HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0051T ij 07-1"I 'l A'11T 11; *C4, V'D 0'� I T.1, , I N 0 P 11 I -'-p T E7, T ANCE AT,11T, IT" E,-i'VIPTION ',')r4 i 11. . �­, . � U , BONDS OF THE CITY OF ---TT F� 14 1 T.,T- 0 '"' A T I T 0191 N .-J -.1 TP 1. 1 TA TO THE A,� 4 T A T ji, OF kj JJ FOR AMLOUNT 07 ONNE FUT DRED AND 7 TI'1*1 T T ANT DOLL.A.j. S3 THE PTUTRPO,-MOF THE ACQTIMPITTON, 1107"T'MiCTION, ATN'D CO'jhVTLPLT.T1()N OF A OP 'TATER11TOIRTKO 70-7-L PAID ClITYP IJTTJ ACf7O'-rPPjANCF, A1,11D A03 7 AU Tj-1 0-,4 1 Z P, D .AT A 0 1 AL IF7, L F, 04 1 H IN 7' A I D 0 1 71y' O'T T T DA Y 07' 7'k,0 7r."749, T7, 19 12 3I.election mao held on the lst day of ,77 -7 -1 -AS., a sp�ecial November, 1912, in accordance with the ions and ruequire- mento of ("rr)'kinance 11o. 47, of 0"',,iid city, calling, ­,rovidin�­ ,, and V kcl giving noticof �uc)­A election, reference 'to said ordinance for C� further rarticulars bainE here made.; and it has been detarmained by a cm,.Xlvass of the returns "_5 4 of said election by -the. hoard of Trustees of said"L city, iriade V2.1 !"Pth, 1912, an2l entered in ft) ll upon. the mixuteo, of said Board, t1lat at such sTetial election the in,our-ring of a lbonded 1. , i.r - i, herein of Laid city for Ju -'_-.e -purT-,,ose and to the, , _nio int herein . f 1� 1) �,, 1R5 Mated wacs :authorized b -,T aff irmative vote ( f rro:r-e J-1 ,n t"NO- thirds of the voters, nomr t",lerefore.s The BoaxJ, of r -f City of Burlingame do orldiain as f 01 loll's Sect i, on 1, That the bonds of t1he City of Burlingame, ck3ta`,; a Of Calif orn'L.a. 11 -y -*11 ,I. in. ra-cordance -1,;rith the, re,-sult of the C V -1,1 b e, r s--:ecial election held in siiid, cit��, on the, let daf IT y lQl 14- _" ("IcsA. 11. f c r n a Cl anci. in comp'liance ,!d ith tj- J 1,1t e, sta.-ao of the, Sta-`,,� , of T tc the, (-f r t- Z_ t . 'J -1 ,, r I %-, I u n., d tat n CIJ a nJ t T,t e r,, i, nc�; i-1, c f i - 4 t -,- q 4- a nu, r'T�1e+,.'Lcjn of a of w3j. t 7,,.r illi- orks f "a i d t ha, + aid ) f _�, - - a U., bonds ohall be Called ""at=-.rqorks 11all b- On- "tunil'lred na' rr-1-oustnd (1,000) S IT beSr t -ion of One S,e,er,ty-JPivfe in nuriila of the &-Momina Dollars each and shall be numbe.'red conse ^utivelY fr0fil One (1) tea 0 , ' J_ 1- c,ne hundrad' and seventy—five (1-7 both inC"Iusive., and sih,:i ll be payable five (r;) of said 'bonds on December 1st, 1013 in ccns-.::.� cut ive 1 _' I/ numerical order beginning with bond No. 1, and an equal nul�b"=.'r of five (5) "-,cnds in lik- con:,,7 cut ivor.,,I,ir shall be rayable on Decem— ber in each year t-"'(�ereafter until ,�nd inclu,,_Iing Dec mber lst, 1947 ju-Ij -3ntil 11 of said bonds shall be old; All of the bc.,Tids issued as herein -,,.-rovided, ball be of the Form ani charactor known. as They shall be, date, Eece.,mber 18t, 1"12, shall bear in-1111,erest at th-e rate- of five per cantum -r"\er annum '_',avable on the first days of June and Decornber of 0,,; n . CfI i,rear until il the -r.aturity there -of; and -the. -rincipal aT,d in- thrN--;of �"hall be p,��:iyable- in lawful monaly of the United at the of*ice of the Treasurer of '-�Caid city. Section (I ection 2. Said 'bonds shall be. si-,.,ned "ov the Executive of said City of Bu-i-lingame, being the jr-,resident of the Board of Trus- tees of cit1r, and by the Treasurer of said city; and counter- signed by the Clerk of city, and the seal o --'I said city shall be afl-ixeil-l' thereto. Said bonds shall be substantially in the fclIo'zT- ing terms 60 TrjTIT -E;D STATRF" OF AIJF�ICA State of California City of Rurlinaame CI "7ATER77ORKS ROND 8. 0 For vall..Ie rec-'---ived, the City of n"urlingame, a municipal cor- poration organized and e.xisting under laws of the State,-., of Cali- fornia, hereb-,7 ackno1`Tledrx_es, itself indo,"oted an(i nroriffs'e's to '..'ay to the bearer on the :First :lair of _Pecembtjic.' One ThouE>and Dollars intares-t t1l"Iereon a.t the ra-t- of five -fer cen.tum, rer annum raya- t n- u L J ci I 1st 4- suxremier of the coupponss he-reto attacheCIA. as. theyc i- '1y k_ become :due, both rincipal and interest beinf, in lawful r -�Y of the T,,Jri-*t,-,,d C-"-at-s at t'!�­ cf-,Pice of the Treasurer of said m,onL I .o U tie city. This bond it'i; i-'-�-,ued under and T)Ur?3uant to lu-'?,e constitution .L and statutes of the State of California, and under and pursuant to ordinances, arc. -1 r1roceedings of said city duly adopted and taken and a vote and assent of more than two-thirds of all the qualified electors of saiJ city voting at a special election duly and legally CD called and held for that rurpose. It is hlereby certified recited and declared that all acts., .1 1 , reci conditions and things required by law to exist, harTen and be per- formed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have existed,; hapnened and been performed in due time., form and mariner as requirpd A by laivy, and that the amount of this bond together with all other in- debtedness of sailed city Goes not exceed any limit prescribed by the 'V constitution or statutes of said state, and that provision has been SI -a4-,. for made as required by the constitution and statutes of said U the collection of an annual tax sufficient to pay the i:R"terest on this bond as it falls due, and also r'rovision to ccns-'!_-.i-11U-u1U-e a sink- ing fund for the payment of the rri-ncipal of this bond on or before maturity. The full faith and credit of said city are hereby j.,ledged for the punctual T�Fvr� e', :-ent of the', and interest of this bond-, � " �f I.NT said City of Burling;,une has caused this bond to be executed under its corporate seal, signed by its President of the Board of Trustees and Treasurer, and countersigned by its Cd Clerk; and has caused th� interest coupons hereto attached to be signed by its Treasurer, and this bond to be dated the first day of December, 1912. U6 ea. Countersigned, CitTrt3asurex. It t ir y C31 a r k . W Section 3. Int :rest coupons shall be attached to each1- bond to the number of t7iice the number of years such bond will run ry 4 until the rc,,.71.turity thereof, and in the amount of Twenty -'five Dollars each v,,hich sum 1?j'ill be the amount due for interest on such bond for six months; such coupons shall be numbered from one upwards and each shall state the number of the bond to which it is at-tache;Ii. Such coupons shall -6 be signed by the Treasurer of Etaid city, by his engraved CD V .or lithographed signature, au -id be subs.,tantially 0 , in the follolilring form: No FORIA OF COUPON ,125,00 On 3 1., the city of Burlingame, California., gill -r.a-v to the bearer at -t! -1,e 0-,L'*fice Of the Treasurer of said city, Twenty-five Dollars in lawful money of the United States, being six months interest then due on its Water - CD works Bond dated December 1,1912, Number— —--- ­ Treasurer. Section4. For the 1r' ­ If1urpose of y.,aying the princi-nal and interest of bonds, the Board of Trustees of the City of Bur- lingame, shall, at the time of fixing the general tax levy, and in the manner for such general tax levir -provided, levy and collect for the fund hereinafter -trovided for, annually., each. year., until such bonds are -_,aid, or until there shall be a sum in the treasury of said city, set ai-art for that fur -pose .sufficient to meet all X U suras becoming due for the 1-­Irincipal and intl.:-rest on said bonds a tax sufficient to -ray the annual interest on said bonds, and also sucl.-I part of the principal t'-Lereof as c -hall become due before the -time for fixing the next general tax levy. Said tax shall be in addition to all other taxes ievitwd for minicipal p - .4. urroses, cand shall be -GjjeC,-e;-1 u4- t -­ e e time and in the nutni')er ac,,- o-ther fi %.4 1 Q 1 4 1 �� CIL14 cipal taxes are collected, and as aollected, shall be fort'j-Kith-Nith paid into the fund for vlhich the carie was levied and collec-ted; that such fund shall be designated "Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, 191211 and all sums to become due for principal and interest on said bonds -4- shall be r_,,aid from, 2;-ucfI fund. Section 5. The Pr�=i,�i;Jent c -IF -the Board of Trustoez and the �A t h e :lank ,,)y a�Li diraotad to fill in Treasurer are 1--e-rel -�Jicrized ,in-, sy-'aces in accordCance iNith tbiM3 o'IJi.n.anca and to sim all ,;.;aid bonds on behalf of oaiill city, and the City Clerk is authcrized to3%-unter- si,--m the. same a.nd -15o, affix the City's �eal th ze-, roto. Sail '.-mndsl YF.Tien so executed shall be by said officers red to said Troasurrr for C. icial custc.dy until safe kfee-ping, who c -_,hall hol(I the 1 in h is C 1jerr, to rurchaser or -ilurchaserr crIliered 'by t',,is4 '.Roard to t t 0 f S,ect-ion U. The 7,-oa.--d of ri'mo-tees --..I-.Lall sell bonds at ouch ties ai,,.,d in �uch amounts all it is ay data"miii-le, and t'llie -y-'zoceeds arising from any si..�ch sale, .=shall. be -r-,laced in the Treasury to the c Jr. le -,,,d i t of the ',;7at -1. r wo rk s Fund", i c h fund i S h e -1, e b y c r e a t LI and s iv for ch ,:�uch rroceeds �,.-.hall be used exolu� .1y for that u,,)Osl s I - such bonds were issued. J3 J, R. Tlurphy, Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby dad c�,rtifv that the for%ecgoing was uly nregularly passed at an x.__ LA_2A _� rc�r meeting; of the 3o and of Trustees of said city, h8old on the -day o f 7ovefi.,,ber, 1912, by the follo-v�i- ing vote: AYIEI'S TDIQTS T. ZI A 3 LS) Z11 T T (SEAL) f N'ovenriL r 11U2 A,��,:roved this d C) f t t o of t'I i e C i t Bur 1 in game —5— n g ai-H e