all be unlawful for ,,any r Ino al porson wbethox. am -fNr ip or a#entq (3o*.,purtner, clerk ar employea, either for hir.,self )r any other P.ersant or t)oraha n# - :)r or UT171,94yo aorp.arl,,x to or Othere. wise, ')r us iilfllaer of wqr a*rparatlon toa*r.nonoo or a:y on In the it of Burlin games any ,*ioouvat1on* *r walneas In tr.i#.a ordinance spoomed or tj krec,,* eoy or use arw artiale -,)r thInir Rr)c*1:r1cd* 0 -in thing in said city ror whiah ,,)r t, keep smapioya, or iise t , zr art or a itoonso tax is haratnAttor Imposedo without ffret having pr000red a icy "acre fr4,m Oald alt y so to dad # and oaah and aver7 day or fraotional part of a day that smid oo*upstlon orbuslaoss in this Ordinanoe speeiTled la orIndua-ted ir ourriad *n without suah Iteonse shall *one* stituito a violation 3,:r tbla Ordinan000 goo* 2* The term "Oeroon" used in this ordinanoe sball Inalude Individual* firm or aorpirntlor and the plural as well. na eln�m.lare Tho Itoonne roquired by this ardltmnoe shill b000me du* and Payablo on the first day xt '.,4 rah of modh yw.-trand sball be isioned for one (1) year from the afore sAld date; provided that wIle n the tax Is pal d after the date when annnally psVsb1e# then the. same may bo Pro"rated *vor the remaining, Xruotional yoary whidh thall be not loon than on"halyoar; -when a lloonef, aball roimsin delinqueet th,-,re sh-all be added to the whole amount or sum of ah 1$ sense the sur, of TwentYw five *onto an a peivilty for enah north of delitiquoncy ftrj4 tae entire *mount *r sum ba it b000mas to do�A due *nd !ovdng to the City for 01oh th* city way 0611*ot In * suit at lawo Uoe 4* licansio, taxec ohall be paid to the TaX Colleator of the of 3:v-rj1jjgnMP, Wh,,,) e 11 UpOn the rPOO VPt Of' ontor same In a book Sao i..'Or that purn.090 with thenante nnel, number !-)f the nartlaular applieentl and thorenron the Co1j**,t6r oball issue a r000lpt -or In am ge of q L , vehJule *- Jen noa at tietall!* tago It la to affiX tO 8 TOW014) beartne the words "Li0enSt," SUd "Bnrilngame4 with a nurboro r lm"O so* # ret * so** go, It ohall 00 the inty opt the Tax 001100tor to havoc to bis 0 of. too at all timesoanso esol is &VA USS. 48002 TO1 e rod and 110aring,the your for t.oh thos aro Issuo +� The person applying. `oar such 11*600a shall aftft to bill, her or * prerts#s to a oonspmos Plaso or o s hoer or nis v#MoU th,e jj soy rooet t or ug and poxmit IWOOotion ter boy M o :by the Tax " ollo toy* of eamoo ** 10 xapt soh#v*jmtt#r of orwi v"Yiaea when more than ou# 00o u"t on o r vasty ss ot tuse upon whieh a *ensu tax ifs hor*1aoftsir n"O a is 4arriod on or o* t y ono *1"ean# fire or eorporation at any *no jO4WjOn, the 1100NOtax. ftr snob. o oftined b slueSS Or o 400 t t o *hall be the tom * r IMP*804 an Ott "a*t.0016 46upado s or b stno s n which is moot boarny twwa or under* 0* S# Tho ate* for,1,00U 4 Sud thou oWoots 11aensed nhall be as estabitshwho"tuattors. every person engavot to tbo HOW b st 8ss thO 1106MM tax Oall bei 4 0 VoT Y For Oyor7 -p*r1WU Onfmpsa to tho restaurant butt ves : t l onso tax "ball be �4#00 per YeArs (o) Por every Person Oondu t # a Ing or o".rryinc on the Wtt t O.koeptng or oaaftoting bUt r # ba#00#10 or pool table* ill pay a 1100ase is of 410#00 per year, YO*very e"On On"goi in the business ot oanduotin or gi oo t t -w l e o *O o m tomof jig ng per ro W * *Y*ry Porson *Afmgod *godin, 'tom business O*Udtlatlac a eano *tore or t * ares parlor too .to ens* tom Oa bob S * Q r Y#* r* every o x # d the nose off in alo b i ► dory goo4e of retail the 1116no O UX #M11 b# 40#Or For ovory ptroin o d In t o bust"0#6 of tolling b opts and . , s tbo jj*an o tax shall U _ 4*00 per Ye&ro ?or every oorsen onSupod In th# biialnous of 00nduating a drupr store orphdrmuoyo - tho .lo onseUx mhaill be �4%00 per 3*10ars the licouse tax shtill Ut ,t #00 ver Y04'rs Por Orrery-Porsion ougaxod In'tho 'busluetas *t sti-stland rt b*Ok-* "riodioal o*r maossirml dser or ugeuto or volielting *rdoris th#ref*r# tho 11*onso tax shall *oo 48#00 por 7 -our. For *,V*ry t*rsft, girm ,>r aorporation a*n4uOlux * hardftr# W" the 114OUSO tax Ohall bo $6-000 Por your# For *very person msng on or oanduatIng the elimes of a orewwry or manuisoturinp buttor# or oonduating a *taro Xor the to of butt*r# oggz# tallk mid oream.,* the 114OUS* tom Aball, Ito $6000 V*1r,' P*r *"ry porson exAfiraped In 'rho buses of oelllng bayq grains wooto ooul or tooa at "tell# the 11ceuns tax O bt $,-S*00 vwr years For evory Porsoll OASS"d in the bustmos of k0oplag malntaln** In or oonduoting * 10try or b04MOng sblo tor hirel -th* .11eanso 'ta's Shall bo'4#00 rer� Y1011r# 40 or *very person sumod in the busizoes *f oonauating. a bakery or soiling ths,P"duats theroat it'he Iteon no Us Oall bo 46#00 re Year,, For "Ye w,y person onstu"4 In tho bualness *:f**u4uct1nm fftl t yogetablo st*rs tho 11aeuso tax shall be #00 per ya*rf (4) F*r every Porau ougaged in t.he s3 se or 0014"OtIng a Saar y wr provist*u stores butahor fps Vft1tVy or glob star*# this Iloonso tax *M11 bo 338*00 par 7esars f r) ft:r ovvrV Porsou oxisraw in th# busluo#& of *ou4uetln�r 4 lumber Yard whore lunber is sold at reta.11p the 11asnee tox shall 48*00 Por yearo Por any aouduating or oamin g on any moreantile busihoes of my, kind vftatevor# not f-.ertlu- sposal f1mlly dost,matedo or eanduatinx or takint *or* of nar ovalness In, any eta" Or ris a* wbero g pads, wm.'tros *r tm#rchar dlss of an$ kind, tmturo or Ord inanas 4** 64* Pg* 4,* doseription are sold# tho lloonso tax shall bo 45*00 V*r yearn Soo# go ?or aysrj V*r"its lirm. or **Miratloa who mms# keeps or drivos any wagon or v*Malo horolus:tUr dosorlb*d, tho,11"1160 tax shall be ao fille"s or 0qh hey WSKOU-0 'batik wagon, 111tobor wn" 41rt wagon# gnvol *r oe"ut wagon# oxprosa wapan# dollyory wau# or any truaks 4ray or van or othor V01610 of a *Sn*Y1nR Gavoolty of two tons or more, the Moons %*x a U* ;16#00 V*r y"r; ?Or 0 mah 'bay wagon# tank mgono brover y vmsmt i# saayen$rer wagon 1mber ""us me4t wagon* dirt wagon,& grnvei or oprAnt VrVLg*n* ezrress wsfrron# 46 iter vftgofto or any trUOJL'-' dray or ftv or other vohlolo Ot a oarrying of one on .,)r yrs and loco than two# th" 1,1061190 -Ur Oall bo 48#00 por ;roar; (a) For all othor vohlolev# oxewlng private anrriagewo privato aut*mobllas -and v* es ua ex0luetvsly for Baa giro ar'd Oxzae-�'�Alacct her tm grad, dead wagons th* Ileense tax sh*:Ll Uo $6#00 per yearo, yshioiao 9-ppom-ea in tho seotioyis inolude thtoao overstod OrL p,*z-,*Ve11e4 by V*"r ne well as. th-oso drawn by harsom; (e) Tho provist*ns of Bonbon 7 Ot thle isholl not apply to tbo- 110onso to"S Imp*494 U7 tble '1r'SOdt1*U# 2100* 10* qken, b7 ressm of tbo laws ovorninor intorstato somoroot publia utilities undor tho ratl"ad Wxmlssl* or oter low,, toy Oxemption from tht papmdont of a lto4mev' to the city of "Burlinommo sh*11 exist# or any 4uslmosmo person# vehiale or thinst shall not be aulb1#0 to tunV loess tax Imposed by the Oltl,,pr of BiArllngwro# r10 llaenm* tsz sM11 bo required* 8*00 110 The Uarshal to hero'by authorite4 to adjust lleems taxse that -may hsro b"n paid candor aTW 6tber *rdinsnaoo Soo* Ordirmnae V*o 40 of t -b* city of BurlliVame and all *rd1nana* or part of ordinanoo to oon.til*t herewith are expresply r*posledo zamsod,* zranuary :o-Ot 1913o person violating any provisionsof this ordimneo, sholl upon 4ony of ion t.her**f be flixed a aum. not Use fir► f (1 Dollars nor more t tk One Runfted .(100) 14res or by Imprisomout In the City ;all not mf ju +gin (0) daysi *r *by both nuoh fly -mind Ivorlemmanto