HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 00471 t�' !'+.9sH It 04 4�4 _ Also, said ballot shall have printed thereon lingame not included in said Precinct' No. i. IN THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE the following: - - - The officers to conduct said special el". - - CITY OF BURLINGAME, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Proposition to incur a bonded debt., p - if.. for said Election Precinct No. t are hereby appointed and designated' as - follows: by the City of Burlingame, to the -- Insppeecetors: HENRY SCHULKEN and H. ORDINANCE ND 4 amount of $175,000, for the purpose YES the and A LUKE JOHN ■ - of acquismtlon, construction completion of a system of water- - judges: ED CHEVALIER and DOWER. - - ' - - works for said City, such debt to NO CLERKS: GEORGE BREAW and W. F. AN ORDINANCE CALLING AND PRO- bear interest at a rate of not to ex, : TOOTHAKER.. - YIDING FOR, AND GIVING NOTICE OF, - ceed five per centum per annum, pay-. - The polling place insaidElection Precinct A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD,IN able semi-annually. - - No. 1 shall be locatedatLansdale Building, THE CITY OF BURLINGAME, STATE OF. Sample ballots containing theabove.matter _ Buri Buri Avenpq Easton in said City. CALIFORNIA, ON FRIDAY,, THF,ST DAY required to be printed thereon, shall be sup-. The ofe. to conduct said special election _ OF NOVEMBER, Ig IOBJECT BE- plied to the electors of said City by the City for said Election Precinct NO. z are hereby ING TO sDHMFT TO THE QUALIFIED. - .Clerk, but a failure on the part of any elec- appointedand designated as follows: ELECTORS OF SAID CITY A PROPO- for to receive such sample ballot shall not _ Inspectors: HARRY CAHALAN _and Ale - SITION TO INCUR A BONDED DEBT BY be held to invalidate the election or affect in BERT MEYER. SAID CITY OF BURLINGAME FOR THE any manner the legality of any bonds that judges: GEORGE ROTH and W. H- PURPOSE OF THE ACQUISITION, CON- aria, be autlmrized thereat. PE,ARSON. - STRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A Section 3. Any `qualified elector of 'the ::. Clerks: FI. W. PIKE ..it E. B. LYTLE. - - SYSTEM OF WATERWORKS FOR SAID City of- Burlingame may .are At said The polling place in and far said Election • CITY. special election for or against_ the.: Propo -: Precinct No. '2 shall be located at fire house, - WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the anion herewith submitted, To vote in favor ..City Hall, Mam Street in said City.- City of Burlingame did, on the Loth day of of'and authorize. the -incurring of a bonded _ : The 'City Clerk is hereby. directed to pro- . September, 1912, by a vote Of more than two- debt for the purpose set forth in the Propo- ; cure all supplies that may be necessary to - thirds of the members of said Board, adopt a sition herein stated, he shall stampa cross properly and lawfully conduct said special _ resolution determining thatthe public inter- (X) in the square to the right of the word .election. . est and necessity demanded the construction YES" printed oppositeto the proposition, and .When the polls are closed 'the -officers of - of a system of waterworks .for said City, and to vote against and refuse to authorize the in- election shall count the ballots cast at such - that the cost thereof would exceed the curring of a bonded debt: for the purpose act special election, and. canvass the votes cast " ordinary annual income and revenue of the forth in the proposition herein stated, he shall respectively for, and against the proposition '- municipality, which resolution was, on the stamp a -.cross (X) in thesquareto the right herein stated and make return thereof to the - loth day of September, .912, duly approved of the word 'NO" printed opposite the prop. Board of City Trustees in time, form and by the President of the said Board, who is osltion. - manner required for the counfing,.ednvassing the r.emitive of said unicipality. Each cross (X) stamped in the square to ' and returning of votes cast at other muni - + j' NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Trus- the right of the word YES3'shalt be counted copal elections held in said City of Burlin- ra tees aE the City of Burlingame do ordain as follows: - as a vote ih. favor of and to -authorize the incurring of a bonded indebtedness. for the game.- -- - _ .. Section 5: If, at. such special' election, it +. Section 1: A special election is hereby purpose set forth in the proposition opposite shall appear that two-thirds of all the vote - v?i as -called and ordered to be held in the City of to which such cross (X) -is stamped, sad each cast thereat were an favor of and authorized' M1*Y 'Burlingame, State of California, on Friday,. cross (X) stamped in the square to the right,- 'NO" the incurring of a bonded debt -for the pur the 1st day of November, 1912, the object of the word shall he counted as a vote pose set forth intheproposition, then such being to submit to the qualified electors of not in favor of and a refusal to authorize the - e "proposition shall be deemed to have been ac- said City a proposition to incur a bonded in- said incurring- ofa. bonded indebtedness for the tepted by the electors and bonds will be is� debtedness by the City of Burlingame to the - purpose set forth in the proposition opposite sued to defray. the cost of the improvement amount of One Hundred and Seventy-five m whish such cross (X) is'stamPed. specified iu such. proposition and to the amount _ g, Thousand Dollars. 'Che purpose for which such Section 4 There shall be two election stated therein. -. Suck bonds shall be of the `f t -' bonded debt is to be incurred 1s the. acqui- precincts within said City .for the purse�of po form and character known as serials" and Dt"' sition, construction and completion of a sys- holding said special election, which shall be "Election at least one -fortieth, part of the principal sum tem of waterworks far said City, the estimat- ed cost of which is One Hundred and Be,-, and are hereby designated- Precinct No. 1" and .Electron Precinct No. 2Precincts of said indebtedness will be paid each and every year,. Commencing one year from the y ". 'enty-five Thousand Dollars, said sum being For the purpose of said election _ date of said bonds.. �a the amount of the principal of the indebted-`, No. One and No. Two .willbe as follows. Section b. This -Ordinance shall be pub. _ F ncss to be incurred therefor. The rate of .in- . Precinct No. One (n) shall include and listed once each week for two successive Yy Jr-( terest to be paid upon the bonded debt. pro: '..posed consist of the following: Allthat territory _ - eeks prior to said da_ ofelection in the -s to be incurred will be not to exceed within Easton Addition to Burlingame as the Burlingamd Advance roll eh a ne�eslmper .five per c nim per annum, -payable semi ane is commonly known andd,, s designated f general circulation, (p printed and published annually - 'election upon that certain nap of racerd in the Coup t lessthan six days go week in said City. pf - Section 2. The spema7 hereby called. and ordered to be held, shall be held ty Recorders ffice of San Mateo .County, Californiain Map " IIopk Three (3) at Page Burlingame, and. this Ordinance' and such ,publication shall be the Notice of Election. _ y r'- ✓ and conducted, and the votes thereat received - Seventy (70), all that, territory within Las- Section y. This Ordinance shall -take effect - _ 'and cavassrd, and the returns thereof made, : ton Addition Number Two (2) as the same immediately. L the esult 'thereof' ascertained, deter landn is commonly known- and is designated Open _ I) J. R. MURPHY, .Clerk of the City 'mined and declared as .herein provided and that certain. map of record in the -County Re of Burlingame, do hereby_ certify that ` he according t. -the Imus of the State of Cali - -. corder's office of said San Mateo County, m foregoing -Ordinance was introduced at s reg .+ sat c fornis.. providing for and -governing elections Map Hook Three (3) at Page Ninety-three :alar meeting of. the Board of Trustees of _ of Orrtaubw in the City of Burlingame, and the polls for (93): all that territory. within- Easton Addi- - :City, held on the Atli day .fyy •� such election shall be and remain open dur-Y. tion Number Three (3) as the same is eon and was .finally passedby more than two- in the time required by .said laws. merit, 'known and is designated upon 'that ' .thirds vote of said Board- of -Trustees at a The ballots to be used at said special eler- certain map of record in the County Record- -' regular meeting of said Board held on the tion shall be such as may be required by-law er's office of San Mateo County in Map Book day of Sapsaabe , 1912,- and that the - - to be used thereat, and, in addition to any 'printed Four (4) at Page Forty-five (45): all that ole on the pas;age of said Ordinance was other matter required by law to be territory within Easton Addition Number. taas -follows:. - _. ;;6i thereon, shall appear the following: thereon, Four (4) as the same is commonly known and ( AYES: TRUSTEES- SMUNICIPAL TICKET." ,s designated upon that certainmap of rec- p.PppRty6.rnd+6M4'fII. - "To vote for the proposition, and thereby ord in the County Recorder's office of aid _ , NOES: TRUSTEES, I ffffr. ' authorize the incurring of the bonded in- San Mateo County in Map Book Number ABSENT: TRUSTEES Bi? Gs— debtednese for the amount of, and far the Four (4) at Page Fifty-seven (57)' together Date", .September 24tb, i912. - purpose stated in such proposition, stamp a with all that territory within Burlingame J. R. MURPHY, - -of cross (X) in the blank space to the right of Grove as the same is commonly known and is Clerk the City of Burlingame. _. - the word "YES." designated upon that certain map Of record in i I hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance - - "To vote against the proposition, and there- the County Recorder's office of said San. Ma- No. 47, this Wilt day of Sepmeffiliers. i9ae. Z,f by refuse to authorize the incurring of a teo County in Also Book Number F. it (4) ., - GUSY'Atl']7"fVIeG>ZILGOR.-. bonded indebtedness for the amount of, and at Page Forty-six (46). -- - t - President of the Board of Trustees of purpose stated i such proposition, far the n stamp a cross (N) in the blank space to the Precinct No. Two (2) shall'" include and consist of all the remainder of the territory, the City of Burlingame, and the. Exec-_ olive of the Municipality. - - right of the word "NO." within the corporate limits of the City of Bur- .(Seal) - - A ` f t}} e _. i° i i FA f i i