HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0069;174W ' r�.RnT�1AATCEi YTj'j'y!PF R t p AN ""Pr•ININCE AM7'R"'TJYr' 0FPTL ',.rLY QmLR';,-,"FTq. -T) T� ,AD"A'Vf7 P!, TT! E CITY OF ?U7,LTNGAME FY T'VE CITY (•r IT (I THE RMARD OF TPUSTERS r)r rT!,E CITY 1'r PT'7 L'T. 1.A IN AP F 0 L L 0'7171q, Section Nc, 1. 'The 'Po -rd T-rs-+PeS �;f the City of Bur - or. lingame do hereby ac. -.e -t -fc"'Io-ving s tree t s �pl-rrd road-.1A.I.-ays �-.:.Tithin the Cit-�l Burlingame: - Tit El Canino Real, ot-erl�iise knr--,,T,;7n as the T -Jain ("Oun`v- R -r, -,,ad, and all intersecticns with streets and tP'rr1inpLticns of P e streets. cr terminatinin said -r-atci. r street,street,f., r. h e Cuc u -L,n e t line of Avenue projected Sau-th1v trly to ""Ji"Le 4 - the q line c Aven-ae; �j Also, that K (7amino T�,-,' a 1 c m as the 14ire ("ounut, Road, it FLl intersecticns -,71-th s-",-reets and --,ll tern-inc-f.ticnq of 8 treet-s -errs:gatingin said ro".-,L46 or street, from the line J Lot 711 Block 1 1 4L<-jn No, 4 of 'Burlin -fl -ane Park :' --re ;acted 1,crt' eastp--ly+r%the Mcrt,,�Testerl�line �11118 Avemie rrr- .,- X e c t e d S c'U t ,T, es , -t er I y Also, Plorl.undo Avenue all in'UprS%ectic-m-0 ot",-er streets and all cif streets t'e.rminatinr in s;,,lid road ox, Str,"-!'e4%j line r r j t1l-. iec, s tela . r f r o rn the ne of San a t (3, r) r -five. t c' e N n'c' of M (71"w.-ar-1-no, -real; ct',er-;r-Dse kncsn as the 7111,,,in r,,'-,J1.)--nty Road, A A %rion-t, e th e I s Anse"' T-31 7: + 71 1-e. a -9 Ave -.0 e f r --co. 4--1,e Ps - 4,e:r 1-\T re f -,n DA.'�Ve -'-e 'XrthiaaGterl-v linp, c: f r i,:-, r ,s e R o i - A 1 S c, Pf i yr, ---- ce e 71 c, (,:-;L d all. i-,.ters ect ions vrithether st-reets and -all --"-,e ffr-inations of streets terminating in said roc d (-,,r U - fron. the Routheasterlv line of Plori'tto Avenue I -o the line --.f Bellevue Avenue; Also, Al.yi,-Ier Road fror-1 the Yorth,.7!esterlv line c,f P-ellevv.e Avenue to the Southeasterly line, of Florilbund�, .Avenue; Also, Oak Grove Avenue and all in-17'ersections other streets and all terminations of streets termin�Itin- in said road or street from, the qCu+.hT,,?P..ster1y line, LinrIen Avenue ro-IeCted J S'-_.,uthews te.-,,,ly r across Oak Grove Avenue to the NCtheasU4- e-,,Iy line of the Southern Pacific 'Right of 7a-y's C.� a S I Also, Oak Crove Avenue from the Scuthwesterl-y line of the Southern Pacific 'Right of to the Northeasterly te rly line of the LD U ., j United R_,;i1rcads Right of 7"ay; I , ",)+Ie- streets Also, Oak Grove Avenue and all intersections 11,411�., J. and all terminations of streets terminating in said road or g-,U-r'_et - from the South�rjesterlv line of San Mateo Drive projected North we 4 e ]?li7 t c the Northeasterly 151 n;,-,,, f E1 CF�n,- i no Real, c t -he r�7., il 8 e k no -n as the Main r4ounty Road; Also, Belleirae Avenue and all intersections ;,;lith other streets and al*1 teii-y-iinatirns of streets tern -in tinF in 6 -,Ad road or str­et from the Scauthwesterly line of Mair_ Street -reject eq.. ?enc ars as +'---,e r w i S e o Peal th e t© the Nnor-`­easterly line cf F-1 Cayr.in Main Coiinty Road; JV .Also , IIain Street f rom, IUI,,-,e teri� lire of P-ri ingai,!-,e Avenue to the P_cu4-'._e-_::,,sterlv line of 117P.0-le.,nIke we're;0 Also, Avenue and a.11 intersections �� ith other 8treets and all i5eriT.Ana-I.,ions ,-.f streets te:'rminating in said road or street frora the line of "HII Street to the Northeasterly line of - IL-'--.e Scii.ithern pry. rCI.ILJLc 'Ric),hto c Ry; TJr IIr streets -rd le Alls�- ,.,,-.Ld A�rp.,-,Ie -,.--d ;:�,11 intej- , 1� _;_ � .!.,- � j S,-+i-,t'­..14es4-,erl-;,I linp, e F,3�oijtherr f ic Pi, I t of .4. !Northeasterly line of San Prive,, J� 20 Also Hoy, ard Avenue and all intersections 11�,-.ith ot'j',er e-reets 14 and al I terminations of streets ternainatina, in said road or street frorr, theC.) Southwesterly line of Saan Mateo Drive to the Northeasterly lire of El Cayiino "PiLeal, otherwise kno�,,:n as the Main Counter Road; Also, Ho-ykrard. Avenue --Ind all intersections with other streets and all terminations of streets .terminatinrr in said road or street C� fron. the Sruthvveste-I.-ly line of Tl Camino Real., rtherwlse knc!Tn as the blain Counl'--v poad, to the Nort-heasterly, line of ^c^ -.dental Averve, Also, Occidental Avenue and all intersections Tvi.th other streets and all terminations of streets terminating in said rodd or street C) from the Northerly line of T -Toward A-,,?enue to the Norl-,he3tly line cf V Barroilhe'.1. Avenue; Also, 7,ark Road and all intersections with other streets and all tern, inat ions of streets terminating in said road or street from the Southeasterly line of Burlingame Avenue to the Northwesterly line of Peninsular ?venue; , Ii, Also, M"iddlefield Road and all iotherntersections wit-lh other streets and all terminations of streets ter-minating in Said ro.gad or street from the Southeasterly line of 73u_rlingane Avenue to the Northwesterly line of Peninsular Avenue; Also 'Tiahland Avenue and all yntersec-'-ions KAith otter streets -and all 1 Ue r-nnina ions of streets te ryy. ina tin, i-1said. _coal or stfeet L) f r o n. t'�ri e S ou. t h e 1 1 i ne of 73 an a t e. o D ^' v e e N 0 r -oTesterly lire of 'Peninsular ..Avenue; ��­ -1-. --,g -pm, a ,,1 4 t I J'. V.0 Also) Past Lane and all interseCt-IonS 'r 0+ ata te.rminations of streets -'U-eri-jAlnoatino; in said road or street from the �' 1, 7 -erly line of Mort In ,­� es �Iz rl line of Hoz, Avenue to the Sc-'utheasAt) North Lane; .p Als�-, 77-rtl- L -re 'O�f 1101"ptv- -5 r W �_ I ' ino ') 40 �7� 4- rp p all �i. V 6,.Itp4 r- in nr street, excei-.tinc- "_I'Ief2,­reo? n the'S.W UA_ , e _r n Taci Right of 3. Also, C) "9urling,,v.ie Avenue and all intersections other : L - - sl-reeta a d -all terminations of streets terminating in said road I �.L - 60 cr street from Northeasterly line of F -I Oaclino- Otherv,!ise knomm, as the Main County poad, to the Flcuth�,eeterl-1 line of San Mateo Drive; Also, San 'Vateo Drive and all intersecticne witih otull.-"er streets I and C. terminations of streets terzr.in,,-m.j,-,ing in said road or street .1 ryJ-1 .westerly from the 'Southeastar'P ly I-Ine of eninsular Avenue to the ort-,westeriy line of North Lane A! s o V ., 7, u 2 n g a Yri e Square, a r e , b o u.- 1 � I , a - El. - 11 o, s,! 9 n t'. . e S, c u t , e S t -F Pan Mateo nrive, on the, Noril—est by by tile Northerasterly line of I.. Ij the -Southeasterly line of North Lane prr-J, qcted qouth�i,;Vesterl-vr to r, the Northeast by the Northeastal-olyline of HiL7hlcand p�ver .jue y,rci— je^ted N0rth,A-,--ste-,-ly and on the Soutiheast 'by the Yor-thwes-1Zerly li.ne of Lane rroieoterl South-tnresterly,; Penin-1,7�ular Avenue and !�al int-ersecticn9 nritj-, cihestre 8 4- s Also) Ir V LI o scree and all of -i-streets terillinating in said roar r from -Che c(jutu-'-Iwesterly '-'Line of Road to the line of El lkjamino Real, othe r.vise kno-,,,,rn as the MIC-fi.,L)i County 7oard; Aloo, Ohanninml- Road from, the Northwesterly line of Payr3wate- Avenue to ',he South.e-asslerly line of TrIo,,,Tard Avenue* I Stiction No. 2.� TI -_s 0, r -I in-- nce shall be, r, 3. sl, e,,',. for two qm-i.q- ce'~sive pulr)lica-t.,J-oris in the Advance, .And be in and r) it a s s 7 P, e - f e 0 r o m arse r -t -f t e, r jn -z 1 '-Inl d 1 U-roi U -ed t" d ay c and -fe-ularly t]LI-.: f 1913 the v c. e f T t e iiy I. - e, --3 ,C"t 77, F' FTNi T T t a., es 'r6lident : ark of s tees _ the Ci ty o url ina ne, California. A A ,TrST. �� Clerk.