HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0052A/ /i ct S /XG l W 4R N N AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ESTABLIMIKENT A:ID COI?DUCT OF PUBLIC LAUNDRIES A11D, rROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THE,�EOF. WHEREAS: The indiscriminate establishment of public laundries and public wash—houses, where. clothes and other articles are cleaned for hire, is injurious and dangerous to public health and public safety and prejudicial to the well—being and comfort of the community; now, therefor: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF BUR— LINCAME as follows: SECTION ONE. On and after the passage of this Ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to establish, maintain or carry on the business of a public laundry or public wash—house where blothes or other articles are cleaned for hire, withinn the limits of the city of Burlingame, County of San Mateo, State of Califor— nia, without having first complied with the conditions herein- afte= specified. x SECTION TWO. n It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to establish and maintain upon any premises within the limits of the City of Burlingame, any public laundry or wash—house, where clothes or other articles are cleansed for hive, without having first obtained a ,written permit therefor from the Board of Trustees thereof, specifying the name of the person granted the permit and the location of the premises for such purpose. SECTION THREE. `iVhenever application is made to the Board of Trustees of the City of Burlingame, by any person, firra or corporation for a I;ermit to establish and maintain a public laundry or wash—house in said City, the same shall be in writing setting forth in detail the purpose for which the permit is to be granted. Said written ap— plication must be accompanied by the written consent of the owner or owners of the property to be used for said purpose, or his or their authorized agent or agents. The arplicant shall also cause 4. . to be posted conspicuously in front of the prenis3es to be used for said purposes, notice to the effect that application has been made to the Board of Trustees for the granting- of such perrnit, and setting forth the purposes for ghioh said lromises are to be used; and said notice to be pc`sted'imviediately after the filing of said application and kept posted for at least one week. SECTIO17 FOUR: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to conduct or waintain a public laundry or wash -house within the limits of the City of Burlingame, without having .first obtained a certificate signed by the Health Of.71u^-r of the City of Burlingame, that the premises are properly and sufficiently drained, and that all -,roper ar.rar3dments for carrying on said business without injury to t=- sanitary condition of the neighborhood have been con,pl=ud with, and partioularly that the lrovisions of all ordars -id ordinances Pertaining thereto have been complied -.¢rith. Also a certificate signed T.)y the Chief of the Fire Department of said City, that the stoves, chimneys, aaashing and drying arraratus and the appliances for heating smoothing irons are in good condition and that their use is rot dangerous to the surrounding prol:erty fro.r. fire, and that all ;.:roper ;precautions have been taken to comply with the provisions defining the fire limits of the City of Burlingame, and regulating the erection and use of buildings in said City, and the general orders and ordinances l,ertaininF thereto. SECTION FIVE. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer and of the Chief of Fire Department, .resrectively, upon the ar,plicaticn of any per- son, firm or corporation rroposing to cl>en or conduct the business of a public laundry or ecash-house ;within the limits of the City of Burlingame, to inclect ti,e premises upon ,which it is proposed to carry on said business-, or in whic}i said businass is being carried on, with a view to ascertaining whether the said `rremises are lro- vided 1-rith nroner draining and sanitary appl3anccr, Also whather the lrovisions of all orders and ordinances relating thereto have been complied with; and if found in all respects satisfactory, then Fire Department, as rrovided for in section four of this ordinance, shall be exhibited in some conspicuous place upon the i -remises and shall be produced upon the demand of any Officer of the City of Burlingame. SECTION ELEVEN. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after ' � r•_, -the certificate provided for in to issue to said a,rlicants " s section four of this ordinance. No charge whatever shall be madeor compensation or fee collected or received for the performanceof l any services required by the r.rovisions of this ordinance, butall such services shall be performed free of charge. SECTION ° _SIX. No owner of or employee in any public laundry or wash-housa withimrthe limits of the City of Burlingame, shall sprinkle or spray the clothes of any person or persons, by water emitted from the mouth of said owner or employee. SECTIOid 8E ITEN. No person, firm or corporation engaged in the laundry busi- ness within the limits of the City of Burlingame, shall permit any person suffering from any infectious or contagious disease to lodge, sleep or remain upon the premises used by him, her or them for the purpose of a public laundry. SECTIpN IC'HT. No person, firm or corporation engaged in the laundry busi- ness within the limits of the City of Burlingame shall use, convert or set aside for boarding, lodging or dwelling purposes, any part of any roan used by him, her or them for the purpose of a public laundry. SECTION 71 INF Any person., firm or = rporation who shall violate any of the :,rovisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be -,unished by a fine not to exceed one hundred (100) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail of S Q.-ZotrAtT for not more than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SYCTION TEN. The certificates from the Health Officer and Chief of the Fire Department, as rrovided for in section four of this ordinance, shall be exhibited in some conspicuous place upon the i -remises and shall be produced upon the demand of any Officer of the City of Burlingame. SECTION ELEVEN. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. • w Introduced this dav of December _, 1912 and iulI and regularly passed Vy7 the Board of Trustees of the City of Burlin game this 41/day of December, 1912, by the following vote: AYES, Trustees:-_— 0`✓ NOES, Trustees: ABSENT. Trustees:_ -- Attest: City Clerk, --redden theo d o* stew City of 'urlingame, Cali ornia. FX[C IN TH OF THE l rl- , E - OF. THE CLERK . CAL