HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0076• ko 07RTLIYAITCE ITO* RT'1'4TTj ,'Tjl ICIPAL WATF.R ' YOT"14 Opt TI -IF, _ k;ti. F10 CITY AN ORDT."TANCE _)jATING' _11b N T P HJIF30ARD C.P T71.7-11STET-Y ES 07 HE 01Or, -i'KIM-LIMANT V3 DO ORDAIN AS .& L I FGLLOT'�' #��, a ,-- Section Yo. 1, Every -r.erson takinj_the 'Clity water shall be considered as having expressed his consent to be bound hereby, and 1-1 V whenever any one of the rules and regulations is violated, the right is reserved to shut off the water �,vithout notice, and the person TVater is thus shut off, shall forfeit all pa W y ante and del-os,its made to the extent o -J" "-is indebtedness, and the water shall not be turned on again until all unlaicl. rents a-lrld charges are paid,, toget-her the additirnal charge of tijyo dollars for turn- ing it- on again. Section No. 2. In case the c)f-.-ner of ,-Iremilses on �,Vrhich -water is used desires to discontinue the use of same, he must -make an app I i ca4Cion.-IL"or that purpose to the TDoard of eater Corai.,-iissioners) and after the date of said arplica-tion, the rents accruing for said service shall cease -for the reriod during which said I-cance be. not less be Shut off, �,provided +W) -,i 9 of such disto corl.)inu than one month, S I 4Vo- Vj I y appointed representa- ec+.ion T- 3r, persons except the dull' tives of the T3oard of Tater Commo.issioners will be j.)ermitted to tap W any of the ater ,,-rains of the r1istrilouting systera, t Service connections to t -1,.e inside of -the curb line of the street of "Nater (7j'omtissioners for water, /in such manner as they shall .. will be made by the Board determine-, `section No* 4* 7otice must be given in -writing to the Board of y -Lhe -plumber intending to connect to a service ..ater ^0, 1ii-issioners T) ♦ wain, f i zing tyle dais on -wh i ch lie hes to i.,iak- a the Connect ion. Such notice ri:-ust be civon at least -17orty-elght 'I'lour's rrv* us to the tiiae C., - 1.0 1- & , - e 10 �jvhen the coi-Mection to the service main is to be,r,,.,Lade, Section No, 5* The City of Burlingame 44iil_1 triaintain and keep in repair each service connection as above; provided the failure of said service or the injury the_-c.,-,3:to ren"Jering repairs necessary does notW result from some improper act or omission on the rarl.; of the owner or ts..na.4-t of the 'preruises supllied with water. .r Section No. 64 Where services are found disconnected they may be reconnect -ad only by application to the Roard of TTater Commissioners. Oection No, 7. Duly authorized representatives of the Board of 10�at!-Zr Co.a,jrniosioners shall have the right of access at all reasonable the to any premises where water is use -d, for tile Purpose of inspection and examination* Section Yo. 8, On unimproved streets taps will be made, corpora— n. tion and curb cooks an�.'A. boxes for the curb cooks will be! furnished, and three—quarter inch pipe laid one foot in -side the curb line for the sum of live dollars* All water connections of larger size or on improved streets shall be made at the actual cost of making said connections, and the sum Clerk of the estimated for this purpose shall be e der;osited with the 10 Board of Water Commissioners before such connections are made. If the estimated cost for making con,-ections for improved Streets should not prove to be a sufficient sum to pay for said work, then the a.Aditional cost shall be charged against the applicant. If said estimated sum deposited should be in excess of the cost then the difference shall be returned to the applicant. Section Po. 9* The Board of Water Commissioners shall have full authority 'to set water ivaters and to charge for the use of 'water at meter rates, All meters thus set shall be and shall remain the prop— er4%-#y of the City of Burlingame and may be removed at any time by the Board of Water Coi�irfiissinners , Section No, 10, One meter shall be allowed and set for eaah fifty foot lot and all premises shall be metered. Consumers demanding more than one meter shall pay for the same at the cost Trice of the meter. �ection No. 11. All persons, firms or corpora -tions requiring (2) a meter larger than a three -quart, -'.,r inch meter .shall pay the c."Iiffe'rence in cost of the larger ­,eter. Section No. 12. It ohall be th-,:z duty of the Superintendent of V the 'Fater '3ystem to keep track of all houses vacated and promptly re- port such vacated houses to the Secre-tary of the Board of Water Com- wissioners, and to shut off water on -w.1hich have been vacated., and make prompt reports of all ratters coming to his knowledge in con- nection with the 'water dej_�artment 'whicli will enable the Water Comnis- e,ionerzs, -to proi-uptly enforce the collection of vvat%er bills due the, City. Section Yo. 13. In case of fire or an alarm of fixe, or in mak— ing reriairs, or t)-onstruction work, the Board of Commiesioners thrc,uuh its duly authorized agents, �-:hall have th;.%, xid-ht to shut off water from any con-sumar, cr any number of co nsunerq,, without notir-le and to kea-- it shut off as long as it way be necessary, lection,, No. 121. in case of fire or an alarm of -fire, the use of fountains or yard or street sprinklers or house -Lancets is prohib, ited* Section No. 15* No person, shall, except in case of fire, use, r tj water from or tamper -with any amity h7.drant without a Permit from the Board of 'Water CO -flim. iSollioners, Section Not 16, The owners of premises taking water must keep their service pi -pe: stop -cocks,, and all aplparatus connected thereLk;ith .v I- on said rremises in good- re -pair at thei,.r own e-v,)ense; and no claims .A.' k shall be made against the City of Burlingame by reason of bursting or 1 any other disarrangement of any service pipe or any aj.-�paratus or any a - applianne connected t'l-lerewith4 k1.0 10 w W Section Not 17- The Board of Tater lomiiic��,iionerG shall have the right to linviit the amount of i,,ater Eurniz3hed to fii".y consumer should .0 circurastancea aae.-ii to warrant such action, althou6h no lipii"5 tuay be s t a -t- -0 d in t; h e a,-11� 1kation or T-', e ri ii i t f o r such -luiB e . S-rooser­,ck) hosel'At or hose attUach— ..j ec-tion No. 18. No hydrantl 0 40 ruent shall be placed in any yard or area of�nir rr,,--.miOes situated so 110 as to be accessible to persons living in or occupying neighboring praruiseB, nor shall water takers be allowed tea supply jqatar to others, or to other premises owned by thero5elves from water purchased from the City or from ivells sit-iiated on their premises, except by srecial per— mit from the Board of Iater Commissioners , Section No. 19, Whenever the 'Board of Vater Commissioners so directs, a prepay meter for plater shall be installed upon the premises of any consumer.. Section No. 24. No person, except a duly authorized official of the City, shall in any manner interfere with the water system of the City of 9urlingaine or wake or serer ' connect ions with such system,, except as provided by this article, S-ectionNo,, 21, All tenants of buildings and lots within the City of Burlingame, or transient consumers of water of said City, upon fi'A'.ing their application *for the City to supply them with water, shall make a deposij of five dollars with the Clerk of the Board of Water Cornmiss ioners ; provided that in lieu of said deposit, the owner of the premises may give a written guarantee to pay for water used on the premises in the event of delinquency, or the tenant may give a bond in the sum of twenty-five dollars, with two good and sufficient sure— ties ..Yho are tax payers of the ClitY4, Said bond shall be conditioned to pay all sums due the City for water. Section No. 22. Such tenant or transient consumer shall give C) notice when he desires to discontinue the use of water, and thereupon, if all sums of money due to the City of Burlingtme for the use of water have been paid, the Board of Water Commissioners shall order returned to the said tenant or trans'ient consumer the amount of his de-,-)osit,, )aid deposit when received shall be placed to the credit of said tenant or transient consumer by the Clerk of the Board of Water Corrimissioners. Section No. 23* At the end of each month the Board of Water Coz"aissioners shall make complete reports of the water business for the month to the City Trustees. Section '.%Llo. 24.,, No other or further notice need be given the water consuraers, as to the manner of payment or the amount due for water bills than that contained in this article. Section No. 25, These rules and regulations are subject to amendment and alteration at any time without special notice -to con– Sumer$, in such matters as may be deemed exl.,)edient by the City of Burlingame. Section No. 26. Any violation of this ordinance shall consti– tute a misdayeienaor and each offense shall be punished by a fine not— i-(" -14 C_ VMr . W, r exceeding three months, mor by both such fine and imprisonment. This ordinance shall be posted in -three public places in the City of Bur– lingame and be pult)`Li�:hed in the 'Burlingame Advance, a new -' spa 'Der in said City, and shall take effect from and after the date of its passage, ,4 ��- / lam✓ J)*k Introduced this 77 day of-Peeefaber, 1913, and duly and regi ularly passed this 0 day of AYES, Trus tees : /'Q6 NOES, Trustees: ABSENT. Trustees: ATTES T: P._reg•d n the _Board o4iFiiit66B of_thy, City of Burlingame, Cal* city lerk,